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How to modify viscosity field within a specific region?

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Old   July 7, 2018, 16:02
Default How to modify viscosity field within a specific region?
Senior Member
David Long
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Germany
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keepfit is on a distinguished road
Suppose a moving solid body in a two-fluid (e.g. Gas + Liquid), the viscosity of the mixture of two-fluid in the fluid region is:

mu_fluid = alpha_G* mu_G + alpha_L* mu_L;

alpha_G + alpha_L = 1.0;
If an artificial viscosity mu_S (e.g. 100* mu_L) is attributed to the solid region, then we can solve the three-phase flow with only ONE equation, where the viscosity and the density in the entire domain is averaged in this way:

mu = alpha_G* mu_G  + alpha_L* mu_L   + alpha_S* mu_S;
rho = alpha_G* rho_G  + alpha_L* rho_L  + alpha_S* rho_S;
alpha_G + alpha_L + alpha_S =1
in the entire domain.

Since volume fraction field (alpha_S) can be explicitly calculated, before solving the momentum equation and alpha equation (for gas and liquid), we can model these three-phase flow with a modified InterFoam.

The problem remaining is that: how do we effectively modify the fluid properties inside the solid region, if the cells (ID) inside the solid body are known? The first way comes to my mind is rather straight-forward:

for (auto& cID : cellsInSolid) { // fluid-solid boundary cells + inner solid cells  
  mu[cID] = alpha_S* mu_S + alpha_G* mu_G + alpha_L* mu_L;
  rho[cID] = alpha_S* rho_S + alpha_G* rho_G + alpha_L* rho_L;
Any better ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Old   July 9, 2018, 05:17
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RobertHB is on a distinguished road
You can try using a fvOptions source. Take a look at these examples.
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Old   July 9, 2018, 11:00
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David Long
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keepfit is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by RobertHB View Post
You can try using a fvOptions source. Take a look at these examples.
Never used the "fvOptions" source before, how do we account for the difference in viscosity and density source for the solid region? Note that there is no boundary defined on the fluid-solid interface. We only know the volume fraction (alpha_f) of the solid region.

Can you explain a bit more in detail?
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