CFD for Practicians
Seminar, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, October 15, 2002 Overview of the state of the art capabilities of CFD in various application fields (Building, Security, Engineering)
45 Minute PEM Fuel Cells Seminars by CD adapco
Seminar, F-cell 2002, Studio A, 3rd Floor, Stuttgart, Germany, October 14, 2002 The CD adapco Group would like to invite you to attend a free 45 minute seminar on "CFD simulation of PEM fuel cell technology using STAR-CD" at the fuel cells exhibition in Stuttgart on 14 -15 October
Free Fuel Cell Workshop, CD-adapco
Seminar, Bellevue Hilton, Bellevue, Washington, United States, October 11, 2002 The keynote speaker will be Professor John Van Zee, of the University of South Carolina. Prof. Van Zee will discuss application of CFD coupled to electrochemistry modeling to PEM fuel cell design and analysis.
10th Joint ERCOFTAC-IAHR-QNET/CFD Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling
Workshop, Poitiers, France, October 10, 2002 Aims to bring together scientists, researchers, users and developers from industry and from the academic field. A number of test cases involving both fundamental phenomena and industrially relevant problems are used for this workshop.
FLUENT 2002 United Kingdom Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, United Kingdom, October 10, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT users in the region
Fluent, How CFD is Revolutionizing Automotive Design
Seminar, 220 E. Huron Street, Suite 470, Ann Arbor, United States, October 10, 2002 Learn about the potential of CFD and how others in the
automotive industry are using CFD to revolutionize their
design process for time and money savings. A free seminar.
Fundamentals of Fluid Systems
Course, Concepts NREC, Wilder, United States, October 9, 2002 The object of this course is to provide an understanding of
fluid systems made up of components such as pumps,
compressors, turbines, heat exchangers, piping, and valves.
6th Overset Composite Grid and Solution Technology Symposium
Conference, Ramada Plaza Beach Resort, Ft. Walton Beach, United States, October 8, 2002 An international forum to provide open communication for
people working in or interested in the area of overset/chimera grid technology.
FLUENT 2002 Swedish Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 7, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT users in the region
Workshop on LES for Acoustics
Workshop, DLR, Germany, October 7, 2002 A forum for people working with LES and aero-acoustics
Icing Course
Course, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, October 7, 2002 The Expanding Role of CFD for In-Flight Icing Certification
Engin Soft 2002 Conference and Users Meeting
User Conference, Villa Caroli-Zanchi, Stezzano (BG), Italy, October 3, 2002 Virtual Prototyping Today: Industrial Impact and Future Trends
FLUENT/FIDAP/POLYFLOW 2002 Benelux Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Belgium, October 1, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT, FIDAP & POLYFLOW users in the region
2002 FLOW-3D(R) Users Conference
User Conference, Santa Fe, United States, September 30, 2002
CFX for Coal-Gen
Online Event, September 26, 2002 Join us at 2 pm EDT on September 26 for our exciting new online series specifically designed for engineers and engineering managers working in the coal-gen industry
FLUENT 2002 Czech Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Czech Republic, September 25, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT users in the region
FLUENT 2002 German Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Germany, September 25, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT users in the region
CFX for Free Surface Flows
Online Event, September 25, 2002 Join us at 2 pm EDT on September 24 for a Web-Based Seminar on the ability of CFX-5 to provide accurate CFD analysis of free surface flows.
Live Web Based STAR-Works Demo
Online Event, September 24, 2002 The CD adapco Group invites you to attend an online demo of our new product STAR-Works
International PHOENICS Users Conference 2002
User Conference, Moscow, Russia, September 23, 2002 International PHOENICS Users Conference held in conjunction with the Science Service Centre, MPEI, Moscow & Compaq Computers.
Experimental Techniques for Turbomachinery Development
Course, Concepts NREC, Wilder, United States, September 23, 2002 This course provides engineers with a comprehensive
understanding of experimental evaluation and practical
development for all types of turbomachines.
Coupled 1D/3D STAR-CD Training
Course, CD adapco Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, September 23, 2002 The CD adapco Group welcomes all european users to the unique opportunity of understanding of how to set-up and effectively run three dimensional STAR-CD analyses coupled to the one dimensional engine simulation code GTPower.
CD-adapco North American CFD Workshop: Aeroacoustics
Seminar, Novi Hilton, Novi, United States, September 20, 2002 As part of a series of upcoming CFD workshops being offered by CD-adapco; on September
20th, at 9.00 am you are invited to a 3 hour session on Aeroacoustics.
CFX-5 Live!
Online Event, September 19, 2002 A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5.
Advanced Heat Exchangers
Course, von Karman Institute, Belgium, September 16, 2002 An up-to-date account of problems associated with the design and testing of advanced heat exchangers
11th International FLOTHERM User Conference
User Conference, Clarion Hotel Bay View, San Diego, United States, September 16, 2002 Leading electronics companies from all over the world send delegates to the FLOTHERM User Conference. Come share your experiences with FLOTHERM Thermal Analysis Software. Increase your productivity and competency in thermal analysis.
ETMM5 - 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements
Conference, Dorint Hotel, Camp de Mar, Spain, September 16, 2002 Learn about the latest developments in turbulence modeling and meet other scientists working in the field.
Conference Utilisateurs STAR-CD 2002
User Conference, Paris, France, September 16, 2002
European CFX Conference 2002
User Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 16, 2002 The European CFX Conference is a major event in the CFD market, addressing managers and engineers working in the field of computational fluid dynamics. The conference comprises workshops, the CFX Users Meeting, and an exhibition.
Vehicle Thermal Management Seminar
Seminar, CD adapco Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, September 16, 2002 The CD adapco Group would like to welcome all automotive engineers to our latest Vehicle Thermal Management seminar
11th International Meshing Roundtable
Conference, Statler Hotel, Ithaca, United States, September 15, 2002 Meet researchers and developers from
academia, national labs and industry in a stimulating,
open environment to share technical information related to
mesh generation and general pre-processing techniques.
CFX for Free Surface Flows
Online Event, September 12, 2002 Join us at 2 pm EDT on August 29 for a Web-Based Seminar on the ability of CFX-5 to provide accurate CFD analysis of free surface flows.
NSEC8 - Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Topics
Conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, September 11, 2002 The conference is focused on mathematical problems arising in the theory of viscous fluids.
IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow
Conference, Princeton, United States, September 11, 2002 A small conference focused on Reynolds number scaling in turbulent flows.
Live Web Based STAR-Works Demo
Online Event, September 10, 2002 The CD adapco Group invites you to attend an online demo of our new product STAR-Works
32nd VKI Computational Fluid Dynamics Course
Course, von Karman Institute, Belgium, September 9, 2002 The annual Lecture Series in Computational Fluid Dynamics brings in-depth presentations on well-established and recent advances in the field of algorithm development for numerical flow simulation
RoomVent 2002
Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8, 2002 Air Distribution in Rooms:
Experimental, various simulation tools, a lot of CFD basics to room air flow, many application examples
CFDRC Multiphysics Course: Semiconductor
Course, 215 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, United States, September 3, 2002 This course is designed to bring semiconductor professionals up to date on state-of-the-art multiphysics simulation techniques.
Turbomachinery Design & Performance
Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2, 2002 This course provides the most comprehensive introduction
and overview currently available of the design and
performance of all types of turbomachines.
FLUENT 2002 Finnish Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Finland, August 29, 2002 A place to meet other FLUENT users in the region.
CFX-5 Live!
Online Event, August 27, 2002 A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5.
CFX for Coal-Gen
Online Event, August 27, 2002 Join us at 2 pm EDT on August 27 for our exciting new online series specifically designed for engineers and engineering managers working in the coal-gen industry
Live Web Based STAR-Works Demo
Online Event, August 27, 2002 The CD adapco Group invites you to attend an online demo of our new product STAR-Works
Fourth International Conference on Pumps and Fans
Conference, Beijing, China, August 26, 2002 Research in pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, ejectors, as well as other related fluid machinery and components
Centrifugal Pump Design & Performance
Course, Concepts NREC, Wilder, United States, August 26, 2002 This course is designed to help engineers design, test, and
run pumps and systems that are more effective, more
economical, and more reliable.
Conference on Computational Physics 2002
Conference, Hyatt Regency Islandia, San Diego, United States, August 25, 2002 CCP2002 will serve as the annual meeting for the American Physical Society, Division of Computational Physics in 2002, and will take place 25- 28 August at the Hyatt Regency Islandia in San Diego, California, USA.
Fluid-Particle Interactions VI
Conference, Barga, Italy, August 25, 2002 This international conference is organized to bring together
practicing engineers and researchers from various
disciplines dealing with fluid-particle systems and
12th International Heat Transfer Conference
Conference, Grenoble, France, August 18, 2002 Covers both fundamental and applied topics in heat transfer.
ICM2002 - Beijing Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing
Conference, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, August 15, 2002 A large confrence on scientific computing.
Fuel Cell Multiphysics Course from CFDRC
Course, 215 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, United States, August 13, 2002 This course will discuss the Theory and Solution Strategies for current state-of-the-art modeling and simulation techniques for Fuel Cells and Fuel Reformers.
Live Web Based STAR-Works Demo
Online Event, August 13, 2002 The CD adapco Group invites you to attend an online demo of our new product STAR-Works
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Chemical Engineers
Course, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, Esbjerg, Denmark, August 12, 2002 Summer School/PhD Course that includes basic multiphase theory and hands-on experience using various CFD methods (DPM, Euler/Lagrange, Euler/Euler, VOF)
5 th Annual Symposium of CFD Division of AeSI
Conference, Aer Society of India Building, Bangalore, India, August 9, 2002 The annual event on 9 and 10 th August is a conference on CFD in Bangalore, India.All CFD scientists in India participate.
2002 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
Conference, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, Canada, August 4, 2002 160 paper and panel sessions, tutorials, NDE and softwaredemonstrations.
Building Better Products with CFD
Conference, Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, Canada, August 4, 2002 4th International ASME/JSME/KSME Symposium on Computational Technology (CFD) for Fluid/Thermal/Chemical/Stress Systems and Industrial Applications
Introduction to CFX-BladeGen
Online Event, July 25, 2002 An online demonstration of blade design and blade screening software, CFX-BladeGen.
International School on Biomathematics, Bioengineering and Clinical Aspects of Blood Flow
Course, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, United States, July 23, 2002 The goal of the school is to bring together internationally renowned experts in blood flow to teach junior researchers about blood flow from diverse perspectives.
CFX-5 Live!
Online Event, July 23, 2002 A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5.
Semicon West 2002 - Hourly Demos by Fluent
Seminar, North Hall Moscone Center, San Fransisco, United States, July 22, 2002 Fluent will be present at the SEMICON West 2002, and will conduct hourly demos!
ASME - European Fluids Engineering Summer Conference
Conference, Le Centre Sheraton Hotel, Montreal, Canada, July 14, 2002 Covers a wide range of topic in fluids engineering - each topic has a special session with its own organizer etc.
National Combustion Code Technologies for Reacting Flow Simulations
Course, Adam's Mark Hotel & Suites, Indianapolis, United States, July 11, 2002 An AIAA short course held after 38th Joint Propulsion Conference. This course offers detailed information on various technologies developed under the National Combustion Code effort at NASA Glenn Research Center for simulations of combustion systems.
BAIL 2002 - Boundary and Interior Layers
Conference, Perth, Australia, July 8, 2002 An international conference on boundary and interior layers - computational & asymptotic methods.
Summerschool on Environmental Fluid Dynamics
Course, Int. Campus of the Mediterranean, Barcelona, Spain, July 7, 2002 A thourough introduction to environmental fluid dynamics.
WCCM V - Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics
Conference, TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria, July 7, 2002 A large conference covering a wide range of topics in computational mechanics, including CFD.
38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit
Conference, Indanapolis, United States, July 7, 2002 Over 700 papers covering all areas of propulsion sciences.
From science fiction to science fact and all points in between, learn the latest from your
peers and fellow professionals.
9th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference
Conference, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, July 2, 2002 Fundamental aspects of fluid turbulence that are of interest and importance to engineers, physicists, and mathematicians.
Turbocharging the Internal Combustion Engine
Course, London, United Kingdom, July 1, 2002 This is the only course for industrial engineers providing
comprehensive presentation of the design principles of
turbochargers, engine-turbocharger matching, and the
performance of turbocharged engine systems.
Summerschool on Physical and Numerical Aspects of Turbulence Modelling
Course, UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 27, 2002 A thourough introduction to turbulence modelling.
CFX-5 Technology Roadshows
Seminar, Seven locations, United Kingdom, June 27, 2002 A series of half-day seminars providing a detailed technical review of the CFX-5 software and its under-pinning technology.
FLUENT Automotive 2002 Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Sheraton Inn, Ann Arbor, United States, June 26, 2002 Meet other Fluent users from the automotive field.
2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference
Conference, Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Phoenix, United States, June 24, 2002 A forum for power generation professionals
Third International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - Problems and Perspectives
Conference, Porquerolles, France, June 24, 2002 Meet mathematicians, physicists and engineers who are concerned with Finite Volume Techniques in a wide context. Examples of the broad field of applications are fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, structural
analysis or nuclear physics.
3rd Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 Papers will be presented that describe innovative methods leading to new insights into fundamental flow physics. Invited speakers will present reviews and
assessment of recent progress associated with theoretical
fluid dynamics and computation
8th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 Topics in conduction, convection, radiation, and phase
change heat transfer, combustion and computational aspects
of heat transfer problems
32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 Novel experimental and computational methods, in-depth reviews, and timely surveys. Fluid Dynamics topics range
from basic research and development to applied and advanced
20th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 Invited and regular sessions on research, development, and
verification in the diverse field of aerodynamics, with a
focus on technology applications.
22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 The Application of Multi-Disciplinary Technology to
Achieving Advances in Measurement and Testing Capability to
Support Development of Next Generation Aerospace Vehicles.
1st AIAA Flow Control Conference
Conference, St. Louis, United States, June 24, 2002 All aspects of flow control will be addressed.
From fundamental flow physics issues to more applied uses
of flow control for aerospace applications
CFX-5 Live!
Online Event, June 20, 2002 A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5.
UK PHOENICS Users Meeting
Seminar, Bakery House, 40 High Street, London, United Kingdom, June 19, 2002 A chance to meet with other PHOENICS users and view presentations of the latest features within PHOENICS-3.5
BEM 24 - 24th World Conference on Boundary
Element Methods
Conference, Sintra, Portugal, June 17, 2002 An internationally recognised forum for disseminating the
latest boundary element method and its applications. Include a meshless solutions seminar.
FIDAP/POLYFLOW 2002 Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Omni Orrington, Evanston, United States, June 17, 2002 Meet other FIDAP and POLYFLOW users and learn about the latest developments.
8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
Conference, Breckenridge, United States, June 17, 2002 Covers all aspects of the generation,
propagation, and control of vehicle noise, as well as the effect of noise on structures and individuals.
Fluid-Structure Interaction with es-fsi
Course, Plymouth, United States, June 17, 2002 Fluid-Structure Interaction with es-fsi - Training class by adapco.
Introduction to CFX-BladeGen
Online Event, June 13, 2002 An online demonstration of blade design and blade screening software, CFX-BladeGen.
FLUENT 2002 North American Users' Group Meeting
User Conference, Holiday Inn, Manchester, United States, June 10, 2002 A place to meet other Fluent users and learn about the latest features in FLUENT.
10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
Conference, Cleary International Centre, Windsor, Canada, June 9, 2002 The Conference will encourage and actively promote
collaborative research by bringing together CFD experts from
academia, government and industry to discuss current and
future issues in the development and application of CFD.
Physico-Chemical Models for High Enthalpy and Plasma Flows
Course, von Karman Institute, Belgium, June 3, 2002 A review of
physico-chemical models for high enthalpy and plasma flows.
Use of these models for aerospace applications will also be
presented, with special emphasis on Mars entry studies.
ASME Turbo Expo 2002
Conference, RAI International Exhibition & Convention Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 3, 2002 The largest turbomachinery conference in the world. Covers most aspects of gas turbine technology.
8th Int'l Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations
Conference, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort, Honolulu, United States, June 2, 2002 A common forum for people working with grid-generation methods.
EM2002 - 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference
Conference, Columbia University, New York, United States, June 2, 2002 This Engineering Mechanics conference is the annual
conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Technical
CFD Multiphase Flows
Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, May 31, 2002 This workshop will present applications from the above examples and will enable you to acquire a better understanding of how such problems arise and more importantly how they can be resolved using CFD.
ACOMEN 2002 - 2nd Int'l Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering
Conference, Belgium, May 28, 2002 A forum for engineers and applied mathematicians, dealing
with advanced numerical strategies, computational methods
and simulation in various engineering disciplines.
Internal Aerodynamics in Solid Rocket Propulsion
Course, von Karman Institute, Belgium, May 27, 2002 A review of various scientific and industrial aspects of solid rocket propulsion and recent advances in internal aerodynamics for tactical rockets and large boosters for launch vehicles.
STAR-CD User Subroutine Training
Course, Nuremberg, Germany, May 27, 2002 The course is aimed at giving the User an understanding of how to set up a model containing user subroutines in STAR-CD and PROSTAR.
Complimentary Marine Workshop
Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, May 24, 2002 This event provides a discussion forum for CFD applications within the Marine Industry. Both experienced CFD engineers and
newcomers alike are welcome. Presentations will be made by experienced clients of both the STAR-CD and COMET CFD
Introduction to CFX-BladeGen
Online Event, May 23, 2002 An online demonstration of blade design and blade screening software, CFX-BladeGen.
2nd QNET-CFD Workshop on Quality & Trust in the Industrial Applications of CFD
Workshop, Hotel Continental-Park, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 23, 2002 An ideal opportunity to discover more about QNET-CFD and
recent advances on Quality & Trust in the Industrial
Applications of CFD.
Complimentary Chemical Process Workshop
Workshop, hp, Manchester, United Kingdom, May 21, 2002 The ability to analyse multiphase flows is of great interest and importance to the Chemical and Process
Industries (CPI), since most of their flow processes involve multiphase such as spray dryers, cyclone separators,
bubble columns, mixing vessels.
CFD Powertrain Applications
Workshop, sgi, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 17, 2002 Attending this workshop will enable you to acquire a better understanding
of how CFD is incorporated in the design cycle of engine parts (manifolds, exhausts, cooling jackets etc.)
and more importantly how you can optimise your product design process.