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I created a tecplot binary file...

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Old   January 7, 2012, 20:57
Default I created a tecplot binary file...
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Lupo Ci
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Dear all, I wrote a fortran code to create a binary .plt file containing a triangular mesh and relevant results for each nodes that can be read from tecplot. I read the manual here and I followed the instruction in appendix A (pag 147). I really cannot understand what s wrong with my code. Tecplot reads the file but the mesh is wrong. I checked everything plenty of times, everything looks fine to me. Did anybody do that?any tecplot expert that can tell me what is wrong with my code? I paste the code below. In my code nodi contains the number of nodes and maglie contains the number of cells. i am simply trying to obtain the triangular mesh made of 4 elements in figure 4.10 pag 130.

        Program tecplot

    INTEGER nodi,maglie,ncan,j,iter,i, buttaINT,iWRITE,nTIMEstep,
     & iREAD,MAXexten,posiz,nOUT,k,N1,N2,N3,kkk,M,nodiGEO,jSTAMPA,
     & NumVar,FileType,ZoneType,StrandID,VarLoc,
     & jmax
    REAL*4 dt,BUTTA,butta1,butta2,butta4,butta3,butta5
      real*8 t,DBLEmin,DBLEmax
      integer, ALLOCATABLE :: iterOUT(:),n123(:,:),nodeCELLcenter(:)
      real*4, ALLOCATABLE :: vettore(:),tOUT(:),x(:),CSprint(:,:),
     &  y(:),z(:),CSnod(:),CS(:,:),area(:),areaNOD(:)
    character*40 nomefile,FM,variab,NOMEFILEGEO,intNAME,fileBUTTA
      character*8 header
      character*1 aster
      logical stampa

        nodi   = 6
      maglie = 4
      x(1)=-1.0; y(1)= 0.0  
      x(2)= 0.0; y(2)= 0.0  
      x(3)= 1.0; y(3)= 0.0  
      x(4)=-0.5; y(4)= 0.8  
      x(5)= 0.5; y(5)= 0.8  
      x(6)= 0.0; y(6)= 1.6  
   numvar = 2
      allocate (CSprint(max(maglie,nodi),numvar),nodeCELLcenter(numvar))
      ! All character strings are null terminated (i.e. terminated by a zero value)
         !header = '#!TDV112'
         iwrite = iwrite+1
         write(36,rec=iwrite) '#!TDV112' !header
         iwrite = iwrite+2 !2 because it is a  char*8 and it fills 8 byte (2*recl)
          !ii. Integer value of 1.
          buttaINT =1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) buttaINT  ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          !iii. Title and variable names.
          FileType = 0 !Title and variable names. 0 = FULL,1 = GRID, 2 = SOLUTION
          write(36,rec=iwrite) FileType ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('T') ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR(NULCHAR) ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) NumVar  ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          !DO I=1,NUMVAR
          !!Variable names (INT32*N). N = L[1] + L[2] + ....  L[NumVar]where:L[i] = length of the ith variable name + 1(for the  terminating 0 value).
            write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('x') 
            iwrite = iwrite+1
            write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR(NULCHAR)
            iwrite = iwrite+1
            write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('y') 
            iwrite = iwrite+1
            write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR(NULCHAR)
            iwrite = iwrite+1
          !iv. Zones
          BUTTA = 299.0 !Zone marker.
          write(36,rec=iwrite) BUTTA      ;iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('Z') ;iwrite = iwrite+1 !Zone name  (INT32*N). N = (length of zone name) + 1(for the terminating 0 value).
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('O') ;iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('N') ;iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('E') ;iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR('1') ;iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) ICHAR(NULCHAR) ; iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) -1 !0 !ParentZone: 0 = indicates that  this zone is not associated with a parent zone.>0 = A value greater  than zero is considered this zone's parent. 
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          StrandID = 0
          write(36,rec=iwrite) StrandID !IN REALTA IL MANUALE DICE  StrandID=0 =>static zone  StrandID: -2 = pending strand ID for  assignmentby Tecplot; -1 = static strand ID; 0 <= N < 32700 valid  strand ID
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          t =t + DBLE(dt)
          write(36,rec=iwrite) t
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) -1 !Not used.
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          ZoneType =2
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          VarLoc = 1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) VarLoc !Specify Var Location.  0 = Don’t specify, all data is locatedat the nodes. 1 = Specify
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          if (VarLoc.eq.1) then
            nodeCELLcenter(1) = 0
            nodeCELLcenter(2) = 0
            do i=1,numvar
              write(36,rec=iwrite) nodeCELLcenter(i) !0 = Node, 1 = Cell Centered (See note 5.)
              iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 0 !Are raw local 1-to-1 face neighbors supplied? (0=FALSE 1=TRUE).
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 0 !Number of miscellaneous user-defined  face neighbor connections (value >= 0). This value is in addition to  the face neighbors
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) nodi
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) maglie
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 0,0,0 !ICellDim,JCellDim, KCellDim (for future use; set to zero)
          iwrite = iwrite+3
          write(36,rec=iwrite)  0 !1=Auxiliary name/value pair to follow ;  0=No more Auxiliary name/value pairs.
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          !v. Geometries
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 399.0e0 ! Geometry marker. Value = 399.0
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          !vi. Text
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 499.0e0 !Text marker. Value=499.0
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 599.0e0 !CustomLabel Marker; F=599
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 699.0e0 !UserRec Marker; F=699
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          !ix. Dataset Auxiliary data.
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 799.0e0 !DataSetAux Marker; F=799.0
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          !x. Variable Auxiliary data.
          !write(36,rec=iwrite) 999.0e0 !VarAux Marker; F=899.0
          !iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 357.0e0  !EOHMARKER, value=357.0
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          !II. DATA SECTION
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 299.0e0 !Zone marker Value = 299.0
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          !i. For both ordered and fe zones:
          DO I=1,NUMVAR
            write(36,rec=iwrite) 1  !Variable data format (INT32*N),  N=Total number of vars 1=Float, 2=Double, 3=LongInt,4=ShortInt, 5=Byte,  6=Bit
            iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 0  !Has passive variables: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) 0  !Has variable sharing 0 = no, 1 = yes.
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          write(36,rec=iwrite) -1 !Zero based zone number to share  connectivity list with (-1 = no sharing). FEPOLYGON and FEPOLYHEDRON  zones use this zone number to share face map data.
          iwrite = iwrite+1
          !Compressed list of min/max pairs for each non-shared and non-passive variables
          CSprint(1:nodi,1) = x(1:nodi); 
          CSprint(1:nodi,2) = y(1:nodi);
          DO I=1,numvar
            if (nodeCELLcenter(i).eq.0) then
              jmax = nodi
            elseif (nodeCELLcenter(i).eq.1) then
              jmax = maglie
            DBLEmin = DBLE(MINVAL(CSprint(1:jmax,i)))
            DBLEmax = DBLE(MAXVAL(CSprint(1:jmax,i)))
            write(36,rec=iwrite) DBLEmin
            iwrite = iwrite+2
            write(36,rec=iwrite) DBLEmax
            iwrite = iwrite+2
            DO J=1,jmax
              write(36,rec=iwrite) CSprint(j,I)  
              iwrite = iwrite+1
          !ii. specific to ordered zones
          !iii. specific to fe zones
          do i=1,maglie
!            do k=1,3
!              buttaINT = n123(k,i)
!              write(36,rec=iwrite) buttaINT
!              iwrite = iwrite+1
!            enddo
            write(36,rec=iwrite) 1, 2, 4
            iwrite = iwrite+3
            write(36,rec=iwrite) 2, 5, 4
            iwrite = iwrite+3
            write(36,rec=iwrite) 3, 5, 2
            iwrite = iwrite+3
            write(36,rec=iwrite) 5, 6, 4
            iwrite = iwrite+3
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Old   June 8, 2012, 18:47
Default Missing DataPacking parameter
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wen long
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The document is INACCURATE although it is a 2012 version. On page 150 of the pdf file, between

| INT32 | ZoneType 0=ORDERED, 1=FELINESEG,


| INT32 | Specify Var Location.
+-----------+ 0 = Don’t specify, all data is located
at the nodes.
1 = Specif

The following is missing:
| INT32 | DataPacking 0=Block, 1=Point

See an earlier version of the document (line 83):

Hopefully this solves your problem.

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Old   June 12, 2012, 15:14
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Andreas P
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seems that you are not using the tecio library for writing the .plt file.
any specific reason for that? for me the library has always worked fine. so this might help you...

best, andreas
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Old   June 12, 2012, 15:49
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wen long
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I'm trying to get it going with matlab/octave. The tecio works fine, but I find it not convenient to call the c programs from matlab.

If you have done that, please let me know.
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Old   June 12, 2012, 16:07
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Andreas P
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Sorry I don't really have experience with C functions in matlab. The only thing I know is that you need to use this MEX interface. Possibly, you are also required to use a certain compiler for your C code in order to stay compatible with the Matlab runtime libs. (For gcc I somehow believe you must not use a compiler newer than gcc 4.4... just breaking out old memories with no guarantee...)

But anyway, it should be possible (with moderate effort) to call C/C++/Fortran routines from Matlab...
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Old   June 12, 2012, 17:03
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wen long
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Thanks! I'm 3 quarters done with writing a matlab function that will generate binary plt files (lines, surfaces, bricks, finite elements and geometries) without using tecio or mex. I will post it here for folks to use after I finish debugging.

The tecplot has now deprecated POINT type of datapacking.
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Old   June 27, 2012, 20:56
Default mat2tecplot.m
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wen long
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Dear all,

I finally finished and tested a matlab program that will dump data to tecplot binary format directly without using tecio. I'm loving it and here you go. Please see the attached mat2tecplot.m .

Simply unzip it and type in matlab command:


It will show you how it works.

Wen Long
Attached Files
File Type: zip (73.9 KB, 284 views)
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