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CFD Events Calendar, Event Record #24426

Multiphysics phenomena analysis on boundary layer stability in hypersonic regime
The objective of these lecture series, supported by the Science and Technology Organization (STO-AVT-289) is to complement the field of high speed fluid dynamics and laminar-to-turbulent transition.
Date: September 18, 2017 - September 20, 2017
Location: Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium
Web Page:|258|257|251|252|256|255|253|254|278|280/multiphysics-phen
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Organizer: von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Application Areas: Fire and Safety, Coating, Painting and Printing, Aerospace, Environmental, Plasma Physics
Special Fields: Boundary Element Methods, Instabilities and Flow Control, Plasma Flows, Radiation, Fluid Mechancis, Multiphysics, Boundary and Interior Layers, Hypersonic Flows, Transition
Type of Event: Course, International

The objective of these lecture series, supported by the Science and Technology Organization (STO-AVT-289) is to complement the field of high speed fluid dynamics and laminar-to-turbulent transition.

Gas surface interaction, ablation and complex chemical reactions strongly influence the high speed flow field and its stability. Future investigations and design techniques shall consider these coupled phenomena It has already been experienced in real flight tests that surface roughness and ‘transpiration’ type gas flows introduced through the surface of the vehicle do not lead, in all cases, to a complete laminar/turbulent transition. Especially the gas flow that is generated usually by pyrolysis of the ablative surface is characterized by such a low velocity that its effect is usually neglected. On the other hand chemical reactions have a strong impact and selection of the appropriate modeling has a relevant effect of the simulation of the flow stability. Theoretical and experimental modeling of the effects of hypersonic flows on transition along surface roughness and surface-normal low speed gas blowing into the boundary layer is introduced and discussed in detail during this course.

The lecture series director is Dr. Fabio Pinna from the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium.

Monday 18 September 2017

  • 08:45 Registration and
  • 09:15 welcome
  • 09:30 Blowing and roughness effect
    S. P. Schneider, Purdue University, School of AAE, USA
  • 10:45 Coffee break
  • 11:15 Blowing and roughness effect
    S. P. Schneider
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:00 Hydrodynamic stability of hypersonic chemically-reacting boundary layers
    O. Marxen, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
  • 15:15 Coffee break
  • 15:45 Hydrodynamic stability of hypersonic chemically-reacting boundary layers
    O. Marxen
  • 17:00 Welcome drink

Tuesday 19 September 2017

  • 09:30 Roughness, blowing effect and ablation
    M. M. Choudhari, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
  • 10:45 Coffee break
  • 11:15 Roughness, blowing effect and ablation
    M. M. Choudhari
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:00 Unsteady in turbulent shock wave boundary layer interaction
    P. Dupont, IUSTI, France
  • 15:15 Coffee break
  • 15:45 Transitional shock wave boundary layer interaction
    P. Dupont

Wednesday 20 September 2017

  • 09:30 Hypersonic transition in high enthalpy facilities
    A. Wagner, DLR, Germany
  • 10:45 Coffee break
  • 11:15 Boundary layer stability at different regimes
    F. Pinna, von Karman institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:00 Tour of VKI Facilities
  • 15:30 End of Lecture Series
Event record first posted on May 31, 2017, last modified on May 31, 2017

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