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Averaging a field along a specific direction

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Old   December 27, 2022, 09:02
Default Averaging a field along a specific direction
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aaaaaa is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I can't figure how to average a scalar field that is defined on the boundary of a body that has constant cross-section along the x direction in a way that:

1. The average is calculated for points that share the same (y,z) coordinates


2. The average is calculated for points of the surface that share the same normal vector

I've tried using coordinate-based field function operations but can't find a solution yet, I'd really appreciate some advice. Thank you in advance.

Last edited by aaaaaa; December 28, 2022 at 04:59.
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Old   December 28, 2022, 00:11
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There's a way to accomplish this using the "bands" report feature, but it's limited to force and moment reports. It's ridiculous that such a capability is not built-in for any field function that has surface values, like temperature.

A true station average will require fancy post-processing in a java macro (for which I don't have time to write); however, I do have a CRUDE solution for you, which is approximate if your surface cell size is uniform.

Create a section plane perpendicular to the x-axis, at your starting station, and select the region boundaries of interest. Create an Element Count and a Sum report, and select the section plane you just created for both, and the field function of interest for the Sum report. Create and run an Expression report, defining it as the Sum report divided by the Element Count report.

Now, change the station in your section plane, and rerun the Expression report. A java macro can be created to iterate this process (and print the result to output window and/or write a file). Once again, this is a crude solution, and the result will be only approximate to the true average if your cell size is uniform on your boundary.

There might be a java macro that Siemens knowledge base or forum, or someone on this forum, posted, but I haven't seen one. If anyone cares to share or create such a macro, I could use it as well.

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