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Another Fine Mesh top

► Farewell, Another Fine Mesh. Hello, Cadence CFD Blog.
    5 May, 2023

They say the only constant in life is change and that’s as true for blogs as anything else. After almost a dozen years blogging here on as Another Fine Mesh, it’s time to move to a new home, the … Continue reading

The post Farewell, Another Fine Mesh. Hello, Cadence CFD Blog. first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

► This Week in CFD
  31 Mar, 2023

Welcome to the 500th edition of This Week in CFD on the Another Fine Mesh blog. Over 12 years ago we decided to start blogging to connect with CFDers across teh interwebs. “Out-teach the competition” was the mantra. Almost immediately … Continue reading

The post This Week in CFD first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

► Create Better Designs Faster with Data Analysis for CFD – A Webinar on March 28th
  23 Mar, 2023

Automated design optimization is a key technology in the pursuit of more efficient engineering design. It supports the design engineer in finding better designs faster. A computerized approach that systematically searches the design space and provides feedback on many more … Continue reading

The post Create Better Designs Faster with Data Analysis for CFD – A Webinar on March 28th first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

► This Week in CFD
    3 Mar, 2023

It’s nice to see a healthy set of events in the CFD news this week and I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to register for CadenceCONNECT CFD on 19 April. And I don’t even mention the International Meshing … Continue reading

The post This Week in CFD first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

► This Week in CFD
  24 Feb, 2023

Some very cool applications of CFD (like the one shown here) dominate this week’s CFD news including asteroid impacts, fish, and a mesh of a mesh. For those of you with access, NAFEM’s article 100 Years of CFD is worth … Continue reading

The post This Week in CFD first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

► This Week in CFD
  17 Feb, 2023

This week’s aggregation of CFD bookmarks from around the internet clearly exhibits the quote attributed to Mark Twain, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” Which makes no sense in this … Continue reading

The post This Week in CFD first appeared on Another Fine Mesh.

F*** Yeah Fluid Dynamics top

► “Starlit”
  13 Sep, 2024

In “Starlit,” filmmaker Roman de Giuli leverages paint, ink, water, and oil to create astronomical views. Colorful droplets spin past like neon exoplanets. Shards of glitter form comets. Satellite droplets become moons about their larger sibling. (Video and image credit: R. de Giuli)

► Catching Krill With Bubble Nets
  12 Sep, 2024

On their own and in groups, some humpback whales enclose their prey in bubbly columns before feeding. The whales build these bubble nets intentionally, swimming in a ring at a constant speed while producing bursts of air from their blowhole. After observing hundreds of bubble nets created by dozens of whales, researchers concluded that whales actively tune the nets, using more rings, closer bubble spacing, or deeper extents to suit their needs. Once they’ve completed the net, whales lunge up through the center, mouth open, collecting their food.

In their study, the team found that building bubble nets is no more energy intensive for whales than typical lunge-feeding. However, the prey concentration in a bubble net means that hunting there nabs more food per lunge. The authors argue that the way humpback whales build and use bubble nets qualifies them as tool users on par with many fellow mammals, as well as some birds, fish, and insects. (Image credit: C. Le Duc; research credit: A. Szabo et al.; via Gizmodo)

► The Art of French Drains
  11 Sep, 2024

Civil engineers face a constant challenge trying to protect their structures from water — both above and below the ground. Subsurface water can build up enough pressure to lift and damage structures, so engineers use subsurface infrastructure — like French drains — to control the water underground. Despite the name (and my title pun), French drains have nothing to do with France. Instead, they are named for Henry French, an author who described their construction and use in the 19th century. These drains use a combination of rocks, mechanical filters, and perforated pipeline to guide subsurface water and drain it away from foundations. (Video and image credit: Practical Engineering)

► Synchronizing Cilia
  10 Sep, 2024

Just like human swimmers, microswimmers have to coordinate their motion to swim. But unlike humans, swimmers like the freshwater alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii doesn’t have a brain to help it synchronize its cilia. To investigate how these microswimmers manage their stroke, researchers built a biorobot with mechanically linked segments that mimic the alga’s swimming once a motor sets the robot vibrating.

When the robot's base is allowed to rotate, the cilia synchronize in the freestyle-like R-mode.
When the robot’s base is allowed to rotate, the cilia synchronize in the freestyle-like R-mode.
When allowed to move forward and back, the biorobot's cilia synchronize in the X-mode, which resembles the breaststroke.
When allowed to move along an axis, the biorobot’s cilia synchronize in the X-mode, which resembles the breaststroke.

The researchers found two strokes that mirrored the real-life alga. In one, allowing the robot’s base to rotate produced a freestyle-like stroke they called R-mode. The other came from allowing the robot’s base to move forward and backward, which created a breaststroke-like X-mode. In the wild, only the X-mode provides helpful motion, but, oddly enough, the researchers found this mode was the most energy intensive. (Image credit: top – J. Larson, others – Y. Xia et al.; research credit: Y. Xia et al.; via APS Physics)

► Engineering the City of Venice
    9 Sep, 2024

In 452, Roman refugees established what became the city of Venice across a series of low-lying marshy islands in a lagoon. With no solid ground available, Venice has needed clever engineering for its infrastructure, as discussed in this Primal Space video. That started with building the first piles — which still survive to this day — by driving long timbers down into harder clay levels. Because these wooden poles sit entirely below the water and are capped with stone foundations, they are preserved against rotting.

As Venice grew over the next thousand years, its citizens had other infrastructure problems to solve. When fresh water needs outstripped what could be delivered by boat from the mainland, Venetians redesigned the substructure of each square to capture, filter, and store rainwater. And to wash away waste, they designed tunnels that use gravity and the daily tides to flush out sewage. (Video and image credit: Primal Space)

► Beneath the Surf
    6 Sep, 2024

A surfer duck-dives beneath a passing wave in this image from photographer John Barton. I always love seeing big waves from this underwater perspective. The turbulent surf looks like storm clouds, and sometimes you see features that are invisible from the surface. Barton’s shot captures the dichotomy of serenity and chaos in the breaking surf. (Image credit: J. Barton/OPOTY; via Colossal)

CFD Online top

► How to delete cells in OF based on CheckMesh?
  27 Sep, 2023
Seems like a good resource for checking my checkMesh issue.

Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Hi sakro,

Sadly my experience in this subject is very limited, but here are a few threads that might guide you in the right direction:
The last few links are related to autoRefineMesh, because I have a personal untested theory that refining the mesh in damaged areas could fix things... but the general principle seems to be to "simply re-generate the mesh properly, after checking the original geometry at the damaged areas" instead of simply removing damaged cells... Or perhaps, generate a more coarse mesh in the problem areas, then refine the mesh using the methods described with autoRefineMesh...

Best regards and good luck!
► Choice of Turbulence Model
    3 May, 2023
Turbulence is a complex phenomenon that occurs in most engineering applications involving fluid dynamics. It is characterized by the irregular and chaotic motion of fluid particles, which can cause significant fluctuations in velocity and pressure. Until now, there has not been a single and practical turbulence model that can reliably predict all turbulent flows with sufficient accuracy. whereas many turbulence models have been developed from the perspective of finding different compromises between solution accuracy and computational cost. Going from DNS to RANS models, passing through DES, LES, and many others, the computational cost decreases significantly due to the cost of more and more flow averaging, which in some cases may lead to the loss of relatively important flow features.

In the following discussion, we will mainly focus on the use of RANS models since they are the most widely used approach for calculating industrial flows and can be found in most commercial CFD softwares (noting StarCCM+ and Fluent) and non-commercial CFD softwares (like OpenFOAM).

RANS stands for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The main advantage of the method is its capacity to simulate complex geometries at a relatively low computational cost. This was possible due to the small number of degrees of freedom resulting from flow averaging. The three most popular turbulence models using the RANS approach are, to my knowledge :
  • k-epsilon model
  • k-omega model
  • Spalart-Allmaras model

k-epsilon : The k-epsilon model is a two-equation model that solves for turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate. It is the most widely-used engineering turbulence model for industrial applications. It is robust, reasonably accurate, and contains submodels for compressibility, buoyancy, combustion, and many others. Its main limitations are that the epsilon equation contains a term which cannot be calculated at the wall (therefore, wall functions must be used), and that it generally performs poorly for flows with strong separation, large streamline curvature, and large pressure gradient. k-epsilon models are best suited to applications that contain complex recirculation, with or without heat transfer.

k-omega : The k-omega model is similar to the k-epsilon model in that two transport equations are solved, but differs in the choice of the second transported turbulence variable. Indeed, it solves for the specific dissipation rate in addition to the turbulent kinetic energy. The added value of this substitution is that the specific dissipation rate can be integrated at the wall, so there is no obligation of using wall functions. It is accurate and robust for a wide range of boundary layer flows with pressure gradient. It is, thus, best suited for aerospace and turbo-machinery applications.
An interesting variation of the standard k-omega model, is the k-omega SST, where SST stands for Shear Stress Transport. The k-omega SST contains a blending function to gradually transition from the standard k–ω model near the wall to a high Reynolds number version of the k–ε model in the outer portion of the boundary layer. In other terms, it uses the standard k-omega formulation in the inner parts of the boundary layer, and switches to a k-epsilon behaviour in the free-stream. This ensures that the appropriate model is utilized throughout the flow field. Although this model comes with many advantages, its main disadvantage is that it is harder to convegre compared to the standard models, and thus is more numerically expensive.

Spalart-Allmaras : The Spalart-Allmaras model is relatively new compared to the first two discussed models. It maily differs by being a single equation model that solves for a modified eddy viscosity. It is thus also relativaly less expensive, especially that the transport of the modified eddy viscosity is easy to resolve near the wall. It is best suited for aerospace and turbo-machinery applications where boundary layers are largely attached and separation is mild if it occurs. This is for example the cas of flows over airfoils or boundary-layers flows. The Spalart-Allmaras model is gaining in popularity, but faces some limitations since it is not suited for flows where complew recirculation occurs. It also usually over-predicts the boundary layer thickness which mainly deterior the accuray of heat transfer solution.

For more curious readers, i would suggest the following book, from which i would suggest reading the following book : Rodriguez, Sal. (2019). Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence Modeling: Practical Tools, Tips and Techniques. 10.1007/978-3-030-28691-0.

or watch the following video : RANS Turbulence Models: Which Should I Choose?

You can also dowload my open source calculator of initial values and boundary conditions of some of the most common turbulence models :

The following animation shows the velocity profile of an air flow over NACA 4415 airfloil, free-stream velocity is 1 m/s.
► Monthly informal OpenFOAM meeting
  31 Jan, 2023
Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the next occasion of the monthly meeting on the 18th of February 2023 at 14:00 German Time (UTC+1). The meeting takes place using zoom with the attached room details (only visible when logged in). In parallel the meeting times are announced in this calendar for integration in a mail client and as website. Details can be found in this thread.

Everybody is welcome.

See you there.
► How to install unbuntu system and open foam in your computer by VM
    2 Jan, 2023
How to install unbuntu system and open foam in your computer by VM

First,you should go to this site: In this site ,you can install this package. The package's name is ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64 (1).iso . it's type is iso. After you download it, you should reserve it instead of releasing it. Then, you should install a software named Vmware Work Staion. Last, you should download openfoam and thirdParty. When you finish the installation of Vm and ubuntu Then you can begin to install your openfoam.

First,when you open the terminal in the ubuntu system, you can put this code in it: mkdir OpenFOAM Then copy your openfoam and thirdParty into the OPenFOAM docement.

Then, you should input this code:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf autotools-dev cmake gawk gnuplot

sudo apt-get install flex libfl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev mpi-default-bin mpi-default-dev

sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev

After you finish it, you also should input this code to check your software version:

sudo apt-cache show gcc
sudo apt-cache show libopenmpi-dev
sudo apt-cache show cmake
sudo apt-cache show flex
sudo apt-cache show m4

After the system running it, you can:

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libscotch-dev libptscotch-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libcgal-dev

Then, it is time for you to set up enviorment varies:

gedit ~/.bashrc

When you input the code, a texttile will appear and you can put code:source ~/OpenFOAM/[your openfoam name]/etc/bashrc at the last to set up correct enviorment varies.

After you finish it , you should close the terminal and restart it to create the varies.

Finally it is time for you to install your openfoam what you have download from Internet. First, you should put code: cd Openfoam

then : ./Allwmake -j -s -q -l [Pay attention, if you receive the error "icoFoam not installed" at last, you should exclude the -p out of this code]

Finally, we can install the thirdparty; First, you can input : sudo apt install paraview-dev

sudo apt install cmake qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libxt-dev

After yuo finish the progress, you can input:
cd Openfoam [if you have already in this oposition, you can not input the code]

Second, input this kind of code : ./Allwmake -j -s -q -l

Finally, you will finish the openfoam and paraview in your virtual system.

I hope it can help you to solve your troubles.

At last , if you do not want to follow this progress, you can down a complete package from this site() and then install to your virtual system directly.

If you have any question about it , we can discuss with each others below the comments.
► Unofficial theory guide for relativeVelocityModel in OpenFOAM8 (
  19 Sep, 2022
Here's the theory for relativeVelocityModel in OpenFOAM8 that I uncovered manually going through the code and commit history of OpenFOAM8.

Before we proceed, since there are a couple of main scientific schools in the world that use different notation, let me declare some notations that I'm going to be using:

\cdot <-- this dot is just a general sign for multiplication; both multiplication of scalars and scalar multiplication of vectors can be denoted by it; obviously, if I multiply vectors, I will denote them as vectors (i.e. with an arrow above), everything that doesn't have an arrow above is a scalar

tg and ctg are tangent and cotangent respectively

lg is logarithm with the base of 10

ln is natural logarithm

momentum, impulse and quantity \ of \ motion are all the same thing

General idea

If we want to describe a two-phase gas-liquid or liquid-liquid flow mathematically, we write the Navier-Stokes for each phase. That's the general consensus of fluid mechanics community (though, I, personally, do not absolutely agree with it).

Such a system of equations is difficult to solve. Therefore, people started simplifying the equations - even throwing away some equations - by, of course, simplifying the physics of the flow they want to describe.

Such systems of equations are called reduced order models. Note, that when you simplify and throw away the equations, you end up having less equations than unknowns in general. Therefore, people try to come up with so called closure relations that are meant to be very simple (preferably, linear algebraic equations) and bring the total number of equations to the total number of unknowns.

That changes the flow physics a lot, but gives you general understanding of the flow behavior. In other words, that doesn't give you the details of the flow but, rather, gives you general characteristics of the flow.

One of such models is called drift-flux model. Its closure relation is called slip relation.

Drift-flux model is one of those models that simplifies the physics to the highest degree possible. It's not suitable for detailed flow description. But if, for instance, you are interested in an approximate pressure drop in a several kilometers deep oil well, that's your model of choice. It will give general understanding of what pumps to use and the cost of running it is very low.

The theory of the drift-flux model was developed by Mamoru Ishii, an emeritus professor at Purdue.

The development of the slip relation started before Mamoru Ishii, but he made a significant contribution to it. The slip relation is used on its own sometimes.

Mamoru Ishii, Takashi Hibiki, "Thermo-fluid dynamics of two-phase flow", 2nd edition, 2011, Springer is the fundamental book on the modeling of two-phase flows in general and the drift-flux model in particular.

The reduction of the physics in the drift-flux model is briefly described by the following. What if one imagines a fluid-fluid flow as the flow of fully diluted gas mixture for which the theory is well developed. One can do that, but should do something with the fact that as opposed to a gas mixture, a bubble in water moves relative to the water due to buoyancy. The theory of gas mixture flow doesn't account for that. Therefore, one must amend the theory of gas mixture flow to account for the drift (slip) velocity of bubbles if he wants to apply that theory to bubbly flows (or other two-phase flows).

In order to account for that, one should use the slip relation.

One of the main parameter in the slip relation is drift velocity. There are many empirical equations for the drift velocity.

OpenFOAM offers the choice of two equations for the drift velocity.

Those equations are accessible under the relativeVelocityModels in OpenFOAM.

NOTE: I have a suspicion that OpenFOAM means something else under driftFluxFoam, I'm still investigating that.


The structure of the code behind relativeVelocityModels is shown here.

You can choose between simple and general drift velocity models.

Note, that in C++, you use two-file system. In .H files, you declare variables and functions. In .C files, you assign values and expressions to the variable and functions declared in .H files.

Therefore, the formula for the simple drift velocity model is shown in the file simple.C, see line 66. It was declared in the file simple.H, see line 90.

The simple drift velocity model goes as follows:

U_{dm} = \frac{\rho_c}{\rho} \cdot V_0 \cdot 10^{-A \cdot \alpha_d}

The formula for the general drift velocity model is shown in the file general.C, see line 67. It was declared in the file general.H, see line 93.

The general drift velocity model goes as follows:

U_{dm} = \frac{\rho_c}{\rho} \cdot V_0 \cdot (e^{-A \cdot (\alpha_d - \alpha_{residual})} - e^{-a_1 \cdot (\alpha_d - \alpha_{residual})})

The names of some of the parameters in these formulas are:
  • U_{dm} is called diffusion velocity, see, e.g., general.H line 92
  • V_0 is called drift velocity, see, e.g., general.H line 63
  • \rho = \alpha_1 \cdot \rho_1 + \alpha_2 \cdot \rho_2 is declared in the createFields.H file (see line 57), which is a part of interPhaseChangeFoam, and not the part of driftFluxFoam.
In order to find the article on which these equations are based, I had to go deep into the commit history of, even, previous versions of OpenFOAM. Which I didn't do.

Instead, these equations are pretty much the same in OpenFOAM10 (the differences are negligible). And OpenFOAM10 commit history readily gives you the commit where the reference to the article is given.

Thus, these equations and their parameters are after Michaels, Bolger, "Settling rates and sediment volumes of flocculated kaolin suspensions", 1962, Industrial and engineering chemistry fundamentals, 1(1), p.24-33. See this commit in the OpenFOAM10 general.C file.

Once I've found the article, it became clear to me that the drift velocity models used in driftFluxFoam are designed for liquid-liquid flows, where one of the liquids should better be non-Newtonian mud (sludge, slurry).

It became clear to me why all the driftFluxFoam tutorials are focused on liquid-liquid scenarios. Especially, dahl tutorial that talks about sludge and water.

That is sufficient knowledge for me at this point, because I'm working with gas-liquid flows, closure relations for which are different from liquid-liquid flows. That is why I didn't look deeper into the theory of the presented closure relations for drift velocity and, thus, I'm not talking about them here. Dear community members with the knowledge on them, please, provide them in the comments and I'll amend the blog.

I'm turning my attention to the main system of equations that constitutes driftFluxFoam.

I've been digging them out from the code for several days already to no success so far. Once I'm ready, I'll post them in another blog entry.
► Installing foam-extend-4.1 from Source (Fedora 36)
  30 Aug, 2022
Just a reminder what I did on my Fedora 36
 dnf install -y  python3-pip m4 flex bison git git-core mercurial cmake cmake-gui openmpi openmpi-devel metis metis-devel metis64 metis64-devel
llvm llvm-devel zlib  zlib-devel  ....
  echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH' 
  echo 'module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64' 
}>> ~/.bashrc

cd ~
mkdir foam && cd foam
git clone foam-extend-4.1
 echo '#source ~/foam/foam-extend-4.1/etc/bashrc' 
 echo "alias fe41='source ~/foam/foam-extend-4.1/etc/bashrc' "
}>> ~/.bashrc
 pip install --user PyFoam
cd ~/foam/foam-extend-4.1/etc/
Edit ->which bison
# Specify system openmpi
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# System installed CMake
export CMAKE_DIR=/usr/bin/cmake

# System installed Python
export PYTHON_DIR=/usr/bin/python

# System installed PyFoam

# System installed ParaView
export PARAVIEW_DIR=/usr/bin/paraview 

# System installed bison
export BISON_DIR=/usr/bin/bison

# System installed flex. FLEX_DIR should point to the directory where
# $FLEX_DIR/bin/flex is located
export FLEX_SYSTEM=1
export FLEX_DIR=/usr/bin/flex  #export FLEX_DIR=/usr

# System installed m4
export M4_SYSTEM=1
export M4_DIR=/usr/bin/m4
; which flex ; which m4 ... all the 3rdParty Stuff

Allwmake.firstInstall -j

Cadence CFD Blog top

► Introducing the 4A’s of Next-Gen Multiphysics CFD Solution
  24 Jul, 2024
The current market requires CFD solutions that provide accuracy, automation, speed, and integration with artificial intelligence (AI)—principles that underpin Cadence Fidelity CFD. This blog post will shed light on how these four pillars, collectively referred to as the 4As, position Cadence Fidelity CFD software as the next-generation Multiphysics CFD solution.(read more)
► LES Workflow with Turnaround Time of Less Than 10 Hours
  26 Jun, 2024
This surge in the use of LES Solvers is primarily due to the inherent trade-offs involved in traditional Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)-based CFD, such as limited design spaces, long run times, and reduced physics. In this blog post, we will focus on how users can benefit from an LES workflow using Fidelity Pointwise and Fidelity LES Solver.(read more)
► From Sketch to Speedway: McLaren Formula 1 Team’s Aerodynamics Tale
  21 Jun, 2024
Formula 1 is renowned for its avant-garde technology and engineering excellence. Among the elite motorsports teams, McLaren Racing stands out as an emblem of innovation, and its commitment to aerodynamic optimization is central to McLaren's success in this high-velocity arena.(read more)
► Cadence CFD Advances Greener Turbomachinery at ASME Turbo Expo 2024
  10 Jun, 2024
The ASME Turbo Expo 2024 is all about propelling towards a net-zero future in propulsion and power. This year, the focus is on evolving turbomachinery and propulsion technology for net-zero goals, highlighting disruptive technologies, sustainable ecosystems, and a collective push for innovation and sustainability.(read more)
► Are Wind Tunnels For an Eternity in Automotive Design Testing
    3 Jun, 2024
Automotive design currently relies on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel testing to evaluate a vehicle's aerodynamic characteristics. This blog post explores the intricacies of wind tunnel testing and clarifies the collaborative relationship between CFD and wind tunnels in automotive design, highlighting the precision and accuracy of these methods.(read more)
► Second Lap: The Comeback of Once-Banned F1 Technologies
  29 May, 2024
The intriguing journey of Formula One (F1) technologies that were initially developed to enhance speed and performance but were later banned due to safety concerns, unfair advantages, or their failure to showcase the driver's skill. Despite being banned, some of these technologies have made a comeback, repurposed to add excitement to the sport. (read more)

GridPro Blog top

► Fast and Accurate Hypersonic CFD Simulations: Impact of Automatic Shock-Aligned Meshes
  16 Aug, 2024

Figure 1: Block Adapted Shock Fitted Structured Grid for Hypersonic Simulations for Orion Reentry Capsule Configuration.

1483 words / 7 minutes read

Computational fluid dynamics is critically essential and highly recommended for predicting the aerothermal environment of reentry vehicles experiencing hypersonic flow. In these regimes, shock waves are a dominant flow phenomenon. It is needless to say capturing these shock waves to the finest level possible is critically essential for accurately predicting the hypersonic flow field. Traditionally, two distinct approaches, known as shock fitting and shock capturing, have been widely used to handle such discontinuities.

Shock Capturing involves implicit handling of shocks through numerical schemes that can deal with discontinuities without explicitly locating them. They employ artificial viscosity or flux limiters to stabilize the solution and prevent non-physical oscillations. However, they may produce smeared shock profiles and require fine grids to achieve higher accuracy, potentially increasing computational costs.

Shock Fitting, on the other hand, explicitly tracks the position of shock waves within the CFD domain. It treats the shock as a moving boundary within the domain, solving additional equations to update its position and speed. This approach provides a sharp and accurate representation of shocks without the smearing effects seen in shock capturing. However, it is more complex to implement, requiring additional equations for shock dynamics and frequent grid adjustments to accommodate moving shocks.

To sum up, shock capturing is robust, versatile and easier to apply to a wide range of problems, albeit with potential accuracy trade-offs. while on the other hand, shock fitting offers superior accuracy for specific applications but at the cost of increased complexity and implementation effort.

Flow chart for the shock fitting loop in GridPro.
Figure 2: Flow Chart for the Shock Fitting Loop.

To commence the simulation, an initial structured grid must be created. The baseline mesh adopts an analytical sphere as its outer domain, with no specialized adjustments made to accommodate shock features. This streamlined approach allows for swift setup of the initial grid, requiring minimal effort and time investment. Furthermore, maintaining symmetry along the X-Y plane aids in reducing grid points, thereby enhancing simulation efficiency.

Hypersonic simulation flow domain and structured multi-block grid for Orion Capsule.
Figure 3: a. Hemispherial flow domain. b. Structured multiblock mesh around the Orion capsule.
Hypersonic simulation results on the baseline grid for Orion capsule.
Figure 4: Mach contour on the baseline structured grid.

Following the structured grid generation, the flow simulation is conducted using MISTRAL, a Navier-Stokes solver tailored for reacting flows.

Initially, the solution is computed on an Euler grid, without implementing specialized boundary layer clustering for the capsule wall.

This simplification is deliberate, aimed at minimizing computational time, as the primary focus of the initial iteration is the extraction of the shock surface.

The process of detecting and extracting shocks commences with the post-processing of the MISTRAL solution to derive the Mach distribution in the flow domain. The location of the bow shock is determined by selecting a percentage of the freestream Mach number, typically ranging between 90% to 95%. Subsequently, a Mach iso-contour sheet is extracted from the flow solution utilizing the Paraview visualization package. Following the extraction, the Mach sheet is saved as an STL file and imported into GridPro for further processing.

Extracted Mach contour sheet after postprocessing on the baseline grid CFD solution.
Figure 5: a. Extracted Mach contour sheet after postprocessing on the baseline grid CFD solution. b. Mach contour sheet after smoothing in GridPro.

Given the coarse resolution of the bow shock on the initial grid, the Mach iso-surface may display roughness. To address this, a smoothing process becomes imperative. Utilizing GridPro’s built-in subdivision scheme, the extracted Mach contour is smoothed and enhanced to make it more suitable for subsequent stages of the shock-capturing procedure.

Steps in block adapted shock fitting technique.
Figure 6: a. Baseline grid. b. Nearby blocks aligned to the shock contour.

With the shock contour sheet in hand, we’re ready to delve into the actual shock-capturing process. Firstly, the tool automatically pinpoints the block faces closest to the extracted shock contour sheet. Next, those faces proximate to the shock undergo splitting and a buffer layer of the block is created around the shock. Notably, this splitting operation maintains the integrity of the block structure, relieving the user from the burden of resolving any ensuing issues.

Following this, blocks lying beyond the buffer layer are automatically deleted (as shown in Figure 7a). Next, a new outer domain surface, encapsulating the capsule is generated by scaling up the shock contour sheet by a small percentage.

Steps in block adapted shock fitting technique.
Figure 7: a. Shock-fitted blocks after smoothing. b. The final block-adapted shock-fitted structured grid after boundary layer clustering.

Consequently, the outer faces of the buffer layer blocks serve as the boundary faces of this new outer envelope, establishing a zone characterized by shock-aligned grid lines. A detailed view of the mesh obtained after the initial shock-fitting iteration is presented in Figure 7b.

It’s important to note that the decision to split the topology hinges on the specifics of each case. In scenarios where there’s no need to reduce the computational domain’s size, this step may be bypassed. However, in instances like the one described here, where pinpointing the shock’s location and the primary flow physics region is challenging before simulation, employing this process can significantly slash the computational domain by over half. Such reduction translates into substantial savings in computational time and resources.

The Mach contour image in Figure 8 clearly demonstrates that the shock is significantly crisper and closer to the body. The cells are noticeably better aligned with both the general flow direction and the shock’s location. Remarkably, just one shock-fitting iteration was sufficient to achieve a good solution, highlighting the efficiency and effectiveness of the block-adapted shock alignment method.

Hypersonic simulations flow field comparison for Orion capsule geometry. Before and after block adapted shock fitting.
Figure 8: Hypersonic simulations flow field comparison. Before and after implementing block-adapted shock fitting.

The computed results are compared to data from Reference, which utilizes the US3D code. Figure 9 compares surface pressure variation along the symmetry line (in the z direction) of the capsule. The maximum pressure error is less than 1%, which is well within acceptable standards, validating the quality of the obtained solution.

Hypersonic simulations pressure distribution comparison between US3D code results and block-adapted shock fitted grid results.
Figure 9: Block adapted shock fitted pressure solution comparison with the results obtained from US3D code.

The next test case considered to validate the tool was the leading nose region of the Space Launch System. Two structured grids were generated- a baseline grid (0.7 million) and a shock-fitted grid (0.762 million) and CFD computations were done at Mach 5. Figure 10 shows the grids and the improvement in the flow field with the block-adapted shock alignment method.

Improvement in hypersonic simulation flow field for SLS configuration after shock fitting.
Figure 10: Hypersonic simulations results: Before and after block adapted shock fitting for SLS configuration.

The third test case involves hypersonic simulations for a blunt body configuration at Mach 20. Here also 2 grids – Baseline (5.92 million) and shock-fitted grids (5.61 million) were employed. Figure 11 below shows the crisp representation of the bow shock with block-adapted shock-fitted grids.

Hypersonic simulation results for a blunt body configuration: Before and after block-adapted shock fitting.
Figure 11: Hypersonic simulations results: Before and after block-adapted shock fitting for a blunt body configuration.

The block-adapted shock alignment approach is straightforward to implement, requiring fewer re-meshing and CFD simulation iterations compared to other shock-fitting procedures or adaptive shock-capturing methods. Additionally, it only increases the cell count of the base grid by a smaller amount.

This method can be seamlessly integrated into the existing GridPro-CFD solver-post-processor loop without any modifications. The base-structured hexahedral meshes, with their inherently low dissipation properties, enhance shock capture accuracy. By using the shock surface to identify shock-interfering blocks and refining these blocks through wrapping, the resulting grid is sufficiently dense and aligned with the shock contour to capture it accurately. Typically, executing this loop for one or two iterations is sufficient.

A key advantage of this approach is the minimal increase in cell count and the presence of one-to-one connected cells. Due to the limited number of iterative loops and uni-directional cell refinement, the increase in cell count remains marginal. Importantly, any computational fluid dynamics solver compatible with hexahedral meshes can utilize the shock-fitted grids, as one-to-one cell connectivity with neighbouring cells is consistently maintained.

A workflow for shock-fitting grid generation has been developed and rigorously tested, proving effective in accurately capturing shocks. Demonstrated through the Orion re-entry capsule and SLS rocket test cases, this new mesh generation process can rapidly produce accurate CFD estimates for hypersonic geometries. It stands as a viable and promising alternative to traditional shock-fitting or shock-capturing mesh generation methods. The efficacy of these novel approaches is evident, showcasing significant improvements in the flow field due to the highly precise representation of the shock contour.

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► GridPro Version 9 Release Highlights!
  22 May, 2024

Figure 1: GridPro Version 9 Feature Image.

1532 words / 7 minutes read

In the ever-evolving landscape of grid generation, the goal of having an autonomous and reliable CFD simulation is the driving force behind progress. We’re thrilled to announce the release of GridPro Version 9, a major update that brings many new features, improvements, and powerful tools to empower users to achieve this vision. This release marks a significant milestone in our commitment to automate structured meshing. We have two new verticals released along with GridPro Version 9:

  1. HexaMesh Volute – Vertical product that automatically meshes compressor, turbine, and pump volutes in less than 15 minutes.
  2. HexaMesh Nuclear Rods – Vertical product to mesh nuclear rods with or without wires in PWR reactors.

This article presents a few highlights. To learn more about other features packed in Version 9, Check out the release notes and What’s New.

To align ourselves with CFD_Vision_2030_Roadmap, we now use ESP as our modelling environment. With the introduction of this new environment, we aim to provide an adequate linkage between GridPro and the upfront CAD system. We have implemented a host of CAD creation tools, which enables users to create basic geometries in GridPro using the CAD panel.

As the first linking step in any Upfront CAD package, GridPro can import the labelling and grouping from any CAD package upstream through our improved STEP file format. The labels created in CAD software can be edited or inherited as surface and boundary labels in the mesh exported from GridPro, creating a seamless integration with the solver downstream.

Video 1: CAD Grouping and Labelling.

In GridPro Version 9, labelling/grouping can also be used to split the underlying surface mesh. In the previous version, surfaces were split to improve the volume mesh quality based on the feature angles, but now users can also split surfaces by utilizing surface labels/groups. This saves time and reduces the manual effort required to select multiple surfaces for splitting purposes.

Video 2: CAD Label-based Surface Splitting.

One of the significant challenges with traditional structured meshing is to dynamically update 3D blocking in the design and analysis of many engineering applications. Especially in scenarios involving shape optimization, moving boundary problems, etc. This requires the user to regenerate the blocks for every design change. It is a tedious and very time-consuming task to recreate a block structure after every design iteration.

GridPro, being a topology-based mesher, could readily accommodate geometry variations without any additional changes to the blocking. However, when geometries have non-uniform scaling, the parts of the block topology have to be moved close to the geometry to be mapped. This could become a time-consuming process, but with the introduction of the Block Mapping tool, the mapping can be done with a few clicks.

Mesh topologically similar geometries using Block Mapping tool in GridPro Version 9.
Figure 2: Topology Mapping Tool.

GridPro’s flexible topology paradigm enables users to create blocks without any restrictions. This sometimes results in the user creating poorly shaped blocks. Though the mesh generation engine smooths the poorly shaped blocks, it increases the mesh convergence time. With the new topology, smoother, irregularly placed blocking is now repositioned to provide a better intuition and speed up the meshing time. With this new feature, the time for grid generation is significantly reduced by an order of magnitude in many cases.

Video 3: Enhanced block positioning by advanced Topology Block Smoother.

To improve hypersonic simulation workflows, GridPro introduces a Shock Alignment feature. This innovation adapts the grid blocks to the shock formed in a baseline solution. By splitting blocks in the shock region and aligning the grid normal to the shock surface, the algorithm enhances simulation accuracy and accelerates convergence. This advancement allows users to achieve faster and more precise results, optimizing their computational fluid dynamics analyses. With GridPro’s Shock Alignment, engineers and researchers can tackle complex hypersonic flows more efficiently and reliably. (Check out the paper published in the AIAA Hypersonics Conference: A Shock Fitting Technique For Hypersonic Flows Using Hexahedral Meshes.)

Figure 9: a. Base grid. b. CFD post-processed result showing shock features. c. Extracted shock surface with the base grid. d. Blocks refined and aligned with the shock feature surface.

In GridPro, we have combined the benefits of unstructured meshing like local refinement, mesh adaptation, and multi-scale meshing by adapting the multi-block structure. This is done with a feature called Nesting, In this version we have released another flavour of nesting called the clamped nest. Clamped nesting aggressively refines the mesh near the geometry while coarsening it outside the region. This technique is particularly effective in creating highly refined regions, especially for LES and DNS simulations.

Figure 8: a. Clamp nesting block pattern. b. Clamp nested mesh around a turbine blade. c. Zoomed view showing the clamp nested mesh at one location.

To speed up the block creation time for repeated geometries, an Array-block replication option is introduced. This provides the capability to replicate a topology in multiple directions. This tool is particularly advantageous when dealing with similar geometric patterns or shapes. Instead of creating the topology individually for each pattern, users can generate one pattern and seamlessly replicate it across self-similar geometric patterns in three different directions. Utilizing the Array feature, users can create blocking for a single periodic section and extend it in the X, Y, and Z directions.

Using 3D Array Tool, a topology can be copied in multiple directions.
Figure 4: 3D Array.

Starting now, the UI enables the creation of higher-order meshes with ease. Users can choose their preferred higher-order format – quadratic, cubic, or quartic – and the tool will automatically adjust the density to the nearest multiple of the selected order for seamless mesh generation.

Users can also import internally or externally generated higher-order grids into the UI for visualization and quality assessment. The meshes can be observed in various modes, including Only Edges, Edges with Corners, Edges with Nodes, and Edges with All Nodes, allowing for a comprehensive examination.

Moreover, users can evaluate mesh quality parameters such as the Jacobian of the higher-order elements and compare them to the native linear mesh for detailed analysis.

With GridPro Version 9, higher order meshes like quadratic, cubic and quartic can be generated.
Figure 3: Higher order meshes.

The local block smoothing feature introduced in GridPro Version 9 provides the user a way to eliminate negative volumes ( folds) in the generated mesh locally. The local smoothing is a post-processing step which can be done in the grid to either improve the grid locally or to eliminate negative volumes.

The smoothing feature offers two schemes: Transfinite Interpolation (TFI) and Partial Differential Equation (PDE) smoothing. TFI-based smoothing is computationally less intensive, while PDE-based smoothing, despite its higher computational cost, proves more effective in areas with high curvature, producing meshes with fewer folds.

Grid block smoothing tool in GridPro Version 9 to enhance folds or elevate the mesh quality in user-selected blocks.
Figure 5: Mesh Smoothing.

In version 9, we provide GUI options to harness the control features in the Grid Schedule function. These are designed to accelerate mesh smoothing by leveraging the multi-grid capabilities of structured meshes. Particularly beneficial for large topologies, the approach involves initially running the topology at a lower density. Once the corners are approximately smoothed and positioned, the smoother can be executed for higher densities, contributing to accelerated grid convergence.

Users can insert additional steps to further customize the smoothing process, effectively breaking down the process into multiple stages. After each step, the smoothing computations automatically resume from the previous state, ensuring a seamless and efficient progression.

Figure 6: Advanced Grid Scheduling.

Now, users can generate multiple Cut Planes, allowing them to create sectional views at various locations and directions. The Cut Plane, employed to clip a portion of a surface or grid, facilitates the examination of its interior, mainly when the area to be meshed is situated inside the surfaces. The enhanced feature of utilizing more than one Cut Plane significantly simplifies the assessment of topology and mesh in complex areas.

Video 4: Multiple-cut planes feature facilitates better examination of topology and mesh in complex areas.

In version 9, we introduced the CAD and Meshing API with Python 3 support, empowering users to automate the meshing workflow with greater control. The updated API provides a comprehensive set of commands, including preprocessing and postprocessing operations. Repetitive tasks and batch operations can also be automated. This significantly reduces the user’s time spent on meshing and enhances productivity, particularly for new designs that follow similar workflows.

The new APIs can be tightly integrated with any CAD or optimization system, making them an excellent tool for automating topologically similar geometries. By leveraging the API, users can streamline their design process, ensuring efficient and consistent high-quality meshes and CFD results across different designs.

Upgrading to GridPro Version 9 ! Existing users can easily upgrade to the latest version, while new users can explore the enhanced capabilities by downloading the software from

Visit our official website to download the latest version of GridPro!

To see these features in action, visit our Youtube Channel: GridPro Version 9 New Features Playlist.

As we continue to evolve and innovate, GridPro Version 9 reflects our commitment to providing you with the best tools and features to ease the workflow of mesh generation and accuracy of your CFD simulations. We believe these new features and tools will increase reliability and change how you mesh.

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► Cooling the Hot Turbine Blade with Winglet Tips
  10 Jan, 2024

Figure 1: Turbine blade with winglet tips. Image source – Ref [1].

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              702 words / 3 minutes read

Winglet Tips are effective design modifications to minimize tip leakage flow and thermal loads in turbine blades. A reduction in leakage losses of up to 35-45 % has been reported.


The design and optimization of gas turbines is a crucial aspect of the energy industry. One aspect that has gained significant attention in recent years is the issue of tip leakage flow in gas turbines. Tip clearances, which are provided between the turbine blade tip and the stationary casing, allow free rotation of the blade and also accommodate mechanical and thermal expansions.

However, this narrow space becomes instrumental in the leakage of hot gases when the pressure difference between the pressure side and the suction side of the flow builds up. This is undesirable as it reduces the turbine efficiency and work output. According to some studies, tip leakage loss could account for one-third of the total aerodynamic loss in turbine rotors. Further, leakage flows bring in extra heat, which raises the blade tip metal temperature, thereby increasing the tip thermal load.

It is, therefore, essential to cool the blade tip and seal the leakage flow. Over the years, various design features have been proposed as a solution. One of the promising features employed in tip design is the use of winglets.

Flow in the narrow turbine blade tip passage. Turbine blade with winglet tips .
Figure 2: Winglet geometry. Image source – Ref [4].

Turbine Blade Winglet Tips

Winglet tips comprise of a blade tip with a central cavity and an outward extension of the cavity rim called the winglet. Different variants are developed based on the outward extent of the winglet, the length of the winglet and the location of the winglet. Figure 3 shows three winglet variants derived from the base geometry of the tip with a cavity. The first two have winglets on the suction side with different lengths, while the third one has a small winglet on the suction side as well as on the pressure side.

Geometric variants in turbine blade winglet design.
Figure 3: Winglet geometric variants. Image source – Ref [1].

Tip Flow Structure

Description of the flow physics around turbine blade tip with cavity.
Figure 4: Flow physics of turbine blade tips with a cavity. Image source – Ref [1]

The flow pattern within the cavity of the winglet-cavity tip is similar to that in the cavity tip. On the blade pressure surface, the flow accelerates toward the trailing edge. On the blade suction surface, the flow accelerates till 60 percent of the tip chord and then decelerates toward the trailing edge. Near the leading edge of the blade tip, the flow enters the tip gap and impinges on the cavity floor of the tip, enhancing the local heat transfer. Then, a vortex forms along the suction side squealer. The vortex within the cavity is called a “cavity vortex.” It is also observed that the flow separates at the pressure-side tip edge, and most of the fluid exits the tip gap straight after entering the tip gap from the pressure-side inlet. Nevertheless, some fluid entering the tip gap mixes with the cavity vortex first and then exits the tip gap. The tip leakage flow exiting the gap rolls up to form a tip leakage vortex.

Meshing Winglet Tips

Structured mesh for a turbine blade with winglets.
Figure 5: Structured multi-block mesh for turbine blade with winglet tips. Image source – Ref [1].

While generating meshes for leakage flow simulations, having a fine mesh in the leakage gap is critical. The narrow gap should be finely resolved with at least 40-50 layers of cells. In the tangential direction across the tip gap, 30 – 40 layers of cells are required to capture the winglet width and 150-160 cell layers to capture the tip gap from the suction side to the pressure side. Such a fine-resolution structured mesh will lead to a total cell count of about 7 to 9 million.

The boundary layer should be fully resolved with an estimated Y+ less than 1, using a slow cell growth rate of 1.1 to 1.2. Grid refinement studies with grids varying from 6 to 10 million have shown to decrease the tip average heat transfer coefficient by about 1.8 to 1.9% with every 2 million increase in cell count.


The average tip heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and total tip head load increase with an increase in tip gap. HTC is observed to be high on the pressure side winglet due to flow separation reattachment and also high on the side surface of the suction side winglet due to impingement of the tip leakage vortex.

Tip winglets are found to decrease tip leakage losses. Because of the long distance between the two squealer rims, the flow mixing inside the cavity is enhanced, and the size of the separation bubble at the top of the suction side squealer is increased, effectively reducing leakage loss. In a low-speed turbine, the winglet cavity tip is observed to reduce loss by 35-45% compared to a flat tip. When it comes to thermal performance, the tip gap size becomes a major influencing factor.

Further Reading


1. “Heat Transfer of Winglet Tips in a Transonic Turbine Cascade”, Fangpan Zhong et al., Article in Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power · September 2016.
2. “Tip gap size effects on thermal performance of cavity-winglet tips in transonic turbine cascade with endwall motion”, Fangpan Zhong et al., J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc. | 2017, 1: 41–54.
3. “Turbine Blade Tip External Cooling Technologies”, Song Xue et al., Aerospace 2018, 5, 90.
4. “Aero-Thermal Performance of Transonic High-Pressure Turbine Blade Tips“, Devin Owen O’Dowd, St John’s College, PhD Thesis, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, 2010.

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► Innovative Turbine Blade Tips to Reduce Tip Leakage Flow
  10 Jan, 2024

Figure 1: Turbine blade with squealer tips.

400 words / 2 minutes read

Revolutionary turbine blade tip designs are critical for minimizing tip leakage losses in gas turbines. Several innovative designs, such as flat tips, squealer tips, tips with winglets and honeycomb cavities, have shown the potential to mitigate this problem.

Importance of Reducing Blade Tip Leakage Losses in Turbine Blades

Turbine efficiency and performance can be improved by minimizing tip leakage losses in the blades. These losses are an unavoidable result of the flow passing through the narrow gap between the blade tip and shroud, mixing with the main flow and causing disruption in the flow pattern. The proportion of tip leakage losses to total aerodynamic loss can be as high as one-third, a significant amount that can reduce turbine output.

By reducing tip leakage losses, a turbine can operate more efficiently, resulting in lower fuel consumption, fewer emissions, and ultimately lower operating costs. In addition, it can prolong the lifespan of the turbine by reducing wear and tear on the blades and other components. Therefore, minimizing tip leakage losses is essential for optimizing the turbine’s performance and ensuring its long-term sustainability.

Figure 2: Structured multiblock mesh for a turbine blade with Winglet. Image sourceReference Paper

The Impact of Blade Tip Clearance on Gas Turbine Performance

Gas turbines use tip clearances between the turbine blade tip and the stationary casing to prevent rubbing and accommodate expansions. Unfortunately, these clearances create aerodynamic losses and leakage, which reduce turbine efficiency and work output. Leakage through the clearance also adds extra heat, increasing the tip metal temperature and thermal load. In high-performance turbines, the tip leakage flow is intense, significantly impacting turbine performance. As a result, developing new or enhanced designs that cool the blade tip and seal the leakage flow is crucial. Proper tip clearance control is vital to optimizing gas turbine performance and output.

Improving Turbine Efficiency: Exploring Innovative Blade Tip Design Features

Over the years, various tip design features have been proposed as a solution, like flat tips, squealer tips, tips with winglets and honeycomb cavities, etc. Unfortunately, less clarity exists in understanding the dominant flow structure, affecting these tip designs’ aerodynamic benefits. Hence, numerical and experimental studies are conducted to study the effects of different tip designs on the aerodynamic performance and cooling requirements.

To learn more about innovative tip designs and their impact on turbine performance, consider reading these three articles:

Further Reading

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► Honeycomb Tips to Reduce Turbine blade Leakage Flows
  10 Jan, 2024

Figure 1: Structured mesh for honeycomb cells using GridPro.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    475 words / 2 minutes read

Honeycomb tips offer a promising solution for mitigating tip leakage flows in turbines. These novel tip designs have shown to be highly effective in reducing tip leakage mass flow rate and aerodynamic losses, outperforming conventional flat tips.


The design of turbine blades, particularly the tips, plays a significant role in determining the efficiency and performance of turbines. Although an unavoidable issue, tip leakage flow can lead to reduced tip loads and increased aerodynamic losses through flow separation and mixing. With the increasing loads handled by high-performance turbines, the intensity of tip leakage flow becomes even more pronounced. To address this, new designs or improvements to existing designs are necessary. One promising solution is using honeycomb tips, which have proven to be effective in reducing the negative effects of tip leakage flow. This article will delve into the advantages of honeycomb tips and how they can improve the performance of high-performance turbines.

Honeycomb Tips

Geometry of honeycomb cavities.
Figure 2: Turbine blade tip with honeycomb cavities. Image source- Ref [3].

The concept of honeycomb tips is a relatively new and innovative approach to blade tip design. This design features multiple hexagonal cavities on the blade tip, usually numbering 60-70 and with a depth of a few millimeters.

Comparison of flow pattern around turbine blade tips with and without honeycomb cavities
Figure 3: Comparison of flow pattern around turbine blade tips with and without honeycomb cavities. Image source Ref [3].

Research has revealed that honeycomb tips have favourable characteristics for inhibiting tip leakage flow. Part of the leakage flow enters the hexagonal cavities and creates small vortices. These vortices mix with the upper leakage fluid, which leads to an increase in resistance in the clearance space, suppressing the tip leakage flow and reducing the size and intensity of the leakage vortex. Additionally, the use of honeycomb tips allows for a tighter build clearance compared to a flat tip, as contact is less damaging.

Honeycomb Tip Design Variants

flow pattern in honeycomb tips with coolant injection.
Figure 4: Geometry and flow pattern for the honeycomb tip geometry with injection. Image source – Ref [2].

There are various modifications to the standard design of honeycomb tips. One such variation involves injecting coolant from the bottom of each hexagonal cavity to enhance heat transfer at the blade tip. Simulations have demonstrated that this design results in a reduction of up to 26.7% in the tip leakage mass flow rate and a decrease of approximately 4.6% in the total pressure loss coefficient compared to a flat tip.

Geometry of composite honey comb cavities.
Figure 5: Geometry for the composite honeycomb cavities. Image source – Ref [3].

Another variation of honeycomb tips is the composite honeycomb tip, which features an additional lower frustum in addition to the upper hexagonal prism. Studies have indicated that this design leads to a reduction of up to 16.81% in the tip leakage mass flow rate and a decrease of 5.49% in losses.

Thus, both variations of honeycomb tips show great promise in significantly enhancing the performance of turbine blades.

Meshing the Honeycomb Tips

Hexahedral meshes accurately captures the turbine blade with honeycomb tips
Figure 6: Hexahedral meshes for a turbine blade with honeycomb tips. Image source – Ref [1].

To effectively capture the effects of these tiny honeycomb cavities, finely resolved mesh is essential. The boundary layer needs to be fully resolved with Y+ around 1. With 60-70 cavities, the total cell count could reach 5-6 million, with each cavity requiring about 0.0075 million cells for proper discretization. Such a fine mesh is necessary to precisely capture the tip vortex and the small cavity vortices, as well as the interactions between them.


Honeycomb tips offer a promising solution for mitigating tip leakage flows in turbines. These novel tip designs have proven to be highly effective in reducing the tip leakage mass flow rate and aerodynamic losses, outperforming conventional flat tips. The cavity vortices created within the honeycomb design effectively control the leakage flow, making it a viable option for various clearance gaps. Overall, honeycomb tips have the potential to significantly improve the performance of turbines.

Further Reading


1. “Effect of clearance height on tip leakage flow reduced by a honeycomb tip in a turbine cascade”, Fu Chen et al., Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 0(0) 1–13.
2. “Effect of cooling injection on the leakage flow of a turbine cascade with honeycomb tip”, Yabo Wang et al., Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 690–703.
3. “Parameter optimization of the composite honeycomb tip in a turbine cascade”, Yabo Wang et al., Energy, 22 February 2020.

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► Effective Control of Turbine Blade Tip Vortices Using Squealer Tips
  10 Jan, 2024

Figure 1: Turbine blade with squealer tips.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1005 words / 5 minutes read

Squealer tips solve various challenges in the turbine blade tip gap region, such as reducing tip leakage flow and protecting blade tips from high-temperature gases. Further, they also improve design clearance through their sealing properties.


To improve turbine aerodynamic performance, reducing tip leakage loss is important. However, due to the existing radial gap between the rotating blades and the stationary casing, tip leakage flow is inevitable. When the leakage flow mixes with the main flow, leakage losses occur, which can be as large as one-third of the total blade passage loss. This huge loss highlights the importance of controlling tip leakage loss for the efficient operation of turbines.

Efforts to minimize tip leakage losses are carried out by improving blade tip designs. Turbine blades come in two types – shrouded and unshrouded. It is in unshrouded blades where this tip leakage loss is prominent. So, many tip shape designs like flat tips, squealer tips, tips with winglets and honeycomb cavities, etc., are developed to reduce leakage loss. Out of these, squealer tips have gained the most attention because of their excellent aerodynamic performance.

Unfortunately, less clarity exists in understanding the dominant flow structure, which affects the aerodynamic benefits of the squealer tip. Hence, numerical and experimental studies are conducted to study the effects of different tip designs on the aerodynamic performance and cooling requirements.

Squealer Tip Variants

Geometric variants in squealer tips
Figure 2: Geometric variants in squealer tip design. a. Variation in rim thickness and cavity depth. b. Variation in rim length. Image source – Ref [4,2].

Squealers comprise a boundary rim encircling the blade tip periphery and a central cavity. While doing parametric geometry optimization, the rim thickness and the cavity depth are varied to generate different variants, as shown in Figure 2a.

Squealer variants are also generated by varying the rim length along the blade tip periphery. Partial rims on the suction side are called suction-side squealers, and those on the pressure side are called pressure-side squealers, while squealers with rim running all along the tip periphery are called double-side squealers or simply squealers. Figure 2b shows this class of squealers.

Each variant uniquely modifies the flow to bring in favourable performance benefits. Moving from left to right in Figure 2a, the blade heat-flux increases with an increase in efficiency. Design A, with the rim removed at both the leading edge and trailing edge of the blade, provides the lowest heat flux. Design B, with increased suction side rim length, provides increased efficiency, while Design C, which is nothing but Design B with winglets or overhang, provides the highest efficiency.

The opening at the LE and TE bring in beneficial effects. The opening at the TE increases the strength of the cavity vortex and improves its sealing effectiveness. On the other hand, the opening at the LE allows some flow to enter the cavity, reducing the angle mismatch between the leakage and the main flow. Overall, the combination of LE and TE openings has a positive effect on heat transfer.

Flow Physics Around Squealer Tips

Flow physics - Vortices in the tip region and flow pattern in each cross-section.
Figure 3: a. Vortices in the tip region. b. Flow pattern in each cross-section. Image source – Ref [1].

The squealer tip cavity is home to many vortices, such as the cavity vortex, scraping vortex and the corner vortex. When these vortices’ characteristics change, they alter the mixing of leakage flow inside the cavity and the separation bubble at the top of the suction side squealer. This modifies the controlling effect of the squealer tip on the leakage flow.

Out of the many vortices, the scraping vortex is the most dominant flow structure, which plays a critical role in leakage loss reduction. It forms an aero-labyrinth-like sealing effect inside the cavity. Through this effect, the scraping vortex increases the energy dissipation of leakage flow inside the gap and reduces the equivalent flow area at the gap outlet. The discharge coefficient of the squealer tip is therefore decreased, and the tip leakage loss is reduced accordingly.

So when we vary the blade tip load distribution and also the squealer geometry, the scraping vortex characteristics, such as the size, intensity and position inside the cavity, change, resulting in a different controlling effect on leakage loss.

Geometrically, the squealer height also matters. It has an optimum value, and any deviation from it will cause a reduction in the size of the scraping vortex, leading to lesser effectiveness in controlling the leakage loss.

Meshing the Squealer Tips

Usually, hexahedral meshes are preferred for turbine blade simulations because of their low dissipation quality. An H-type topology is used for the main regions of the computational domain, while an O-type topology is used in the near vicinity of the blade wall and inside the tip gap. When doing simulations for multiple squealer tip variants, it is better to use the same topology and do minimal alteration only if needed to avoid numerical discrepancy.

The boundary layer needs to be fully resolved with Y+ less than one. Since the tip gap is the source for vortex generation, recirculation, flow separation and reattachment, it is quintessential to have a high resolution of the tip gap. Also, the point placement on the blade near the tip in the spanwise direction is made finer.

Structured meshes for Flat tip and Squealer tip.
Figure 4: Structured meshes for a. Flat tip. b. Squealer tip. Image source – Ref [1].

Before undertaking an optimisation study to find the best-performing squealer variant, it is better to conduct a grid independence study to eliminate the grid effect on the solution and also to converge on the optimal mesh number. Firstly, since the tip gap is of utmost importance, the radial mesh in the gap can be varied from 10 to 50 and analysed.

squealer tips: Comparison of leakage flow rate and Comparison of flow details in the tip gap.
Figure 5: a. Comparison of leakage flow rate. b. Comparison of flow details in the tip gap. Image source – Ref [1].

Figure 5a shows one such analysis where the difference in leakage flow rates is observed to be becoming smaller with an increase in mesh number. When the mesh number exceeds that of Grid 4, the change in leakage flow rate is less than 0.3%.

Figure 5b shows the flow field in the middle of the gap. As can be observed, the flow field in the gap doesn’t change beyond level Grid 4 refinement, with about 37 layers in the gap.

squealer tips:  Comparisons of radial distributions of aerodynamic parameters in the rotor
Figure 6: Comparisons of radial distributions of aerodynamic parameters in the rotor
Image source – Ref [1].

Figure 6 shows another plot of solution variation with grid refinement at the rotor outlet. With the increase in gap mesh numbers, the numerical discrepancies caused by different mesh numbers are gradually reduced. Carrying out such similar grid-independent analyses at other positions and directions will help us to converge on to a mesh with optimal refinement at all critical locations.


Squealer tip serves as an effective tool in reducing tip leakage flow. They also protect the blade tips from the full impact of the high-temperature leakage gases. Lastly, they act as a seal and help in achieving a tighter design clearance in the tip gap region.

By making a reasonable choice in geometric parameters and proper blade loading distribution, the scraping vortex in squealer tips can be better regulated to reduce tip leakage flow.

Further Reading


1. “Dominant flow structure in the squealer tip gap and its impact on turbine aerodynamic performance”, Zhengping Zou et al., Energy 138 (2017) 167-184.
2. “Numerical investigations of different tip designs for shroudless turbine blades”, Stefano Caloni et al., Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 2016, Vol. 230(7) 709–720.
3. “Aerodynamic Character of Partial Squealer Tip Arrangements In An Axial Flow Turbine”, Levent Kavurmacioglu et al., 200x Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
4. “Aerothermal and aerodynamic performance of turbine blade squealer tip under the influence of guide vane passing wake”, Bo Zhang et al., Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 0(0) 1–20.

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The post Effective Control of Turbine Blade Tip Vortices Using Squealer Tips appeared first on GridPro Blog.

Hanley Innovations top

► What's the Best CFD or Aerodynamics Software for Beginners
  30 Aug, 2024

Qualities of a Good CFD and Aerodynamics Software for Beginners

When choosing a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software for beginners, it's essential to consider factors that balance ease of use with computational power. Here are some key qualities to look for:

1. User-Friendly Interface:

  • Intuitive GUI: A simple and intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easier to learn and use the software.
  • Clear Documentation: Comprehensive documentation and tutorials can help beginners understand the software's features and functionalities.

2. Robust Solver:

  • Accuracy: The solver should provide accurate solutions to a wide range of fluid flow problems.
  • Stability: The solver should be stable and reliable, even for complex simulations.

3. Meshing Capabilities:

  • Automatic Meshing: The software should offer automatic meshing tools to simplify the process of creating high-quality meshes.
  • Mesh Refinement: The ability to refine the mesh in specific regions can improve solution accuracy.

4. Visualization Tools:

  • Clear Visualization: The software should provide clear and customizable visualization tools to help users understand the results of their simulations.
  • Post-Processing Features: Built-in features for compute lift, drag and moments that are essential for designing a stable and efficient aircraft .

5. Support:

  • Technical Support: Reliable technical support from the software vendor can be helpful for troubleshooting and getting answers to questions.  For example, Hanley Innovations provide free technical support for our aerodynamics and computational fluid dynamics software.

6. Learning Resources:

  • Tutorials and Examples: The software should come with tutorials and examples to help beginners get started and learn best practices.  These include tutorials and YouTube videos to clearly convey the concepts.

7. Scalability:

  • Hardware Compatibility: The software should be compatible with various hardware configurations, allowing users to scale up their simulations as needed.  Most beginners have Windows laptops and desktops.  Stallion 3D and other aerodynamics software run natively on Windows 7, 10 and 11.

8. Cost-Effective:

  • Licensing Options: Consider the licensing options and pricing to ensure the software fits your budget.

Popular Aerodynamics software Software Options for Beginners offered by Hanley Innovations are:

  • VisualFoil 5.0: An easy-to-use software package with built-in UIUC airfoil database, plotting tools and and graphs.
  • MultiSurface Aerodynamics and 3DFoil:  Easy to use software based on the vortex lattice method for simulating wing and other lifting surfaces.
  • Stallion 3D:  A 3D aerodynamics software based on CFD RANS approach with strong meshing and visualization tools.

By considering these factors, you can start to work on your aerodynamics and make significant progress in a short period of time.

► Mapping CFD Data to a STL Geometry in Paraview Using Stallion 3D
  20 Feb, 2024


Here are instructions on how to import a surface CSV file from Stallion 3D into ParaView using the Point Dataset Interpolator:*

In Stallion 3D

  • Export the computational fluids dynamics (CFD) surface data as a CSV file
  • Export the volume data also as a CSV file

Open ParaView.

  • Click "File" > "Open".
  • Navigate to your CSV file and select it.
  •  Click "OK".

Convert CSV to points:

  •  In the "Pipeline Browser", click on the CSV file.
  • -Click "Filters" > "Alphabetical" > "Table To Points".
  • -Set "X Column", "Y Column", and "Z Column" to the appropriate column names in your CSV file.
  • Click " OK".

Load the target surface mesh:

  • Click "File" > "Open".
  • Navigate to your surface mesh file (e.g., VTK, STL, OBJ) and select it.
  • Click "OK".

 Apply Point Dataset Interpolator:

  • Click on the "Table To Points" output in the "Pipeline Browser".
  • Click "Filters" > "Alphabetical" > "Point Dataset Interpolator".
  • Set "Source" to the target surface mesh.
  • Set "Input" to the "Table To Points" output.
  • Click "Apply".

5. Visualize:

  • Click on the "Point Dataset Interpolator" output in the "Pipeline Browser".
  • The interpolated data should now be mapped onto the surface mesh.
  • Use ParaView's rendering and visualization options to create the desired visual representation.

More information about Stallion 3D can be found at:
► Hanley Innovations: Streamlining Your Designs with Airfoil, Wing & CFD Simulation Software
  14 Jan, 2024

Take flight with your next project! Hanley Innovations offers powerful software solutions for airfoil design, wing analysis, and CFD simulations.

Here's what's taking off:

  • MultiElement Airfoils: Master the interaction of flaps, slats, and spoilers for optimal performance. Analyze isolated or multiple airfoils, compressible or incompressible flow.
  • 3DFoil & MultiSurface Aero: Design and analyze 3D wings, hydrofoils, and other surfaces with ease. Vortex lattice method delivers rapid results for lift, drag, and stability.
  • Stallion 3D: Dive into accurate CFD simulations. User-friendly, cost-effective, and MS Windows compatible. Grid generation, graphs, tables – everything you need in one package.

Hanley Innovations: Empowering engineers, students, and enthusiasts to turn aerodynamic dreams into reality.

Ready to soar? Visit and take your designs to new heights.

Stay tuned for more updates!

#airfoil #cfd #wingdesign #aerodynamics #iAerodynamics

► Stallion 3D exports CSV Files to Paraview 🛩️
  11 Jan, 2024

Stallion 3D is the ideal tool to get your analysis started and completed as quickly as possible.

Stallion 3D has updated features for accurate analysis

  • Export results to CSV files and then into Paraview (see picture above)
  • Faster numerical convergence
  • Compute lift, drag and moment coefficients for your unique vehicle shape and determine its performance
  • Analyze wing, bodies and other shapes with high fidelity RANS CFD and predict stall
  • Find stability derivatives
  • Add the effect of prop-wash using the built-in propeller models (actuator disks)
  • Start your analysis with the Stallion 3D built-in wing editor and thousands of airfoils

Stallion 3D 5.0  provides state of the art external aerodynamic analysis of your 3D designs directly on your Windows PC or Laptop.  It will run on Windows 7 to 11. 

Find out more
by visiting

► 3DFoil is Wing Aerodynamics Made Easy 🙏
    1 Nov, 2023

Why use 3DFoil 🤔

There are several reasons why you might use 3DFoil for wing analysis:

  • Accuracy: 3DFoil is known for its accuracy in predicting the lift, drag, and moments of 3D wings. This is due to its use of a novel numerical algorithm that couples the vortex lattice method with a linear strength panel method.
  • Speed: 3DFoil is a very fast software package, making it ideal for parametric studies and optimization.
  • Ease of use: 3DFoil has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up and run simulations.
  • Affordability: 3DFoil is relatively affordable, making it a good option for students and hobbyists.

Here are some specific examples of when you might want to use 3DFoil:

  • To design a new wing for an aircraft or other vehicle
  • To analyze the performance of an existing wing design
  • To troubleshoot problems with an existing wing design
  • To optimize a wing design for a specific performance goal
  • To educate yourself about the principles of wing aerodynamics

If you are looking for an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use wing analysis software package, 3DFoil is a good option to consider.

Here are some additional benefits of using 3DFoil:

  • 3DFoil can be used to analyze wings with taper, twist, dihedral angles, and sweep.
  • 3DFoil can be used to analyze wings with multiple airfoils.
  • 3DFoil provides a variety of visualization options, including contour plots and graphs.
  • 3DFoil is actively developed and supported by Hanley Innovations.

Overall, 3DFoil is a good choice for wing analysis if you are looking for an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use software package.

More information about 3DFoil can be found at:

► Aerodynamics of a golf ball
  29 Mar, 2022

 Stallion 3D is an aerodynamics analysis software package that can be used to analyze golf balls in flight. The software runs on MS Windows 10 & 11 and can compute the lift, drag and moment coefficients to determine the trajectory.  The STL file, even with dimples, can be read directly into Stallion 3D for analysis.

What we learn from the aerodynamics:

  • The spinning golf ball produces lift and drag similar to an airplane wing
  • Trailing vortices can be seen at the "wing tips"
  • The extra lift helps the ball to travel further

Stallion 3D strengths are:

  • The built-in Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations provide high fidelity CFD solutions
  • The grid is generated automatically 
  • Built-in  menus are used to specify speed, angle, altitude and even spin
  • Built-in visualization
  • The numbers are generated to compute the trajectory of the ball
  • The software runs on your laptop or desktop under Windows 7, 10 and 11
More information about Stallion 3D can be found at
Thanks for reading 🙋

CFD and others... top

► Note on RANS, Hybrid RANS/LES, WRLES, WMLES and SGS Models
  25 Dec, 2023

 In the computation of turbulent flow, there are three main approaches: Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), large eddy simulation (LES), and direct numerical simulation (DNS). LES and DNS belong to the scale-resolving methods, in which some turbulent scales (or eddies) are resolved rather than modeled. In contrast to LES, all turbulent scales are modeled in RANS.

Another scale-resolving method is the hybrid RANS/LES approach, in which the boundary layer is computed with a RANS approach while some turbulent scales outside the boundary layer are resolved, as shown in Figure 1. In this figure, the red arrows denote resolved turbulent eddies and their relative size. 

Depending on whether near-wall eddies are resolved or modeled, LES can be further divided into two types: wall-resolved LES (WRLES) and wall-modeled LES (WMLES). To resolve the near-wall eddies, the mesh needs to have enough resolution in both the wall-normal (y+ ~ 1) and wall-parallel directions (x+ and z+ ~ 10-50) in terms of the wall viscous scale as shown in Figure 1. For high-Reyolds number flows, the cost of resolving these near-wall eddies can be prohibitively high because of their small size. 

In WMLES, the eddies in the outer part of the boundary layer are resolved while the near-wall eddies are modeled as shown in Figure 1. The near-wall mesh size in both the wall-normal and wall-parallel directions is on the order of a fraction of the boundary layer thickness. Wall-model data in the form of velocity, density, and viscosity are obtained from the eddy-resolved region of the boundary layer and used to compute the wall shear stress. The shear stress is then used as a boundary condition to update the flow variables.    

Figure 1. An illustration of RANS, hybrid RANS/LES, WRLES, and WMLES approaches

I discussed the role of sub-grid scale (SGS) models for WRLES in an earlier blog post in 2017. For adaptive high-order methods such as the discontinuous Galerkin (DG), spectral difference (SD), and flux reconstruction/correction procedure via reconstruction (FR/CPR) methods, the best results are obtained without any explicit SGS models (called implicit LES or ILES) because of the embedded numerical dissipation. With enough mesh resolution, the physical and numerical dissipations appear sufficient to stabilize WRLES.

In WMLES, the near-wall turbulent scales are severely under-resolved. As a result, ILES is usually not stable without other stabilizing techniques such as filtering, limiting et al. We recently experimented with explicit SGS models such as the Smagorinsky, WALE, and Vreman models for WMLES. Through comparison with channel flow DNS data, the Vreman model was found to achieve the most accurate and consistent results. 

In summary, we advocate ILES for WRLES and the Vreman model for WMLES with adaptive high-order methods such as DG, SD, and FR/CPR. 



► Is High-Order Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation Ready for Prime Time?
  27 Dec, 2022

During the past summer, AIAA successfully organized the 4th High Lift Prediction Workshop (HLPW-4) concurrently with the 3rd Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop (GMGW-3), and the results are documented on a NASA website. For the first time in the workshop's history, scale-resolving approaches have been included in addition to the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach. Such approaches were covered by three Technology Focus Groups (TFGs): High Order Discretization, Hybrid RANS/LES, Wall-Modeled LES (WMLES) and Lattice-Boltzmann.

The benchmark problem is the well-known NASA high-lift Common Research Model (CRM-HL), which is shown in the following figure. It contains many difficult-to-mesh features such as narrow gaps and slat brackets. The Reynolds number based on the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is 5.49 million, which makes wall-resolved LES (WRLES) prohibitively expensive.

The geometry of the high lift Common Research Model

University of Kansas (KU) participated in two TFGs: High Order Discretization and WMLES. We learned a lot during the productive discussions in both TFGs. Our workshop results demonstrated the potential of high-order LES in reducing the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) but also contained some inconsistency in the surface oil-flow prediction. After the workshop, we continued to refine the WMLES methodology. With the addition of an explicit subgrid-scale (SGS) model, the wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) model, and the use of an isotropic tetrahedral mesh produced by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, we obtained very good results in comparison to the experimental data. 

At the angle of attack of 19.57 degrees (free-air), the computed surface oil flows agree well with the experiment with a 4th-order method using a mesh of 2 million isotropic tetrahedral elements (for a total of 42 million DOFs/equation), as shown in the following figures. The pizza-slice-like separations and the critical points on the engine nacelle are captured well. Almost all computations produced a separation bubble on top of the nacelle, which was not observed in the experiment. This difference may be caused by a wire near the tip of the nacelle used to trip the flow in the experiment. The computed lift coefficient is within 2.5% of the experimental value. A movie is shown here.        

Comparison of surface oil flows between computation and experiment 

Comparison of surface oil flows between computation and experiment 

Here are some lessons we learned from this case. Besides the space and time discretization methods, the computational mesh and the SGS model strongly affect WMLES results. 
  • Since we obtain wall model data from the 2nd element away from the wall, it is important that isotropic elements be used near solid walls to ensure that turbulent eddies are resolved well there. That's why we prefer tetrahedral elements for complex geometries since one can always generate isotropic elements. In other words, inviscid meshes are preferred for WMLES!

  • For very under-resolved turbulent flow, the use of an explicit SGS model such as WALE produces more accurate and robust results than a shock-capturing limiter. It is quite difficult to determine the appropriate amount of limiting.  
The recent progress has been documented in an AIAA Journal paper, and an upcoming conference paper in SciTech 2023. The latest high-order results indicate that high-order LES can reduce the total DOFs by an order of magnitude compared to 2nd order methods. We believe it is ready for prime time for high-lift configurations, turbomachinery, and race car aerodynamics. You are welcome to try high-order WMLES by getting the flow solver from   

► A Benchmark for Scale Resolving Simulation with Curved Walls
  28 Jun, 2021

Multiple international workshops on high-order CFD methods (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) have demonstrated the advantage of high-order methods for scale-resolving simulation such as large eddy simulation (LES) and direct numerical simulation (DNS). The most popular benchmark from the workshops has been the Taylor-Green (TG) vortex case. I believe the following reasons contributed to its popularity:

  • Simple geometry and boundary conditions;
  • Simple and smooth initial condition;
  • Effective indicator for resolution of disparate space/time scales in a turbulent flow.

Using this case, we are able to assess the relative efficiency of high-order schemes over a 2nd order one with the 3-stage SSP Runge-Kutta algorithm for time integration. The 3rd order FR/CPR scheme turns out to be 55 times faster than the 2nd order scheme to achieve a similar resolution. The results will be presented in the upcoming 2021 AIAA Aviation Forum.

Unfortunately the TG vortex case cannot assess turbulence-wall interactions. To overcome this deficiency, we recommend the well-known Taylor-Couette (TC) flow, as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Schematic of the Taylor-Couette flow (r_i/r_o = 1/2)

The problem has a simple geometry and boundary conditions. The Reynolds number (Re) is based on the gap width and the inner wall velocity. When Re is low (~10), the problem has a steady laminar solution, which can be used to verify the order of accuracy for high-order mesh implementations. We choose Re = 4000, at which the flow is turbulent. In addition, we mimic the TG vortex by designing a smooth initial condition, and also employing enstrophy as the resolution indicator. Enstrophy is the integrated vorticity magnitude squared, which has been an excellent resolution indicator for the TG vortex. Through a p-refinement study, we are able to establish the DNS resolution. The DNS data can be used to evaluate the performance of LES methods and tools. 


Figure 2. Enstrophy histories in a p-refinement study

A movie showing the transition from a regular laminar flow to a turbulent one is posted here. One can clearly see vortex generation, stretching, tilting, breakdown in the transition process. Details of the benchmark problem has been published in Advances in Aerodynamics.
► The Darkest Hour Before Dawn
    2 Jan, 2021

Happy 2021!

The year of 2020 will be remembered in history more than the year of 1918, when the last great pandemic hit the globe. As we speak, daily new cases in the US are on the order of 200,000, while the daily death toll oscillates around 3,000. According to many infectious disease experts, the darkest days may still be to come. In the next three months, we all need to do our very best by wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and washing our hands. We are also seeing a glimmer of hope with several recently approved COVID vaccines.

2020 will be remembered more for what Trump tried and is still trying to do, to overturn the results of a fair election. His accusations of wide-spread election fraud were proven wrong in Georgia and Wisconsin through multiple hand recounts. If there was any truth to the accusations, the paper recounts would have uncovered the fraud because computer hackers or software cannot change paper votes.

Trump's dictatorial habits were there for the world to see in the last four years. Given another 4-year term, he might just turn a democracy into a Trump dictatorship. That's precisely why so many voted in the middle of a pandemic. Biden won the popular vote by over 7 million, and won the electoral college in a landslide. Many churchgoers support Trump because they dislike Democrats' stances on abortion, LGBT rights, et al. However, if a Trump dictatorship becomes reality, religious freedom may not exist any more in the US. 

Is the darkest day going to be January 6th, 2021, when Trump will make a last-ditch effort to overturn the election results in the Electoral College certification process? Everybody knows it is futile, but it will give Trump another opportunity to extort money from his supporters.   

But, the dawn will always come. Biden will be the president on January 20, 2021, and the pandemic will be over, perhaps as soon as 2021.

The future of CFD is, however, as bright as ever. On the front of large eddy simulation (LES), high-order methods and GPU computing are making LES more efficient and affordable. See a recent story from GE.

the darkest hour is just before dawn...

► Facts, Myths and Alternative Facts at an Important Juncture
  21 Jun, 2020
We live in an extraordinary time in modern human history. A global pandemic did the unthinkable to billions of people: a nearly total lock-down for months.  Like many universities in the world, KU closed its doors to students since early March of 2020, and all courses were offered online.

Millions watched in horror when George Floyd was murdered, and when a 75 year old man was shoved to the ground and started bleeding from the back of his skull...

Meanwhile, Trump and his allies routinely ignore facts, fabricate alternative facts, and advocate often-debunked conspiracy theories to push his agenda. The political system designed by the founding fathers is assaulted from all directions. The rule of law and the free press are attacked on a daily basis. One often wonders how we managed to get to this point, and if the political system can survive the constant sabotage...It appears the struggle between facts, myths and alternative facts hangs in the balance.

In any scientific discipline, conclusions are drawn, and decisions are made based on verifiable facts. Of course, we are humans, and honest mistakes can be made. There are others, who push alternative facts or misinformation with ulterior motives. Unfortunately, mistaken conclusions and wrong beliefs are sometimes followed widely and become accepted myths. Fortunately, we can always use verifiable scientific facts to debunk them.

There have been many myths in CFD, and quite a few have been rebutted. Some have continued to persist. I'd like to refute several in this blog. I understand some of the topics can be very controversial, but I welcome fact-based debate.

Myth No. 1 - My LES/DNS solution has no numerical dissipation because a central-difference scheme is used.

A central finite difference scheme is indeed free of numerical dissipation in space. However, the time integration scheme inevitably introduces both numerical dissipation and dispersion. Since DNS/LES is unsteady in nature, the solution is not free of numerical dissipation.  

Myth No. 2 - You should use non-dissipative schemes in LES/DNS because upwind schemes have too much numerical dissipation.

It sounds reasonable, but far from being true. We all agree that fully upwind schemes (the stencil shown in Figure 1) are bad. Upwind-biased schemes, on the other hand, are not necessarily bad at all. In fact, in a numerical test with the Burgers equation [1], the upwind biased scheme performed better than the central difference scheme because of its smaller dispersion error. In addition, the numerical dissipation in the upwind-biased scheme makes the simulation more robust since under-resolved high-frequency waves are naturally damped.   

Figure 1. Various discretization stencils for the red point
The Riemann solver used in the DG/FR/CPR scheme also introduces a small amount of dissipation. However, because of its small dispersion error, it out-performs the central difference and upwind-biased schemes. This study shows that both dissipation and dispersion characteristics are equally important. Higher order schemes clearly perform better than a low order non-dissipative central difference scheme.  

Myth No. 3 - Smagorisky model is a physics based sub-grid-scale (SGS) model.

There have been numerous studies based on experimental or DNS data, which show that the SGS stress produced with the Smagorisky model does not correlate with the true SGS stress. The role of the model is then to add numerical dissipation to stablize the simulations. The model coefficient is usually determined by matching a certain turbulent energy spectrum. The fact suggests that the model is purely numerical in nature, but calibrated for certain numerical schemes using a particular turbulent energy spectrum. This calibration is not universal because many simulations produced worse results with the model.

► What Happens When You Run a LES on a RANS Mesh?
  27 Dec, 2019

Surely, you will get garbage because there is no way your LES will have any chance of resolving the turbulent boundary layer. As a result, your skin friction will be way off. Therefore, your drag and lift will be a total disaster.

To actually demonstrate this point of view, we recently embarked upon a numerical experiment to run an implicit large eddy simulation (ILES) of the NASA CRM high-lift configuration from the 3rd AIAA High-Lift Prediction Workshop. The flow conditions are: Mach = 0.2, Reynolds number = 3.26 million based on the mean aerodynamic chord, and the angle of attack = 16 degrees.

A quadratic (Q2) mesh was generated by Dr. Steve Karman of Pointwise, and is shown in Figure 1.

 Figure 1. Quadratic mesh for the NASA CRM high-lift configuration (generated by Pointwise)

The mesh has roughly 2.2 million mixed elements, and is highly clustered near the wall with an average equivalent y+ value smaller than one. A p-refinement study was conducted to assess the mesh sensitivity using our high-order LES tool based on the FR/CPR method, hpMusic. Simulations were performed with solution polynomial degrees of p = 1, 2 and 3, corresponding to 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders in accuracy respectively. No wall-model was used. Needless to say, the higher order simulations captured finer turbulence scales, as shown in Figure 2, which displays the iso-surfaces of the Q-criteria colored by the Mach number.    

p = 1

p = 2

p = 3
Figure 2. Iso-surfaces of the Q-criteria colored by the Mach number

Clearly the flow is mostly laminar on the pressure side, and transitional/turbulent on the suction side of the main wing and the flap. Although the p = 1 simulation captured the least scales, it still correctly identified the laminar and turbulent regions. 

The drag and lift coefficients from the present p-refinement study are compared with experimental data from NASA in Table I. Although the 2nd order results (p = 1) are quite different than those of higher orders, the 3rd and 4th order results are very close, demonstrating very good p-convergence in both the lift and drag coefficients. The lift agrees better with experimental data than the drag, bearing in mind that the experiment has wind tunnel wall effects, and other small instruments which are not present in the computational model. 

Table I. Comparison of lift and drag coefficients with experimental data

p = 1
p = 2
p = 3

This exercise seems to contradict the common sense logic stated in the beginning of this blog. So what happened? The answer is that in this high-lift configuration, the dominant force is due to pressure, rather than friction. In fact, 98.65% of the drag and 99.98% of the lift are due to the pressure force. For such flow problems, running a LES on a RANS mesh (with sufficient accuracy) may produce reasonable predictions in drag and lift. More studies are needed to draw any definite conclusion. We would like to hear from you if you have done something similar.

This study will be presented in the forthcoming AIAA SciTech conference, to be held on January 6th to 10th, 2020 in Orlando, Florida. 

AirShaper top

► AI Propeller Design Optimization
  29 Aug, 2024
Using surrogate models and CFD to improve propeller performance
► OpenFOAM Convergence detection
    1 Jun, 2024
Open source library for convergence detection and averaging in OpenFOAM
► World’s most aerodynamic suits - Interview with Deanna Panting, founder of Qwixskinz.
  31 Jul, 2023
Aerodynamic clothing can make a substantial difference when it comes to aerodynamic drag. Over the years, Qwixskinz has helped numerous athletes win medals & break records.
► Free Speed: how properly designed clothing can make Olympic athletes faster.
    5 Jul, 2023
Free Speed: how properly designed clothing can make Olympic athletes faster.
► How does a Wind Tunnel work?
    9 Jun, 2023
We discover how a closed loop Wind Tunnel works and the techniques used to condition the airflow to achieve accurate results.
► Reducing the drag of an AUV with AirShaper
  17 May, 2023
AUVs are becoming essential research tools for oceanographers, but the range of the onboard battery limits the lengths of missions. AirShaper CFD software was used to reduce the drag and improve the hydrodynamic efficiency of a new AUV design, increasing its range.

Convergent Science Blog top

► Behind the Scenes of Autonomous Meshing: An Interview With Kelly Senecal
  15 Aug, 2024

If you’ve ever talked to someone who works at Convergent Science, you will undoubtedly have heard us extolling the virtues of CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing. Got a complicated geometry? No problem! Moving boundaries? Easy! No time to waste on meshing? We’ve got you covered!

This enthusiasm, we would argue, is not unwarranted—CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing strategy was truly a novel innovation. So much so that when CONVERGE was first released, the Convergent Science founders were met with more than a little skepticism. As Convergent Science Co-Founder Kelly Senecal puts it, “Nobody believed us.” The founders had to prove the worth of this new feature, asking companies to provide their hardest geometry so they could see for themselves that, in a matter of minutes, the geometry could be up and running in CONVERGE.

Fast forward 16 years, and CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing has become the industry gold standard. As other CFD solvers are releasing their own versions of automated meshing, I wanted to find out what it is that makes CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing different. To do so, I sat down and talked with Kelly, one of the original developers of CONVERGE and, arguably, the number one fan of autonomous meshing. 

CONVERGE simulation of the Potsdam propeller test case, showing the mesh on the mid-plane colored by velocity. CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing easily accommodates the motion of the propeller, and velocity-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement efficiently captures the propeller wake.

To start off, what exactly is autonomous meshing?

Kelly Senecal
Co-Founder and Owner of Convergent Science

Autonomous meshing is truly automated meshing, in the sense that the user just has to supply a few parameters in the user interface, and all the actual meshing is done at runtime by CONVERGE. So it takes the meshing completely out of the hands of the user. You still have control over the mesh, though. As a user, you can define fixed embedding regions if you know ahead of time that you want to have fine resolution near a boundary, for example. CONVERGE also uses Adaptive Mesh Refinement—at every time-step the code is intelligently figuring out where mesh is needed and where mesh can be removed based on the flow physics to be very efficient with the cell count.

What prompted you, Keith, and Eric to develop an automated meshing approach?

We spent a lot of time during our graduate school days, and during the early days of Convergent Science back when it was a consulting company, making meshes for people in a code called KIVA. And even though we could do it relatively quickly—we had created tools to help us—it could still take days or even weeks to make a mesh for a complicated geometry. And when you’re an engineer, you want to spend your time running your CFD simulations, analyzing results, and using them to make design decisions; you don’t want to spend all your time making meshes. So that’s what motivated us. We thought there had to be a better way. 

What was the process like writing the code for autonomous meshing?

That’s a good question. Scary? Because we didn’t know if it was going to work or not. And we had some missteps. We originally based the code around an immersed boundary method, as opposed to the modified cut-cell Cartesian approach we use now. We thought the immersed boundary method could work, and we got something running—not quickly exactly, it probably took a year and a half to get the code up and running for a 3D engine simulation. But we realized it wasn’t going to work because it was hard to get that approach to conserve robustly. So we had to scrap essentially all the code we had written and go to this new approach. So that was a bit scary. And we still weren’t sure the new method was going to work. Originally, the automated meshing took minutes or even hours to create the mesh in the solver. We get that question a lot: “Doesn’t this take forever?” And originally, yes it did. One of the real breakthroughs we came up with was making that process almost instant. It adds very little time to the overall CFD calculation, even though we’re remaking the mesh entirely at each time-step. Once we had that eureka moment, we knew we were onto something big. And so it went from scary to very exciting. 

What makes CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing capabilities unique?

A lot of CFD codes these days throw around the automated meshing terminology fairly loosely, I would say. There are different levels of automated meshing out there, and how truly automated it is depends on a lot of factors, like how complicated your geometry is and whether or not you have moving boundaries. There are some codes that can do automated meshing for certain cases, but it’s really hard to be able to have automated meshing work in general for all cases. But that’s what we have. We have yet to find a case where we throw a geometry at CONVERGE and it isn’t able to mesh it. And so that’s what makes us unique—we have truly autonomous meshing for every case, no matter how complicated the geometry or the motion profiles are. 

CONVERGE simulation of flow through a screw compressor. The mesh is regenerated at each time-step to accommodate the motion of the rotors, and Adaptive Mesh Refinement helps to resolve the flow in the tight clearances between the components.

What kinds of practical benefits do companies see as a result of CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing?

Really it’s about efficiency. Maybe you have a design out in the field that is having problems, and you want to use CFD to figure out what happened. Or maybe you want to design a brand new flow device from scratch using CFD. In the past, you’d spend a lot of time just making your mesh. And once you’ve made your mesh, the next question is, “How do you know if it’s fine enough? How do you know that you’re grid-converged?” It’s very hard to answer that question with traditional meshing techniques, because it’s so difficult to make the mesh in the first place, you’re probably not going to want to make another one. With autonomous meshing in CONVERGE, it’s very easy to make multiple meshes and show grid convergence. So again, it makes the process much more efficient. It also gives you confidence in your solutions because you can very easily double or triple the resolution and see how that affects your answer. Of course, you still have to run those simulations, so that takes some computer time. But the actual engineer time is minimal. So it’s much more efficient, you’re more confident in your solutions, and you get more accurate results. And in the end, that leads to a better design.

What applications benefit the most from autonomous meshing?

The ones that benefit the most are cases with complicated geometries and moving boundaries. That’s what’s hardest to do traditionally in CFD, and most real fluid devices are complicated. There are approaches that can handle moving geometries, but a lot of them add numerical error because you’re deforming the mesh near the boundary, for example. Whereas with our autonomous meshing technique, we recreate the mesh at every time-step while the motion is occurring, so we avoid those numerical artifacts. Autonomous meshing can also handle large differences in scales—maybe you have really tiny channels in your geometry as well as very large areas. CONVERGE can handle those very different scales efficiently, automatically putting fine resolution in the small channels and very coarse resolution in the large areas. So varying scales, complicated geometries, and moving boundaries benefit the most. But again, even simple geometries benefit because you’re not spending any time making the mesh. 

CONVERGE simulation of a variable-geometry turbocharger, showing a cut-plane colored by velocity with the mesh overlaid. The motion of the vanes and the turbine are handled with autonomous meshing, and velocity-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement helps capture the flow field at a reasonable computational cost.

Are there any new meshing features currently in the works for CONVERGE?

In version 3.0, we released something called inlaid meshing. It’s not required for any simulation, but if you want to add a boundary layer mesh or a non-Cartesian mesh in a portion of your domain, you can do that through inlaid meshing. We already have all the tools implemented in the code to read those meshes and have them interface with the traditional cut-cell Cartesian mesh. What we’re working on now is automating the inlaid mesh generation similar to how we automate our traditional CONVERGE meshing. When this feature is implemented, the inlaid meshing will also be fully autonomous. 

If someone is interested in trying autonomous meshing out for themselves, what should they do?
Reach out to us! We have a variety of licensing options available, whether you want to use CONVERGE for commercial purposes, to conduct academic research, or to learn a new skill for your resume. We also offer on-demand licensing and access to computing hardware through our cloud computing platform, CONVERGE Horizon. We would love to work with you to find the right license for your needs so you can experience the power of autonomous meshing for yourself!

► Development of Prechamber Enabled Mixing-Controlled Combustion: A Fuel-Agnostic Combustion Strategy for the Future of Low-Carbon Reciprocating Engines
  29 Jul, 2024
Adam Dempsey
Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Jared Zeman
Graduate Research Assistant, Marquette University
Osama Nsaif
Graduate Research Assistant, Marquette University

The heartbeat of the global economy is commercial vehicles, and as the economy grows, so does the demand for on-road trucks, off-road construction equipment, and agricultural vehicles. These vehicles are almost entirely powered by compression ignition engines using fossil diesel fuel. In the face of the global climate crisis, this presents a real challenge: how do we provide efficient and productive commercial vehicle powertrains while reducing criteria and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? Full electrification of these vehicles faces many hurdles, such as cost, weight, operating hours, lack of infrastructure, and time to implementation. Thus, the most pragmatic and impactful way to reduce emissions in the near term is by using lower carbon intensity fuels, such as ethanol, methanol, natural gas, propane, hydrogen, or ammonia. 

Figure 1: Prechamber enabled mixing-controlled combustion diagram.

Using these fuels in heavy-duty engines as a substitute for diesel fuel is very challenging, because these fuels are poor direct replacements for diesel fuel. These fuels all have very low cetane numbers, which means they are very hard to autoignite and more suitable to spark ignition (SI) engines. But SI engines are NOT suited to heavy-duty applications because of the knock-limited peak torque, potential for catastrophic pre-ignition when highly boosted, poor torque density, poor torque response, low thermal efficiency, high exhaust temperatures, and high heat rejection. The combustion process used in conventional diesel engines is lean, mixing-controlled combustion (MCC). It is highly desirable for heavy-duty vehicles to use an engine that employs this combustion strategy—regardless of the fuel—because the engine will maintain the performance and operational characteristics of a diesel engine, such as high efficiency, no fear of knock or pre-ignition, snap torque, high torque at low speed, low cyclic variability, and robust combustion. An engine that has these characteristics, we like to say, “runs like a diesel”, which all stems from the mixing-controlled combustion process. Thus, an innovative combustion system is needed that will allow low-cetane fuels to ignite readily and be used in a non-premixed MCC strategy, just like the diesel engine today.

Using the CONVERGE computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling software, our engine combustion research group at Marquette University has been working to develop such an innovation known as prechamber enabled mixing-controlled combustion (PC-MCC). Illustrated in Figure 1, the concept uses a conventional compression ignition engine with high-pressure direct injection and adds an actively fueled prechamber igniter. The igniter contains a fuel injector, a spark plug, a small prechamber volume, and orifice passageways between the prechamber and main chamber. The high-pressure direct injector and prechamber injector use the same low-cetane fuel source. Figure 2 shows the operational strategy of PC-MCC with ethanol fuel compared to conventional diesel combustion (CDC). During the compression stroke, the prechamber is fueled with ethanol, while air from the main chamber is forced into the prechamber by piston motion. Closely coupled to the direct injection timing near top dead center, the prechamber is sparked, and the prepared charge is burned by rapid flame propagation. This combustion process elevates the pressure of the prechamber and promotes hot jet flames that are ejected into the main chamber. The penetrating jets impinge and subsequently ignite the direct-injected ethanol fuel, which would otherwise not autoignite. 

Figure 2: In-cylinder visualization of the fuel injection and combustion process comparing (top) conventional diesel combustion and (bottom) prechamber enabled mixing-controlled combustion with ethanol fuel. Iso-surface indicates flame location, ranging from 1200 K in blue to 2600 K in red. 

As shown in Figure 3, the direct-injected ethanol, once ignited by the prechamber jet flames, burns in a mixing-controlled manner with a rate of combustion like that of diesel fuel. This is the ultimate goal: to allow the engine to “run like a diesel” by reproducing the diesel engine combustion process, but running on low-cetane fuels like ethanol, methanol, or even hydrogen and ammonia. 

Figure 3: CFD-predicted pressure and heat release rate for CDC with diesel fuel and PC-MCC with ethanol (E100). Dashed lines for prechamber and solid lines for main chamber.

An animation of the CFD-predicted PC-MCC combustion process with ethanol fuel is illustrated in Figure 4. The prechamber jet flames are ejected toward the direct-injected ethanol fuel, igniting the ethanol fuel sprays very quickly and establishing a mixing-controlled, diffusion-style combustion process that is typical of a modern diesel engine.

Figure 4: Animation of the CFD-predicted PC-MCC combustion process with ethanol fuel.

This concept is currently under development with the assistance of two federal grants. The first is from a United States Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office award (DE-EE0009872), where the concept is being developed to convert diesel engines to be flex-fuel and run on gasoline/ethanol, while maintaining performance and dramatically reducing GHG emissions. The second is from the Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy’s (ARPA-e) REMEDY program (DE-AR0001528), which aims to reduce methane emissions, a powerful GHG, from natural gas engines by radically changing the combustion process to PC-MCC. The institutions working on these projects together with Marquette University are John Deere, Mahle Powertrain, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Czero, ClearFlame Engines, and the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council. The CFD modeling has led to several publications by the team, showing how the CONVERGE simulations were used to determine the prechamber’s characteristics—such as volume, number of holes, hole size, and jet targeting—and the general PC-MCC operating strategy for prechamber fueling, injection timing, spark timing, and direct injection timing [1-5].

The modeling tools provided by CONVERGE were quintessential for performing the detailed CFD modeling needed to develop this advanced combustion concept. CONVERGE’s automatic mesh generation dramatically reduces the simulation setup time and complexity, allowing for rapid simulation development and analysis with confidence in the meshing strategy. Further refinement to the mesh is achieved through fixed grid embedding in user-defined regions of interest within the domain and CONVERGE’s Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), which is able to resolve cell-to-cell gradients in temperature and velocity. AMR is especially useful when modeling the combustion process within the prechamber, the resultant high-intensity jets, and subsequent jet-spray induced combustion process. The predicted combustion process is captured using CONVERGE’s detailed chemical kinetics solver SAGE, which is fully coupled to the flow solution for accurate results and efficient solution times. 

Based on the CFD modeling, a prototype PC-MCC engine was constructed and tested separately on pure ethanol fuel and natural gas, demonstrating a robust mixing-controlled combustion process with both fuels and highlighting the fuel-agnostic nature of the technology. Photos of the prototype hardware and recorded test data are shown in Figure 5. The tests with the prototype PC-MCC hardware corroborates the findings from the CONVERGE CFD simulations: that PC-MCC can be a fuel-agnostic, low-carbon engine technology for the future of heavy-duty engines, both on-road and off-road and for stationary power generation.  

Figure 5: Prototype experimental PC-MCC hardware tested on a single-cylinder CAT C9.3B engine at Marquette University on both ethanol and natural gas.


[1] Dempsey, A., Chowdhury, M., Kokjohn, S., and Zeman, J., “Prechamber Enabled Mixing Controlled Combustion – A Fuel Agnostic Technology for Future Low Carbon Heavy-Duty Engines,” SAE Paper 2022-01-0449, 2022. DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0449

[2] Zeman, J., Yan, Z., Bunce, M., and Dempsey, A., “Assessment of Design and Location of an Active Prechamber Igniter to Enable Mixing-Controlled Combustion of Ethanol in Heavy-Duty Engines,” International Journal of Engine Research, 24(9), 4226-4250, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/14680874231185421

[3] Zeman, J., and Dempsey, A., “Characterization of Flex-Fuel Prechamber Enabled Mixing-Controlled Combustion With Gasoline/Ethanol Blends at High Load,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(8), 2024. DOI: 10.1115/1.4064453

[4] Nsaif, O., Kokjohn, S., Hessel, R., and Dempsey, A., “Reducing Methane Emissions From Lean Burn Natural Gas Engines With Prechamber Ignited Mixing-Controlled Combustion,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(6), 2024. DOI: 10.1115/1.4064454[5] Zeman, J., and Dempsey, A., “Numerical Investigation of Equivalence Ratio Effects on Flex-Fuel Mixing Controlled Combustion Enabled by Prechamber Ignition,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 249, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.123445.

► C3Mech: A Single-Source Solution for Combustion CFD
    7 May, 2024

Allie Yuxin Lin

Marketing Writer

Imagine you’re a CFD engineer and you want to run a combustion simulation for a certain kind of reacting flow device. But before you can do that, you need to find a chemical mechanism that can mathematically represent the chemistry within the reacting fluid. So you scour the available literature to find published mechanisms from third parties that fit your case conditions. This time-consuming and inefficient process prompted us, and other like-minded individuals across academia and industry, to seek a more consolidated alternative.

The Computational Chemistry Consortium (C3), the brainchild of Convergent Science owners Kelly Senecal, Dan Lee, Eric Pomraning, and Keith Richards, was established with the goal of creating a comprehensive and detailed mechanism that would serve as an all-inclusive solution for fuel combustion chemistry. Creating this repository of mechanisms would also help us investigate and develop alternative fuels to create more sustainable technologies. Professor Henry Curran from the University of Galway leads the consortium from the technical side, working with research groups whose respective areas of expertise complement each other, including the University of Galway, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Politecnico di Milano, and RWTH Aachen University. 

The summer of 2018 marked a milestone in combustion chemistry, as C3 officially kicked off. Following the directional guidance from a diverse group of industry partners, C3 develops chemical mechanisms that include pollutant chemistry like PAH and NOx, creates tools for generating surrogate and multi-fuel mechanisms, and improves reduction and merging tools. C3 operates with a top-down approach, featuring one large mechanism from which users can extract the specific chemistry for their fuel. This method allows C3’s technical team to validate the mechanism as a whole, rather than combine many small, independently-validated mechanisms. In December 2021, C3 published the first version of their mechanism, making it widely available to the combustion community. Since then, the mechanism has been integrated into our software, allowing you to combine the flexibility of C3 with the power of CONVERGE. 

Figure 1. The C3 mechanism is embedded within CONVERGE for easy access.

To generate your fuel chemistry mechanism with CONVERGE, start by identifying all the individual components for your fuel surrogate. CONVERGE offers a surrogate blender tool where you can specify fuel properties such as viscosity, H/C ratio, octane number, distillation data, and ignition delay. The blender tool will then use mixing rules to match the specified fuel properties and come up with a fuel surrogate. Alternatively, the experienced user may choose to handpick certain fuel species according to information laid out in a test fuel’s spec sheet. 

Figure 2. The surrogate blender tool, which allows you to select fuel components.

After you’ve identified your fuel surrogate, you can use the extraction tool in CONVERGE Studio, which was designed specifically for the purpose of extracting fuel chemistry from the parent C3 mechanism. 

Figure 3. The C3 mechanism dialog box, where users may extract chemistry for their fuel species.

In most cases involving traditional hydrocarbon fuels, your extracted mechanism will have hundreds to thousands of species, which is far too many to use for a 3D CFD simulation. To ensure computational efficiency while maintaining solution accuracy, you should reduce your mechanism to a manageable size using CONVERGE’s mechanism reduction process.

Figure 4. The mechanism reduction tool, provided within CONVERGE Studio.

A key component of this process in CONVERGE is the analysis of autoignition, extinction, speciation, and/or laminar flamespeed simulations. Therefore, before you can begin your reduction process, you must consider the specific conditions of your engine/combustor under which these simulations are evaluated. These operating conditions include pressure, unburnt temperature, equivalence ratio, and EGR fractions. For example, if your mechanism is meant to be used for a diesel engine simulation, you must select a pressure range from the start of injection to peak cylinder pressure. 

To reduce the number of species, a directed relation graph (DRG) will be constructed and error propagation (DRGEP) can be added for further precision. The DRGEP methodology works to remove species and corresponding reactions within the user-specified error bounds of ignition delay, extinction, speciation, and/or laminar flamespeed. Once the number of species is ~500, sensitivity analysis (SA) can be added to the existing DRGEP methodology for further reduction of species. The optimal resulting mechanism will have calculations that fall within a user-specified range and a reduced number of species, making these mechanisms practical for 3D combustion simulations. 

When you have obtained the optimal reduced mechanism, the reaction rates of the most sensitive reactions can be tuned to match specific targets of this mechanism to those of the parent mechanism. Similarly to the reduction process, these targets are speciation, extinction, laminar flamespeed, and/or ignition delay. You can tune your mechanism using CONVERGE’s mechanism tuning tools, such as NLOPT, an open-source library for nonlinear local and global optimization; the MONTE-CARLO method, which uses randomization to solve problems that may be deterministic in principle; or CONGO, CONVERGE’s in-house genetic algorithm optimization tool. These methods focus on the pre-exponential factor, A, or the activation energy in the Arrhenius reaction equation. 

After completing these steps, your reduced chemical mechanism is ready to be run in 3D CFD simulations. The flexibility, versatility, and ingenuity of C3 simplifies the process of modeling both traditional and alternative fuels in a variety of applications where combustion is involved. With C3, your days of manually searching through the literature for a specific mechanism are over. Welcome to a new era of ease! 

In this CONVERGE simulation of a HYLON burner with a lifted flame, C3Mech was used to find the appropriate chemistry. 

If you would like to help set the direction of future C3 efforts and have access to our mechanisms before they are publicly available, we invite you to join our consortium. To learn more, please contact C3 Director Dr. Kelly Senecal at

► How to Bottle the Lightest Element on Earth: Hydrogen Tank Filling Dynamics
  22 Feb, 2024

Allie Yuxin Lin

Marketing Writer

Introduction and Motivation

The trials of climate change and humanity’s desire to mitigate our carbon footprint is motivating the research and development of renewable technologies for the transportation and energy sectors. Hydrogen is a promising technology, with the potential to address issues in energy security, pollution, emissions reduction, and sustainability. Hydrogen is carbon free, abundant, and can be stored as a gas or a liquid, making it an important player in the transition toward a cleaner planet.

However, the challenges associated with devising safe and reliable storage methods delay the increase of hydrogen production. Hydrogen’s highly diffusive and corrosive nature makes it prone to leaking, while its unique thermodynamic properties, such as the negative Joule-Thompson effect, require engineers to rethink traditional storage infrastructure. Hydrogen’s low compressibility and extreme sensitivity to the environment mean tanks should both be strong enough to withstand high pressures and flexible enough to handle large temperature fluctuations. Tank design should also account for hot pockets formed due to the increased pressure when hydrogen is compressed, which could damage the tank’s structural integrity.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can help overcome some of the hurdles associated with hydrogen storage. CFD provides insight into the behavior of various fluids and gasses in different environments, so it can be used to optimize the design of hydrogen fuel systems, including fuel cells, storage tanks, and delivery systems. CFD can be used to identify areas of improvement in the fuel system design and help pinpoint potential safety hazards.

CONVERGE for Hydrogen Storage Simulation: A Case Study

CONVERGE is a powerful CFD software whose unique capabilities make it advantageous for simulating hydrogen storage. Autonomous meshing removes the mesh generation bottleneck, while Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) continuously adjusts the mesh throughout the simulation. Conjugate heat transfer (CHT) modeling solves for the heat exchange between the fluids and solids in the system. Additionally, CONVERGE provides multiple turbulence models to efficiently capture the flow dynamics within the storage unit.

Validating CONVERGE With the HyTransfer Project

The HyTransfer project1 was funded by the European Union to study the physics in the hydrogen filling process, with the hopes of providing guidelines on how to achieve an efficient filling strategy. Using the framework and the experimental data publicly available for the HyTransfer project, we performed a validation study to showcase the value of CONVERGE in hydrogen storage.

The Hexagon 36 L Type IV tank consists of a polymer liner encased in a composite wrapping, providing the necessary structural length to withstand large pressures up to 70 MPa. A liner thickness of 4 mm and an injector diameter of 10 mm were chosen for the study. In line with existing literature,2,3,4 we simulated half the horizontal tank domain, reducing overall computational cost. We provided the inlet mass flow rate profile and monitored the development of the tank pressure from the initial state.

CONVERGE Simulation Setup

CONVERGE’s graphical user interface, CONVERGE Studio, allows users to take advantage of a wide variety of geometry manipulation and repair tools during case setup. Since hydrogen’s behavior is known to deviate from ideal gas representations, CONVERGE provides the option to use real gas properties.

With the density-based PISO solver, we were able to achieve rapid convergence while simultaneously capturing the heat fluxes between different regions with CONVERGE’s CHT analysis.

As the injector diameter used for hydrogen tanks typically ranges from 3–10 mm, the incoming flow velocity can reach up to 300 m/s. High jet penetration plays a critical role in maintaining circulation within the tank, and mesh embedding used in conjunction with CONVERGE’s AMR can capture the jet profile with a high degree of accuracy.

To get the appropriate jet penetration and reduce the spreading over-prediction, the RNG k-epsilon constant in the turbulence model was modified according to past research.2,3,4

Our Results

Figure 1 shows the velocity contours of the hydrogen jet during the filling process. The velocity decreases rapidly as the filling progresses due to the compression of hydrogen. The flapping motion of the jet is related to flow circulation within the tank, which is important when considering the redistribution of thermal gradients. In our study, this circulation caused hot pockets to form near the injection side of the tank.

Figure 1: Velocity contours of the hydrogen filling process with a 10 mm injector.

The temperature profiles within the tank agree with the experimental data (Figure 2), demonstrating CONVERGE can capture the complex thermodynamics of hydrogen. The reading at thermocouple 5 (TT5) is higher than thermocouple 1 (TT1) because long filling times can cause thermal stratification. As the filling progresses, the jet velocity decreases and the circulation within the tank stabilizes.

Figure 2: Thermocouple readings at locations TT1 (top) and TT5 (bottom). Temperature trends agree well with experimental data.1

The ideal material for a hydrogen storage tank is lightweight with excellent thermal integrity and strength. CONVERGE’s CHT analysis enables engineers to assess the thermal gradients within the tank’s structure and helps in the proper selection of tank materials. Figure 3 shows the predicted temperature at the liner-composite interface compared to the experiment, demonstrating CONVERGE can also be used to capture the tank’s internal thermal behavior.

Figure 3: Temperature evolution at the liner-composite interface.

Toward a More Sustainable Future: Concluding Remarks

Using CONVERGE, we simulated the flow dynamics and thermal behavior during the hydrogen filling process; our results aligned well with previous experimental data.1 We assessed major flow features and identified recirculating vortical structures caused by the fluctuating behavior of the jet. CONVERGE accurately captured temperature profiles inside the tank, and its CHT capabilities predicted the liner-composite interface temperature.

The ease of use, flexibility, accuracy, and rich set of features make CONVERGE a highly effective tool for studying hydrogen tank storage. Check out our white paper, “Exploring Hydrogen Tank Filling Dynamics,” to learn more about how CONVERGE is helping engineers tackle an important challenge of the modern era!


[1] Ravinel, B., Acosta, B., Miguel, D., Moretto, P., Ortiz-Cobella, R., Janovic, G., and van der Löcht, U., “HyTransfer, D4.1 – Report on the experimental filling test campaign,” 2017.

[2] Melideo, D. and Baraldi, D., “CFD analysis of fast filling strategies for hydrogen tanks and their effects on key-parameters,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 735-745, 2015.

[3] Melideo, D., Baraldi, D., Acosta-Iborra, A., Cebolla, R.O., and Moretto, P., “CFD simulations of filling and emptying of hydrogen tanks,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 7304-7313, 2017.

[4] Gonin, R., Horgue, P., Guibert, R., Fabre, D., and Bourget, R., “A computational fluid dynamic study of the filling of a gaseous hydrogen tank under two contrasted scenarios.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(55), 23278-23292, 2022.

► The Role of CFD in the Floating Offshore Wind Industry
  23 Jan, 2024

Hannah Darling

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Massachusetts Amherst

As computational fluid dynamics (CFD) enthusiasts, we must sometimes take opportunities to toot our own horns when it comes to the vast capabilities of high-fidelity modeling techniques. One great opportunity appears in the floating offshore wind (OSW) industry.

Floating OSW has experienced significant growth recently and will be a key player in the global clean energy transition. Floating systems are becoming particularly favorable as they offer many advantages to their fixed-bottom or onshore counterparts. Most notably, they enable access to deeper waters with more space and higher wind potential. Floating OSW also minimizes concerns for visual, noise, and environmental impacts that on/near-shore turbines face.

Currently, there are only three operational floating OSW farms in the world—Hywind Scotland, Kincardine, and Windfloat Atlantic—but there are several others in the construction or planning phases, and many countries are making major research and development strides to further advance this technology.1 

In the United States, the Floating Offshore Wind Shot outlines two key targets: to reach 15 GW of installed floating OSW capacity and to reduce the levelized cost of energy by 70%, both by 2035. According to this initiative, the U.S. has a “critical window of opportunity” to bring down technology costs and become a world leader in floating OSW design, deployment, and manufacturing. The industry will also provide significant economic benefits by producing thousands of jobs in wind manufacturing, installation, and operations, especially in coastal communities.2

However, as with many upcoming renewable technologies, there is still much work to be done to optimize the design and implementation of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) to reduce life cycle costs and maximize performance before they can become widespread. One engineering solution is to use innovative modeling techniques to simulate and predict the performance of these FOWT systems prior to full-scale implementation.

The Challenge

Floating OSW systems are fairly complex, consisting of a wind turbine, a floating support platform, and mooring lines anchoring it to the sea floor. Unlike fixed-bottom platforms, FOWTs face six degrees of freedom (DOF) of motion (shown in Figure 1), meaning they can translate and rotate about all three axes. Such a range of freedom, along with the varying wind and wave conditions experienced by these systems, makes load, performance, and dynamic responses difficult to predict.3 These systems also experience a type of “coupling”, where the wind loading on the turbine and wave loading on the platform affect each other. Then, when the mooring system is considered, the analysis of the overall FOWT system is complicated even further!4 To address these dynamic response challenges and better predict the behavior of these systems, there has been an increasing focus on the improvement of FOWT modeling—in particular, numerical modeling—techniques.

Figure 1: 6 DOF axis shown on Stiesdal TetraSpar Model.5

While FOWT designers use a wide range of numerical models to verify and predict the performance of their designs, “high-fidelity” tools like CFD are especially useful as they are capable of modeling the complex fluid-structure interactions (FSI) between the water, air, turbine, and platform (among many other benefits). CFD therefore enables researchers to perform full-scale, direct modeling of FOWT systems without the presence of scale effects (faced by physical models) or over-simplified modeling techniques (of lower-fidelity models).4

Case Study: CFD Simulation of the OC6 Floating Offshore Wind Platform

Over the past year, I have been working as a graduate research assistant in Dr. David Schmidt’s Multi-Phase Flow Simulation Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In collaboration with Dr. Shengbai Xie and Dr. Jasim Sadique of Convergent Science, we have been simulating a FOWT platform using CONVERGE CFD software.

In our work, we simulate the Stiesdal TetraSpar FOWT platform5 under various environmental load conditions defined by Phase IV of the OC6 (Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued with Correlation and unCertainty) project. This project addresses a need for FOWT model verification and validation via a three-sided comparison between engineering-level, high-fidelity CFD, and experimental results. The experimental results used in the OC6 project were collected at the University of Maine on a 1:43 scale model of the TetraSpar platform2 and was the basis of our CFD comparison.

The Model

The CFD model of this FOWT system includes the platform and the moorings but excludes simulation of the wind turbine for simplicity, as Phase IV of OC6 focuses only on the hydrodynamic challenges associated with this system.2 The mooring configuration consists of three chain catenary (free-hanging) lines with fixed anchor locations, as well as a “sensor umbilical”. The sensor umbilical was a required addition in the physical model to house the sensor cables, so it was also included in the CFD model for effective comparison.

The computational domain (Figure 2) is modeled as a box in which waves are introduced at the inlet boundary, and relaxation zones exist at the inlet and outlet to gradually enforce these waves to a given condition: theoretical wave conditions at the inlet and calm water conditions at the outlet.6 The volume of fluid (VOF) method simulates the multi-phase (air/water) flow, and the moorings are dynamic lumped-mass segments including seabed interaction effects. The cut-cell Cartesian mesh models the 6 DOF FSI.

Figure 2: Computational domain, with a profile of x-component velocity for an irregular wave load case.


To understand the influence of model setup on the simulation results, we tested various computational cell sizes, turbulence models, and numerical schemes, and compared the results with the UMaine experimental data. In this comparison, we focused mainly on the 6 DOF of platform motion. An example is shown below in Figure 3 for a regular wave-only load case (Load Case 4.1 in OC6 Phase IV) with a wave height of 8.31 meters and a wave period of 12.41 seconds.

Figure 3: Time series for the surge (which refers to the translational motion of the platform in the direction of the wave motion), averaged over five wave periods.

Sets of simulations were used to investigate the best practices for simulation design and grid requirements. The results for our final cases show a good match between the CFD results and the measured data, and we are continuing to work on further CFD studies. For more information, stay tuned for the OC6 Phase IV CFD publication!


As the floating OSW industry grows, engineers will continue to rely on modeling techniques to simulate and predict the performance of FOWT systems. In particular, high-fidelity CFD methods are the most reliable as they have an unmatched capacity for predicting and analyzing complex FOWT behaviors under realistic conditions. Therefore, the improvement and validation of these CFD tools will continue to be a major focus of research in the future.

CFD methods play a critical role in optimizing and reducing the costs of FOWT systems to make them economically competitive with their well-established fixed-bottom offshore and onshore cousins. This will be a key step in advancing this technology, reaching the United States’ Floating Offshore Wind Shot goals, and providing clean, reliable, and affordable power for millions of people.


[1] Otter A, Murphy J, Pakrashi V, Robertson A, Desmond C. A review of modelling techniques for floating offshore wind turbines. Wind Energy. 2022;25(5):831-857. doi:10.1002/we.2701

[2] Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, “Floating Offshore Wind Shot.” Energy.Gov, Sept. 2022, 

[3] Matha D, Schlipf M, Cordle A, Pereira R, Jonkman J. Challenges in Simulation of Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics, and Mooring-Line Dynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. NREL/CP-5000-50544, October 2011.

[4] Liu Y, Xiao Q, Incecik A, Peyrard C, Wan D. Establishing a fully coupled CFD analysis tool for floating offshore wind turbines. Renewable Energy. 2017;112:280-301. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.04.052

[5] 2021, The TetraSpar full-scale demonstration project,

[6] Johlas, Hannah, 2021: Simulating the Effects of Floating Platforms, Tilted Rotors, and Breaking Waves for Offshore Wind Turbines, Doctoral Dissertations. 2345.

► Capping Conundrums: Sealing the Well
  28 Dec, 2023

Allie Yuxin Lin

Marketing Writer

In 2010, an explosion occurred on the Macondo Prospect off the Gulf of Mexico, taking the lives of 11 men and releasing 5 million barrels of oil into the water. The “worst oil spill in US history” led to thousands of lost habitats and created a graveyard of coral reefs stretching a mile deep beneath the blowout site.

After this devastating event, four major oil and gas companies joined forces to create a nonprofit devoted to providing containment technology, such as containment domes, funneling caps, and capping stacks. A subsea capping stack is not in the water during drilling; rather, it is the centerpiece of a containment system kept at a nearby onshore location. Since it is only deployed after the subsea blowout preventer has failed, it serves as the second line of defense in preventing oil spills. A capping stack’s primary purpose is to stop or redirect the flow of hydrocarbons, buying time for engineers to permanently seal the wellhead.

Subsea well containment response equipment.1

This giant piece of equipment can weigh up to 100 tons, which makes maneuvering the device to seal the small opening of the blowout preventer quite difficult. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can model capping stacks to inform well control decisions and response operations, prevent incidents, and minimize risk.

Capping stack and blowout preventer geometry.

In order to effectively model a capping stack deployment, we need a transient CFD simulation to capture the dynamic interactions between the jet of hydrocarbons released from the well and the capping stack. Transient simulations most accurately mimic the reality of freely-flowing gasses and liquids. Capturing the multi-phase physics of this problem can be accomplished by CONVERGE’s volume of fluid (VOF) model. Additionally, an accurate simulation requires modeling the combined dynamics of the rigid capping stack and the flexible cable attached to a crane which is used to maneuver the capping stack into position. CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing technology, including Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), makes the software well suited to capture the complex geometry of the capping stack, the associated flow features, and the fluid’s interaction with the stack. In these types of simulations, your targets are constantly changing due to both the transient evolution of flow features as well as the motion of the geometries. AMR allows you to adapt to the changes in the flow by refining the mesh automatically throughout the simulation. In a system with both fluid and solid components, the fluid exerts forces on the solid, which are distributed around the structure. CONVERGE’s fluid-structure interaction (FSI) modeling calculates these fluid forces, predicts how the structure will react, and moves the solid accordingly.

For our case study, we used CONVERGE to simulate capping stack placement onto a blowout preventer. In this simulation, we employed FSI modeling and AMR based on void fraction. A void fraction is a mathematical representation of the gaseous fraction of the volume of a single cell in a generated mesh. Using void fraction to predict which regions need finer mesh allowed us to capture the important physics. What’s more, this method helps maintain a sharp interface between the liquid and the gas, avoiding excessive numerical diffusion, which is caused by the discretization of the continuous fluid transport equations. Although numerical diffusion is generally unavoidable in CFD codes, using AMR based on void fraction reduces the amount that is introduced into the system. In addition to modeling the capping stack, we also used CONVERGE’s mooring cable model to capture the interaction between the cable and the surrounding water. CONVERGE’s suite of advanced models and features allows us to efficiently model these problems while maintaining a high degree of accuracy.

Subsea capping stack placement with CONVERGE.

The power of CFD stems from its ability to predict if something will happen before it happens. The power of CONVERGE is that it does this in a streamlined, effective, and accurate way. If you want to learn more about this case, or how CONVERGE can solve other oil and gas industry problems, take a look at this webinar or contact us today!


[1] United States Government Accountability Office, “Oil and Gas: Interior Has Strengthened Its Oversight of Subsea Well Containment, but Should Improve Its Documentation,” GAO-12-244, Feb 29, 2012.

Numerical Simulations using FLOW-3D top

► Technical Sales Development Representative
  14 Sep, 2024

Incumbent will work from home in the greater Raleigh/Durham, NC area.

We’re looking for an ambitious, tech-savvy and results-driven Technical Sales Representative to join our sales team. The FLOW-3D family of products provide cutting-edge computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software solutions to industries ranging from aerospace to water civil infrastructure, metal casting, mining, manufacturing, consumer products, medical devices, additive manufacturing, and microfluidics.

You will be instrumental in expanding our market presence by identifying, engaging and nurturing potential customers who can benefit from our CFD solutions. As a key player in our sales team, you will be at the forefront of introducing the FLOW-3D family of products to a variety of industries that are actively shaping the world we live in.

Key Responsibilities

Sales Development

  • Identify and engage with prospective clients in industries such as water civil infrastructure, manufacturing or other application areas in our solution portfolio.
  • Create, improve and leverage marketing campaigns to promote key solutions-oriented content to select targeted audiences.
  • Nurture and build relationships with prospective customers with a goal to qualify and close technical sales
  • Help the sales team meet and sustain pipeline goals by identifying and qualifying new opportunities
  • Design and execute sales cadences to move prospective customers through the sales funnel
  • Monitor industry trends and competitor offerings, providing insights to the sales, marketing and product development teams.

Business Development

  • Identify strategic market opportunities and potential partnerships to expand the reach of the FLOW-3D family of products
  • Work with the sales, marketing and product teams to curate solutions-oriented content for our application areas

Technical Knowledge

  • Develop a strong understanding of the FLOW-3D family of products and their applications across various industries
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of engineering problems across various industries and identify potential solution areas
  • Ability to articulate technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences

Data Management and Reporting

  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of sales and marketing activities, including client interactions, leads, and opportunities in the company’s CRM system
  • Leverage data-driven sales and marketing frameworks to drive growth in the sales funnel and shorten overall sales cycles


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science or a related field (preferably with a minor in business)
  • 1-3 years of experience in technical sales or marketing, preferably in software or engineering-related industries
  • Strong technical versatility with a solid understanding of fluid dynamics and simulation software fundamentals
  • Familiarity with CRM platforms and proficiency with data wrangling and data analysis techniques
  • Ability to articulate complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences
  • A genuine curiosity to engage with and learn from other engineers across different fields
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Highly self-motivated with a goal-oriented mindset and attention to detail


  • Competitive salary with performance-based incentives
  • Comprehensive benefits package including health, dental, and retirement plans.
  • Opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
  • An exceptionally strong, collaborative and innovative work environment.

If you are passionate about engineering, possess strong sales skills, and thrive in a dynamic environment, we invite you to apply for the position of Technical Sales Development Representative for Flow Science.

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► Software Engineer
  19 Aug, 2024

We sponsor H1B visas. We are open to employees working remotely from NM, CO, TX, NC, AZ, FL, IL, OR, MA, and possibly other states. 

Come work in one of the best small cities in the US for one of the best companies in New Mexico! Flow Science is a growing tech company with deep roots looking for outstanding software engineers to help us achieve our mission of improving the world through accurate flow modeling.

Our FLOW-3D products provide a complete and versatile computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation platform, used by engineers, designers, and researchers around the world to solve the toughest CFD problems!

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

As a Software Engineer, you will play an active role in designing, developing, testing, and maintaining our FLOW-3D product line and supporting applications. You will work on a variety of projects and software components with varying levels of complexity that will actively challenge your software engineering skills and promote career growth. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, including other software engineers, quality assurance engineers, applications engineers, solver developers and other staff, to produce high-quality software that meets the needs of our customers and industries.

The role requires a solid understanding of software engineering principles and experience with multiple technologies. Key responsibilities include:

  • Design, develop, and test new features and functionality in our software packages.
  • Develop and execute unit and integration tests to ensure software reliability and performance.
  • Troubleshoot, analyze and resolve software defects.
  • Participate in code reviews and provide mentorship to less experienced software engineers.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and translate them to deliverable solutions with the guidance of project leads and peers.
  • Actively communicate progress, modifications, improvements, etc. to cross-functional teams, project leads, and peers.
  • Stay current with industry trends, tools, and technologies, and actively seek further growth.

Expected Qualifications

The background, skills and experience listed below are necessary for success in this role. Expert-level knowledge is not required, so candidates who can demonstrate familiarity and basic knowledge are encouraged to apply:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field
  • Experience developing high-quality software in a structured, professional, or academic setting with an emphasis on:
    • Source version control with Git or similar tools
    • Team collaboration, including mentoring and code reviews
    • Software development methodologies, such as Agile/Scrum
  • Experience in modern C++11 or later. Must be able to demonstrate knowledge during technical screening and take-home programming test.
  • Experience with cross-platform user interface development using event-driven frameworks, such as Qt
  • Understanding and ability to communicate modern software design concepts, including:
    • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
    • Reusable design principles
    • SOLID design principles
    • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written

Preferred Qualifications

The skills and experience listed below are relied upon in this role so, while we will provide training on these as needed, preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate knowledge in one or more of the following:

  • Knowledge of C++17 (or later), Python, C# or Java
  • Experience with Qt framework, CMake, and GoogleTest
  • Comfortable working in Windows and Linux environments
  • Familiarity with OpenGL or other visualization libraries, such as VTK
  • Ability to express code designs/architecture using UML
  • Familiarity with UI/UX design principles


Flow Science offers an exceptional benefits package to full-time employees including medical, dental, vision insurances, life and disability insurances, 401(k) and profit-sharing plans with generous employer matching, and an incentive compensation plan that offers eligibility for a year-end bonus.

Apply for Software Engineer

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► Conference Proceedings
  11 Jul, 2024
2024 World Users Conference Proceedings Available
2024 World Users Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

Access technical proceedings from past user conferences to learn about the many real-world applications of FLOW-3D products and the recent and upcoming developments for the FLOW-3D product family.

Conference Proceedings
FLOW-3D News
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► Poster Sessions
  28 Jun, 2024
2024 World Users Conference Proceedings

Poster Session Presentations

Download poster presentations focused on our FLOW-3D family of products from past users conferences.


Modeling air-water flows downstream of non-linear weirs

Biruk Belay, Helmut Schmidt University

The flow characteristics downstream of non-linear weirs is mainly described by the presence of significant energy dissipation accompanied by air entrainment. The knowledge of air-water flow behavior induced by their free-falling nappes or jets into the downstream pool is crucial from engineering and ecological perspectives. With the aim to expand this knowledge base, this study attempts to numerically model the air entrainment process downstream of a piano key weir using FLOW-3D HYDRO. Experimental data was collected with a double-tip conductivity probe to calibrate and validate the numerical model results. The drift-flux model of dispersed two-phase flow and the RNG κ-ε turbulent model were coupled to simulate the downstream air-water mixture flow. The comparison of downstream vertical void fraction profiles revealed a reduction in the influence of the drag coefficient and Richardson-Zaki-coefficient multiplier for values below 0.2. Specifically, the best fitted calibration parameters: setting the drag coefficient to 0.0875 and the Richardson- Zaki-coefficient multiplier to 0.1275 yielded a satisfactory alignment with experimental data. Conversely, results did not show clear dependence on the initial bubble diameter within a 3 mm to 5
mm range. The outcomes also indicate that the numerical model exhibited a tendency to underestimate the void fraction (C < 0.9) at the location corresponding to the equivalent characteristic mixture flow depth of the experimental data. This discrepancy slightly improved under conditions of higher flow rates. Moreover, the numerical model yielded depth-averaged void fractions (integrated vertically up to two distinct levels of void fraction) within an uncertainty range of 25% to 30% relative to the experimental findings. Furthermore, when comparing the large-scale model (1:10) utilizing the proposed calibration parameters, indications of potential scale effects emerged in both vertical void fraction profiles and the downstream extent of aerated flow. This underscores the necessity of prototype data for a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model calibration parameters.

Computational fluid dynamics modelling and experimental analysis of resin infusion performance in composite sandwich panels for wind turbine blade production

Tusher Mollah, Technical University of Denmark

The growing interest in producing large wind turbine blades emphasizes the need to reduce their weight and improve operational and manufacturing efficiency. These blades predominantly feature composite sandwich panels made through the vacuum-assisted resin infusion (VARI) process, which involves a lightweight balsa or foam core with grooves and channels, encased in non-crimp glassfibre fabric skins. VARI plays a crucial role in producing large-scale, lightweight and efficient components, essential for modern wind turbine blade manufacturing. Understanding resin flow within this process is vital, as it directly influences the quality and performance of the blades. A CFD model has been developed using FLOW-3D to simulate resin flow within composite sandwich panels at a small scale. The model has been used to study resin-filled volume and flow dynamics through the lower reinforcement layers of non-crimp glass-fibre fabric skins and the shallow grooves in the core material. The simulated results have been compared with experiments for different fabric skin properties. The influence of porosity, permeability, and thickness of fabric skin on the flow front and infusion time has been experimentally verified. Moreover, the model has been exploited to investigate the influence of resin viscosity, groove-geometry and -spacing on the flow front propagation and infusion time.

Mini-TLP concept simulated in FLOW-3D HYDRO

Sofia Papadopoulou, ETME

FloatMast is a mini-TLP structure installed in deep sea environments, offering a resilient offshore measurement solution. Prototyped and positioned near Makronisos, Greece for a year-long data campaign, FloatMast provided valuable insights into its operational efficacy and performance characteristics. FloatMast comprises of a submerged buoyant structure anchored to the seabed via four tension wire legs and an upper platform, connected to it through a center pylon. Positioned at the platform’s center is the self-supporting MetMast. In FLOW-3D HYDRO, FloatMast decomposed into: (a) hull, b) deck and (c) mooring lines sub-structures. Along with the hydrostatic assessment for the entire structure, hydrodynamic analysis was performed on the hull part, while deck and mast serve to simulate weight distribution significantly affecting platform characteristics. Mooring lines, pre-tensioned and fixed to the hull’s bottom, constitute an integral component of the simulation setup. Extreme weather conditions were simulated to measure fundamental platform motions (heave, pitch, yaw, roll, sway, and surge) and analyze mooring line tensions. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was performed to optimize mesh modelling quality. FLOW-3D HYDRO was the main
simulation tool in FloatMast’s 3D design, addressing the multi-physics computational challenge to the deployment phase to predict the structure’s behavior and eliminate risk.

Evaluation of different positions of guidance structures for fish downstream migration at the run-of-river hydropower plant Mühleberg in Switzerland

Seline Frei, VAW, ETH Zürich

The current Swiss Waters Protection Act requires reestablishment of safe fish downstream migration and thus to limit fish injury and mortality. Therefore, action is required for the run-of-river hydropower plant (HPP) Mühleberg in Switzerland. Due to the height of the weir of almost 20 meters, there is no preferred approach, and a numerical 3D model is built. The HPP Mühleberg dams up the Aare River, resulting in very low flow velocity in the reservoir upstream of the HPP. While employing FLOW-3D HYDRO software for simulation of the free surface flow for this situation, some instabilities and interpolation errors at the steep banks and block boundaries occurred. Unfortunately, these numerical artefacts caused flow velocities larger than the relevant flow velocity in the reservoir. To overcome these issues and due to the almost horizontal water surface elevation upstream of the HPP Mühleberg, a rigid-lid approach was implemented instead. The 3D flow field was analysed regarding various fish protection techniques. For the evaluation of fish guidance structures, the normal and tangential velocity were calculated at different possible locations. Some locations show low tangential velocities, and fish guidance cannot be expected. For fine fish racks in the inlet area of the HPP, the velocities were evaluated to prevent fish impingement. Depending on discharge and location of the fine rack, fish impingement can be prevented. The knowledge of the 3D flow field is a good basis for further evaluation of fish protection technologies at the HPP Mühleberg.

Using porous tube plant nutrient delivery system (PTPNDS) in a space greenhouse

Bianca Simonassi, DIMEAS – Politecnico di Torino

This project is part of a master’s thesis at the Polytechnic of Turin, which aims to spatialize an adaptive vertical greenhouse for experimentation aboard the International Space Station (ISS). By using FLOW-3D the objective is to optimize the performance of the fertigation system based on porous tubes for crop cultivation in space, addressing the unique challenges posed by microgravity and limited resources. Central to this study is the characterization of porous tubes by varying porosities and materials, considering their ability to regulate the flow of water and nutrients and their compatibility with the controlled environment of the greenhouse. This research also delves into analysing the influence of suction pressure on fluid dynamics within the porous tube to ensure precise delivery of nutrients to plant roots, minimizing resource consumption. Through numerical simulations and empirical testing using FLOW-3D, we evaluate the performance of the porous tube under microgravity conditions to establish the optimal combination in terms of efficiency and reliability. The goal is to present a feasible solution for real-world implementation in space missions, that can pave the way for innovation in space agriculture, especially for long-duration missions and the future bases on the Moon and Mars.

Modelling & simulation of downdraft from AW101 during landing on University Hospital helipad

Aleksandra Visich, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Upon a helicopter’s landing on a landing pad, a powerful downdraft is produced by the rotor blades. Deflected by the ground, it can create significant loads on the surrounding objects, thereby inflicting damage on fragile structures and/or creating safety risks. The downdraft is especially strong for big and heavy helicopters, such as an SAR Queen AW101 rescue helicopter with its 18.59 m rotor and 14 tons of mass. A FLOW-3D model of the downdraft was developed to assess the wind speeds and pressure loads on the complicated terrain at the University Hospital in Tromsø. Both landing and vertical take-off were studied. The simulation included a geometrical model of the terrain, the fan/impeller/pump feature of FLOW-3D was used to simulate the rotor, and the RNG turbulence model was adopted for the air. The pressure loads were measured on the vertical gate of the hangar at the side of the landing pad and compared to the structural limitations of the gate.

► Supporting Fish Conservation through CFD
  30 May, 2024
FLOW-3D HYDRO Case Studies

Supporting Fish Conservation through CFD

How CFD modeling software helped Australia-based engineers design an innovative fishway and improve habitat connectivity

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) defines a fish ladder as “a structure that allows migrating fish passage over or around an obstacle on a river.” NOAA goes on to say that dams, culverts, and waterfalls can slow or stop this migration and that fish therefore depend on these devices for their long-term survival, reinforcing a government policy position that began with passage of the Federal Power Act in 1920.

This helps explain why national, state, and municipal authorities in the U.S. continue taking steps to increase fish passage safety on new and existing hydropower facilities. For instance, the Department of Energy recently invested $6.3 million into research on fish protection technologies, its intent to make dams and other water containment structures more environmentally friendly.

The U.S. is not alone in these efforts. Several years ago, Austria’s leading electricity company VERBUND announced that it had completed more than 1000 fish ladders since 2009, among them one at its power plant in Annabrücke that “overcomes 26 vertical metres,” the tallest in Europe. Not to be outdone is China, whose Laluo water conservancy project in Tibet lays claim to a Guinness World Record for “world’s highest altitude” fish ladder.

Getting fish to scale oftentimes massive heights isn’t an easy task. Nor is finding the right combination of water velocity, flow, turbulence, and other hydrodynamics that impact fish ladder navigability, each of which might require fine-tuning based on the type and age of the fish as well as the area’s topography. The challenge then becomes how to design a fish ladder that is not only effective for these various conditions, but one that meets budgetary, regulatory, and time constraints.

Nursery slot fishway during construction
The nursery slot fishway during construction shows the natural rock-like features on the left side of the photo and the nursery slot steps on the right.
Nursery slot fishway after construction
The nursery slot fishway after construction looking upstream at the coastal ponded pasture.

Modeling Down Under

Developing these solutions depends on a variety of advanced technologies, chief among them the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software like that provided by Flow Science. One typical CFD success story comes from a restoration project of a coastal ponded pasture in Central Queensland, Australia, where flows from coastal ponded pastures attract many fish species that undertake life-cycle dependent migration between saltwater habitats and freshwater wetlands.

Environmental service provider Catchment Solutions LLC of Mackay, Queensland, worked closely with water engineering firm and FLOW-3D HYDRO user, Brisbane-based Forward Hydro to develop a rock ramp-style fishway as a central piece of this project. CFD modeling was used to understand the hydraulic performance of a proposed innovative fishway design and thereby improve connectivity between downstream saltwater habitats.

The fishway needed to traverse a one-meter drop across the wetland outlet, and utilized a natural rock ramp design with lateral ridges and pools, explains Forward Hydro’s technical director Kyle Thomson. Between the pools, a portion of the ridge contained a “nursery slot,” characterized by a series of staggered steps each 20 mm lower than the next. The varying step design provides a shallow film of flow across a range of hydraulic conditions, while the roughness of the concrete formation provides a lower velocity zone for weaker swimming fish to navigate.

The team at Forward Hydro used FLOW-3D HYDRO to evaluate both the larger-scale fishway hydraulics and a more detailed model of the individual nursery slot design. Flow regimes across multiple pool sections were modeled for various design options in the larger CFD model. The finer model assessed detailed hydraulic conditions of the nursery slot in relation to fish burst speed, burst length, and critical swim speed to help support the design’s suitability across a variety of fish species and life stage.

FLOW-3D HYDRO’s ease of use enabled us to efficiently investigate a variety of design and hydraulic conditions. With its simple meshing approach, we were able to capture the complex nature of the natural rock and nursery slot details without having to spend a lot of time and effort reconfiguring the mesh for every design iteration. Working with the fisheries ecologists, we were able to assess the hydraulic performance of an innovative fishway design and provide advice on ways to optimize performance relating to the native fish species' swimming habits.”

Design Success

Initial fishway monitoring has proven the nursery slot design to be a massive success. Catchment Solutions reports that during a three-day monitoring period, more than 2,700 fish representing thirteen species successfully ascended the fishway, including weaker swimming postlarvae and juvenile fish.

FLOW-3D HYDRO’s ease of use enabled us to efficiently investigate a variety of design and hydraulic conditions,” says Thomson. “With its simple meshing approach, we were able to capture the complex nature of the natural rock and nursery slot details without having to spend a lot of time and effort reconfiguring the mesh for every design iteration. Working with the fisheries ecologists, we were able to assess the hydraulic performance of an innovative fishway design and provide advice on ways to optimize performance relating to the native fish species’ swimming habits.”

Thomson goes on to congratulate Catchment Solutions for developing their innovative solution, which clearly demonstrated the successful migration of juvenile native fish. Matt Moore, Catchment Solutions’ fisheries ecologist, was also quite pleased with the outcome. “We loved the outputs Kyle and the Forward Hydro team provided as part of the CFD modeling task,” he says “There were valuable insights we observed that will help with future design optimization.”

More than 2,700 fish ascended the fishway
More than 2,700 fish from thirteen different species ascended the fishway during a three-day monitoring period, including many postlarvae and juvenile fish.

For more information about this project contact:

CFD Modelling

Kyle Thomson, Technical Director

Fishway Design

Matt Moore, Fisheries Ecologist

Australian Contact

Eric Lemont, General Manager

► FLOW-3D World Users Conference 2024 Registration
    5 May, 2024

Conference Registration

Registration is now open for the FLOW-3D World Users Conference 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, June 10-12! Connect with fellow FLOW-3D users around the world. Enjoy social events, a poster session, technical presentations, product development talks and free advanced training.

Registration closes Friday, May 10. If you would like to join the conference after the registration deadline, please contact us

Registration for the FLOW-3D World Users Conference 2024
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Everyone, but especially presenters are strongly encouraged to attend both days of the conference.
I will attend the following training sessions the afternoon of June 10:
I am attending the Opening Reception on June 10 *
I am attending the Conference Dinner on June 11 *
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A 50 € charge includes access to the opening reception and conference dinner. It does not include access to the conference itself.
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FLOW-3D News
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I agree to be photographed and/or filmed during the conference.

Requesting an Invitation Letter

If you are traveling from a country that is not within the Schengen area, we recommend that you request a letter of invitation and begin your visa application process 60-90 days before your travel date, as visa wait times may be significant.

Please provide me with an invitation letter for visa or business needs.

Cancellation Policy

Flow Science reserves the right to refuse or cancel a conference registration at any time. In such cases, a refund will be given for the full registration amount paid, less the payment processing fees. Flow Science is not responsible for any costs incurred. Registrants who are unable to attend the conference may cancel up to Friday, May 10 to receive a full refund, less payment processing fees. After that date, no refunds will be given.

Mentor Blog top

► News Article: Graphcore leverages multiple Mentor technologies for its massive, second-generation AI platform
  10 Nov, 2020

Graphcore has used a range of technologies from Mentor, a Siemens business, to successfully design and verify its latest M2000 platform based on the Graphcore Colossus™ GC200 Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) processor.

► Technology Overview: Simcenter FLOEFD 2020.1 Package Creator Overview
  20 Jul, 2020

Simcenter™ FLOEFD™ software, a CAD-embedded computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simulation and test solutions that enables companies optimize designs and deliver innovations faster and with greater confidence. Simcenter FLOEFD helps engineers simulate fluid flow and thermal problems quickly and accurately within their preferred CAD environment including NX, Solid Edge, Creo or CATIA V5. With this release, Simcenter FLOEFD helps users create thermal models of electronics packages easily and quickly. Watch this short video to learn how.

► Technology Overview: Simcenter FLOEFD 2020.1 Electrical Element Overview
  20 Jul, 2020

Simcenter™ FLOEFD™ software, a CAD-embedded computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simulation and test solutions that enables companies optimize designs and deliver innovations faster and with greater confidence. Simcenter FLOEFD helps engineers simulate fluid flow and thermal problems quickly and accurately within their preferred CAD environment including NX, Solid Edge, Creo or CATIA V5. With this release, Simcenter FLOEFD allows users to add a component into a direct current (DC) electro-thermal calculation by the given component’s electrical resistance. The corresponding Joule heat is calculated and applied to the body as a heat source. Watch this short video to learn how.

► Technology Overview: Simcenter FLOEFD 2020.1 Battery Model Extraction Overview
  17 Jun, 2020

Simcenter™ FLOEFD™ software, a CAD-embedded computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simulation and test solutions that enables companies optimize designs and deliver innovations faster and with greater confidence. Simcenter FLOEFD helps engineers simulate fluid flow and thermal problems quickly and accurately within their preferred CAD environment including NX, Solid Edge, Creo or CATIA V5. With this release, the software features a new battery model extraction capability that can be used to extract the Equivalent Circuit Model (ECM) input parameters from experimental data. This enables you to get to the required input parameters faster and easier. Watch this short video to learn how.

► Technology Overview: Simcenter FLOEFD 2020.1 BCI-ROM and Thermal Netlist Overview
  17 Jun, 2020

Simcenter™ FLOEFD™ software, a CAD-embedded computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simulation and test solutions that enables companies optimize designs and deliver innovations faster and with greater confidence. Simcenter FLOEFD helps engineers simulate fluid flow and thermal problems quickly and accurately within their preferred CAD environment including NX, Solid Edge, Creo or CATIA V5. With this release, Simcenter FLOEFD allows users to create a compact Reduced Order Model (ROM) that solves at a faster rate, while still maintaining a high level of accuracy. Watch this short video to learn how.

► On-demand Web Seminar: Avoiding Aerospace Electronics Failures, thermal testing and simulation of high-power semiconductor components
  27 May, 2020

High semiconductor temperatures may lead to component degradation and ultimately failure. Proper semiconductor thermal management is key for design safety, reliability and mission critical applications.

Tecplot Blog top

► What Computer Hardware Should I Buy for Tecplot 360?
  15 Mar, 2023

A common question from Tecplot 360 users centers around the hardware that they should buy to achieve the best performance. The answer is invariably, it depends. That said, we’ll try to demystify how Tecplot 360 utilizes your hardware so you can make an informed decision in your hardware purchase.

Let’s have a look at each of the major hardware components on your machine and show some test results that illustrate the benefits of improved hardware.

Test data

Our test data is an OVERFLOW simulation of a wind turbine. The data consists of 5,863 zones, totaling 263,075,016 elements and the file size is 20.9GB. For our test we:

  • Load the data.
  • Compute Q-Criterion.
  • Display an iso-surface of Q-Criterion (the resulting iso-surface consists of 32,248,635 triangular elements).
  • Export an image to PNG format.

The test was performed using 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 CPU-cores, with the data on a local HDD (spinning hard drive) and local SSD (solid state disk). Limiting the number of CPU cores was done using Tecplot 360’s ––max-available-processors command line option.

Data was cleared from the disk cache between runs using RamMap.

Machine Specs

  • Windows 10
  • 32 logical (16 physical) CPU cores. Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz
  • ATA ST2000DM001 Spinning Hard Disk
  • ATA INTEL SSDSC2BA40 Solid State Disk
  • Intel Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
  • 128GB DDR3 RAM
  • Nvidia Quadro K4000 graphics card


Advice: Buy the fastest disk you can afford.

In order to generate any plot in Tecplot 360, you need to load data from a disk. Some plots require more data to be loaded off disk than others. Some file formats are also more efficient than others – particularly file formats that summarize the contents of the file in a single header portion at the top or bottom of the file – Tecplot’s SZPLT is a good example of a highly efficient file format.

We found that the SSD was 61% faster than the HDD when using all 32 CPU-cores for this post-processing task.

All this said – if your data are on a remote server (network drive, cloud storage, HPC, etc…), you’ll want to ensure you have a fast disk on the remote resource and a fast network connection.

With Tecplot 360 the SZPLT file format coupled with the SZL Server could help here. With FieldView you could run in client-server mode.

Disk Performance at 32-cores


Advice: Buy the fastest CPU, with the most cores, that you can afford. But realize that performance is not always linear with the number of cores.

Most of Tecplot 360’s data compute algorithms are multi-threaded – meaning they’ll use all available CPU-cores during the computation. These include (but are not limited to): Calculation of new variables, slices, iso-surfaces, streamtraces, and interpolations. The performance of these algorithms improves linearly with the number of CPU-cores available.

You’ll also notice that the overall performance improvement is not linear with the number of CPU-cores. This is because loading data off disk becomes a dominant operation, and the slope is bound to asymptote to the disk read speed.

HDD vs SDD-Performance Scaling

You might notice that the HDD performance actually got worse beyond 8 CPU-cores. We believe this is because the HDD on this machine was just too slow to keep up with 16 and 32 concurrent threads requesting data.

It’s important to note that with data on the SSD the performance improved all the way to 32 CPU-cores. Further reinforcing the earlier advice – buy the fastest disk you can afford.


Advice: Buy as much RAM as you need, but no more.

You might be thinking: “Thanks for nothing – really, how much RAM do I need?”

Well, that’s something you’re going to have to figure out for yourself. The more data Tecplot 360 needs to load to create your plot, the more RAM you’re going to need. Computed iso-surfaces can also be a large consumer of RAM – such as the iso-surface computed in this test case.

If you have transient data, you may want enough RAM to post-process a couple time steps simultaneously – as Tecplot 360 may start loading a new timestep before unloading data from an earlier timestep.

The amount of RAM required is going to be different depending on your file format, cell types, and the post-processing activities you’re doing. For example:

  • A structured dataset will require less RAM than an unstructured dataset because structured data has implicit cell connectivity, while unstructured data has an explicit cell connectivity, which requires more RAM. For example, we compared a 100 million cell structured vs equivalent unstructured dataset, plotting one slice and one iso-surface. The peak RAM required by Tecplot 360 2022 R2 in this case was as such:
    • Structured dataset: 2.1GB RAM
    • Unstructured dataset: 8.8GB RAM
  • A simple plot of your surface data colored by a scalar is going to require less RAM than computing Q-Criterion and rendering an iso-surface. Why? Because computing Q-Criterion requires loading the volume data, plus several scalars. And then plotting the iso-surface requires the generation of new data in RAM.

When testing the amount of RAM used by Tecplot 360, make sure to set the Load On Demand strategy to Minimize Memory Use (available under Options>Performance).

Load on Demand

This will give you an understanding of the minimum amount of RAM required to accomplish your task. When set to Auto Unload (the default), Tecplot 360 will maintain more data in RAM, which improves performance. The amount of data Tecplot 360 holds in RAM is dictated by the Memory threshold (%) field, seen in the image above. So you – the user – have control over how much RAM Tecplot 360 is allowed to consume.

Graphics Card

Advice: Most modern graphics cards are adequate, even Intel integrated graphics provide reasonable performance. Just make sure you have up to date graphics drivers. If you have an Nvidia graphics card, favor the “Studio” drivers over the “Game Ready” drivers. The “Studio” drivers are typically more stable and offer better performance for the types of plots produced by Tecplot 360.

Many people ask specifically what type of graphics card they should purchase. This is, interestingly, the least important hardware component (at least for most of the plots our users make). Most of the post-processing pipeline is dominated by the disk and CPU, so the time spent rendering the scene is a small percentage of the total.

That said – there are some scenes that will stress your graphics card more than others. Examples are:

  • Showing lots of spherical scatter symbols
  • Many iso-surfaces or a complex iso-surface

Note that Tecplot 360’s interactive graphics performance currently (2023) suffers on Apple Silicon (M1 & M2 chips). The Tecplot development team is actively investigating solutions.


As with most things in life, striking a balance is important. You can spend a huge amount of money on CPUs and RAM, but if you have a slow disk or slow network connection, you’re going to be limited in how fast your post-processor can load the data into memory.

So, evaluate your post-processing activities to try to understand which pieces of hardware may be your bottleneck.

For example, if you:

  • Load a lot of timesteps and render simple objects like slices or just surfaces, your process is dominated by I/O – consider a fast disk or network connection.
  • Have a process that is compute heavy – like creating complicated iso-surfaces, computing new variables, or doing interpolations – consider more CPU cores.
  • Render a lot of images for a single dataset – for example multiple view angles of the same dataset, your process will spend a lot of time rendering – consider a higher-end GPU.

And again – make sure you have enough RAM for your workflow.

Try Tecplot 360 for Free

The post What Computer Hardware Should I Buy for Tecplot 360? appeared first on Tecplot Website.

► FieldView joins – Merger Update
  27 Feb, 2023

Three years after our merger began, we can report that the combined FieldView and Tecplot team is stronger than ever. Customers continue to receive the highest quality support and new product releases and we have built a solid foundation that will allow us to continue contributing to our customers’ successes long into the future.

This month we have taken another step by merging the FieldView website into Our social media outreach will also be combined. Stay up to date with news and announcements by subscribing and following us on social media.

AIAA SciTech Team 2023

Members of Tecplot 360 & FieldView teams exhibit together at AIAA SciTech 2023. From left to right: Shane Wagner, Charles Schnake, Scott Imlay, Raja Olimuthu, Jared McGarry and Yves-Marie Lefebvre. Not shown are Scott Fowler and Brandon Markham.

It’s been a pleasure seeing two groups that were once competitors come together as a team, learn from each other and really enjoy working together.

– Yves-Marie Lefebvre, Tecplot CTO & FieldView Product Manager.

Our customers have seen some of the benefits of our merger in the form of streamlined services from the common Customer Portal, simplified licensing, and license renewals. Sharing expertise and assets across teams has already led to the faster implementation of modules such as licensing and CFD data loaders. By sharing our development resources, we’ve been able to invest more in new technology, which will soon translate to increased performance and new features for all products.

Many of the improvements are internal to our organization but will have lasting benefits for our customers. Using common development tools and infrastructure will enable us to be as efficient as possible to ensure we can put more of our energy into improving the products. And with the backing of the larger organization, we have a firm foundation to look long term at what our customers will need in years to come.

We want to thank our customers and partners for their support and continued investment as we endeavor to create better tools that empower engineers and scientists to discover, analyze and understand information in complex data, and effectively communicate their results.

Subscribe to Tecplot News

The post FieldView joins – Merger Update appeared first on Tecplot Website.

► Faster Visualization of Higher-Order Finite-Element Data
  13 Feb, 2023

One of the most memorable parts of my finite-elements class in graduate school was a comparison of linear elements and higher-order elements for the structural analysis of a dam. As I remember, they were able to duplicate the results obtained with 34 linear elements by using a SINGLE high-order element. This made a big impression on me, but the skills I learned at that time remained largely unused until recently.

You see, my Ph.D. research and later work was using finite-volume CFD codes to solve the steady-state viscous flow. For steady flows, there didn’t seem to be much advantage to using higher than 2nd or 3rd order accuracy.

Increasing Usage of Higher-Order Methods

This has changed recently as the analysis of unsteady vortical flows have become more common. The use of higher-order (greater than second order) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods is increasing. Popular government and academic CFD codes such as FUN3D, KESTREL, and SU2 have released, or are planning to release, versions that include higher-order methods. This is because higher-order accurate methods offer the potential for better accuracy and stability, especially for unsteady flows. This trend is likely to continue.

CFD 2030 Vision

Commercial visual analysis codes are not yet providing full support for higher-order solutions. The CFD 2030 vision states

 “…higher-order methods will likely increase in utilization during this time frame, although currently the ability to visualize results from higher order simulations is highly inadequate. Thus, software and hardware methods to handle data input/output (I/O), memory, and storage for these simulations (including higher-order methods) on emerging HPC systems must improve. Likewise, effective CFD visualization software algorithms and innovative information presentation (e.g., virtual reality) are also lacking.”

The isosurface algorithm described in this paper is the first step toward improving higher-order element visualization in the commercial visualization code Tecplot 360.

Higher-Order Finite-Element Techniques

Higher-order methods can be based on either finite-difference methods or finite-element methods. While some popular codes use higher-order finite-difference methods (OVERFLOW, for example), this paper will focus on higher-order finite-element techniques. Specifically, we will present a memory-efficient recursive subdivision algorithm for visualizing the isosurface of higher-order element solutions.

In previous papers we demonstrated this technique for quadratic tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid, and prism elements with Lagrangian polynomial basis functions. In this paper Optimized Implementation of Recursive Sub-Division Technique for Higher-Order Finite-Element Isosurface and Streamline Visualization we discuss the integration of these techniques into the engine of the commercial visualization code Tecplot 360 and discuss speed optimizations. We also discuss the extension of the recursive subdivision algorithm to cubic tetrahedral and pyramid elements, and quartic tetrahedral elements. Finally, we discuss the extension of the recursive subdivision algorithm to the computation of streamlines.

Read the White Paper (PDF)

Read the White Paper (PDF)

Click an image to view the slideshow

[See image gallery at]

The post Faster Visualization of Higher-Order Finite-Element Data appeared first on Tecplot Website.

► Webinar: Tecplot 360 2022 R2
  15 Dec, 2022

In this release, we are very excited to offer “Batch-Pack” licensing for the first time. A Batch-Pack license enables a single user access to multiple concurrent batch instances of our Python API (PyTecplot) while consuming only a single license seat. This option will reduce license contention and allow for faster turnaround times by running jobs in parallel across multiple nodes of an HPC. All at a substantially lower cost than buying additional license seats.


Data courtesy of ZJ Wang, University of Kansas, visualization by Tecplot.

Webinar Agenda for 360 2022 R2

  • Tecplot at a Glance
  • Tecplot 360 Suite of Tools [02:11]
  • Overview of What’s New in Tecplot 360 2022 R2 [03:15]
  • Batch-Packs [04:25]
  • Critical Bug Fixes [8:29]
  • Loader Updates [11:16]
  • TecIO Updates [15:37]
  • Platform Updates [17:15]
  • Higher-Order Element Technology Preview [18:50]
  • Questions & Answers [27:26]


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The post Webinar: Tecplot 360 2022 R2 appeared first on Tecplot Website.

► Introducing 360 “Batch-Packs”
  15 Dec, 2022

A license booster for engineers who want maximum throughput at minimum cost.

Ask us about Batch-Packs!

Call 1.800.763.7005 or 425.653.1200

Batch-mode is a term nearly as old as computers themselves. Despite its age, however, it is representative of a concept that is as relevant today as it ever was, perhaps even more so: headless (scripted, programmatic, automated, etc.) execution of instructions. Lots of engineering is done interactively, of course, but oftentimes the task is a known quantity and there is a ton of efficiency to be gained by automating the computational elements. That efficiency is realized ten times over when batch-mode meets parallelization – and that’s why we thought it was high-time we offered a batch-mode licensing model for Tecplot 360’s Python API, PyTecplot. We call them “batch-packs.”

Tecplot 360 Batch-Packs

Tecplot 360 batch-packs work by enabling users to run multiple concurrent instances of our Python API (PyTecplot) while consuming only a single license seat. It’s an optional upgrade that any customer can add to their license for a fee. The benefit? The fee for a batch-pack is substantially lower than buying an equivalent number of license seats – which makes it easier to justify outfitting your engineers with the software access they need to reach peak efficiency.

Batch-Packs Explained

Here is a handy little diagram we drew to help explain it better:

Batch Packs in Tecplot 360 2022 R2

Each network license allows ‘n’ seats. Traditionally, each instance of PyTecplot consumes 1 seat. Prior to the 2022 R2 release of Tecplot 360 EX, licenses only operated using the paradigm illustrated in the first two rows of the diagram above (that is, a user could check out up to ‘n’ seats, or ‘n’ users could check out a single seat). Now customers can elect to purchase batch-packs, which will enable each seat to provide a single user with access to ‘m’ instances of PyTecplot, as shown in the bottom row of the figure.

Batch-Pack Benefits

In addition to a cost reduction (vs. purchasing an equivalent number of network seats), batch-pack licensees will enjoy:

  • Reduced license contention. Since each user is guaranteed “m” PyTecplot instances they can run post-processing jobs in parallel without fear of their job failing due to license contention.
  • Faster turnaround times by running your post-processing jobs in parallel across multiple nodes of an HPC, or even on a single workstation. Running across multiple nodes may help alleviate memory limitations for large datasets.

Learn More

We’re excited to offer this new option and hope that our customers can make the most of it.

The post Introducing 360 “Batch-Packs” appeared first on Tecplot Website.

► Colormap in Tecplot 360
    7 Dec, 2022

The Rainbow Colormap Sucks and Here’s Why…

If you care about how you present your data and how people perceive your results, stop reading and watch this talk by Kristen Thyng on YouTube. Seriously, I’ll wait, I’ve got the time.

Why Colormaps are Important

Which colormap you choose, and which data values are assigned to each color can be vitally important to how you (or your clients) interpret the data being presented. To illustrate the importance of this, consider the image below.

Why Colormaps are Important

Figure 1. Visualization of the Southeast United States. [4]

With the colormap on the left, one can hardly tell what the data represents, but with a modified colormap and strategic transitions at zero (sea level) one can clearly tell that the data represents the Southeast of the United States. Even without data labels, one might infer that the color represents elevation. Without a good colormap, and without strategic placement of the color transitions you may be inaccurately representing your data.

Why You Should Consider Perceptually Uniform Colormaps

Before I explain what a perceptually uniform colormap is, let’s start with everyone’s favorite: the rainbow colormap. We all love the rainbow colormap because it’s pretty and is recognizable. Everyone knows “ROY G BIV” so we think of this color progression as intuitive, but in reality (for scalar values) it’s anything but.

Consider the image below, which represents the “Estimated fraction of precipitation lost to evapotranspiration”. This image makes it appear that there’s a very distinct difference in the scalar value right down the center of the United States. Is there really a sudden change in the values right in the middle of the Great Plains? No – this is an artifact of the colormap, which is misleading you!

Rainbow Colormap

Figure 2. This plot illustrates how the rainbow colormap is misleading, giving the perception that there is a distinct different in the middle of the US, when in fact the values are more continuous. [2]

To interpret the data correctly it’s important that “the perceptual interpolation matches the underlying scalars of the map” [6]

Comparison of Perceptually Uniform and Rainbow Colormaps

So let’s dive a little deeper into the rainbow colormap and how it compares to perceptually uniform (or perceptually linear) colormaps.

Consider the six images below, what are we looking at? If you were to only look at the top three images, you might get the impression that the scalar value has non-linear changes – while this value (radius) is actually changing linearly. If presented with the rainbow colormap, you’d be forgiven if you didn’t guess that the object is a cone, colored by radius.


Figure 3. An example of how the rainbow colormap imparts information that does not actually exist in the data.

So why does the rainbow colormap mislead? It’s because the color values are not perceptually uniform. In this image you can see how the perceptual changes in the colormap vary from one end to the other. The gray scale and “cmocean – haline” colormaps shown here are perceptually uniform, while the rainbow colormap adds information that doesn’t actually exist.

Perceptual Change

Figure 4. Visualization of the perceptual changes of three colormaps. [5]

This blog post isn’t meant to be a technical article, so I won’t go into all the specific here, but if you want to dive deeper into the how and why of the perceptual changes in colors, check out the References.

So which colormap should I use?

Well, that depends. Tecplot 360 and FieldView are typically used to represent scalar data, so Sequential and Diverging colormaps will probably get used the most – but there are others we will discuss as well.

Sequential colormaps

Sequential colormaps are ideal for scalar values in which there’s a continuous range of values. Think pressure, temperature, and velocity magnitude. Here we’re using the ‘cmocean – thermal’ colormap in Tecplot 360 to represent fluid temperature in a Barracuda Virtual Reactor simulation of a cyclone separator.


Diverging Colormaps

Diverging colormaps are a great option when you want to highlight a change in values. Think ratios, where the values span from -1 to 1, it can help to highlight the value at zero.

Diverging Colormaps

The diverging colormap is also useful for “delta plots” – In the plot below, the bottom frame is showing a delta between the current time step and the time average. Using a diverging colormap, it’s easy to identify where the delta changes from negative to positive.


Qualitative Colormaps

If you have discrete data that represent things like material properties – say “rock, sand, water, oil”, these data can be represented using integer values and a qualitative colormap. This type of colormap will do good job in supplying distinct colors for each value. An example of this, from a CONVERGE simulation, can be seen below. Instructions to create this plot can be found in our blog, Creating a Materials Legend in Tecplot 360.
Qualitative Colormaps

Circular (Phase) Colormaps

Perhaps infrequently used, but still important to point out is the “phase” colormap. This is particularly useful for values which are cyclic – such as a theta value used to represent wind direction in this FVCOM simulation result. If we were to use a simple sequential colormap (inset plot below) you would observe what appears to be a large gradient where the wind direction is 360o vs. 0o. Logically these are the same value and using the “cmocean – phase” colormap allows you communicate the continuous nature of the data.

Contrast in Pink

Purposeful Breaks in the Colormap

There are times when you want to force a break in a continuous colormap. In the image below, the colormap is continuous from green to white Horizontal Colormap but we want to ensure that values at or below zero are represented as blue – to indicate water. In Tecplot 360 this can be done using the “Override band colors” option, in which we override the first color band to be blue. This makes the plot more realistic and therefore easier to interpret.


Best Practices

  • Avoid red and green in the same plot. About 1 in 12 men are color blind, with red-green color blindness being the most common [7].
  • Use different colormaps for different data and objects. Using colors that are associated with the physical object or property can help make the visualization more intuitive. For example, blue hues for rain and ice, green hues for algae, yellow and orange hues for heat.
  • Don’t like our colormaps? Create your own! Tecplot 360 allows you to supply your own custom colormaps as well as change which colormap is default. [1]




The post Colormap in Tecplot 360 appeared first on Tecplot Website.

Schnitger Corporation, CAE Market top

► Ansys adds Zemax optical imaging system simulation to its portfolio
  31 Aug, 2021

Ansys adds Zemax optical imaging system simulation to its portfolio

Ansys has announced that it will acquire Zemax, maker of high-performance optical imaging system simulation solutions. The terms of the deal were not announced, but it is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Zemax’s OpticStudio is often mentioned when users talk about designing optical, lighting, or laser systems. Ansys says that the addition of Zemax will enable Ansys to offer a “comprehensive solution for simulating the behavior of light in complex, innovative products … from the microscale with the Ansys Lumerical photonics products, to the imaging of the physical world with Zemax, to human vision perception with Ansys Speos [acquired with Optis]”.

This feels a lot like what we’re seeing in other forms of CAE, for example, when we simulate materials from nano-scale all the way to fully-produced-sheet-of-plastic-scale. There is something to be learned at each point, and simulating them all leads, ultimately, to a more fit-for-purpose end result.

Ansys is acquiring Zemax from its current owner, EQT Private Equity. EQT’s announcement of the sale says that “[w]ith the support of EQT, Zemax expanded its management team and focused on broadening the Company’s product portfolio through substantial R&D investment focused on the fastest growing segments in the optics space. Zemax also revamped its go-to-market sales approach and successfully transitioned the business model toward recurring subscription revenue”. EQT had acquired Zemax in 2018 from Arlington Capital Partners, a private equity firm, which had acquired Zemax in 2015. Why does this matter? Because the path each company takes is different — and it’s sometimes not a straight line.

Ansys says the transaction is not expected to have a material impact on its 2021 financial results.

► Sandvik building CAM powerhouse by acquisition
  30 Aug, 2021

Sandvik building CAM powerhouse by acquisition

Last year Sandvik acquired CGTech, makers of Vericut. I, like many people, thought “well, that’s interesting” and moved on. Then in July, Sandvik announced it was snapping up the holding company for Cimatron, GibbsCAM (both acquired by Battery Ventures from 3D Systems), and SigmaTEK (acquired by Battery Ventures in 2018). Then, last week, Sandvik said it was adding Mastercam to that list … It’s clearly time to dig a little deeper into Sandvik and why it’s doing this.

First, a little background on Sandvik. Sandvik operates in three main spheres: rocks, machining, and materials. For the rocks part of the business, the company makes mining/rock extraction and rock processing (crushing, screening, and the like) solutions. Very cool stuff but not relevant to the CAM discussion.

The materials part of the business develops and sells industrial materials; Sandvik is in the process of spinning out this business. Also interesting but …

The machining part of the business is where things get more relevant to us. Sandvik Machining & Manufacturing Solutions (SMM) has been supplying cutting tools and inserts for many years, via brands like Sandvik, SECO, Miranda, Walter, and Dormer Pramet, and sees a lot of opportunity in streamlining the processes around the use of specific tools and machines. Light weighting and sustainability efforts in end-industries are driving interest in new materials and more complex components, as well as tighter integration between design and manufacturing operations. That digitalization across an enterprise’s areas of business, Sandvik thinks, plays into its strengths.

According to info from the company’s 2020 Capital Markets Day, rocks and materials are steady but slow revenue growers. The company had set a modest 5% revenue growth target but had consistently been delivering closer to 3% — what to do? Like many others, the focus shifted to (1) software and (2) growth by acquisition. Buying CAM companies ticked both of those boxes, bringing repeatable, profitable growth. In an area the company already had some experience in.

Back to digitalization. If we think of a manufacturer as having (in-house or with partners) a design function, which sends the concept on to production preparation, then to machining, and, finally, to verification/quality control, Sandvik wants to expand outwards from machining to that entire world. Sandvik wants to help customers optimize the selection of tools, the machining strategy, and the verification and quality workflow.

The Manufacturing Solutions subdivision within SMM was created last year to go after this opportunity. It’s got 3 areas of focus: automating the manufacturing process, industrializing additive manufacturing, and expanding the use of metrology to real-time decision making.

The CGTech acquisition last year was the first step in realizing this vision. Vericut is prized for its ability to work with any CAM, machine tool, and cutting tool for NC code simulation, verification, optimization, and programming. CGTech is a long-time supplier of Vericut software to Sandvik’s Coromant production units, so the companies knew one another well. Vericut helps Sandvik close that digitalization/optimization loop — and, of course, gives it access to the many CAM users out there who do not use Coromant.

But verification is only one part of the overall loop, and in some senses, the last. CAM, on the other hand, is the first (after design). Sanvik saw CAM as “the most important market to enter due to attractive growth rates – and its proximity to Sandvik Manufacturing and Machining Solutions’ core business.” Adding Cimatron, GibbsCAM, SigmaTEK, and Mastercam gets Sandvik that much closer to offering clients a set of solutions to digitize their complete workflows.

And it makes business sense to add CAM to the bigger offering:

  1. Sandvik has over 100,000 machining customers, many of which are relatively small, and most of which have a low level of digitalization. Sandvik believes it can bring significant value to these customers, while also providing point solutions to much larger clients
  2. Software is attractive — recurring revenue, growth rates, and margins
  3. CAM lets Sandvik grow in strategic importance with its customers, integrating cutting and tool data with process planning, as a way of improving productivity and part quality
  4. The acquisitions are strong in Americans and Asia — expanding Sandvik’s footprint to a more even global basis

To head off one question: As of last week’s public statements, anyway, Sandvik has no interest in getting into CAD, preferring to leave that battlefield to others, and continue on its path of openness and neutrality.

And because some of you asked: there is some overlap in these acquisitions, but remarkably little, considering how established these companies all are. GibbsCAM is mostly used for production milling and turning; Cimatron is used in mold and die — and with a big presence in automotive, where Sandvik already has a significant interest; and SigmaNEST is for sheet metal fabrication and material requisitioning.

One interesting (to me, anyway) observation: 3D Systems sold Gibbs and Cimatron to Battery in November 2020. Why didn’t Sandvik snap it up then? Why wait until July 2021? A few possible reasons: Sandvik CEO Stefan Widing has been upfront about his company’s relative lack of efficiency in finding/closing/incorporating acquisitions; perhaps it was simply not ready to do a deal of this type and size eight months earlier. Another possible reason: One presumes 3D Systems “cleaned up” Cimatron and GibbsCAM before the sale (meaning, separating business systems and financials from the parent, figuring out HR, etc.) but perhaps there was more to be done, and Sandvik didn’t want to take that on. And, finally, maybe the real prize here for Sandvik was SigmaNEST, which Battery Ventures had acquired in 2018, and Cimatron and GibbsCAM simply became part of the deal. We may never know.

This whole thing is fascinating. A company out of left field, acquiring these premium PLMish assets. Spending major cash (although we don’t know how much because of non-disclosures between buyer and sellers) for a major market presence.

No one has ever asked me about a CAM roll-up, yet I’m constantly asked about how an acquirer could create another Ansys. Perhaps that was the wrong question, and it should have been about CAM all along. It’s possible that the window for another company to duplicate what Sandvik is doing may be closing since there are few assets left to acquire.

Sandvik’s CAM acquisitions haven’t closed yet, but assuming they do, there’s a strong fit between CAM and Sandvik’s other manufacturing-focused business areas. It’s more software, with its happy margins. And, finally, it lets Sandvik address the entire workflow from just after component design to machining and on to verification. Mr. Widing says that Sandvik first innovated in hardware, then in service – and now, in software to optimize the component part manufacturing process. These are where gains will come, he says, in maximizing productivity and tool longevity. Further out, he sees, measuring every part to see how the process can be further optimized. It’s a sound investment in the evolution of both Sandvik and manufacturing.

We all love a good reinvention story, and how Sandvik executes on this vision will, of course, determine if the reinvention was successful. And, of course, there’s always the potential for more news of this sort …

► Missed it: Sandvik also acquiring GibbsCAM, Cimatron & SigmaNEST
  25 Aug, 2021

Missed it: Sandvik also acquiring GibbsCAM, Cimatron & SigmaNEST

I missed this last month — Sandvik also acquired Cambrio, which is the combined brand for what we might know better as GibbsCAM (milling, turning), Cimatron (mold and die), and SigmaNEST (nesting, obvs). These three were spun out of 3D Systems last year, acquired by Battery Ventures — and now sold on to Sandvik.

This was announced in July, and the acquisition is expected to close in the second half of 2021 — we’ll find out on Friday if it already has.

At that time. Sandvik said its strategic aim is to “provide customers with software solutions enabling automation of the full component manufacturing value chain – from design and planning to preparation, production and verification … By acquiring Cambrio, Sandvik will establish an important position in the CAM market that includes both toolmaking and general-purpose machining. This will complement the existing customer offering in Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions”.

Cambrio has around 375 employees and in 2020, had revenue of about $68 million.

If we do a bit of math, Cambrio’s $68 million + CNC Software’s $60 million + CGTech’s (that’s Vericut’s maker) of $54 million add up to $182 million in acquired CAM revenue. Not bad.

More on Friday.

► Mastercam will be independent no more
  25 Aug, 2021

Mastercam will be independent no more

CNC Software and its Mastercam have been a mainstay among CAM providers for decades, marketing its solutions as independent, focused on the workgroup and individual. That is about to change: Sandvik, which bought CGTech late last year, has announced that it will acquire CNC Software to build out its CAM offerings.

According to Sandvik’s announcement, CNC Software brings a “world-class CAM brand in the Mastercam software suite with an installed base of around 270,000 licenses/users, the largest in the industry, as well as a strong market reseller network and well-established partnerships with leading machine makers and tooling companies”.

We were taken by surprise by the CGTech deal — but shouldn’t be by the Mastercam acquisition. Stefan Widing, Sandvik’s CEO explains it this way: “[Acquiring Mastercam] is in line with our strategic focus to grow in the digital manufacturing space, with special attention on industrial software close to component manufacturing. The acquisition of CNC Software and the Mastercam portfolio, in combination with our existing offerings and extensive manufacturing capabilities, will make Sandvik a leader in the overall CAM market, measured in installed base. CAM plays a vital role in the digital manufacturing process, enabling new and innovative solutions in automated design for manufacturing.” The announcement goes on to say, “CNC Software has a strong market position in CAM, and particularly for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SME’s), something that will support Sandvik’s strategic ambitions to develop solutions to automate the manufacturing value chain for SME’s – and deliver competitive point solutions for large original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s).”

Sandvik says that CNC Software has 220 employees, with revenue of $60 million in 2020, and a “historical annual growth rate of approximately 10 percent and is expected to outperform the estimated market growth of 7 percent”.

No purchase price was disclosed, but the deal is expected to close during the fourth quarter.

Sandvik is holding a call about this on Friday — more updates then, if warranted.

► Bentley saw a rebound in infrastructure in Q2 but is cautious about China
  18 Aug, 2021

Bentley saw a rebound in infrastructure in Q2 but is cautious about China

Bentley continues to grow its deep expertise in various AEC disciplines — most recently, expanding its focus in underground resource mapping and analysis. This diversity serves it well; read on.

In Q2,

  • Total revenue was $223 million, up 21% as reported. Seequent contributed about $4 million per the quarterly report filed with the US SEC, so almost all of this growth was organic
  • Subscription revenue was $186 million, up 18%
  • Perpetual license revenue was $11 million, down 8% as Bentley continues to focus on selling subscriptions
  • Services revenue was $26 million, up 86% as Bentley continues to build out its Maximo-related consulting and implementation business, the Cohesive Companies

Unlike AspenTech, Bentley’s revenue growth is speeding up (total revenue up 21% in Q2, including a wee bit from Seequent, and up 17% for the first six months of 2021). Why the difference? IMHO, because Bentley has a much broader base, selling into many more end industries as well as to road/bridge/water/wastewater infrastructure projects that keep going, Covid or not. CEO Greg Bentley told investors that some parts of the business are back to —or even better than— pre-pandemic levels, but not yet all. He said that the company continues to struggle in industrial and resources capital expenditure projects, and therefore in the geographies (theMiddle East and Southeast Asia) that are the most dependent on this sector. This is balanced against continued success in new accounts and the company’s reinvigorated selling to small and medium enterprises via its Virtuosity subsidiary — and in a resurgence in the overall commercial/facilities sector. In general, it appears that sales to contractors such as architects and engineers lag behind those to owners and operators of commercial facilities —makes sense as many new projects are still on pause until pandemic-related effects settle down.

One unusual comment from Bentley’s earnings call that we’re going to listen for on others: The government of China is asking companies to explain why they are not using locally-grown software solutions; it appears to be offering preferential tax treatment for buyers of local software. As Greg Bentley told investors, “[d]uring the year to date, we have experienced a rash of unanticipated subscription cancellations within the mid-sized accounts in China that have for years subscribed to our China-specific enterprise program … Because we don’t think there are product issues, we will try to reinstate these accounts through E365 programs, where we can maintain continuous visibility as to their usage and engagement”. So, to recap: the government is using taxation to prefer one set of vendors over another, and all Bentley can do (really) is try to bring these accounts back and then monitor them constantly to keep on top of emerging issues. FWIW, in the pre-pandemic filings for Bentley’s IPO, “greater China, which we define as the Peoples’ Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan … has become one of our largest (among our top five) and fastest-growing regions as measured by revenue, contributing just over 5% of our 2019 revenues”. Something to watch.

The company updated its financial outlook for 2021 to include the recent Seequent acquisition and this moderate level of economic uncertainty. Bentley might actually join the billion-dollar club on a pro forma basis — as if the acquisition of Seequent had occurred at the beginning of 2021. On a reported basis, the company sees total revenue between $945 million and $960 million, or an increase of around 18%, including Seequent. Excluding Seequent, Bentley sees organic revenue growth of 10% to 11%.

Much more here, on Bentley’s investor website.

► AspenTech is cautious about F2022, citing end-market uncertainty
  18 Aug, 2021

AspenTech is cautious about F2022, citing end-market uncertainty

We still have to hear from Autodesk, but there’s been a lot of AECish earnings news over the last few weeks. This post starts a modest series as we try to catch up on those results.

AspenTech reported results for its fiscal fourth quarter, 2021 last week. Total revenue of $198 million in DQ4, down 2% from a year ago. License revenue was $145 million, down 3%; maintenance revenue was $46 million, basically flat when compared to a year earlier, and services and other revenue was $7 million, up 9%.

For the year, total revenue was up 19% to $709 million, license revenue was up 28%, maintenance was up 4% and services and other revenue was down 18%.

Looking ahead, CEO Antonio Pietri said that he is “optimistic about the long-term opportunity for AspenTech. The need for our customers to operate their assets safely, sustainably, reliably and profitably has never been greater … We are confident in our ability to return to double-digit annual spend growth over time as economic conditions and industry budgets normalize.” The company sees fiscal 2022 total revenue of $702 million to $737 million, which is up just $10 million from final 2021 at the midpoint.

Why the slowdown in FQ4 from earlier in the year? And why the modest guidance for fiscal 2022? One word: Covid. And the uncertainty it creates among AspenTech’s customers when it comes to spending precious cash. AspenTech expects its visibility to improve when new budgets are set in the calendar fourth quarter. By then, AspenTech hopes, its customers will have a clearer view of reopening, consumer spending, and the timing of an eventual recovery.

Lots more detail here on AspenTech’s investor website.

Next up, Bentley. Yup. Alphabetical order.

Symscape top

► CFD Simulates Distant Past
  25 Jun, 2019

There is an interesting new trend in using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Until recently CFD simulation was focused on existing and future things, think flying cars. Now we see CFD being applied to simulate fluid flow in the distant past, think fossils.

CFD shows Ediacaran dinner party featured plenty to eat and adequate sanitation

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► Background on the Caedium v6.0 Release
  31 May, 2019

Let's first address the elephant in the room - it's been a while since the last Caedium release. The multi-substance infrastructure for the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) capability was a much larger effort than I anticipated and consumed a lot of resources. This lead to the relative quiet you may have noticed on our website. However, with the new foundation laid and solid we can look forward to a bright future.

Conjugate Heat Transfer Through a Water-Air RadiatorConjugate Heat Transfer Through a Water-Air Radiator
Simulation shows separate air and water streamline paths colored by temperature

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► Long-Necked Dinosaurs Succumb To CFD
  14 Jul, 2017

It turns out that Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has a key role to play in determining the behavior of long extinct creatures. In a previous, post we described a CFD study of parvancorina, and now Pernille Troelsen at Liverpool John Moore University is using CFD for insights into how long-necked plesiosaurs might have swum and hunted.

CFD Water Flow Simulation over an Idealized PlesiosaurCFD Water Flow Simulation over an Idealized Plesiosaur: Streamline VectorsIllustration only, not part of the study

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► CFD Provides Insight Into Mystery Fossils
  23 Jun, 2017

Fossilized imprints of Parvancorina from over 500 million years ago have puzzled paleontologists for decades. What makes it difficult to infer their behavior is that Parvancorina have none of the familiar features we might expect of animals, e.g., limbs, mouth. In an attempt to shed some light on how Parvancorina might have interacted with their environment researchers have enlisted the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

CFD Water Flow Simulation over a ParvancorinaCFD Water Flow Simulation over a Parvancorina: Forward directionIllustration only, not part of the study

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► Wind Turbine Design According to Insects
  14 Jun, 2017

One of nature's smallest aerodynamic specialists - insects - have provided a clue to more efficient and robust wind turbine design.

DragonflyDragonfly: Yellow-winged DarterLicense: CC BY-SA 2.5, André Karwath

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► Runners Discover Drafting
    1 Jun, 2017

The recent attempt to break the 2 hour marathon came very close at 2:00:24, with various aids that would be deemed illegal under current IAAF rules. The bold and obvious aerodynamic aid appeared to be a Tesla fitted with an oversized digital clock leading the runners by a few meters.

2 Hour Marathon Attempt

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curiosityFluids top

► Tutorial: Creating curves in blockMesh
  29 Apr, 2019

In this post, I’ll give a simple example of how to create curves in blockMesh. For this example, we’ll look at the following basic setup:

As you can see, we’ll be simulating the flow over a bump defined by the curve:

y=H*\sin\left(\pi x \right)

First, let’s look at the basic blockMeshDict for this blocking layout WITHOUT any curves defined:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
  =========                 |
  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /   O peration     | Website:
    \\  /    A nd           | Version:  6
     \\/     M anipulation  |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      blockMeshDict;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 1;

    (-1 0 0)    // 0
    (0 0 0)     // 1
    (1 0 0)     // 2
    (2 0 0)     // 3
    (-1 2 0)    // 4
    (0 2 0)     // 5
    (1 2 0)     // 6
    (2 2 0)     // 7

    (-1 0 1)    // 8    
    (0 0 1)     // 9
    (1 0 1)     // 10
    (2 0 1)     // 11
    (-1 2 1)    // 12
    (0 2 1)     // 13
    (1 2 1)     // 14
    (2 2 1)     // 15

    hex (0 1 5 4 8 9 13 12) (20 100 1) simpleGrading (0.1 10 1)
    hex (1 2 6 5 9 10 14 13) (80 100 1) simpleGrading (1 10 1)
    hex (2 3 7 6 10 11 15 14) (20 100 1) simpleGrading (10 10 1)


        type patch;
            (0 8 12 4)
        type patch;
            (3 7 15 11)
        type wall;
            (0 1 9 8)
            (1 2 10 9)
            (2 3 11 10)
        type patch;
            (4 12 13 5)
            (5 13 14 6)
            (6 14 15 7)
        type empty;
            (8 9 13 12)
            (9 10 14 13)
            (10 11 15 14)
            (1 0 4 5)
            (2 1 5 6)
            (3 2 6 7)

// ************************************************************************* //

This blockMeshDict produces the following grid:

It is best practice in my opinion to first make your blockMesh without any edges. This lets you see if there are any major errors resulting from the block topology itself. From the results above, we can see we’re ready to move on!

So now we need to define the curve. In blockMesh, curves are added using the edges sub-dictionary. This is a simple sub dictionary that is just a list of interpolation points:

        polyLine 1 2
                (0	0       0)
                (0.1	0.0309016994    0)
                (0.2	0.0587785252    0)
                (0.3	0.0809016994    0)
                (0.4	0.0951056516    0)
                (0.5	0.1     0)
                (0.6	0.0951056516    0)
                (0.7	0.0809016994    0)
                (0.8	0.0587785252    0)
                (0.9	0.0309016994    0)
                (1	0       0)

        polyLine 9 10
                (0	0       1)
                (0.1	0.0309016994    1)
                (0.2	0.0587785252    1)
                (0.3	0.0809016994    1)
                (0.4	0.0951056516    1)
                (0.5	0.1     1)
                (0.6	0.0951056516    1)
                (0.7	0.0809016994    1)
                (0.8	0.0587785252    1)
                (0.9	0.0309016994    1)
                (1	0       1)

The sub-dictionary above is just a list of points on the curve y=H\sin(\pi x). The interpolation method is polyLine (straight lines between interpolation points). An alternative interpolation method could be spline.

The following mesh is produced:

Hopefully this simple example will help some people looking to incorporate curved edges into their blockMeshing!


This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software via, and owner of theOPENFOAM®  andOpenCFD®  trademarks.

► Creating synthetic Schlieren and Shadowgraph images in Paraview
  28 Apr, 2019

Experimentally visualizing high-speed flow was a serious challenge for decades. Before the advent of modern laser diagnostics and velocimetry, the only real techniques for visualizing high speed flow fields were the optical techniques of Schlieren and Shadowgraph.

Today, Schlieren and Shadowgraph remain an extremely popular means to visualize high-speed flows. In particular, Schlieren and Shadowgraph allow us to visualize complex flow phenomena such as shockwaves, expansion waves, slip lines, and shear layers very effectively.

In CFD there are many reasons to recreate these types of images. First, they look awesome. Second, if you are doing a study comparing to experiments, occasionally the only full-field data you have could be experimental images in the form of Schlieren and Shadowgraph.

Without going into detail about Schlieren and Shadowgraph themselves, primarily you just need to understand that Schlieren and Shadowgraph represent visualizations of the first and second derivatives of the flow field refractive index (which is directly related to density).

In Schlieren, a knife-edge is used to selectively cut off light that has been refracted. As a result you get a visualization of the first derivative of the refractive index in the direction normal to the knife edge. So for example, if an experiment used a horizontal knife edge, you would see the vertical derivative of the refractive index, and hence the density.

For Shadowgraph, no knife edge is used, and the images are a visualization of the second derivative of the refractive index. Unlike the Schlieren images, shadowgraph has no direction and shows you the laplacian of the refractive index field (or density field).

In this post, I’ll use a simple case I did previously ( as an example and produce some synthetic Schlieren and Shadowgraph images using the data.

So how do we create these images in paraview?

Well as you might expect, from the introduction, we simply do this by visualizing the gradients of the density field.

In ParaView the necessary tool for this is:

Gradient of Unstructured DataSet:

Finding “Gradient of Unstructured DataSet” using the Filters-> Search

Once you’ve selected this, we then need to set the properties so that we are going to operate on the density field:

Change the “Scalar Array” Drop down to the density field (rho), and change the name to Synthetic Schlieren

To do this, simply set the “Scalar Array” to the density field (rho), and change the name of the result Array name to SyntheticSchlieren. Now you should see something like this:

This is NOT a synthetic Schlieren Image – but it sure looks nice

There are a few problems with the above image (1) Schlieren images are directional and this is a magnitude (2) Schlieren and Shadowgraph images are black and white. So if you really want your Schlieren images to look like the real thing, you should change to black and white. ALTHOUGH, Cold and Hot, Black-Body radiation, and Rainbow Desatured all look pretty amazing.

To fix these, you should only visualize one component of the Synthetic Schlieren array at a time, and you should visualize using the X-ray color preset:

The results look pretty realistic:

Horizontal Knife Edge

Vertical Knife Edge

Now how about ShadowGraph?

The process of computing the shadowgraph field is very similar. However, recall that shadowgraph visualizes the Laplacian of the density field. BUT THERE IS NO LAPLACIAN CALCULATOR IN PARAVIEW!?! Haha no big deal. Just remember the basic vector calculus identity:

\nabla^2\left[\right]  = \nabla \cdot \nabla \left[\right]

Therefore, in order for us to get the Shadowgraph image, we just need to take the Divergence of the Synthetic Schlieren vector field!

To do this, we just have to use the Gradient of Unstructured DataSet tool again:

This time, Deselect “Compute Gradient” and the select “Compute Divergence” and change the Divergence array name to Shadowgraph.

Visualized in black and white, we get a very realistic looking synthetic Shadowgraph image:

Shadowgraph Image

So what do the values mean?

Now this is an important question, but a simple one to answer. And the answer is…. not much. Physically, we know exactly what these mean, these are: Schlieren is the gradient of the density field in one direction and Shadowgraph is the laplacian of the density field. But what you need to remember is that both Schlieren and Shadowgraph are qualitative images. The position of the knife edge, brightness of the light etc. all affect how a real experimental Schlieren or Shadowgraph image will look.

This means, very often, in order to get the synthetic Schlieren to closely match an experiment, you will likely have to change the scale of your synthetic images. In the end though, you can end up with extremely realistic and accurate synthetic Schlieren images.

Hopefully this post will be helpful to some of you out there. Cheers!

► Solving for your own Sutherland Coefficients using Python
  24 Apr, 2019

Sutherland’s equation is a useful model for the temperature dependence of the viscosity of gases. I give a few details about it in this post:

The law given by:

\mu=\mu_o\frac{T_o + C}{T+C}\left(\frac{T}{T_o}\right)^{3/2}

It is also often simplified (as it is in OpenFOAM) to:

\mu=\frac{C_1 T^{3/2}}{T+C}=\frac{A_s T^{3/2}}{T+T_s}

In order to use these equations, obviously, you need to know the coefficients. Here, I’m going to show you how you can simply create your own Sutherland coefficients using least-squares fitting Python 3.

So why would you do this? Basically, there are two main reasons for this. First, if you are not using air, the Sutherland coefficients can be hard to find. If you happen to find them, they can be hard to reference, and you may not know how accurate they are. So creating your own Sutherland coefficients makes a ton of sense from an academic point of view. In your thesis or paper, you can say that you created them yourself, and not only that you can give an exact number for the error in the temperature range you are investigating.

So let’s say we are looking for a viscosity model of Nitrogen N2 – and we can’t find the coefficients anywhere – or for the second reason above, you’ve decided its best to create your own.

By far the simplest way to achieve this is using Python and the Scipy.optimize package.

Step 1: Get Data

The first step is to find some well known, and easily cited, source for viscosity data. I usually use the NIST webbook (, but occasionally the temperatures there aren’t high enough. So you could also pull the data out of a publication somewhere. Here I’ll use the following data from NIST:

Temparature (K) Viscosity (Pa.s)
400 0.000022217
600 0.000029602
800 0.000035932
1000 0.000041597
1200 0.000046812
1400 0.000051704
1600 0.000056357
1800 0.000060829
2000 0.000065162

This data is the dynamics viscosity of nitrogen N2 pulled from the NIST database for 0.101 MPa. (Note that in these ranges viscosity should be only temperature dependent).

Step 2: Use python to fit the data

If you are unfamiliar with Python, this may seem a little foreign to you, but python is extremely simple.

First, we need to load the necessary packages (here, we’ll load numpy, scipy.optimize, and matplotlib):

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

Now we define the sutherland function:

def sutherland(T, As, Ts):
    return As*T**(3/2)/(Ts+T)

Next we input the data:



Then we fit the data using the curve_fit function from scipy.optimize. This function uses a least squares minimization to solve for the unknown coefficients. The output variable popt is an array that contains our desired variables As and Ts.

popt = curve_fit(sutherland, T, mu)

Now we can just output our data to the screen and plot the results if we so wish:

print('As = '+str(popt[0])+'\n')
print('Ts = '+str(popt[1])+'\n')


plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
plt.ylabel('Dynamic Viscosity (Pa.s)')
plt.legend(['NIST Data', 'Sutherland'])

Overall the entire code looks like this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def sutherland(T, As, Ts):
    return As*T**(3/2)/(Ts+T)

T=[200, 400, 600,


popt, pcov = curve_fit(sutherland, T, mu)
print('As = '+str(popt[0])+'\n')
print('Ts = '+str(popt[1])+'\n')


plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
plt.ylabel('Dynamic Viscosity (Pa.s)')
plt.legend(['NIST Data', 'Sutherland'])

And the results for nitrogen gas in this range are As=1.55902E-6, and Ts=168.766 K. Now we have our own coefficients that we can quantify the error on and use in our academic research! Wahoo!


In this post, we looked at how we can simply use a database of viscosity-temperature data and use the python package scipy to solve for our unknown Sutherland viscosity coefficients. This NIST database was used to grab some data, and the data was then loaded into Python and curve-fit using scipy.optimize curve_fit function.

This task could also easily be accomplished using the Matlab curve-fitting toolbox, or perhaps in excel. However, I have not had good success using the excel solver to solve for unknown coefficients.

► Tips for tackling the OpenFOAM learning curve
  23 Apr, 2019

The most common complaint I hear, and the most common problem I observe with OpenFOAM is its supposed “steep learning curve”. I would argue however, that for those who want to practice CFD effectively, the learning curve is equally as steep as any other software.

There is a distinction that should be made between “user friendliness” and the learning curve required to do good CFD.

While I concede that other commercial programs have better basic user friendliness (a nice graphical interface, drop down menus, point and click options etc), it is equally as likely (if not more likely) that you will get bad results in those programs as with OpenFOAM. In fact, to some extent, the high user friendliness of commercial software can encourage a level of ignorance that can be dangerous. Additionally, once you are comfortable operating in the OpenFOAM world, the possibilities become endless and things like code modification, and bash and python scripting can make OpenFOAM worklows EXTREMELY efficient and powerful.

Anyway, here are a few tips to more easily tackle the OpenFOAM learning curve:

(1) Understand CFD

This may seem obvious… but its not to some. Troubleshooting bad simulation results or unstable simulations that crash is impossible if you don’t have at least a basic understanding of what is happening under the hood. My favorite books on CFD are:

(a) The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM® and Matlab by
F. Moukalled, L. Mangani, and M. Darwish

(b) An introduction to computational fluid dynamics – the finite volume method – by H K Versteeg and W Malalasekera

(c) Computational fluid dynamics – the basics with applications – By John D. Anderson

(2) Understand fluid dynamics

Again, this may seem obvious and not very insightful. But if you are going to assess the quality of your results, and understand and appreciate the limitations of the various assumptions you are making – you need to understand fluid dynamics. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of turbulence, and turbulence modeling.

(3) Avoid building cases from scratch

Whenever I start a new case, I find the tutorial case that most closely matches what I am trying to accomplish. This greatly speeds things up. It will take you a super long time to set up any case from scratch – and you’ll probably make a bunch of mistakes, forget key variable entries etc. The OpenFOAM developers have done a lot of work setting up the tutorial cases for you, so use them!

As you continue to work in OpenFOAM on different projects, you should be compiling a library of your own templates based on previous work.

(4) Using Ubuntu makes things much easier

This is strictly my opinion. But I have found this to be true. Yes its true that Ubuntu has its own learning curve, but I have found that OpenFOAM works seamlessly in the Ubuntu or any Ubuntu-like linux environment. OpenFOAM now has Windows flavors using docker and the like- but I can’t really speak to how well they work – mostly because I’ve never bothered. Once you unlock the power of Linux – the only reason to use Windows is for Microsoft Office (I guess unless you’re a gamer – and even then more and more games are now on Linux). Not only that- but the VAST majority of forums and troubleshooting associated with OpenFOAM you’ll find on the internet are from Ubuntu users.

I much prefer to use Ubuntu with a virtual Windows environment inside it. My current office setup is my primary desktop running Ubuntu – plus a windows VirtualBox, plus a laptop running windows that I use for traditional windows type stuff. Dual booting is another option, but seamlessly moving between the environments is easier.

(5) If you’re struggling, simplify

Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you probably shouldn’t dive into the most complicated version of whatever you are trying to solve/study. It is best to start simple, and layer the complexity on top. This way, when something goes wrong, it is much easier to figure out where the problem is coming from.

(6) Familiarize yourself with the cfd-online forum

If you are having trouble, the cfd-online forum is super helpful. Most likely, someone else is has had the same problem you have. If not, the people there are extremely helpful and overall the forum is an extremely positive environment for working out the kinks with your simulations.

(7) The results from checkMesh matter

If you run checkMesh and your mesh fails – fix your mesh. This is important. Especially if you are not planning on familiarizing yourself with the available numerical schemes in OpenFOAM, you should at least have a beautiful mesh. In particular, if your mesh is highly non-orthogonal, you will have serious problems. If you insist on using a bad mesh, you will probably need to manipulate the numerical schemes. A great source for how schemes should be manipulated based on mesh non-orthogonality is:

(8) CFL Number Matters

If you are running a transient case, the Courant-Freidrechs-Lewis (CFL) number matters… a lot. Not just for accuracy (if you are trying to capture a transient event) but for stability. If your time-step is too large you are going to have problems. There is a solid mathematical basis for this stability criteria for advection-diffusion problems. Additionally the Navier-Stokes equations are very non-linear and the complexity of the problem and the quality of your grid etc can make the simulation even less stable. When I have a transient simulation crash, if I know my mesh is OK, I decrease the timestep by a factor of 2. More often than not, this solves the problem.

For large time stepping, you can add outer loops to solvers based on the pimple algorithm, but you may end up losing important transient information. Excellent explanation of how to do this is given in the book by T. Holzmann:

For the record, this points falls into point (1) of Understanding CFD.

(9) Work through the OpenFOAM Wiki “3 Week” Series

If you are starting OpenFOAM for the first time, it is worth it to work through an organized program of learning. One such example (and there are others) is the “3 Weeks Series” on the OpenFOAM wiki:

If you are a graduate student, and have no job to do other than learn OpenFOAM, it will not take 3 weeks. This touches on all the necessary points you need to get started.

(10) OpenFOAM is not a second-tier software – it is top tier

I know some people who have started out with the attitude from the get-go that they should be using a different software. They think somehow Open-Source means that it is not good. This is a pretty silly attitude. Many top researchers around the world are now using OpenFOAM or some other open source package. The number of OpenFOAM citations has grown every year consistently (

In my opinion, the only place where mainstream commercial CFD packages will persist is in industry labs where cost is no concern, and changing software is more trouble than its worth. OpenFOAM has been widely benchmarked, and widely validated from fundamental flows to hypersonics (see any of my 17 publications using it for this). If your results aren’t good, you are probably doing something wrong. If you have the attitude that you would rather be using something else, and are bitter that your supervisor wants you to use OpenFOAM, when something goes wrong you will immediately think there is something wrong with the program… which is silly – and you may quit.

(11) Meshing… Ugh Meshing

For the record, meshing is an art in any software. But meshing is the only area where I will concede any limitation in OpenFOAM. HOWEVER, as I have outlined in my previous post ( most things can be accomplished in OpenFOAM, and there are enough third party meshing programs out there that you should have no problem.


Basically, if you are starting out in CFD or OpenFOAM, you need to put in time. If you are expecting to be able to just sit down and produce magnificent results, you will be disappointed. You might quit. And frankly, thats a pretty stupid attitude. However, if you accept that CFD and fluid dynamics in general are massive fields under constant development, and are willing to get up to speed, there are few limits to what you can accomplish.

Please take the time! If you want to do CFD, learning OpenFOAM is worth it. Seriously worth it.

This offering is notapproved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributorof the OpenFOAM software via, and owner of theOPENFOAM®  andOpenCFD®  trade marks.

► Automatic Airfoil C-Grid Generation for OpenFOAM – Rev 1
  22 Apr, 2019
Airfoil Mesh Generated with

Here I will present something I’ve been experimenting with regarding a simplified workflow for meshing airfoils in OpenFOAM. If you’re like me, (who knows if you are) I simulate a lot of airfoils. Partly because of my involvement in various UAV projects, partly through consulting projects, and also for testing and benchmarking OpenFOAM.

Because there is so much data out there on airfoils, they are a good way to test your setups and benchmark solver accuracy. But going from an airfoil .dat coordinate file to a mesh can be a bit of pain. Especially if you are starting from scratch.

The two main ways that I have meshed airfoils to date has been:

(a) Mesh it in a C or O grid in blockMesh (I have a few templates kicking around for this
(b) Generate a “ribbon” geometry and mesh it with cfMesh
(c) Or back in the day when I was a PhD student I could use Pointwise – oh how I miss it.

But getting the mesh to look good was always sort of tedious. So I attempted to come up with a python script that takes the airfoil data file, minimal inputs and outputs a blockMeshDict file that you just have to run.

The goals were as follows:
(a) Create a C-Grid domain
(b) be able to specify boundary layer growth rate
(c) be able to set the first layer wall thickness
(e) be mostly automatic (few user inputs)
(f) have good mesh quality – pass all checkMesh tests
(g) Quality is consistent – meaning when I make the mesh finer, the quality stays the same or gets better
(h) be able to do both closed and open trailing edges
(i) be able to handle most airfoils (up to high cambers)
(j) automatically handle hinge and flap deflections

In Rev 1 of this script, I believe I have accomplished (a) thru (g). Presently, it can only hand airfoils with closed trailing edge. Hinge and flap deflections are not possible, and highly cambered airfoils do not give very satisfactory results.

There are existing tools and scripts for automatically meshing airfoils, but I found personally that I wasn’t happy with the results. I also thought this would be a good opportunity to illustrate one of the ways python can be used to interface with OpenFOAM. So please view this as both a potentially useful script, but also something you can dissect to learn how to use python with OpenFOAM. This first version of the script leaves a lot open for improvement, so some may take it and be able to tailor it to their needs!

Hopefully, this is useful to some of you out there!


You can download the script here:

Here you will also find a template based on the airfoil2D OpenFOAM tutorial.


(1) Copy to the root directory of your simulation case.
(2) Copy your airfoil coordinates in Selig .dat format into the same folder location.
(3) Modify to your desired values. Specifically, make sure that the string variable airfoilFile is referring to the right .dat file
(4) In the terminal run: python3
(5) If no errors – run blockMesh

You need to run this with python 3, and you need to have numpy installed


The inputs for the script are very simple:

ChordLength: This is simply the airfoil chord length if not equal to 1. The airfoil dat file should have a chordlength of 1. This variable allows you to scale the domain to a different size.

airfoilfile: This is a string with the name of the airfoil dat file. It should be in the same folder as the python script, and both should be in the root folder of your simulation directory. The script writes a blockMeshDict to the system folder.

DomainHeight: This is the height of the domain in multiples of chords.

WakeLength: Length of the wake domain in multiples of chords

firstLayerHeight: This is the height of the first layer. To estimate the requirement for this size, you can use the curiosityFluids y+ calculator

growthRate: Boundary layer growth rate

MaxCellSize: This is the max cell size along the centerline from the leading edge of the airfoil. Some cells will be larger than this depending on the gradings used.

The following inputs are used to improve the quality of the mesh. I have had pretty good results messing around with these to get checkMesh compliant grids.

BLHeight: This is the height of the boundary layer block off of the surfaces of the airfoil

LeadingEdgeGrading: Grading from the 1/4 chord position to the leading edge

TrailingEdgeGrading: Grading from the 1/4 chord position to the trailing edge

inletGradingFactor: This is a grading factor that modifies the the grading along the inlet as a multiple of the leading edge grading and can help improve mesh uniformity

trailingBlockAngle: This is an angle in degrees that expresses the angles of the trailing edge blocks. This can reduce the aspect ratio of the boundary cells at the top and bottom of the domain, but can make other mesh parameters worse.


12% Joukowski Airfoil


With the above inputs, the grid looks like this:

Mesh Quality:

These are some pretty good mesh statistics. We can also view them in paraView:

Clark-y Airfoil

The clark-y has some camber, so I thought it would be a logical next test to the previous symmetric one. The inputs I used are basically the same as the previous airfoil:

With these inputs, the result looks like this:

Mesh Quality:

Visualizing the mesh quality:

MH60 – Flying Wing Airfoil

Here is an example of a flying with airfoil (tested since the trailing edge is tilted upwards).


Again, these are basically the same as the others. I have found that with these settings, I get pretty consistently good results. When you change the MaxCellSize, firstLayerHeight, and Grading some modification may be required. However, if you just half the maxCell, and half the firstLayerHeight, you “should” get a similar grid quality just much finer.

Grid Quality:

Visualizing the grid quality


Hopefully some of you find this tool useful! I plan to release a Rev 2 soon that will have the ability to handle highly cambered airfoils, and open trailing edges, as well as control surface hinges etc.

The long term goal will be an automatic mesher with an H-grid in the spanwise direction so that the readers of my blog can easily create semi-span wing models extremely quickly!

Comments and bug reporting encouraged!

DISCLAIMER: This script is intended as an educational and productivity tool and starting point. You may use and modify how you wish. But I make no guarantee of its accuracy, reliability, or suitability for any use. This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software via, and owner of the OPENFOAM®  and OpenCFD®  trademarks.

► Normal Shock Calculator
  20 Feb, 2019

Here is a useful little tool for calculating the properties across a normal shock.


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Disclaimer: This calculator is for educational purposes and is free to use. STF Solutions and curiosityFluids makes no guarantee of the accuracy of the results, or suitability, or outcome for any given purpose.


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