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question about fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), he) in rhoSimpleFoam

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Old   December 3, 2020, 08:49
Default question about fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), he) in rhoSimpleFoam
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Michael Alletto
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In rhoSimpleFoam and other solvers as well the energy equation has the form:

     volScalarField& he = thermo.he();    

   fvScalarMatrix EEqn     (         fvm::div(phi, he)   

    + (    == "e"         

  ? fvc::div(phi, volScalarField("Ekp", 0.5*magSqr(U) + p/rho))       

     : fvc::div(phi, volScalarField("K", 0.5*magSqr(U)))         )       - 

 fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), he)      ==     

    fvOptions(rho, he)     );
The if statement is to use the sensible enthalpy h or sensible internal energy e variable to be solved for.

According to the book of Wilcox "Wilcox, David C. Turbulence modeling for CFD. Vol. 3. La Canada, CA: DCW industries, 2006."

equation 5.54 the turbulent heat flux is defined as follows:

q_{t,i} = -\frac{\mu_t c_p}{Pr_t}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x_i} = -\frac{\mu_t}{Pr_t}\frac{\partial h}{\partial x_i} (1)

which is the equation used to calculate the turbulent heat flux for the case the sensible enthalpy h is solved for. The above equation can also written ( I hop my thermodynamic knowledge is correct):

q_{t,i} = -\frac{\mu_t c_p c_v}{Pr_t c_v}\frac{\partial T}{\partial x_i} =  -\frac{\mu_t c_p}{Pr_tc_v}\frac{\partial e}{\partial x_i} (2)

However if the sensible internal energy is solved for the turbulent heat flux is modeled like this:

q_{t,i}  =  -\frac{\mu_t }{Pr_t}\frac{\partial e}{\partial  x_i} (3)

So equation (2) and (3) differ by a factor of cp/cv.

So in may opinion two slightly different equation are solved whether one uses h or e. Regarding the rest of the terms in the equation they are equivalent regardless if one solves for h or e.

Or maybe I have overseen something.

Did someone else encounter the same doubts?
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Old   December 4, 2020, 07:31
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Your equations are correct, but perhaps a little misleading. The turbulent Prandtl numbers in eqns 1 & 3 are different, since the definition of the turbulent diffusivity, alpha, is different depending on whether you are solving for h or e:
  • For h, then \alpha_h = \kappa / \rho C_v and Pr_h = \mu / (\rho \alpha_h).
  • Whereas for e we have: \alpha_e = \kappa / \rho C_p and Pr_e = \mu / (\rho \alpha_e).
  • And so: \alpha_h = (C_p / C_v) \alpha_e  = \gamma \alpha_e.
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Old   December 4, 2020, 07:36
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Domenico Lahaye
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cp/cv = gamma = 1.4 (for diatomic gas), and thus the difference matters.

Definition of Prandtl number involves c_p in case that energy equation is formulated in terms of enthalpy. No equivalent in terms of c_v seems to exist.

Not sure.
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Old   December 4, 2020, 07:42
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Ok, let me try explain again. Ultimately you are trying to model q = -\kappa \nabla T, and you use the chain rule to write this as one of the following (I have left out the "at constant p" etc. limits, out of laziness):

\frac{\partial e}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial e}{\partial T} \frac{\partial T}{\partial x} =  C_v \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}

\frac{\partial h}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial h}{\partial T} \frac{\partial T}{\partial x} =  C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}

From this you get either:

q = -\frac{\kappa}{C_v} \nabla e


q = -\frac{\kappa}{C_p} \nabla h

and you can manipulate these to get your expressions since \kappa = \rho\alpha_h C_p = \rho \alpha_e C_v.

The point is - the turbulent Prandtl number (an approximation) is different for the two approaches, and of course is not related to the moelcular properties of the gas. Do remember - this is a modelled diffusion term for the turbulent energy transport. And again, my point is that alphaT is different depending on whether you solve for h or e; the difference being the factor gamma.
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Old   December 5, 2020, 04:28
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turbulence->alphaEff() returns lambda/c_p or lambda/c_v depending on the solution variable e or h
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Old   December 5, 2020, 06:13
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Michael Alletto
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Oh I see.

The compressible turbulence model take also the thermodynamic model as template parameter.

alphaEff is calculated as follwos in the file EddyDiffusivity.H:

        //- Return the effective turbulent thermal diffusivity for enthalpy 
        //  [kg/m/s] 
        virtual tmp<volScalarField> alphaEff() const
            return this->transport_.alphaEff(alphat());
the function
is called int the file heThermo.C:

template<class BasicThermo, class MixtureType>
Foam::heThermo<BasicThermo, MixtureType>::alphaEff
    const volScalarField& alphat
) const
    tmp<Foam::volScalarField> alphaEff(this->CpByCpv()*(this->alpha_ + alphat));
    return alphaEff;
and the function
is defined in the same file as above:


template<class BasicThermo, class MixtureType>
Foam::heThermo<BasicThermo, MixtureType>::CpByCpv() const
    const fvMesh& mesh = this->T_.mesh();

    tmp<volScalarField> tCpByCpv
        new volScalarField

    volScalarField& CpByCpv = tCpByCpv.ref();

    forAll(this->T_, celli)
        CpByCpv[celli] = this->cellMixture(celli).CpByCpv
and the function
is defined differently whether one takes the sensibleEnthalpy or internalEnergy.

For the sensibleEntalpy we find the function in sensibleEnthalpy.H (it returns 1)


            //- Cp/Cp []
            scalar CpByCpv
                const Thermo& thermo,
                const scalar p,
                const scalar T
            ) const
                return 1;
and for sensibleInternalEnergy in sensibleInternalEnergy.H (it returns gamma)


            //- Ratio of specific heats Cp/Cv []
            scalar CpByCpv
                const Thermo& thermo,
                const scalar p,
                const scalar T
            ) const
                #ifdef __clang__
                // Using volatile to prevent compiler optimisations leading to
                // a sigfpe
                volatile const scalar gamma = thermo.gamma(p, T);
                return gamma;
                return thermo.gamma(p, T);
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Old   December 5, 2020, 06:21
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Michael Alletto
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Ok so we can say the the same equations are solve regardless one take h or e as quantity you solve for.

The difference in both equation may lay in the numerical stability since different explicit source terms appear in the equations.

For this see also When choose sensibleInternalEnergy or sensibleEnthalpy in thermophysicalProperties
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Old   May 11, 2023, 20:21
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Mohamed el Abbassi
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Originally Posted by Bloerb View Post
turbulence->alphaEff() returns lambda/c_p or lambda/c_v depending on the solution variable e or h
This is where it gets confusing because it should be alpha = lambda/(rho * cp).

and the diffusion term in the energy equation should be:

fvm::laplacian(rho * turbulence->alphaEff(), he)
if of course, the unit of alphaEff is [mē/s] (according to SI)... but it's not! Strangely enough, in OpenFOAM, the unit for alphaEff is [kg/(m s)].

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