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OpenFOAM version switch from ESI to Foundation

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Old   April 30, 2022, 17:10
Post OpenFOAM version switch from ESI to Foundation
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Join Date: Apr 2022
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vronti is on a distinguished road
I am fairly familiar with OpenFOAM esi version (I am comfortable with it) and have been working with them for about 2 years now.
I am now working on a project (CHT simulation) and my supervisor is asking me which version would be better to go with since he doesn't want to switch versions anytime soon; as many discussed there would be more differences to come between esi and foundation versions.

I followed many posts discussing the history and differences in releases but couldn't find exactly why a user would choose esi/ foundation for any specific reason. So, I would like to ask a few questions...

1. Does one version have better development/ growth than the other? (which one?)

2. Does both versions give a similar result? (since the implementation is a bit different in some solvers). If not which version is better and why?
3. Does one version have better utilities than the other? (which one?)

4. If I create a solver/ case for one version does it need to be drastically modified to work with the other version?

5. which version has a better community and online content? (please answer this subjectively)

6. If I want to switch to the foundation version, what are the crucial changes that I need to look out for?

7. I personally like the documentation page of esi version, is CFD-direct the only source for foundation version documentation?

If you would like to add something else to the answer, feel free. I would like to know about both the versions as much as possible to decide which version I need to go ahead with.

Thank you in advance
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Old   May 2, 2022, 04:48
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Gerhard Holzinger
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GerhardHolzinger will become famous soon enoughGerhardHolzinger will become famous soon enough
There are some differences between the two OpenFOAM variants you mentioned. I have both of the installed, various releases of them.

I generally stick to the version I am mostly using, however, I have also used the other one for certain purposes.

The main reason to switch versions is the availability of models/features/tools/solvers. So, generally, you should be fine to use whatever version you like, and that fits your requirements.

The two versions are largely compatible, however look out for potential problems in these areas:

* keywords may differ, e.g. #calc vs. #eval
* binary data may not be compatible: so either "convert" via writing in ascii, or use the same version for the whole job
* models might not be available, in some cases you can port things from one version to the other one.

The question of which version is better, has more development going on is highly subjective and can not be answered. It's best to be flexible, and keep oneself informed on the developments of all the versions.
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