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Euler Boundary Condition over two planes in 3D

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Old   July 24, 2018, 15:33
Default Euler Boundary Condition over two planes in 3D
Join Date: Jul 2010
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hectorgabriel85 is on a distinguished road
I am using SU2 6.1.0 for a CFD incompressible problem in 3D and I have two boundaries: plane_y and plane_z. In both boundaries I am using MARKER_EULER but I am getting high velocity on the intersection of both boundaries.
My guess is that on the intersection I am getting either velocity_y=0 or velocity_z=0 but not both at the same time.

Is it possible to impose a boundary condition on the line of intersection of both boundaries? I would want that the velocity on that boundary is restricted in y and z and free in x.
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Old   September 29, 2018, 14:16
Senior Member
Heather Kline
Join Date: Jun 2013
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hlk is on a distinguished road
This is an interesting question

For the case that you describe, the boundary condition should be defined by the local normal, so I think it is probably an issue with finding the normal direction at a sharp corner.

In the short term, since line boundaries are not currently supported, if these boundaries are intended to be physical objects you might want to try a small fillet on the corner to avoid issues with undefined normal directions, and making sure to have high refinement of the mesh near this area.

If these boundaries are intended to be the farfield/freestream, you can also try using MARKER_FAR or MARKER_SYM.

More generally, there is a need to have some internal logic for what happens to points that are shared by two markers with different boundary conditions. However, since the Euler boundary condition is defined by the local normal this should behave as though they are a single surface with one type of boundary condition, that happens to have a discontinuity in the surface at the corner.

Originally Posted by hectorgabriel85 View Post
I am using SU2 6.1.0 for a CFD incompressible problem in 3D and I have two boundaries: plane_y and plane_z. In both boundaries I am using MARKER_EULER but I am getting high velocity on the intersection of both boundaries.
My guess is that on the intersection I am getting either velocity_y=0 or velocity_z=0 but not both at the same time.

Is it possible to impose a boundary condition on the line of intersection of both boundaries? I would want that the velocity on that boundary is restricted in y and z and free in x.
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boundary conditions, marker_euler, su2_cfd

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