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Output the distribution of wave pressure that is exerted on an object's faces

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Old   February 17, 2024, 12:20
Default Output the distribution of wave pressure that is exerted on an object's faces
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Stamatios Petalas
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Dear all,

thank you for the nice and helpful experience, and kudos to the developers for this product.
After a thorough search in the forum and some experimenting of my own, I haven't been able to find a clear answer to the query in the title, so I cannot conclude if it is doable in REEF3D or not. Some more details follow.

  • I want to model a body which is partially submerged in a wave field (like a float or solid; we can keep it locked in place for now, so zero degrees of freedom).
  • I have successfully setup the application and run the simulation.
  • I would like to know the spatial distribution of wave pressure that is exerted on it's external surface (not the force).
  1. A pressure term is given as an output from the model. I believe that this is the static pressure. Is this correct, or does this signify the total pressure (i.e. static + dynamic)?
  2. I have used Paraview to convert the velocity magnitude to dynamic pressure, assuming an incompressible fluid, through: p = 0.5 * rho * v^2. Is this a valid assumption and calculation?
  3. If 1 and 2 are correct, then I could add this calculated dynamic pressure to the static pressure given in the output, and have the wave pressure distribution within the grid. Again, is this correct?
  4. Finally, is there a way to export only the data from the cells that are right next to the boundaries of the body? (obviously not the ones under the no slip condition)

Best regards,
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Old   February 19, 2024, 08:26
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Ahmet Soydan
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Hi Stamatis,

The pressure output of REEF3D::CFD is the total pressure. And you can separate it in a way that you explained.

And answer to your last question:

Yes, there is. You can use the P 28 option to print out the level set function of the body. The body is the zero-contour of the level set function (the variable floating in the Paraview dropdown menu). You can extract the zero-level set contour in Paraview. And you can choose the Extract Surface option to extract the surface of the body. Finally, you can plot the pressure/velocity, etc. on the body, and also can export the data in a .csv file by File-->Save Data.

Originally Posted by pe_sta View Post
Dear all,

thank you for the nice and helpful experience, and kudos to the developers for this product.
After a thorough search in the forum and some experimenting of my own, I haven't been able to find a clear answer to the query in the title, so I cannot conclude if it is doable in REEF3D or not. Some more details follow.

  • I want to model a body which is partially submerged in a wave field (like a float or solid; we can keep it locked in place for now, so zero degrees of freedom).
  • I have successfully setup the application and run the simulation.
  • I would like to know the spatial distribution of wave pressure that is exerted on it's external surface (not the force).
  1. A pressure term is given as an output from the model. I believe that this is the static pressure. Is this correct, or does this signify the total pressure (i.e. static + dynamic)?
  2. I have used Paraview to convert the velocity magnitude to dynamic pressure, assuming an incompressible fluid, through: p = 0.5 * rho * v^2. Is this a valid assumption and calculation?
  3. If 1 and 2 are correct, then I could add this calculated dynamic pressure to the static pressure given in the output, and have the wave pressure distribution within the grid. Again, is this correct?
  4. Finally, is there a way to export only the data from the cells that are right next to the boundaries of the body? (obviously not the ones under the no slip condition)

Best regards,
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Ahmet Soydan
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Old   February 19, 2024, 08:33
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Stamatios Petalas
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This is excellent, thank you very much Ahmet!

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