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November, 2009
  • Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
    Seminar, 4 avenue Pasteur, 1300 Wavre, Belgium, November 16, 2009

    Managing higher risks and uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully helping companies cope with such challenges. Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge design concepts into innovative products and processes that work.

  • Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
    Seminar, 4 avenue Pasteur, 1300 Wavre, Belgium, November 16, 2009

    Managing higher risks and uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully helping companies cope with such challenges. Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge design concepts into innovative products and processes that work.

  • Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD
    Course, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Gullfossgatan 6, Kista, S, Stockholm, Sweden, November 16, 2009

    ERCOFTAC,is proud to announce a two day course on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD. Course aims to provide: 1 An overview of turbulence modelling. 2 A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying, RANS, LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques. 3 Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES. 4 Examples from real-world engineering simulations, using the DES class of models.

  • Physik Besprechungen
    Conference, Albatros Airport Hotel, Mörfelden Walldorf, Germany, November 16, 2009

    Einige bekannte von uns möchten über Strömungstechnik und Themodynamik eine kleine Tagung im Albatros Airport Hotel veranstallten. Nähere Angaben finden Sie finden Sie unter 00496195987553

  • OpenFOAM Introductory course, New York (USA)
    Course, New York, United States, November 12, 2009

    Two-Day Introductory course delivered by Prof. Hrvoje Jasak.

  • Open Source CFD International Conference 2009
    Conference, World Trade Center (WTC), Barcelona, Spain, November 12, 2009

    Following the previous conferences in London and Berlin, CFD engineers, managers and academia are all invited to the Open Source CFD International Conference 2009 in Barcelona, Spain.

  • Simulating and Optimizing Mixing Processes - Free CFD Web Seminar
    Online Event, November 11, 2009

    Join us for a complimentary 45-minute web seminar, where the presenter will discuss the challenges vehicle manufactures face when designing manifolds for engines.

  • Microfluidics and Microheat
    Seminar, Philips Applied Technologies, Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 11, 2009

    The development of microscale systems has been growing rapidly, making many engineering applications possible. It is now commonly accepted that miniaturization associated to microtechnologies will give birth in the near future to new objects which will affect industrial practice and our daily life in any aspects. There is no end to the field of application, from basic mixing, to compact heat exchanger, chip cooling in electronic devices, microreactors, biological systems and beyond.

  • 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference
    User Conference, Costao do Santinho Resort, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 10, 2009

    ESSS and ANSYS, Inc. are pleased to invite you to the 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference, a discussion forum for those interested in ANSYS' Technologies, especially the ones involved with Structural Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Electronic Design Automation (EDA). The event will take place at Costao do Santinho Resort, located in the north of Florianopolis, Brazil, on November 10-13, 2009. The deadline for abstract submission is July 06.

  • Intensive Course on Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design with AxSTREAM
    Workshop, Boston, United States, November 9, 2009

    The course provides a deep insight into axial turbines and presents a reliable solution to design and optimize axial/radial turbomachinery flow path.

  • STAR-Konferenz Deutschland 2009
    User Conference, andel's Hotel, Berlin, Germany, November 9, 2009

    CD-adapco freut sich die 4. STAR-Konferenz Deutschland anzukuendigen, welche in diesem Jahr vom 09. bis 10. November in Berlin stattfinden wird. Unter dem Motto Integrate, Automate, Innovate dreht sich bei der diesjaehrigen Konferenz u.a. um die automatisierte CAE-Analyse, bei der eine Vielzahl von Simulationen mit minimalem Benutzeraufwand durchgefuehrt werden koennen.

  • Altair HyperWorks Enabled Community Fall Webinar Series
    Online Event, November 9, 2009

    This complimentary webinar series is an opportunity to take a deeper look at the ALL of our HyperWorks Enabled Partner Applications. Each 45-minute webinar will be dedicated to one application and will start with a short introduction of the HyperWorks Enabled Community. To accommodate multiple time zones, there will be duplicate sessions hosted for each partner application.

October, 2009
  • Engineering Simulations Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry
    Online Event, October 28, 2009

    In order to support the continued expansion of ANSYS Simulation Products into the Oil and Gas industry, ANSYS is pleased to announce a series of webinars covering specific & popular simulation topics.

  • 'Simulating and Optimizing Heat Transfer' - Complimentary Web Seminar
    Online Event, October 28, 2009

    The presenter will discuss the complexities of designing and integrating cooling into injection molds while still managing heat and what this means for the overall design of the finished product.

  • Engineering Simulations Solutions for the Nuclear Industry
    Seminar, The Centre, Birchwood Park, Warrington, United Kingdom, October 21, 2009

    This seminar will provide an opportunity to learn about Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) methods for the Nuclear Energy Industry, with presentations from industry experts, ANSYS developers and consultants. The aim will be to demonstrate the "state-of-the-art" in CAE, and how these tools can readily be used for the detailed simulation of most aspects of nuclear power plant.

  • Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT09)
    Conference, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, South Korea, October 20, 2009

    This conference aims to provide an international forum for presentation, exchange of ideas and creation of knowledge in recent advances on various aspects of theories, analyses, and applications of computational methods in theoretical and engineering fluid and thermal science.

  • Best Practice Guidance Seminar - CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows
    Seminar, La Sala Strozzi, Florence, Italy, October 16, 2009

    Due to the complex physics involved in multiphase flow the application of CFD in this area is rather young. These guidelines give a survey of the different methods being used for the numerical calculation of turbulent dispersed multiphase flows. The potential users are researchers and engineers involved in projects requiring CFD of (wall-bounded) turbulent dispersed multiphase flows with bubbles, drops or particles.

  • Best Practice Guidance Seminar - CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows
    Seminar, La Sala Strozzi, Florence, Italy, October 16, 2009

    Due to the complex physics involved in multiphase flow the application of CFD in this area is rather young. The best practice guidelines give a survey of the different methods being used for the numerical calculation of turbulent dispersed multiphase flows. The BPG book is offered on the day as part of the delegate pack.

  • Technology Update: High Performance Computing and Engineering Analysis
    Seminar, Doubletree by Hilton, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, October 15, 2009

    ANSYS invites you to attend a FREE Technology Update Seminar at the Doubletree by Hilton, Aberdeen. This seminar will provide you with an opportunity to learn about developments in High Performance Computing and Grid Computing with presentations from experts in the field, ANSYS developers and consultants.

  • Simulating and Optimizing Pressure Drop
    Online Event, October 14, 2009

    Join Mentor Graphics for the second in a series of Engineering Fluid Dynamic Web Seminars. In this session, Simulating and Optimizing Pressure Drop, the presenter Chris Watson, will discuss the complexities of designing a valve while controlling pressure drop and what this means for the overall design of the finished product, followed by a short demo and an opportunity for Q&A from the audience.

  • ANSYS Webinar - Ask the Expert - ANSYS Meshing Platform for CFD Analysis
    Online Event, October 14, 2009

    To begin, our experts will make a short presentation on meshing using the ANSYS meshing platform demonstrating how to apply different meshing technologies to different bodies and use mesh controls to improve the mesh. Then, participants in the forum can take over by calling in their questions – instructions for this process will be given throughout the session.

  • Training on Turbomachinery Design and Optimization in Tokyo, Japan, October 13-15
    Course, Tokyo, Japan, October 13, 2009

    SoftInWay announces a 3-day interactive training workshop on turbomachinery design, analysis and optimization that will be held on October 13-15, in Tokyo, Japan.

  • ANSYS Webinar: Modeling Fan and Blower Systems Using ANSYS 12.0
    Online Event, October 13, 2009

    This webinar will highlight the creation of work flows in ANSYS Workbench, incorporating 1-D and 2-D design tools, both general and turbo-specific geometry and meshing tools (ANSYS DesignModeler, ANSYS Meshing, ANSYS BladeModeler, and ANSYS TurboGrid), CFD Solvers (ANSYS CFX 12.0 and ANSYS FLUENT 12.0), and post-processing (ANSYS CFD-Post).

  • Active Flow Control using LES
    Workshop, Chalmers University of TEchnology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 13, 2009

    Flow control is one of the hottest research areas in fluid mechanics. The use of active flow control (AFC) can be used for many applications including * drag reduction; * lift enhancement (or reduction) for aeroplanes and helicopters; * separation control in internal flow; * noise control; * transition control. Large eddy simulation is an efficient tool for designing efficient use of AFC

  • Advanced Training Courses on MPI and GPGPUs
    Course, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, October 12, 2009

    Advanced Training (CPD) courses on MPI and GPGPUs at the University of Cambridge (October 2009)

  • OpenFOAM Introductory and Advanced course, Stuttgart (Germany)
    Course, Stuttgart, Germany, October 8, 2009

    Two-Day Introductory and Advanced OpenFOAM courses delivered by Prof. Hrvoje Jasak and Henrik Rusche.

  • 4th worshop on CFD modeling for MBR applications
    Workshop, Aachen, Germany, October 7, 2009

    1-day CFD-workshop will be held in Aachen (Germany) on October 7, 2011 in conjunction with the 6th IWA Specialised Conference on Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment in Aachen (October 4-7, 2011).

  • ANSYS Webinar: ANSYS Offshore 12.0 Product Update
    Online Event, October 6, 2009

    This Webinar will outline the latest features at ANSYS 12.0 of the ANSYS AQWA and ANSYS ASAS software for wave hydrodynamics and structural integrity analysis of fixed and floating offshore systems, whether in the traditional oil and gas and marine markets or in the area of offshore wind turbines.

  • Course on CFD of Multiphase Flows
    Course, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, October 5, 2009

    With this course we intend to provide detailed knowledge on the physical foundation of multiphase flow models and the associated numerical solution methods. Due to its relevance for many industrial applications the emphasis during the course will be on dispersed multiphase flows. The course includes hands-on computer sessions in which several in house simulation tools will be used to solve complex multiphase fluid flow problems.

  • Training in Thailand on October 2-6: Basics of Axial Turbines and Turbomachinery Flow Path Design
    Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2, 2009

    The 5-day course includes axial turbine fundamentals and an interactive workshop on turbomachinery design, analysis and optimization with AxSTREAM.

  • "CAE Technologies for Industry" - EnginSoft International Conference
    Conference, Bergamo, Italy, October 1, 2009

    Leading experts and key companies, among them many multinationals, will highlight CAE applications in automotive, aerospace, energy, marine, oil&gas, consumer goods, environment, biomedicine and other areas.

September, 2009
  • PLM Road Map 2009
    Conference, The Inn at St John's, Plymouth, United States, September 22, 2009

    PLM Road Map is a strategic conference focused on the critical trade-offs that shape product development.

  • TURBOdesign Suite Pumps & Hydraulic Turbines Design Workshop
    Workshop, Radisson Grafton Hotel, London, United Kingdom, September 21, 2009

    Advanced Design Technology, a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods, is delighted to announce a two day hands-on workshop to improve the design and analysis of pumps and hydraulic turbines.

  • 5-Day Integrated Course on Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design with AxSTREAM
    Workshop, Dusseldorf, Germany, September 21, 2009

    SoftInWay announces an intensive 5-day training course that combines Axial Turbine Fundamentals (2 days) and AxSTREAM Interactive Workshop on Turbomachinery Flow Path Design and Optimization (3 days).

  • The 4th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
    Conference, Hotel Aquila Rithymna Beach, Rethymno, Greece, September 18, 2009

    The 4th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer is a part of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009 (ICNAAM 2009). Topics to be covered during ICNAAM2009 include all the research areas of Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics and all the research areas of Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

  • 2009 FLOW-3D World Users Conference
    User Conference, Mayflower Park Hotel, Seattle, United States, September 17, 2009

    The 2009 FLOW-3D World Users Conference will be held September 17-18, 2009 at the historic Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle, Washington. Last year's conference in Santa Fe saw a full and diverse schedule of presented topics, and this year we expect the same. As usual, a full complement of Flow Science staff will be on hand, both to present the development plans for FLOW-3D and to engage attendees in detailed conversations and consultations.

  • Portuguese Conference MEFTE BRAGANCA 09
    Conference, Campus Santa Apolonia, Braganca, Portugal, September 17, 2009

    III Portuguese Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Energy.

  • MTCA'09: Workshop on Modern Trends in Computational Aerodynamics
    Workshop, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 16, 2009

    MTCA'09 aims to discuss the most recent ideas and methods in computational aerodynamics as well as problems that should be challenged for future progress in this field. The scope of the workshop is outlined by the following main topics: (a) grid generation and solution grid adaptation and (b) the issues of implementation of higher order discretization schemes in computational aerodynamics.

  • FLOW-3D: Advanced Casting and Hydraulics Training
    Workshop, Mayflower Park Hotel, Seattle, United States, September 16, 2009

    Flow Science will conduct advanced training for hydraulics and casting FLOW-3D users on September 16, the day before the 2009 FLOW-3D World Users Conference.

  • Free Webinar on Designing the Flow Paths of Mixed Flow Compressors
    Online Event, September 15, 2009

    The webinar presents AxSTREAM software to successfully design mixed flow compressors accelerate the product development process.

  • 3rd Workshop on CFD Modelling for Membrane BioReactors Applications
    Workshop, LISBP laboratory - 135 avenue de Rangueil - , Toulouse, France, September 11, 2009

    The workshop will include discussions about: - modelling of gas-liquid flow (at local scale, at the module scale, at the entire station scale) - modelling membrane-bubble interactions, module-bubble interactions and link with aeration system or biology - limits of CFD modelling

  • Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II - QLES2009
    Workshop, Piazza dei Cavalieri, Pisa, Italy, September 9, 2009

    The focus of QLES2009 will be on issues related to assessing, assuring, and predicting the quality of LES. The QLES2009 workshop invites original contributions which enhance the knowledge on error sources and their interaction in LES, and may lead to criteria for the prediction and optimization of simulation quality. The QLES2009 workshop is the second workshop in the QLES series. Its predecessor, QLES2007, was organized in 2007 in Leuven, Belgium.

  • First International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems
    Conference, Napoli, Italy, September 8, 2009

    The First International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems aims at bringing together researchers, scientists, practitioners and students interested in this area of research in order to discuss the most recent developments and the challenges that the future holds in this field.

  • OpenFOAM Summer School 2009, University of Zagreb
    Course, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2, 2009

    Second Summer School on Numerical Modeling of Coupled Problems in Applied Physics with OpenFoam (NUMAP-FOAM) for PhD students and young researchers in Zagreb in September 2009.

August, 2009
July, 2009
  • ANSYS Ask the Expert Series
    Online Event, July 29, 2009

    Our panel of experts will be available online to answer your questions on various uses of ANSYS Software. The series will be held every Wednesday in the month of August and September covering a wide variety of topics. Go to to register today.

  • HyperWorks Enabled Community- Webinar Series Summer 2009
    Online Event, July 27, 2009

    This complimentary webinar series is an opportunity to take a deeper look at the latest HyperWorks Enabled Partner Applications. Each 45-minute webinar will be dedicated to one application. To accommodate multiple time zones, there will be duplicate sessions hosted for each partner application. Register at

  • International Conference and Advanced School "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond," TMB-2009
    Conference, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, July 27, 2009

    The goals of the International Conference "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond" are to expose the generic problem of Non-equilibrium Turbulent Processes to a wide scientific community, to promote the development of new ideas in tackling the fundamental aspects of the problem, to assist in application of novel approaches in a broad range of phenomena, where the turbulent processes occur, and to have a potential impact on technology (please, visit for more details).

  • Webinar Series, Part 2: Solutions for Electrical Machines Including Control
    Online Event, July 23, 2009

    Integrating high fidelity electromagnetic and electromechanical physics based models into a system level simulation, can assist the engineers in optimizing drive performance as well as controlling harmonics and mitigating conducted and radiated EMI/EMC. This webinar series will review the methodology employed to achieve this integration.

  • Webinar on Design and Multidisciplinary Optimization of Turbomachinery with AxSTREAM
    Online Event, July 23, 2009

    The event presents effective methods of multidisciplinary (stress and vibration, aerodynamics and heat transfer) optimization and analysis of turbomachinery flow path using AxSTREAM software.

  • Webinar Series, Part 2: Solutions for Electrical Machines Including Control
    Online Event, July 21, 2009

    Integrating high fidelity electromagnetic and electromechanical physics based models into a system level simulation, can assist the engineers in optimizing drive performance as well as controlling harmonics and mitigating conducted and radiated EMI/EMC. This webinar series will review the methodology employed to achieve this integration.

  • Webinar Series, Part 1: Solutions for Battery Modeling and IGBT Inverter Modeling
    Online Event, July 16, 2009

    Integrating high fidelity electromagnetic and electromechanical physics based models into a system level simulation, can assist the engineers in optimizing drive performance as well as controlling harmonics and mitigating conducted and radiated EMI/EMC. This webinar series will review the methodology employed to achieve this integration.

  • Simulation, Testing and Diagnostics for Combustion
    Seminar, Via Celoria 16, Milano, Italy, July 14, 2009

    Seminar by "Comitato Italiano per la Ricerca sulle Fiamme".

  • CFD-Industrial training
    Course, SEED Infotech Ltd,Karve Rd,Pune, Pune, India, July 11, 2009

    SEED Infotech would be launching CFD-Industrial training (only Sat-Sun)on 11th July 09.

  • 10th Clean Air Conference
    Conference, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, July 7, 2009

    The conference deals with interconnected themes covering the reduction of local and global environment degrading emissions and aims to a better integration of supply and demand. The conference is a platform to describe, compare and evaluate new and innovative technologies, which maximise energy conversion while minimizing undesirable emissions. Attention is also given to the improvement of existing energy systems which will still be used for a long time.

  • EASC - European Automotive Simulation Conference
    Conference, Hilton Munich Park Hotel, Munich, Germany, July 6, 2009

    The 2009 event will cover the full spectrum of simulation and account for the entire range of physics that are relevant in vehicle design; namely structural, fluids, thermal and electronic design automation. This, the 4th EASC, offers a unique opportunity to get a comprehensive update on the latest technologies in Engineering Simulation for the Automotive Industry.

June, 2009
  • ANSYS Webinar: Drop Testing Virtual Product Designs
    Online Event, June 30, 2009

    See how the benefits of fewer physical prototypes, shorter product development cycles and drastically reduced product warrantee costs can be realized with the new and surprisingly affordable ANSYS Explicit STR product.

  • NAFEMS Accredited Computational Fluid Dynamics Summer School
    Course, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 23, 2009

    The objective of the course is to empower users with tools and techniques in CFD, which can be applied to a wide range of industrial applications. This course will provide understanding of the mathematical foundation and focus on a detailed overview of the physical models necessary for applications in Chemical, Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering and many other fields of engineering.

  • STARGlobal Forum 2009: Simulation for Energy Engineering
    Conference, Sugar Land Marriott Town Square, 16090 City Walk, Sugarland (Houston), United States, June 23, 2009

    The 2009 Energy Forum will showcase the results and business benefits energy engineers are achieving using 3-D flow, thermal, and stress simulation. This event provides an excellent forum for participants to learn more about how simulation is facilitating innovation in the Energy industry for competitive advantage through improved design and development for risk avoidance and performance improvements.

  • AxSTREAM in Turbomachinery Education - From a Couple of Parameters to Complete 3D Flow Path Design in a Few Classes
    Online Event, June 18, 2009

    The webinar is aimed at providing the educational community with new effective tools and methods to teach the basics of turbomachinery design. The program covers such topics as influence of main design parameters on turbomachinery performance; operation of turbomachinery in design and off design modes; 3D approach to design vortex airfoil and others.

  • Materials Characterisation 2009
    Conference, New Forest, United Kingdom, June 17, 2009

    The conference objective is to bring together researchers who use computational methods, those who perform experiments, and of course those who do both, in all areas of materials characterisation, to discuss their recent results and ideas, in order to foster the multidisciplinary approach that has become necessary for the study of complex phenomena. Topics of interest for this Conference range from generic characterisation methods to damage assessment and application to particular materials.

  • NAFEMS World Congress 2009
    Conference, Creta Maris Conference Center, Limin- Hersonissos, Greece, June 16, 2009

    This, the 12th International Conference organized by NAFEMS, brings together a wide range of leading industrial experts and academic researchers, to provide a unique insight into current best practice and future state-of-the- art in FEA and CFD. With over 150 presentations from industry, consultancy, software vendors and acadamia from around the globe, the agenda provides the largest and most comprehensive independent global view of simulation available.

  • ANSYS Webinar: ANSYS 12.0 Meshing for Automotive Applications
    Online Event, June 16, 2009

    ANSYS Workbench 2.0 meshing tools allow greater automation, which are perfect for design optimization and upfront simulation.

  • Multiphase Flow 2009
    Conference, Wessex Institute of Technology, New Forest, United Kingdom, June 15, 2009

    The fifth International conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Materials Characterisation aims to bring together modellers, computational scientists and experimentalists to share experiences, successes, new methodologies and in general to promote the advancement of the stidy of multiphase flows.

  • Fourteenth Internatioanl Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements - CMEM 2009
    Conference, Algarve, Portugal, June 10, 2009

    CMEM 2009 is the fourteenth International Conference in this well established series on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. These successful meetings provide a unique forum for the review of the latest work on the interaction between computational methods and experimental measurements.

  • Using Flowmaster V7 as your COTS solution for the simulation of your secondary air systems at ASME Turbo Expo 2009
    Seminar, Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, United States, June 9, 2009

    Join Flowmaster at ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, FL, June 8th to 12th, the premier event for the Gas Turbine industry. Mike Croegaert, Gas Turbine Product Manager will be presenting: Using Flowmaster V7 as your COTS solution for the simulation of your secondary air systems, on the Expositing Stage, during the Expo Reception at 5pm, June 9th.

  • ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series - Dearborn, MI
    Seminar, Hyatt Regency Dearborn, Dearborn, United States, June 9, 2009

    Learn about the new features of ANSYS 12.0 from ANSYS team members and industry experts through the ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series. The series will demonstrate how our users are benefiting from Simulation Driven Product Development resulting in improved products and processes.

  • From Images to Computational Hemodynamics
    Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, June 8, 2009

    Summer school on computational hemodynamics using VMTK and FEniCS

  • Interactive Training on Turbomachinery Flow Path Design with AxSTREAM
    Workshop, , Orlando, United States, June 5, 2009

    SoftInWay Inc. organizes a 3-day intensive course focused on design, analysis, optimization and retrofit of axial and radial turbomachinery flow path.

  • ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series - Philadelphia, PA
    Seminar, Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue, Philadelphia, United States, June 3, 2009

    Learn about the new features of ANSYS 12.0 from ANSYS team members and industry experts through the ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series. The series will demonstrate how our users are benefiting from Simulation Driven Product Development resulting in improved products and processes.

  • ANSYS Webinar: Linear Dynamics
    Online Event, June 2, 2009

    Topics included in this webinar include rotordynamics computation, component mode synthesis, modal assurance criterion, spectrum analysis. Learn more about the new exciting SNODE solver that provides increased performance in the computation of large models, as well as recent advances in high performance computing.

  • ANSYS Webinar: ANSYS 12.0 HPC Performance and ROI
    Online Event, June 2, 2009

    For those seeking to optimize their use of computing resources and investment in simulation, this session will provide valuable guidelines on where and how to deploy HPC for simulation.

  • Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD : Overview, Guidance and Examples
    Course, GE GLOBAL RESEARCH CENTRE, MUNICH, Germany, June 2, 2009

    The aim of the 2-day course is to provide 1) an overview of turbulence modelling, 2) a firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying, RANS, LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques, 3) recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and effective application of Hybrid RANS- LES,and 4) examples from real-world engineering simulations, using the DES class of models.

  • Fourth OpenFOAM Workshop
    Workshop, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, June 1, 2009

    Fourth OpenFOAM Workshop

May, 2009
  • ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series - Houston, TX
    Seminar, Hyatt Regency Houston, Houston, United States, May 27, 2009

    Learn about the new features of ANSYS 12.0 from ANSYS team members and industry experts through the ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series. The series will demonstrate how our users are benefiting from Simulation Driven Product Development resulting in improved products and processes.

  • Webinar: Thermal Solutions with HFSS and ANSYS Mechanical
    Online Event, May 26, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • Mulitphase Flows - FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop
    Conference, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden, Germany, May 26, 2009

    7th FZD & ANSYS Short Course & Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications".

  • Fluid Structure Interaction 2009
    Conference, Royal Mare Village, Greece, May 25, 2009

    Fluid Structure Interaction 2009 is the fifth conference in this successful series, which provides a forum for the presentation of new ideas and the latest work in the specialised field of fluid structure interaction. The conference aims to promote international exchange of information and knowledge of fluid structure interaction problems, giving experts from different application fields the opportunity to interact with one another and to provide valuable cross breeding of ideas and techniques.

  • ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series - Santa Clara, CA
    Seminar, Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, Santa Clara, United States, May 20, 2009

    Learn about the new features of ANSYS 12.0 from ANSYS team members and industry experts through the ANSYS 12.0 Seminar Series. The series will demonstrate how our users are benefiting from Simulation Driven Product Development resulting in improved products and processes.

  • Webinar: ANSYS Workbench 2.0 for ANSYS FLUENT Users
    Online Event, May 19, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • Simulation for Turbomachinery Engineering
    Seminar, CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno - Bologna, Italy, May 19, 2009

    Presentations, Demonstrations, Customer Testimonials will be given about : Fluid-Dynamics, Mechanics, Fluid-Structure Interaction.

  • Webinar: ANSYS 12.0 Explicit Dynamics STR
    Online Event, May 19, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • 21st International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD)
    Conference, Moffett Field, United States, May 18, 2009

    ParCFD 2009 is the 21st in a series of international meetings dedicated to discussion of recent developments and applications of parallel computing in the field of CFD and related disciplines. Past paper topics include: parallel algorithms, developments in software tools and environments, unstructured adaptive mesh applications, industrial applications, and more.

  • 6th Int'l Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering (nae2009)
    Conference, Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort, Mataram city, Lombok Island, Indonesia, May 15, 2009

    Numerical analysis utilizing the advantages of the development of computer hardware and software has had an immerse impact in many field of engineering in recent years as it offers fast solution in engineering problems. The 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering NAE 2009 gives a place and opportunities for researchers and engineers from academic, industries and other institutions to exchange their scientific and technological information.

  • Webinar on Design and Re-design of Flow-Path for High-Efficiency Steam and Gas Turbine
    Online Event, May 14, 2009

    SoftInWay offers free webinar: Design and Re-design of Flow-Path for High-Efficiency Steam and Gas Turbine on Thursday, May 14, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST. After the webinar attendees will be able to shorten the design time and costs while performing 1D/2D/3D design and analysis of turbomachinery flow paths.

  • NAFEMS Two Day Practical CFD Analysis Training Course
    Course, Holiday Inn Coventry South, Coventry, United Kingdom, May 13, 2009

    The course offers excellent guidance on how to judge which approximations are acceptable and appropriate for solving a wide range of practical problems. Of equal importance is the manner in which the results are interpreted. Advice is provided which allows the correct decisions to be taken, based on results which are known to be reliable. The course is completely code independent.

  • 2nd National Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications in Chemical Engineering
    Conference, Narmak, Tehran, Iran, May 12, 2009

    The National Conference on Applications of CFD in Chemical Engineering is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied CFD in process industries, oil & gas engineering, mineral, polymer and food processing.

  • Webinar: ANSYS 12.0 Fluid Dynamics
    Online Event, May 12, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • Webinar: Parametric Analysis -- Introducing ANSYS DesignXplorer 12.0
    Online Event, May 12, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • 2009 FLOW-3D European Users Conference
    User Conference, Hotel Krone, Tubingen, Germany, May 12, 2009

    The 2009 FLOW-3D(R) European Users Conference will be held on May 12, 2009 at the Hotel Krone in Tubingen, Germany! As in recent years, we expect participants from all over Europe and interesting user presentations which will certainly stimulate an intense exchange of experiences.

  • International Short Course: Flow Transition and Turbulence - Physical Nature and High Order DNS Code
    Course, 487 PKH, 411 S. Nedderman, UTA Math, Arlington, TX, United States, May 11, 2009

    Part I Physical Nature -Turbulence Origin in Boundary-Layer Flows, Predominant Mechanisms and Applications (Yury S. Kachanov) Part II Direct Numerical Simulation for Flow Transition and High Order DNS Code (Chaoqun Liu)

  • SIMDI09 - Simulation and Data Intensive Fair
    Seminar, Chalmers Conference Center, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 6, 2009

    SIMDI09 will be the fourth edition of our annual Simulation and Data Intensive Fair. In the past years, SIMDI has become an international and recognized event, where industrial and academic professionals share their knowledge about the latest Simulation and Data Intensive technologies.

  • Webinar: ANSYS Workbench 2.0 Introduction
    Online Event, May 5, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

  • Webinar: ANSYS 12.0 Structural Mechanics
    Online Event, May 5, 2009

    Join us for this free one-hour webinar and see how our users are benefiting from the insight that computer simulation offers.

April, 2009

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