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How can I draw the velocity vector graph on tecplot or origin pro?

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Old   April 13, 2022, 10:11
Default How can I draw the velocity vector graph on tecplot or origin pro?
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Janet J
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Hello guys,

I want to draw graph based on velocity vector, such as the one as follows, for an airfoil simulation I have done. I have no idea how to draw similar graph on either tecplot or origin. I know how to work on both platforms, but all I need is to extract the data, which I do not know how to do on Ansys FLUENT. Can anyone help me with the steps? Will appreciate the help.

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Old   April 19, 2022, 22:51
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Scott Fowler
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There are a couple methods I can think of in Tecplot 360. The easiest is probably to use the Data>Extract>Precise Line... feature. With this dialog you can enter XYZ start and end points and it will extract a line between those points. This method is easy, but the points are evenly distributed, which means that you may not have enough samples near the surface and too many as you get farther away from the surface.

In that case you may prefer using the "slice of a slice" method. First perform a slice through the volume data and extract it to a new zone. Then slice the extracted slice and extract that to a new zone. Now you have a linear zone that represents the exact cell-faces in your dataset. This is more cumbersome, but likely more accurate.

Once you have the line extracted you create an XY plot with (for example) U-Velocity on the X-axis and Z on the Y-Axis.

If you have current software maintenance you can always contact for help too!
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Old   April 27, 2022, 19:43
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Janet J
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Originally Posted by wsfowler View Post
There are a couple methods I can think of in Tecplot 360. The easiest is probably to use the Data>Extract>Precise Line... feature. With this dialog you can enter XYZ start and end points and it will extract a line between those points. This method is easy, but the points are evenly distributed, which means that you may not have enough samples near the surface and too many as you get farther away from the surface.

In that case you may prefer using the "slice of a slice" method. First perform a slice through the volume data and extract it to a new zone. Then slice the extracted slice and extract that to a new zone. Now you have a linear zone that represents the exact cell-faces in your dataset. This is more cumbersome, but likely more accurate.

Once you have the line extracted you create an XY plot with (for example) U-Velocity on the X-axis and Z on the Y-Axis.

If you have current software maintenance you can always contact for help too!
Thank you for your response. I am trying to do that, but unable to do so. I would have appreciated a video tutorial. Or another platform than Tecplot where it would have been much easier. I will keep trying though - but time is of essence. Thank you, once again
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origin, tecplot, velocity vector graph

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