Links - Events
Information about conferences, workshops, seminars, summer-schools etc. This
list only includes meta links to sites covering a wide range of conferences.
If you want to announce an upcoming CFD conference you are welcome to do so
by submitting it the the
CFD Events Calendar.
Event Calendars
- CFD Events Calendar
- The best source of information about CFD related events. Lists more than
100 events, including conferences, courses, workshops etc.
- eFluids, Calendar of Events
- An events calendar focused on events related to fluid dynamics.
- Journal of Fluid Dynamics, Conference Schedule
- A current list of conferences related to fluid dynamics.
- German Scientific Computing, Calendar
- Many conferences related to scientific computing
- Netlib Conference
- Submit or search for conferences. Biased towards numerics
- CFD/CAE Events Calendar from Pointwise
- Is often up-to-date.
Specific Organizations
- AIAA Conferences and Professional Development
- Schedule for all AIAA conferences, with links for further information.
For some conferences you can even register online.
- ASME Events
- A chronological list of ASME conferences, with links for further information.
- Workshops, Conferences, Summerschools and other Events (co)-organized by ERCOFTAC
- A current list of ERCOFTAC events, with links for further information.
- VKI Lecture Series
- A wide range of courses covering experimental, theoretical and computational aspects of fluid dynamics.
- NAFEMS Events
- CFD seminars and courses organized by NAFEMS.
- IUTAM Events
- An events list from the International Union of Theoretical and Applied
- ICHMT, Future Meetings
- Events organized by the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer.
They also have a list of other future meetings.
- Wessex Institute of Technology, Courses, Seminars and International Conferences
- Co-organises a wide range of fairly applied events
- ECCOMAS Conferences
- Conferences and other events organized by ECCOMAS - the European Community
on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
- Engineering Conferences International Calendar
- A few applied CFD related conferences
Vendor Event Lists