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Various problems with mesh, pre-processing e solving

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Old   October 13, 2017, 12:44
Post fire simulation,problems with mesh, pre-processing e solving
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Join Date: Jul 2017
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luca1992 is on a distinguished road
Hi, I would need the advice of some expert who could point me to the direction to follow(I say expert because until now I have had broken tips between several people and in different direction,without any certainty). (At the end I attach some photos).

I've already asked a few questions on the forum, but often users after a few questions stop responding. I'm busy a lot, I just need some suggestions and directions, I do not want others to do the work for me. Hope you can finally help me.

I'm trying to simulate a fire in a tunnel: I have a cube created with blockMesh(I named 1) that I have to put in another larger mesh ever created with blockMesh but worked with snappyHexMesh(from a stl file) so that it has the shape of the tunnel(I named 2). My questions are:

1) Do I have to create another cube as I did(named 3) in format stl so as to create a cavity of the same size as the small cube(number 1), which accommodates the heat puddle made in blockMesh(number 1)? Otherwise I would have a mesh overlap. In fact, that of the tunnel and that of the heat puddle would be superimposed.

2) The contour conditions for the interface between the heat puddle and the tunnel, to ensure the continuity of file values located in folder 0 (alphat, T, U, k, IDefault, G etc...) how do i know what to put? I am doing various attempts but it is not the way to proceed.

3) I need to extract patches from my mesh(the tunnel) using topoSetDict and createPatchDict,I've been able to extract patches using the paraview option called "line" for find a box with the function boxtoCell, but then I can not pick up from what the error says is a patch thin enough to take only external layers , how do I fix this problem? A precise function to extract thin patches? The error which is given to me is this in the log.createPatch file:

Face 31149 specified in set f1 is not an external face of the mesh.
This application can only repatch existing boundary faces.
From function int main (int, char **)
*in createPatch.C files at line 728.

4) Sometimes I get this error and I do not know how to fix it because the cellLevel file is not in the beginning, it only appears after running the program and if I try to open it the program crashes. The error is:

Can not find patchField entry for inlet
file: /home/lucalinux/FoamCases/12ottobre/0/cellLevel.boundaryField from line 28 to line 34.

5) Since the solver is developed by the community, who invented it will also have a guide for fireFoam and smallPoolFire3D? I tried but did not find much.

The solver I use is: fireFoam / smallPoolFire3D, but the problem is general is not related to the solver.

In the attached pictures you can see the cavity I did in the gallery while in the hand design the work phases (the part in snappyHexMesh is unique for both forms, ie the cube and tunnel, on the design is divided into 2 parts for simplicity )

Thank you, greetings, Luca.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg tunnel1.jpg (101.0 KB, 21 views)
File Type: jpg tunnel2.jpg (97.0 KB, 18 views)
File Type: jpg tunnel3.jpg (141.2 KB, 16 views)
File Type: jpg WP_002059.jpg (83.8 KB, 17 views)

Last edited by luca1992; October 13, 2017 at 13:53.
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Old   October 15, 2017, 00:42
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M. C.
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I sent you a private message.
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Old   October 15, 2017, 06:05
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luca1992 is on a distinguished road
ok, perfect, thanks.
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blockmesh, error, firefoam, poolfire, snapphhexmesh

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