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Frustrating lack of information.

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Old   July 17, 2023, 10:17
Default Frustrating lack of information.
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Hello, im new to OpenFOAM and have been trying to figure it out for a while.
Why is there barely any information on it?
Documentation often just states a very dry and hard to understand description with some formulas, and tutorials seem to just guide you through one specific case while barely explaining how to make your own.
A lot of information is outdated too, im often stumbling upon sites from 2009 while trying to figure out some issue.
Is this just how things are, and im just expected to spend dozens of hours throwing stuff at the case until it finally works, or am i not looking in the right places?
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Old   August 2, 2023, 07:46
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Tobermory will become famous soon enough
I think that you'll find there is a tremendous amount of information out there, on all the versions of OF from v2 onwards ... indeed, itt can be too much information at times. The problem that you are facing is that little of this info is in a "User Guide" or tutorial form. That's the price you pay for using an open source code.

If you have the cash, you can pay someone (eg the Developers) to help you set up your solver/case for you, but if not then you need to accept that you'll have to spend time (and possibly a considerable amount of time, if your case setup is complex) getting your head around the code, C++ programming and basic CFD principles. It IS a lot of effort, but take heart - it gets much easier with time, and this forum can be helpful in answering focussed questions.

Good luck!

PS I am assuming that you are aware of Also, just Google for specific subjects, and you'll often find short papers written by Chalmers MSc students - these can be useful, although will often be for outdated versions of OF.
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