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Generate a report of the range of temperatures in an outlet

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Old   October 29, 2016, 16:40
Default Generate a report of the range of temperatures in an outlet
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David Thompson
Join Date: Oct 2016
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thewalrus is on a distinguished road
Hi there,

I unfortunately haven't used a huge amount of STAR CCM+ and won't really have time to, as I am currently partaking in a very workload orientated college course. One of my projects is to model a mixing pipe on STAR and logically change inputs and study the effect on the output. Currently, that is all the skill I have on the software.

I was just wondering if there was a method of generating a report that tells me the range of temperatures that are happening across the outlet? Then I could alter the inputs to try and get a tighter range.

Any help would be appreciated,

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Old   October 29, 2016, 18:31
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David Thompson
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Originally Posted by thewalrus View Post
Hi there,

I unfortunately haven't used a huge amount of STAR CCM+ and won't really have time to, as I am currently partaking in a very workload orientated college course. One of my projects is to model a mixing pipe on STAR and logically change inputs and study the effect on the output. Currently, that is all the skill I have on the software.

I was just wondering if there was a method of generating a report that tells me the range of temperatures that are happening across the outlet? Then I could alter the inputs to try and get a tighter range.

Any help would be appreciated,

Found a roundabout solution. Generate a report on surface average temperature, then generate a report on standard deviation of temperature. If anyone thinks of a better way don't hesitate to contact me!
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Old   November 1, 2016, 11:35
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That's a good approach to tighten up the range across the surface. Here are two more options:

1) Create a Surface Uniformity report. This gives a value, 0-1, depending on how uniform the distribution is. Check the documentation for more information, but this is a good way to ensure (for example) that mixing flows are fully mixed.

2) Create a Minimum report and a Maximum report. These just give absolute min and max, but can also be used to calculate the full range - along with an Expression Report with definition of "Report: Maximum Temperature - Report: Minimum Temperature"
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cfd analysis, mixing fluid, star ccm+, temperature difference, temperature range

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