ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Conference, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, United States, November 3, 2017 3-ADVANCES IN AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY
Numerical and experimental modeling. Internal and external
aerodynamics. Boundary layer control (morphing, plasma
actuators, etc). Natural laminar flow through design.
Aeroelasticity at different scales. Innovative air-vehicle
configurations. Advances in wind tunnel modeling.
Cutting-edge aerodynamic design. Noise reduction. Ground and
flight tests.
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-November-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, November 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
OpenFOAM Advanced Training -
Course, 2145 Metrocenter Blvd., Suite 150, Orlando, United States, October 26, 2017 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
A Novel Approach to Reducing Heatsink Mass
Online Event, October 26, 2017 See how FloTHERM’s automation capabilities can be used to
discover thermally efficient mass reduced heatsink topologies.
XFlow Webinar (Oct. 25th - 5pm CEST): 3rd AIAA Hight Lift Prediction Workshop 2017
Online Event, October 25, 2017 Join this webinar to learn more about the XFlow CFD results
presented at the 3rd High Lift Prediction Workshop 2017.
OpenFOAM Foundation Training
Workshop, 2145 Metrocenter Blvd #150, Orlando, United States, October 24, 2017 Participants undertake exercises in simulating cases and
programming in OpenFOAM using ESI’s Cloud-based HPC
computing platform, accessed via a secure ssh connection
between desktop PCs (provided) or participants laptops,
applicable to all operating systems. All work from the
training will be stored on the cloud and participants may
download all the work and exercises on their USB flesh
drives at the end of the training.
Detailed PCB Thermal Modeling with Thermal Territories
Online Event, October 24, 2017 As part of Thermal Live '17, we will be introducing the
concept of Thermal Territories and how it can help to
improve the accuracy of your models.
von Karman Lecture Series: Introduction to Stability and Transition Analysis Methods SSEMID
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, October 23, 2017 The course will introduce several aspects of the stability
theory dealing with different phenomena and scenarios.
Lectures will range from traditional linear stability method
to parabolized stability equations and global stability.
Moreover they will address compressible and incompressible
flows stability in laminar and turbulent regimes, describing
theoretical foundations, numerical methods and applications.
Urban Physics Autumn School
Workshop, Halkidiki, Greece, October 22, 2017 The Urban Physics Autumn School 2017 (UPAS2017) provides
innovative and in-depth
lectures from top researchers from across the world
highly actual topics
from urban wind energy over urban microclimate to
and district energy
simulations with particular links to the development of
future smart cities.
How to setup a simulation with non-conformal mesh connections (EXN/Aero Many-to-Many)
Online Event, October 19, 2017 Join Envenio's Engineering Team for a walkthrough of their
developed many-to-many model, for arbitrary mesh
connections, on
October 19th (12pm ET).
EXN/Aero is an on-demand, HPC cloud hosted, simulation
platform. This
platform has a pay-as-you-go subscription model to help you
access high
performance simulation capabilities in a flexible and
affordable way.
Mixing in Stirred Tanks - [One Day Training]
Course, Digicomp Academy AG, Küchengasse 9, Basel, Switzerland, October 19, 2017 Accelerate Your Scale-up Processes And Tech-transfers!
Learn technical approaches for scale-up, trouble shooting
and mixing process optimization. Scale-up examples like
scale-up of miscible liquids..
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, 6400 Enterprise Lane, Madison, United States, October 18, 2017 THIS COURSE IS FREE TO ATTEND.
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE STUDIO for IC Engines
Course, 6400 Enterprise Ln, Madison, United States, October 17, 2017 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in
You will learn how to import a CAD geometry, set up
boundaries, and use
CONVERGE Studio’s powerful repair tools to fix surface
defects. Because
CONVERGE has a fully automated meshing process, you do not
need to spend
any time preparing the volume mesh, which simplifies the
surface preparation
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 15-October-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, October 15, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
Annual Meeting on Analytical and Separation Techniques
Conference, Osaka, Japan, 559-0034, 1-13-11 Nanko-Kita, Suminoe-Ku, osaka,japan, Japan, October 12, 2017 Meetings International in collaboration with EuroSciCon
welcomes you to attend Annual Meeting on Separation
Techniques to be held from October 12-13, 2017 in Osaka,
Annual Meeting on Analytical and Separation Techniques
Conference, Osaka, Japan, 559-0034, 1-13-11 Nanko-Kita, Suminoe-Ku, Osaka, Japan, October 12, 2017 Meetings International in collaboration with EuroSciCon
welcomes you to attend Annual Meeting on Separation
Techniques to be held from October 12-13, 2017 in Osaka,
Live One Day Training - Mixing In Stirred Tanks - Dublin, Ireland Oct 10, 2017
Workshop, New Horizons Ireland| Strand House | 24 Strand Street Great, Dublin, Ireland, October 10, 2017 The course format combines lectures, demonstrations, and
problem-solving sessions, helping you to classify
good/bad mixing.Predict a priori various mixing
parameters using correlations and CFD models.Learn
technical approaches for scale-up, trouble shooting and
mixing process optimization.
Mixing in Stirred Tanks - [One Day Training]
Course, New Horizons, 24 Strand Street, Ireland, October 10, 2017 Accelerate Your Scale-up Processes And Tech-transfers!
Learn technical approaches for scale-up, trouble shooting
and mixing process optimization. Scale-up examples like
scale-up of miscible liquids..
von karman lecture Series: Introduction to Measurement Techniques
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, October 9, 2017 The objective of the lecture series is to provide young
with a broad overview of traditional and advanced
measurement techniques applicable to fluid dynamics.
2-Way Strongly Coupled FSI Simulations of a Tubular Aortic Heart Valve using Abaqus & FlowVision
Online Event, October 5, 2017 FSI simulation of an artificial aortic valve using Abaqus
FEA & FlowVision CFD software,
supported by experimental validation. In this webinar, you
will see how to:
- prepare coupled FSI model
- tackle large deformations, small clearances, and elastic
body contacts
Mixing in Stirred Tanks - [One Day Training]
Course, Exit Certified, 1150 1ST AVE, Suite 200, King Of Prussia, United States, October 5, 2017 Accelerate Your Scale-up Processes And Tech-transfers!
Learn technical approaches for scale-up, trouble shooting
and mixing process optimization. Scale-up examples like
scale-up of miscible liquids..
Online Event, October 3, 2017 Lets make simulation in OpenFOAM® more easier than
ever... And gain insights on OpenFOAM® validations today
with live demonstrations!
XFlow User Conference, October 2-3, 2017 - Madrid, Spain
Conference, Paseo del General Martínez Campos, 14, Madrid, Spain, October 2, 2017 A unique event with outstanding speakers, the best CFD case
studies and a great worldwide users community, all in one place.
The XFlow User Conference is an event for engineers
specialized in the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing and
energy sectors who seek the best tools in the market for
numerical analysis and fluid simulation.
OpenFOAM Basics
Course, Wengenstr. , Enginen, Germany, October 1, 2017 A course about the basics of using OpenFOAM for students and
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-OCtober-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, October 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-OCtober-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, October 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Automobile Engineering
Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 28, 2017 We are glad to announce the 3rd International Conference
and Exhibition on Automobile Engineering to be held in
Berlin, Germany from September 28-29, 2017 organized by
Conference Series LLC, USA in collaboration with generous
support and cooperation from enthusiastic academicians
and editorial Board Members.
This conference is a unique international platform that’s
a confluence of all stake holders of the ecosystem –
2nd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy
Conference, HILTON LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT Terminal 4 Heathrow Airport, She, London, United Kingdom, September 28, 2017 Conference series LLC warmly invites all the
participants from all over the world to attend the “2nd
World Congress and Exhibition on Wind & Renewable Energy”
(Wind & Renewable Energy 2017) at London, U.K during
September 28-29, 2017 with the theme of "Power
Generation and Environmental Protection".
ESI Forum in North America
User Conference, Algeria, September 26, 2017 The ESI Forum in North America hosted in Birmingham,
Michigan on September
26 & 27. It will bring together ESI users from an array of
Plenary sessions will focus on common trends in simulation
manufacturing, as well as the future evolution of ESI
products. Hands-On
workshops will be offered for OpenFOAM proceeding the
regular conference
The 12th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2017
Conference, The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 25, 2017 Understanding fluid dynamics and heat transfer has been one
of the major advances of mathematics, physics and
engineering. Numerical Fluids covers various subjects from new
numerical methods and fundamental research until engineering
AxSTREAM NET Online Course
Course, United States, September 25, 2017 The goal of this 4 day online course is to teach attendees
how to successfully use AxSTREAM NET™
AxSTREAM NET Online Course
Course, United States, September 25, 2017 The goal of this 4 day online course is to teach attendees
how to successfully use AxSTREAM NET™
Best Practices in Combustion CFD, Napoli, Italy, 22-23 Sept. 2017
Course, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione-Consiglio Nazionale dell, Napoli, Italy, September 22, 2017 Design and operation of modern gas turbine engines faces the
need to combine high efficiency with low pollutants
emissions. At the same time, safe design and operation of
such engines as well as, more generally, of any industrial
chemical plants where flammable substances are stored,
handled, processed or produced, requires prevention of
unwanted combustion phenomena, such as explosions, and/or
mitigation of their consequences. This course addresses both
subjects in the perspective of CFD.
FloTHERM V12 - New Functionality
Online Event, September 21, 2017 In this web seminar, the benefits of the new features in
FloTHERM v12 will be introduced and demonstrated.
OpenFOAM Advanced Training - Houston, TX
Course, 11490 Westheimer Road, Suite 600, Houston, United States, September 20, 2017 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
needs. It covers the general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
2017 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference
Conference, Hotel Santa Fe, Santa Fe, United States, September 19, 2017 We invite you to join the community of FLOW-3D users for the
2017 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference, which will be held
at the Hotel Santa Fe, September 19-21, 2017 in Santa Fe,
NM. The call for abstracts is now open.
International Meshing Roundtable
Conference, Crown plaza, Barcelona, Spain, September 19, 2017 The International Meshing Roundtable continues to focus on
bringing together researchers and developers from academia,
national labs and industry in a stimulating, open
environment to share technical information related to mesh
generation and general pre-processing techniques.
Multiphysics phenomena analysis on boundary layer stability in hypersonic regime
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, September 18, 2017 The objective of these lecture series, supported by the
Science and Technology Organization (STO-AVT-289) is to
complement the field of high speed fluid dynamics and
laminar-to-turbulent transition.
OpenFOAM Foundation Training - Houston, TX
Course, 11490 Westheimer Road, Suite 600, Houston, United States, September 18, 2017 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a foundation for all aspects of
OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is useful
to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden
their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 15-September-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, September 15, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
2. CFDEM® Conference 2017
Conference, Linz, Austria, September 14, 2017 CFDEM® Conference for the CFDEM®coupling, LIGGGHTS® and
ParScale user community. The conference will offer a 2 day
agenda packed with scientific and industrial presentations
around CFD-DEM, DEM and intra-particle scale simulations
with CFDEM®coupling, LIGGGHTS® and ParScale.
Open Source CFD workshop 2017
Workshop, Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, Hessenplatz 16-18, 4020 Linz, Austria, September 14, 2017 Free Open Source CFD Workshop 2017 in Linz, Austria on
September 14th.
Great networking and exchange opportunity for the Open
Source CFDuser community.
Conference, School of Naval Engineering, Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, September 13, 2017 12th ECCOMAS Thematic International Conference on
Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design
Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial
and Societal Problems
CFDEM® Training
Course, Industriezeile 35, Linz, Austria, September 11, 2017 Intense hands-on-trainings - if you want to learn how to
fully harness the power of open source DEM and CFD-DEM
simulations, visit our short courses and get crucial
knowlegde directly from our developers!
LIGGGHTS® Open Source DEM Engine
CFDEM®coupling CFD-DEM Engine
CFDEM®Workbench for LIGGGHTS®
von Karman Institute Lecture Series: Liquid fragmentation in gas flows
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, September 11, 2017 These lecture series, supported by the Science and
Technology Organization, will take place from 11 to 13
September 2017 at the von Karman institute. These lecture
series provide the state of the art knowledge accumulated by
the few experts worldwide who master the topic of liquid
fragmentation in gas flows both on experimental and
numerical modeling field.
Thermal-Stress Monitoring and Lifetime Analysis of a Steam Turbine
Online Event, September 7, 2017 This webinar will cover online monitoring of turbine
thermal-stresses and lifetime expenditure technology
Overcoming simulation limitations with cloud resources
Online Event, September 6, 2017 In this webinar Nimbix CTO Leo Reiter and Envenio CEO Ian
McLeod will
discuss the challenges and limitations of traditional CFD
systems. They
will explore how advances in cloud computing hardware and
address these limitations, and how shifting to cloud
resources is a secure
and affordable option.
CFD Training, Workshops, Final Year Project Guidance and Internship Job Orientation
Course, 2nd Floor, #669 'N', 80ft Road, Brindavan Nagar, 1st Stage, 2nd, Bangalore, India, September 1, 2017 Following training programs on CFD :
Master Diploma in CFD : MD-CFD-01 (Classroom)
Master Diploma in CFD : MD-CFD-02 (Online / LMS)
Final Year Projects in CFD : FY-CFD-01 (Flexible) -
Support till completion
Internship Job Orientation in CFD : IN-CFD-01
Live Demo Sessions CFD/FEM
Online Event, September 1, 2017 CONSELF is proud to announche a new serie of webinars this
autum. These sessions are going to introduce users into the
world of Cloud Simulation, discovering the workflow CONSELF
designed to handle easily CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulations.
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-September-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, September 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
Course, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia, August 21, 2017 Annual OpenFOAM Summer School in Zagreb
Summer School on SU2
Course, Kaiserslautern, Germany, August 21, 2017 Lectures and Tutorials on the Open-Source CFD Code SU2 and
the Adjoint Approach to
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, 6400 Enterprise Lane, Madison, United States, August 16, 2017 THIS COURSE IS FREE TO ATTEND.
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE STUDIO for IC Engines
Course, 6400 Enterprise Ln, Madison, United States, August 15, 2017 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in
You will learn how to import a CAD geometry, set up
boundaries, and use
CONVERGE Studio’s powerful repair tools to fix surface
defects. Because
CONVERGE has a fully automated meshing process, you do not
need to spend
any time preparing the volume mesh, which simplifies the
surface preparation
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 15-August-2017(Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, August 15, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
EXN/Aero Walkthrough: Conjugate Heat Transfer
Online Event, August 15, 2017 This hour-long webinar will see Envenio engineers offer a
walkthrough of EXN/Aero's newly developed conjugate heat
EXN/Aero is an on-demand, HPC cloud hosted, simulation
platform. This
platform has a pay-as-you-go subscription model to help you
access high
performance simulation capabilities in a flexible and
affordable way.
Register here;
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-August-2017(Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, August 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
CFD Training, Workshop and Final Year Project Guidance
Course, #669 'N', 2nd Floor, 80ft Road,1st Stage, 2nd Block, HBR Layout, Bangalore, India, August 1, 2017 CFD Training, Short Term Courses, Workshops, Final Year
Project Guidance and Internship on CFD Projects offered
by Infisim Design Academy at its Bangalore Office.
ESI OpenFOAM Advanced Course
Course, 32605 W 12 Mile Road, Suite 350, Farmington Hills, United States, July 26, 2017 This course covers advanced topics of OpenFOAM and is
designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real engineering
problems and
develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general
use and
programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented
earlier in the
Foundation Course. It provides a foundation for all aspects
of OpenFOAM,
from running cases to programming, so is useful to both new
users and
existing users wishing to broaden their knowledge of OpenFOAM.
ESI OpenFOAM Foundation Course
Course, 32605 W 12 Mile Road, Suite 350, Farmington Hills, United States, July 24, 2017 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a foundation for all aspects of
OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is useful
to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden
their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
12th OpenFOAM Workshop
Conference, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, July 24, 2017 The annual OpenFOAM® Workshop is the premier international
forum for
researchers, industrial users, code developers, consultants
and academics to
come together and present their work, discuss the code,
network, and learn about
new developments in OpenFOAM®. It is a community event,
welcoming all users
from novice to experienced, and users of all branches of the
One Day Live Training - Mixing In Stirred Tanks at Edison, NJ on July 21, 2017
Course, 105 Fieldcrest Ave, Suite 201, Edison, United States, July 21, 2017 Course Fees : $500
The Attendees Will Receive A 3 Month MixIT PROJECT
License ( a $4,000 value) Along With Mixing Consultancy
Support To Solve Current Mixing Problems In Your
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, 21500 Haggerty Rd., Detroit, United States, July 19, 2017 This two-day course offers an introduction to CONVERGE for
combustion (IC) engine modeling. You will learn about the
and modeling options while working through a typical IC
engine case from start
to finish. Because CONVERGE has a completely automated
meshing process,
you do not need to spend any time preparing the volume mesh,
which simplifies
the case setup process. THIS COURSE IS FREE TO ATTEND.
Live Webinar: Marine, Maritime & Coastal Applications
Conference, United States, July 19, 2017 Challenging problems in the marine and maritime industry can
be modeled with ease using FLOW-3D, including wave
hydrodynamics and impact analysis, coastal breakwater
modeling, offshore platform dynamics, ship launches,
sloshing in LNG tanks, floating barriers and wave energy
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE STUDIO for IC Engines
Course, 21500 Haggerty Rd., Detroit, United States, July 18, 2017 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in
You will learn how to import a CAD geometry, set up
boundaries, and use
CONVERGE Studio’s powerful repair tools to fix surface
defects. Because
CONVERGE has a fully automated meshing process, you do not
need to spend
any time preparing the volume mesh, which simplifies the
surface preparation
Live One Day Training - Mixing In Stirred Tanks - Dublin, Ireland on July 18, 2017
Workshop, New Horizons Ireland| Strand House | 24 Strand Street Great, Dublin, Ireland, July 18, 2017 Course Fee: $500
Attendees Receive MixIT Trial Liscense For Free
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 16-July-2017 (Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, July 16, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
15th ERCOFTAC Osborne Reynolds Day The University of Manchester Friday July 14th, 2017
Conference, George Begg Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 14, 2017 Osborne Reynolds Oral and Poster PhD Competitions offer
prestigious awards that celebrate the quality of research by
PhD students and graduates across the broad domain of fluid
mechanics, including turbulence, multi‐phase, stratified and
free‐surface flows, convective transport processes,
combustion and acoustics. Entries are welcome from
engineering, physics, mathematics and environmental
sciences. PhD students or recent graduates from ALL UK
universities are eligible to enter.
EXN/Aero: HPC Cloud Solver Walkthrough
Online Event, July 12, 2017 Engineers from Envenio will do a live demo of our cloud
based CFD
solver, EXN/Aero. We will show you how the cloud platform
works, and
take you through the process of setting up a demonstration
case and
launching it.
EXN/Aero is an HPC cloud based CFD tool that reduces
simulation times
by up to 20x. It is available as an on-demand solution.
AxCYCLE Workshop Online Course
Course, United States, July 11, 2017 This online training workshop provides participants with
an understanding of the design, analysis and optimization
of thermodynamic cycles using AxCYCLE ™.
FACEBOOK LIVE : Frontloading CFD – How and Why?
Online Event, July 11, 2017 Join this live event where we will be discussing the ins and
outs of Frontloading CFD. Join in with this discussion and
watch us Live on Facebook.
Course, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, Porto, Portugal, July 10, 2017 This course intends to provide cutting-edge knowledge on
complex fluid-flow at microscale, from experimental and
numerical perspectives. It will be a 5-days course. The idea
is providing a theoretical explanation during ~3h (morning
session) and then a sort of hands-on workshop during the
after lunch session, where some of the participants could
expose one of the problems they are facing in their own
institution in order to provide some feedback or possible
solutions to them.
PFAU 14 - OpenFOAM Austrian User Meeting
User Conference, Inffeldgasse 21a, Graz, Austria, July 6, 2017 The OpenFOAM User Meeting v. 14 will take place at the
Virtual Vehicle in Graz. All Foamers or anyone who is
interested are welcome. If you want to participate or need
further information please email to alexander.kospach@v2c2.at
CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems Using FEM and FVM
Course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Dhanbad, India, July 3, 2017 The event aims at providing detailed theoretical background
with examples on applications of finite-element and
finite-volume methods to solve heat transfer as well as
fluid flow problems.
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 02-July-2017 (Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, July 2, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
7 days course on Modeling Energy Systems using CFD: Theory and Practice
Course, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, July 1, 2017 This 7 days course aims at bridging the skill gap between
what industry needs today and what is taught in the academic
environment. "One cannot learn driving just by
watching videos online on CFD, one has to take the driving
seat and practice". Keeping this in mind, this course
has been designed to impart much needed knowledge and skills
in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in designing and
modeling various energy systems
Product development course (CAD+ANSYS/Openfoam)
Course, Stuttgart, Germany, July 1, 2017 All-in-one about product development.
SmartCells™ - The Enabling Technology Behind Frontloading Simulation
Online Event, June 28, 2017 Attend this web seminar about SmartCells and learn more
about the technical approaches that significantly improve
the efficiency of your design process.
The 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows
Conference, Japan, June 26, 2017 Considering the vast importance of multiphase flows in
various applications ranging from medicine to aeronautics
and the growing importance of Computational Fluid Dynamics
in multiphase flows, we are hosting the 3rd International
Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows
(ICNMMF-III), to be held in Tokyo, Japan, from June 26 to
June 29 in 2017.
CLEAN-Gas Combustion Summer School
Course, Avenue Roosevelt 42, Brussels, Belgium, June 26, 2017 From June 26th-29th, the Marie Curie CLEAN-Gas consortium,
gas.polimi.it, organises its second Summer School, at
Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Belgium.
More information available here,
ESI OpenFOAM Advanced Course
Course, 230 W Monroe Street, Suite 900, Chicago, United States, June 22, 2017 This course covers advanced topics of OpenFOAM and is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real engineering problems and develop
the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general use and programming of OpenFOAM,
building on topics presented earlier in the Foundation Course. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden their knowledge of
ADT TURBOdesign Suite v6.3 Launch
Online Event, June 22, 2017 ADT host a webinar to highlight some of the key new
functionality enabled by the TURBOdesign Suite v6.3
updates, as well as showing a live demonstration of a
single stage centrifugal compressor stage consisting of
impeller, vaned diffuser and return channel/de-swirl
Multiphase Flow 2017
Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2017 The 9th International Conference on Computational and
Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow will
focus on the combination of experimental and
computational techniques to gain a better understanding
of all classes of multiphase and complex flow.
ESI OpenFOAM Foundation Course
Course, 230 W Monroe Street, Suite 900, Chicago, United States, June 20, 2017 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a foundation for all aspects of
OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is useful
to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden
their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Optimize This! 2017 International HEEDS Conference
Conference, Holiday Inn Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany, June 19, 2017 Optimize This! 2017 will bring individuals responsible
for product development together to learn and share how
HEEDS is being used in a wide variety of industries and
applications to help discover better designs, faster!
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 15-June-2017 (Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, June 15, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
Classes conducted by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna , Former
Scientist- ISRO.
Know about your faculty,
Large-Eddy Simulation & Detached-Eddy Simulations How to use an in-House Fortran source code
Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2017 During the course, the participants will learn and work with
an in-house LES/DES code called CALC-LES, written by the
[Live Online Training] - Introduction to CFD Analysis for Chemical Process Engineers
Online Event, June 14, 2017 Stirred Tank Reactor | Static Mixer | Jet Mixing In Large
Waste Water Tank | Polymer Trap And Separators
AxCYCLE Workshop Online Course
Course, United States, June 6, 2017 This online training workshop provides participants with
an understanding of the design, analysis and optimization
of thermodynamic cycles using AxCYCLE ™.
Fluid Structure Interaction with Impact on Industrial Application, II, 6-7, June 2017, IMFT, France
Course, IMFT, Toulouse, France, June 6, 2017 A principal goal is to enable researchers in the FSI
community with state-of-the-art methods for analysing these
fluid-structure interaction phenomena and to come up with
quality achievements and best practice guidelines for
efficient and secure design. The domains of applications
cover a large spectrum including flow/ movement induced
vibrations and flutter phenomena arising in the domains of
aeronautics, hydrodynamics and energy.
Driving Manufacturing Innovation with Digital Design and Simulation
Workshop, 1415 N Cherry Ave, Chicago, United States, June 6, 2017 CIMdata’s Driving Manufacturing Innovation with Digital
Design &
Simulation:Challenges, Strategies & Best Practices for
Success workshop, is the must-attend event for industrial
and product development solution providers interested in
about “model-driven engineering” strategies and solutions
that will
enable ongoing product and manufacturing innovation to create
competitive advantage, minimize total lifecycle costs, and
drive top line
revenue growth
17th FLOW-3D European Users Conference
User Conference, Avenida Palace Hotel, Barcelona, Spain, June 5, 2017 The 17th FLOW-3D European Users Conference will be held at
the Avenida Palace Hotel, June 5-7, 2017 in Barcelona,
Spain. Flow Science's annual Users Conference is an exciting
where users advance their simulation skills through
interactions with Flow Science staff engineers,
collaboration with other users, exploring new modeling
approaches, and learning about the latest software
developments. Join the community of FLOW-3D users from all
over Europe for this annual event.
ERCOFTAC - Design Optimization AREA, Trieste, Italy, 5-7 June 2017
Course, AREA, Trieste, Italy, June 5, 2017 Aims
The course will provide:
• An overview of modern design optimization methods
• Comprehensive discussions on the presented methods
including their pros and cons, assisting industrial
engineers to select the best-suited approach for solving
their particular problems.
• Based on the latter topic, successfully treated examples
in the areas of aeronautics, the automotive, and the
turbo-machinery industry will be presented and thorough
1st AIAA Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop
Workshop, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, United States, June 3, 2017 The goals of GMGW-1 are to assess the current state-of-
the-art in geometry preprocessing and mesh generation
technology and software as applied to aircraft and
spacecraft systems of interest to AIAA's membership.
Also, the workshop will help identify and develop
understanding of areas of needed improvement
(performance, accuracy, applicability) in geometry
processing and mesh generation software.
One Month course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-June-2017 (Morning and Evening batch) Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, June 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
Classes conducted by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna , Former
Scientist- ISRO.
Know about your faculty,
Web Seminar: System Level Simulation in Excel: Is It Possible?
Online Event, May 30, 2017 FloMASTER V8’s integration with Microsoft Excel allows you
to perform system level simulations in a controlled and
familiar environment. Sign up for this presentation to see how.
ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 11
Workshop, Polo Didattico Piagge - Via Giacomo Matteotti, 11, Pisa, Italy, May 29, 2017 The bi-annual Workshop series on Direct and Large Eddy
Simulation (DLES) which
started in 1994 focuses on modern techniques to simulate
turbulent flows based
on the partial or full resolution of the instantaneous
turbulent flow structure.
Techniques of hybrid modelling based on a combination of LES
and RANS
approaches also fall into this category and are covered as well.
Project Based Summer School and Software Training Program on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Ins, NAGPUR, India, May 26, 2017 It is the summer school in CFD.
XXXVI International School of Hydraulics
Conference, Hotel Windsor Palace, Jachranka 75, Jachranka, Poland, May 23, 2017 ISH is an international conference intended to provide a
forum for scientists and engineers working in the field
of broadly understood hydraulics.
Advanced CONVERGE Training
Course, 6400 Enterprise Lane, Madison, United States, May 23, 2017 Training courses are free of charge and space is limited so
register soon.
PREREQUISITE: Introductory CONVERGE training or equivalent
basic knowledge
of CONVERGE. The advanced training courses are not
recommended for new