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FFD control point definitions

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Old   September 29, 2016, 14:03
Question FFD control point definitions
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Eran Arad
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Got a bit mixed up with the versions and definitions. Could someone help?

In all design tutorials with FFD a list of control points is attached at the end of the mesh.su2 file.

In many posts related to FFD it is suggested to set the FFD box corners,
then to run the SU2_MDC with DV_KIND= NO_DEFORMATION in the
configuration file. As a results the FFD control and surface points are generated and merged to the end of new_mesh.su2, that can be now used for optimization.

Now, since version 3.2 SU2_DEF replaced SU2_MDC. The current SU2_DEF won't take DV_KIND= NO_DEFORMATION. So how do you generate the definitions needed to be appended at the end of the mesh.su2 file ?

Also, Python script generates a DEFINITION_DV list, based on user input (ffd box degrees and so forth). This can be appended to the configuration file, but what about the mesh.su2 file ?

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Old   September 29, 2016, 15:05
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Heather Kline
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Originally Posted by Arad View Post
Got a bit mixed up with the versions and definitions. Could someone help?

In all design tutorials with FFD a list of control points is attached at the end of the mesh.su2 file.

In many posts related to FFD it is suggested to set the FFD box corners,
then to run the SU2_MDC with DV_KIND= NO_DEFORMATION in the
configuration file. As a results the FFD control and surface points are generated and merged to the end of new_mesh.su2, that can be now used for optimization.

Now, since version 3.2 SU2_DEF replaced SU2_MDC. The current SU2_DEF won't take DV_KIND= NO_DEFORMATION. So how do you generate the definitions needed to be appended at the end of the mesh.su2 file ?

Also, Python script generates a DEFINITION_DV list, based on user input (ffd box degrees and so forth). This can be appended to the configuration file, but what about the mesh.su2 file ?

Thanks for your question. Yes, some of the terminology has changed over time, in ways that we hope will make things clearer.

Instead of 'NO_DEFORMATION', use 'FFD_SETTING' with SU2_DEF to set the FFD box definition. The FFD box will be written to the mesh_out.su2 file. You do not need the DEFINTION_DV list at this step (you do need it for optimization) but you DO need to have the FFD box defined, as shown in the current

This file is a good place to look in general for updates to the config options.
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Old   September 29, 2016, 17:30
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Eran Arad
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Thanks a lot. It works well that way
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