CFD Events Calendar, Event Record #200
AMIF 2002 - Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems
Third international conference. Gathering
researchers in various branches of Computational Fluid
Dynamics and Applied Mathematics around some specific
research themes.
Date: |
April 17, 2002 - April 20, 2002
Location: |
Congress Center of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
Web Page: |
Contact Email: |
Organizer: |
European Science Foundation
Application Areas: |
General CFD
Special Fields: |
Numerical Methods
Deadlines: |
November 1, 2001 (abstract)
Type of Event: |
Conference, International
Description: |
International Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF) conferences aim at gathering researchers in various branches of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics around some specific research themes.
AMIF is a five-year programme funded by the European Science Foundation which started in 1997. Its principal goal is to increase understanding of the mathematics underlying models of realistic flows, and to improve methods for their numerical solution.
AMIF 2002 is the Third Conference of this programme, to be held in Lisbon (Portugal) from 17th to 20th of April 2002. The first conference took place in Spain, at San Feliu de Guixols (Barcelona) on October 1-3, 1998 and the second one was held in Italy, at "Il Ciocco" (Tuscany) on October 12-14, 2000.
Event record first posted on April 10, 2002, last modified on April 10, 2002
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