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Official release of SU2 V3.0 and SU2 Educational V1.0

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Old   January 15, 2014, 17:37
Thumbs up Official release of SU2 V3.0 and SU2 Educational V1.0
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Francisco Palacios
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Long Beach, CA
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Dear Colleague,

Since its introduction in January 2012, SU2, The Open-Source CFD Code, has been downloaded thousands of times by users and developers in academia, government, and industry, including many leading companies and universities. As an open-source project, the growth of active user and developer communities is a crucial goal for SU2. Given the incredibly positive response, we are pleased to announce a new version of the code with major improvements and a entirely new package for educational purposes.

This release marks the third major version of the SU2 open-source code ( SU2 is a collection of C++ software tools for performing Partial Differential Equation (PDE) analysis and for solving PDE-constrained optimization problems, with special emphasis on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and aerodynamic shape design.

We'd like to ask you to please distribute this announcement with the attached flyer to any colleagues and students in your department that might be interested.

Version 3.0 has a number of major additional capabilities:

• Adjoint-based RANS shape optimization.
• New unsteady analysis and design optimization capability.
• Upgrades to the underlying parallelization and file I/O.
• Significant improvements to the accuracy, performance, and robustness of the software suite.

Alongside Version 3.0 of SU2, we are introducing SU2 Educational (SU2_EDU): a new, educational version of the Euler/Navier-Stokes/RANS solver from the SU2 suite. The simplified structure of SU2_EDU makes it suitable for students and beginners in CFD. By focusing on a handful of key numerical methods and capabilities, SU2_EDU is ideal for use in CFD courses, for independent studies, or just to learn about a new field!

SU2_EDU is also geared toward anyone interested in high-fidelity airfoil analysis. The initial version of SU2_EDU is an intuitive, easy to use tool for computing the performance of airfoils in inviscid, laminar, or turbulent flow including non-linear effects in the transonic regime, that only requires the airfoil coordinates.

Finally, we would like to thank the open-source community for their interest, help, and support.

The SU2 team <>, diwakaranant and zaman like this.
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Old   January 16, 2014, 08:05
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CapSizer is on a distinguished road
Hey Francesco, FWIW, the new SU2 and Testcases tarballs that can be downloaded from the website actually turn out to be uncompressed. The file extensions are .tgz, but the "z" bit never actually happened :-)

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Old   January 22, 2014, 06:28
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Zef is on a distinguished road
Hi Francisco,

SU2 eagle was released 7 days ago, but on the official page there are no release notes for the new version: Moreover, release notes are missing in the tar archive of the SU2 3.0.0. Have you any plans to fix this and publish release notes or change log? Thank you.
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