Links - References
Validation Cases
Test cases and databases that can be used for model development, benchmarking
or verification of codes. For a good introduction to code validation and verification
see the
NPARC Alliance, Tutorial on CFD Verification and Validation.
- CFD-Wiki Validation and Test Cases
- A growing section in CFD-Wiki with both complete cases and links to other sites with more information about validation and test cases.
You can modify this yourself so please help to make corrections and
add information.
- ERCOFTAC Classic Collection
- A database started in 1995. For many years this database was part of
the larger NEXUS portal. NEXUS is now gone, but UMIST continues to
keep this very nice database publicly available. You have to register to
get access but it is free for everyone. Highly recommended!
- NPARC Alliance CFD Code
Validation Web Site
- A large database of test cases used to validate the NPARC flow simulation
package (WIND). The main focus is on Aerospace applications. Most cases are
very well documented and some even include computational grids that you can
use directly. They also invite people to submit validations using other codes.
Highly recommended!
- Turbulence Modeling Resource
- Here you can find many turbulence modeling validation cases, including both simple cases and more advanced cases.
All cases from the classical "Collaborative Testing of Turbulence Models" project are also available from this site.
This is a very good site!
- AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
- Lots of interesting results for a wing-body test-case. You can find geometry, measurements and CFD results available online. Highly recommended!
- AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW)
- CFD validations using the NASA trapezoidal wing configuration. You can find geometries, grids and measurements available directly online.
- ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base WIKI
- A database put togehter by QNET-CFD, an EU funded thematic network that
was active from 2000 to 2004 with the aim to enhance the quality and trust
in industrial CFD.
ERCOFTAC has taken over the database and developed a Wiki where you can
download the data. Guidelines for the test cases are also available, which
is nice. A nice industrial test-case database!
- AIAA Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop
- Three aeroelasticity benchmark cases of wind tunnel models of various wing configurations (HIRESNAS, BSCW and RSW).
Geometries, meshes, experimental data and results from previous simulations are available on the website.
The workshop was first held in April 2012.
- MASA - Manufactured Analytical Solution Abstraction
- A C++ library with C and Fortran90 interfaces with a collection of manufactured solutions that you can use to verify your codes. Includes both Euler and Navier-Stokes cases. Looks very interesting.
- OpenFOAMWiki Search for 'Validation'"
- You can find several validation cases here. Special sections on
ship hydrodynamics and
wind engineering.
- AGARD Test Cases
for the Validation of Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows
- A wide range of test cases focused on LES simulations. Includes a lot of
data, including correlations etc. You can download and print all
documentation yourself. The database was compiled by AGARD in 1997.
UPM, who keeps this database online, also has a few more databases available
Highly recommended!
- DATHET - Database
on Turbulent Heat Transfer
- Many cases. Both experimental and DNS data available. Well structured and
usually well documented. Some parts are in Japanese. Established by the Japan
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Thermal Engineering Division.
- JHU DNS Turbulence Database Cluster
- DNS data from Johns Hopkins. They also have some more datasets
on decaying grid turbulence and axial turbomachinery available
Database of Turbulent Natural Convection in Horizontal Fluid Layers
- A database provided by Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Well documented and
available directly on the web.
- DNS Databases of Turbulence and Heat Transfer,
Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo
- Looks very good. They also have a 3D PTV database available
- A database with test-cases collected by the MARNET-CFD EU thematic network.
MARNET-CFD focuses on the use of CFD in maritime and offshore industries.
- A few test-cases focused mainly on ventilation flows.
- NASA Langley Workshop on CFD Validation of Synthetic Jets and Turbulent Separation Control
- Has three well described terst cases available directly online. Also
keeps an updated list of references. Very nice if you are working on
synthetic jets and separation control.
- 4th International Workshop on High-Order CFD Methods
- Several test-cases suitable to evaluate high-order methods. Data from other previous workshops can
be found via Prof. Z. J. Wang's homepage.
- Standard Configurations
for Unsteady Flow Through Vibrating Axial-Flow Turbomachine Cascades
- Many test cases related to aeroelasticity in turbomachinery. The database
contains 11 different two-dimensional cascade geometries and includes a lot
of information about the unsteady flow around the vibrating blades. They
claim that it is the most comprehensive database of its kind in the open
- Fourth Computational
Aeroacoustics(CAA) Workshop on Benchmark Problems
- Has several well documented CAA test cases. The main focus is on fan noise. EC Lyon also hosts
a collection of pdf's for all previous workshops:
workshop 1,
workshop 2,
workshop 3,
workshop 4.
Data Set Archive
- CFD data sets provided by NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division. Intended mainly to test visualization tools etc. Distributed freely.
- JFE Databank
- Datasets from ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering.
- Superpipe Data
- Experimental data from the "Superpipe" at the Gas Dynamics Lab
at Princeton. The Superpipe is a large experimental rig designed to investigate
fully developed turbulent pipe flow over a large range of Reynolds numbers.
A state of the art facility!
Validation Links
- OpenFOAM Verification & Valiation Forum
- A discussion forum on CFD Online.
- eFluid List of Archival Database Sites
- A nice list of links to database sites.
For online airfoil generators see the
Online Tools > Airfoil Generators section.
- NACA Homepage
- NACA history, publications and more.
- UIUC Airfoil Data Site
- A very large airfoil coordinate database. It is maintained regularly. Also
has links to other sources of airfoil information. Highly recommended!
- Wikipedia: Airfoil and
NACA airfoil
- Growing pages with variuous information about airfoils.
- The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage
- Ever wondered what kind of airfoil were used in a particular aircraft design?
If so then this is the place to look! The site contains information about
all kinds of flying vehicles (aircrafts, helicopters, tilt-rotors ..) and
it is maintained by David Lednicer.
Material Properties, Constants etc.
- NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Applications (CEA)
- CEA is a free program from NASA that calculates chemical equilibrium compositions and properties of complex mixtures.
ThermoBuild can generate tables of Cp and other thermal properties. Very nice! You can
easily select your material with help from the periodic table.
- Thermophysical Properties of Fluid Systems, Vapor and Liquid Phase Data
- Data on thermophysical properties like density, Cp, Cv, enthalpy, entropy,
internal energy, speed of sound etc. for many fluids. This service is a part
of the NIST Chemistry WebBook.
- TPSX, Thermal Protection Systems Expert and Material Properties Database
- TPSX is a database for advanced thermal protection material properties.
An "unrestricted" version is available directly on the web.
- Thermodynamic Properties of Air
- This applet calculates thermodynamic properties of air. You can specify
the state by giving the pressure and entropy, pressure and density, specific
energy and density, entropy and enthalpy, or pressure and temperature. The
applet can handle both SI units and British units.
- Physical Properties Online Calculator
- Computes properties for the following gases: air, carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, nitrogen and oxygen. Provided by Engineering Software as a part of their Free Online Calculators section.
- Fundamental Physical Constants
- Values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry resulting from the 2002 least-squares adjustment of the fundamental physical constants as published by CODATA at NIST.
- Standard Atmosphere Computation
- A JavaScript to calculate standard atmosphere data.
- Astro-Physical Calculator
- A JavaScript calculator with the NIST CODATA constants built in. Can handle
both SI and CGS units.
- NIST Standard Reference Data Products
- A wide range of commercial (costs $$$) databases.
- The Thermal Connection
- Links to thermophyscial properties, units conversion and more.
Glossaries / CFD Vocabulary
- Combustion & Aerothermal Engineering Glossary
- A glossary about terms relevant to 1d combustion and aerothermal modelling from
- CFD Vocabulary
- A list of about 30 common CFD terms.