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Using gnuplot to plot probe data

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Old   June 13, 2019, 03:36
Default Using gnuplot to plot probe data
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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Rotidpor is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone.

I started using gnuplot because it is a convenient tool to plot data. Basically, you just have to type a line or two in a terminal to have your data plotted.
Yet I don't understand the syntax, I found a way to plot my residuals using an openfoam command which extracts the data in my log file and puts it in a single column text file. This way I can tell gnuplot to plot it correctly using simple commands.
This is what I do :

foamLog -n "name of my log file"
plot './Uz_0'

It works well for single column data files created by foamLog. Now my problem is that I want to do the same with probes. Often, my probe files are two columns files, time/iteration versus quantity of interest. But for the velocity, the file is much more complicated with "(" and ")" and four columns.

Is there a simple way to tell gnuplot how to plot a two column file ? Is there an openFoam utility that can convert the velocity probe file into something more manageable like several one column files, as foamLog does for the logfile ?

Thank you all for any input.
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Old   June 14, 2019, 04:34
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Tom Fahner
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Not an OpenFOAM utility, but sed would work for this:

sed 's/[()]/ /g' postProcessing/probes/0/U > postProcessing/probes/0/U_noBrackets
Or if you just want to keep the file, you can do replacement inside the file itself as:

sed -i 's/[()]/ /g' postProcessing/probes/0/U
And than plot on the U_noBrackets or new U file.

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Old   June 17, 2019, 03:29
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Thank you for your answer tomf, it was helpful.

For those who will read this, here is the gnuplot syntax to plot a file with multiple columns :

Another thing : I realised that gnuplot can actually handle parenthesis. You don't need to remove them before trying to plot. Looks like it just ignores them, which is practical.

Last edited by Rotidpor; June 18, 2019 at 05:02.
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Old   March 9, 2022, 06:44
Join Date: Aug 2017
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SHUBHAM9595 is on a distinguished road
To all the FOAMers...

This is a small attempt to save ur time.....The following script can be be used to monitor as well as export the probes of pressure, velocity and temperature. The script is written for 3 probe might need to edit it accordingly as per the number of probes and fields that u r observing

#! /bin/sh

set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Century Schoolbook,20.0" size 1500,1100
set output "U1.png"
set grid
set autoscale
set title "Velocity Probe-1"
set ylabel 'magnitude'
set xlabel 'Time'
set style line 1 
plot "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()' " using 1:2 lw 3 title '1probeUx' with lines,\
	 "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:3 lw 3 title '1probeUy' with lines,\
     "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:4 lw 3 title '1probeUz' with lines,
    set terminal x11 0
	set output
    pause 1

set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Century Schoolbook,20.0" size 1500,1100
set output "U2.png"
set grid
set autoscale
set title "Velocity Probe-2"
set ylabel 'magnitude'
set xlabel 'Time'
set style line 1 
plot "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()' " using 1:5 lw 3 title '2probeUx' with lines,\
	  "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:6 lw 3 title '2probeUy' with lines,\
     "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:7 lw 3 title '2probeUz' with lines,
    set terminal x11 1
	set output
    pause 1
set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Century Schoolbook,20.0" size 1500,1100
set output "U3.png"
set grid
set autoscale
set title "Velocity Probe-3"
set ylabel 'magnitude'
set xlabel 'Time'
set style line 1 
plot "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()' " using 1:8 lw 3 title '3probeUx' with lines,\
	  "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:9 lw 3 title '3probeUy' with lines,\
     "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/U | tr -d '()'" using 1:10 lw 3 title '3probeUz' with lines,
    set terminal x11 2
	set output
    pause 1
set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Century Schoolbook,20.0" size 1500,1100
set output "pressure_probes.png"
set grid
set autoscale
set title "Pressure Probes"
set ylabel 'magnitude'
set xlabel 'Time'
set style line 1 
plot "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/p | tr -d '()' " using 1:2 lw 3 title 'Pressure probe 1' with lines,\
	 "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/p | tr -d '()'" using 1:3 lw 3 title 'Pressure probe 2' with lines,\
     "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/p | tr -d '()'" using 1:4 lw 3 title 'Pressure probe 3' with lines,
    set terminal x11 3
	set output
    pause 1
set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Century Schoolbook,20.0" size 1500,1100
set output "Thermal_probes.png"
set grid
set autoscale
set title "Temperature Probes"
set ylabel 'magnitude'
set xlabel 'Time'
set style line 1 
plot "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/T | tr -d '()' " using 1:2 lw 3 title 'Thermal probe 1' with lines,\
	 "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/T | tr -d '()'" using 1:3 lw 3 title 'Thermal probe 2' with lines,\
     "< cat postProcessing/probes/0/T | tr -d '()'" using 1:4 lw 3 title 'Thermal probe 3' with lines,
    set terminal x11 4
	set output
    pause 60
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