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Multiphase solvers and non-isothermal phase change

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Old   July 14, 2016, 05:06
Default Multiphase solvers and non-isothermal phase change
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Erlend Grotle
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Im working with a problem involving temperature driven phase change at the interface between liquid and gas. Thus, Im interested in single component fluids.
I notice that the recent version of OpenFOAM already have some solvers that could be suitable for my problem. These are interPhaseChangeFoam and compressibleInterFoam, which are VOF based. The others are two-fluid models, like twoPhaseEulerFoam with reactions.
I think the VOF based methods are most interesting, because they are efficient solving one set of equations.

First Im thinking is that the compressibleInterfoam solver is non-isothermal and have the inbuilt functionalities to solve this problem, except that there seems to be no possibilities to include phase change in the system. The other, interPhaseChangeFoam solves isothermal phase change, pressure controlled. Also I found versions of the last mentioned with implementations of the temperature field ( Still, Im not sure if this includes the thermal response to pressure.

I think for a single component, the simplified jump conditions for mass is related to the sensible heat at each side of the interface. Of course, this impose discretization problems. interPhaseChangeFoam could be changed quite easily, as it already have the phase change models defined. But still Im not sure about the way the thermodynamics is treated here.
THe new solver interEvapCondensFoam solves everything as a homogenous mixture with a system temperature

If I was a more experienced C++ programmer I probably could more easily combine these solvers.

If there are any of you that have looked into this, either have made new solvers, or have any suggestion for which direction to choose, please let me know.

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Old   September 25, 2021, 10:48
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sherlock45 is on a distinguished road
Hi erlend_grotle! Did you solve your problem? I am also interested in doing a temperature driven phasechange problem. Please let me know if you found anything.

Thank you.
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