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duplicated zones don't show up in zone style

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Old   September 22, 2021, 06:29
Smile duplicated zones don't show up in zone style
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Hi, When I try to duplicate or mirror the zones the duplicated zones don't appear in "zone style" unless I delete the original zones. Also, I noticed that the original zones have a star next to their number.
is there a way to make the original zones and the duplicated ones appear in "zone style"?
Thanks in advance
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Old   December 10, 2021, 05:06
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Pieter van Uffelen
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Hey Satarah,

I think the asterisks/stars mean that the data is coupled to a certain time step.

Regarding the duplicated zones that won't show in the 'Zone style' dialogue. What worked for me was go to Data>Extract>Blanked Zones... Then answer Yes on the Question 'Blanking is not active. Do you want to continue?'. Select the duplicate zone and click OK. It will now appear in the 'Zone style' dialogue as 'Extracted something'

Hope this will work for you.

Cheers, Pieter
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Old   December 13, 2021, 12:52
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Scott Fowler
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A better solution is to use "Edit Time Strands". The asterisk indicates that the data are being treated as "transient" and the duplicated zone is considered to be the same object at the same solution time - which is why you can't see it in Zone Style.

Go to Edit Time Strands and - for the newly duplicated zones - assign a new Strand ID.

So what is a Strand ID? It's a number that identifies a series of zones through time as being the same object. So consider a transient simulation of an aircraft where you have a fuselage, wing, and tail. You'd identify all the "fuselage" zones through time as Strand 1, wing as Strand 2, and tail as Strand 3. In this case you'll only have three items in Zone Style as defined by the strand ID.

To recap - when duplicating zones, the strand ID is retained which means that the duplicated zone is bundled in the same line in Zone Style. To get the duplicated zone to show up in a new line in Zone Style it needs a different Strand ID than the original zone.
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Old   August 6, 2024, 04:19
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Originally Posted by wsfowler View Post
A better solution is to use "Edit Time Strands". The asterisk indicates that the data are being treated as "transient" and the duplicated zone is considered to be the same object at the same solution time - which is why you can't see it in Zone Style.

Go to Edit Time Strands and - for the newly duplicated zones - assign a new Strand ID.

So what is a Strand ID? It's a number that identifies a series of zones through time as being the same object. So consider a transient simulation of an aircraft where you have a fuselage, wing, and tail. You'd identify all the "fuselage" zones through time as Strand 1, wing as Strand 2, and tail as Strand 3. In this case you'll only have three items in Zone Style as defined by the strand ID.

To recap - when duplicating zones, the strand ID is retained which means that the duplicated zone is bundled in the same line in Zone Style. To get the duplicated zone to show up in a new line in Zone Style it needs a different Strand ID than the original zone.
Hi Dear wsfowler,

As shown in the figure below, I have simulated a 3D wing in Fluent and applied a periodic boundary condition on its side faces.


Now I want to put several wings together in tecplot and show the corresponding contour on them. I tried with Duplicate and Mirror options. Using Duplicate it didn't show me anything and using the mirror, it only showed me a copy number, and then by mirroring the original and copied wing, it doesn't show me anything. Because I want 8 of them next to each other.

I would be grateful if you could help me.


Last edited by @Arash; August 6, 2024 at 05:21.
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Old   August 6, 2024, 13:56
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Scott Fowler
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It seems that you not only need to duplicate your data, but also translate it in the Z-direction. Here's a post that describes some of these steps: This is more complex than your case since it translates the data in the cell normal direction, while you likely only need to translate in the Z-direction.

If you still have questions, I suggest contacting our support staff.

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