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OpenFOAM tutorials w/o foamX

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Old   April 16, 2010, 12:58
Default OpenFOAM tutorials w/o foamX
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Could you post links to tutorials for setting up OpenFOAM cases here, especially setting the boundary conditions for turbulent flow (with, e.g. k-eps model)?

What is the usual procedure? Do you always copy the directory-structure from a tutorial and modify it accordingly?

A very good tutorial using Salome as mesher can be found here:

However, the discontiniued foamX preprocessor is used in this video.

I am looking for typical BC set-up in the text files for different solvers (pisoFoam, simpleFoam, etc.).

I think this would be a nice place to collect a list of tutorials?

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Old   April 17, 2010, 05:41
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Originally Posted by kriz View Post

Could you post links to tutorials for setting up OpenFOAM cases here, especially setting the boundary conditions for turbulent flow (with, e.g. k-eps model)?

What is the usual procedure? Do you always copy the directory-structure from a tutorial and modify it accordingly?

A very good tutorial using Salome as mesher can be found here:

However, the discontiniued foamX preprocessor is used in this video.

I am looking for typical BC set-up in the text files for different solvers (pisoFoam, simpleFoam, etc.).

I think this would be a nice place to collect a list of tutorials?

There is a whole bunch of tutorials for each solver in the tutorials directors of OpenFOAM. Have you looked at these cases?
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Old   April 17, 2010, 08:33
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Greetings to all,

Kriz, I suppose what your looking for is a GUI for OpenFOAM. If you search about the reasons why FoamX was discontinued, you might find something like "most users were mainly editing with text editors" or "FoamX was too hard to get it working".

Anyway, as far as I know, currently there are (at least) 3 accessible GUI's avaliable:
  1. There is an incomplete GUI available with openfoam-mswin called OFDesigner, if I'm not mistaken. It's open source, but the project doesn't seem active now, so it's still like a proof of concept GUI.
  2. There is Discretizer, which is open source, very active and provides many goodies . Nonetheless, I don't know how much integration has been done with OpenFOAM, but it might not be long before it becomes an indispensable application to have to work with OpenFOAM.
  3. There is also a paid CFD software, which isn't very expensive when compared with the big CFD guns, called Caedium, made by Symscape. Also, I don't know how well integrated is it with OpenFOAM, but they provide them both for Linux and Windows.
And I have a faint idea that there should be at least two or three more paid CFD softwares that hook up to OpenFOAM, but I'm not sure which ones they are... and I'm not in the mood to look for them right now :P

I could now rant about how OpenFOAM is an hands-on software... but I guess that's not what you want to ear/read

Best regards,
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Old   April 19, 2010, 12:40
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I agree, setting all necessary BC and solver settings via text is quite straight-forward with OF, however, I find it hard to specify for all variables instead of for the boundary-types. It would be much more convenient if I could set all boundary values and BC-type (for pressure, velocity, TKE, etc.) for type "inlet", "outlet" and whatever, and not having to add all my boundary types for each variable.

Also, the manual does not seem to cover all boundary-types, since I found a "freestream" BC somewhere in the tutorial-cases, that is not mentioned in the manual.

Is there a more-or-less complete list of the possible BC-types?

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