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Single-mesh Multizone SU2_CFD Zone number invalid

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Old   April 21, 2020, 21:04
Default Single-mesh Multizone SU2_CFD Zone number invalid
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Braulio Gutierrez Pimenta
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Greetings, I am trying to simulate an aerodynamic flow with several dynamic meshes with steady grid movement. The solver is set to use the RANS solver with no time domain. As detailed by the multizone documentation, I have added the following variables in the main .cfg file:

% Enable Multizone mode
% List of config files to specify zone options
CONFIG_LIST= (base_rans.cfg, floor.cfg)

since I am using .cgns format meshes, I have added the main .cfg and the moving mesh .cfg in the config list. The first .cfg has all the case definition variables and the moving mesh .cfg has the mesh filename and dynamic mesh definition section variables.

The SU2_CFD parsing for the first zone (zone 0) does the mesh and case reading fine but when the second .cfg file is loaded, I get the following error:

------------------- Geometry Preprocessing ( Zone 1 ) -------------------
Reading the CGNS file: floor.cgns.
CGNS file contains 1 database(s).
Database 1, BASE#1: cell dimension of 2, physical dimension of 3.
1 total zone(s).
Zone number 2 invalid

I am using the cgns meshes with one zone each, since the current version does not support multizone meshes from cgns files.

I am running SU2 7.0.3 compiled with gcc 9.3.0 and Mvapich 2.3.3 on Arch Linux.

Thank you.
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Old   November 17, 2020, 11:17
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Ricardo Puente
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Hi. I can't really help, since I have the same problem, with version 7.0.6 and 7.0.7.

The case is a large cylinder with a smaller cookie like cylinder with a propeller inside. I have defined only one interface surface between them, which is flagged in the main cfg as:

MARKER_ZONE_INTERFACE= (interface_r, interface_s)
MARKER_FLUID_INTERFACE= (interface_r, interface_s)

In the subdomain cfgs only the remaining boundaries are flagged.

I've tried using the MULTIPHYSICS solver in the main cfg but then specifying the same flow solver for each subdomain cfg, as well as having only the solver flagged in the main cfg.

I think I've set the mesh movement parameters correctly (the motion is compatible with the meshes), but even if they weren't, it would crash at a later point I'm guessing:

Zone 1 (rotor):

% ----------------------- DYNAMIC MESH DEFINITION -----------------------------%
% Type of dynamic mesh (NONE, ROTATING_FRAME)

MOTION_ORIGIN= 0.0 0.0 0.0

ROTATION_RATE = 0.1 0.0 0.0

Zone 2 (Stator)

% ----------------------- DYNAMIC MESH DEFINITION -----------------------------%
% Type of dynamic mesh (NONE, ROTATING_FRAME)

Both meshes run separately, and changing the order of the subdomain configs yields the same error, when reading respectively the second zone, so I believe there's something wrongly set in the cfg files, not necessarily with the meshses themselves.

Is there some testcase with cgns files? All the testcases I found use SU2 native format with multizone meshes. It most probably is a slight detail we are missing.
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Old   August 14, 2021, 16:22
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Rahul Dev Meher
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Hello braulhiu,

I am also facing the same problem. Could you solve this problem ?

Thank you
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Old   January 15, 2022, 04:03
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Hello All,

I have the same problem. I searched about that issue and my search revealed me that conversation.

I am trying to apply a cfd simulation of a helicopter rotor with sliding mesh. I created my rotating and stationary domains separately via Ansys Tgrid. Then i saved the meshes into .cgns format by reading meshes with Fluent solver and by exporting from solver with cgns format.

Normally ,this mesh export method works fine with single zone meshes in SU2.I obtained well results.

I think there is no progress about the solution of that problem however it should be helpful to keep this topic up-to-date

Best Regards
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Old   January 15, 2022, 05:04
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Pedro Gomes
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As a workaround you can try converting each mesh to su2 format. You can do that with SU2_DEF
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