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[OpenFOAM] How to extract a lagrangian point using its ID and attach a glyph

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Old   January 4, 2017, 12:00
Question How to extract a lagrangian point using its ID and attach a glyph
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elys is on a distinguished road

I have a particle simulation where I would like to visualize a single moving point out of a phase containing millions of points. I like to attach a glyph like a sphere to that point in order to see where this point is propagating. I've tried using a threshold (where I only can pick the scalars of the particles or phase ID) and some other filters without any success.
If I use a selection, I can pick any point and extract its data like particle ID, coordinates and so on, however, I have no idea how to use this information to visualize a glyph or smomething similar in order to track that particle. Does anybody of you have an idea how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I'm using PV5.2 and .pvtu
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Old   January 26, 2022, 13:57
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Lorenzo Pedrolli
Join Date: Dec 2021
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Lollum is on a distinguished road
I have a similar problem. I traced down the issue to the fact that OpenFoam 9 tracks the particles by their original ID (origId). Upon importing the .vtk file, ParaView attaches to the Point ID according to a positional criteria, which is unrelated to origId.
It should be possible to either reorder the particles in ParaView using a filter, or during the VTK conversion, but I haven't yet gotten around to it.
However, in a newer version of PV (5.6) the filter "Temporal Particles to Pathline" can display the pathlines of the particles, allowing the selection of origId as tracking variable.
The selection tool "edit > find data" can be used too select a particle by origId. Once you selected the data you can use the filter ExtractSelection to track the single particle.
I hope this is useful for someone.
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Last edited by Lollum; January 26, 2022 at 14:23. Reason: adding screenshot
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glyph, particle, trace

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