Heat Transfer 2002 is the seventh in the series on `Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer'. Heat Transfer
topics are commonly of a very complex nature. Often different mechanisms like heat conduction, convection, thermal
radiation, and non-linear phenomena, such as temperature-dependent thermophysical properties, and phase change
occur simulaneously. Nevertheless, advances in numerical solution methods of partial differential equations and access
to high-speed, efficient and cheap computers have led to dramatic advances during recent years. To further progress
computational methods in heat transfer, developments in theoretical and predictive procedures, both basic and
innovative, and applied research is needed.
The continuing objective of this conference series is to provide a forum for the presentation of new approaches to the
numerical solutions of heat transfer problems. Methods of interest include all well established and efficient numerical
techniques like finite differences, finite volume, finite elements and boundary elements. Special attention will be paid to
complex thermal problems from engineering practice.
Heat Transfer 2002 follows the success of the previous conferences held in Portsmouth, UK (1990); Milan, Italy (1992);
Southampton, UK (1994); Udine, Italy (1996); Cracow, Poland (1998) and Madrid, Spain (2000).