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simulation of fluid-structure interaction of a wind turbine using STARCCM and ABAQUS

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Old   February 3, 2021, 14:53
Default simulation of fluid-structure interaction of a wind turbine using STARCCM and ABAQUS
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mojtaba maali amiri
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The simulation of the rotational rotor movement of a rigid wind turbine can be done by assigning the Rigid Body Motion (RBM) to the rotating region, which contains the rotors and hub. On the other hand, for an elastic wind turbine (where we are interested in conducting fluid structure simulations), you can only impose this rotational movement through the use of the “Morphing” option.
In this case, to impose the rotational movement on the rotor, you first need to go to: Co-Simulations - Abaqus Co-Simulation 1 - Zones - Conditions Imported fields - Displacement. Here, you will have to change the treatment of the displacement field from "Managed" to "Unmanaged". After that, you can impose rotational movement on the rotor, and use Field Function “Displacement Imported by Co-Simulation" to deform the rotor.

Only when I do this, after a few time steps, I get a message indicating the presence of negative volume. It is worth mentioning that, for the time being, I am using a stationary blade, because I wanted to know the source of the problem that it is due to the change I am introducing in the treatment of the displacement field from "Managed" to "Unmanaged".
Interestingly, the imported co-simulation displacement on one side of the blade has a very strange behavior, which you can see in the image I sent here. Curiously, the location of the invalid elements is exactly where there is a clear transition in the imported displacement from a non-zero value to a zero value (you can see this in the same image). Any idea on how can I resolve this problem?
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Old   February 7, 2021, 06:48
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Hello everyone,
where can i found the UEPACTIVATIONVOL subroutine in abaqus ? where should i access to link up with the subroutine like for example DFLUX is been used with LOAD and is uplinked while defining the job? where is the location what module shoud i access to found UEPACTIVATION subroutine
thank you,
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Old   February 15, 2021, 12:31
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Ryan Schwab
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Hi Mojtaba,
This is a very old post, so please let me know if you've solved this issue! I am also running into problems combining rigid body movement (RBM), and elastic deformation through coupling to abaqus.

I believe that treating the displacement field as "Managed" is what tells Star-CCM+ to make the boundary around your tubine blade follow its deformation. When this is unmanaged, you will still import the deformation from abaqus, but Star's fluid mesh boundary will not deform, resulting in these "negative spaces" that you're seeing.

Were you able to impose the RBM and the mesh morphing conditions simultaneously? I'm running into an issue where I can either add a rotary motion, or morphing condition under the region's motion specifications.
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Old   February 16, 2021, 19:23
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mojtaba maali amiri
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Hi Ryan,

To impose the rotary motion on a domain, where you have already imposed the morphing motion, you need to prescribe this condition on each boundary surface inside the rotating subdomain by choosing th edisplacment -> Incremental for the morphing option. Then, in the physics values you will be able to use the rotational rigid body motion. For the surfaces where there is a FSI, you need to first change the displacement field treatment from "Managed" to "Unmanaged", and then use the same procedure as I explain above for this surface too. However, the other option for the FSI surface is to import the rotation directly from the ABAQUS to the STAR-CCM+. Because, this way, you will not need to change the displacement field treatment from managed to unmanaged, which is very troublemaking.
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Old   December 5, 2024, 10:19
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Pengyu Li
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Originally Posted by Mojtabam View Post
Hi Ryan,

To impose the rotary motion on a domain, where you have already imposed the morphing motion, you need to prescribe this condition on each boundary surface inside the rotating subdomain by choosing th edisplacment -> Incremental for the morphing option. Then, in the physics values you will be able to use the rotational rigid body motion. For the surfaces where there is a FSI, you need to first change the displacement field treatment from "Managed" to "Unmanaged", and then use the same procedure as I explain above for this surface too. However, the other option for the FSI surface is to import the rotation directly from the ABAQUS to the STAR-CCM+. Because, this way, you will not need to change the displacement field treatment from managed to unmanaged, which is very troublemaking.
Hi, Mojtabam
I don't understand " the other option for the FSI surface is to import the rotation directly from the ABAQUS to the STAR-CCM+", how dose it work
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