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Extracting the matrix data from an fvVectorMatrix

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Old   February 22, 2016, 06:30
Default Extracting the matrix data from an fvVectorMatrix
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Steve Moore
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I'm currently trying to modify the pimpleFoam solver to incorporate some optimal control theory into it. In doing so, I'm trying to obtain a matrix that describes the converged solution at each time step... meaning something like A U = b, where U is the converged discrete velocity field at each time step. I was assuming that if the solution has converged at a given time step, then one could create an fvVectorMatrix:

fvVectorMatrix UEqnTest(fvm::ddt(U) + fvm::div(phi,U) == fvm::laplacian(nu,U) - fvc::grad(p));

and then extract the diag, upper, and lower data, and the source term. I was passing this object into a function (along with the converged velocity field):

write("System", runTime.timeIndex(), UEqnTest, U);

at each time step and writing out the matrix data (and source term) into an .m file as a list of {row, col, val} triplets that I could use to create a sparsematrix object in Matlab, solve the linear system there (i.e. U=A\b), and compare to the velocity field written out by OpenFOAM. The write function looks like:

void write(word matrixName, label timeIndex, fvVectorMatrix M, volVectorField& U)
std::stringstream fileName;
char timeStep[8];

sprintf(timeStep, "%05d", timeIndex);

fileName << matrixName << timeStep << ".m";

std::fstream file(fileName.str().c_str(), std::ios:ut);

const scalarField& diag = M.diag();
const vectorField& source = M.source();
const labelUList& neighbor = M.lduAddr().lowerAddr();
const labelUList& owner = M.lduAddr().upperAddr();
const scalarField& lower = M.lower();
const scalarField& upper = M.upper();

file << "Data = [" << std::endl;
for(label i=0; i<diag.size(); i++)
file << i+1 << "\t" << i+1 << "\t" << diag[i] << std::endl;
for(label f=0; f<upper.size(); f++)
file << owner[f]+1 << "\t" << neighbor[f]+1 << "\t" << lower[f] << std::endl;
file << neighbor[f]+1 << "\t" << owner[f]+1 << "\t" << upper[f] << std::endl;
file << "];\n " << matrixName << "Matrix = sparse(Data(:,1), Data(:,2), Data(:,3));\n";
file << "Source = [" << std::endl;
for(label i=0; i<source.size(); i++)
file << i+1 << "\t" << source[i][0] << "\t" << source[i][1] << "\t" << source[i][2] << std::endl;
file << "];\n";
file << "Solution = [" << std::endl;
for(label i=0; i<U.size(); i++)
file << i+1 << "\t" << U[i][0] << "\t" << U[i][1] << "\t" << U[i][2] << std::endl;
file << "];\n";



What I've found is that the OpenFOAM solution and the Matlab solution (computing U=A\b for the A and b that I wrote out from this fvVectorMatrix) are similar, but there is a significant difference. I've attached a .pdf plotting the two solutions for the Ux component of the solution for a simple 2D channel flow (generated in blockMesh as a simple rectangular domain, 1 block with 100 x 15 x 1 cells).

My questions essentially boils down to whether I am correct in assembling a system of equations this way (i.e. the fvVectorMatrix object that I construct inside the time marching loop, but after the pimple.loop() while loop) and assuming that solving that system should give me the converged velocity field for that time step?
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Comparison.pdf (184.7 KB, 152 views)
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Old   April 16, 2016, 22:49
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You are not considering the BC's contributions, take a look of this:

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Research Center for Computational Methods (CIMEC) - CONICET/UNL
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Old   November 12, 2017, 15:09
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Will that work (with bc contributions) If I export the matrix after solve() is called?
That is, after pEqn.solve() is called in the code bellow?

Thanks is advance.

        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
                    fvm::laplacian(-Mf,p) + fvc::div(phiG)

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Old   August 25, 2018, 04:51
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wei leng
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Thanks a lot for the piece of code to export foam internal matrix to matlab.
I add the boundary matrix output, based on your code, please find in the code below.

Also attached is a simple matlab script to vertify that A * x = b.
The function is based on vector, scalar case is similar.

void write(word matrixName, label timeIndex,
	   fvVectorMatrix M,
	   volVectorField& U)
    std::stringstream fileName;
    char timeStep[8];

    sprintf(timeStep, "%05d", timeIndex);

    fileName << matrixName << timeStep << ".m";

    std::fstream file(fileName.str().c_str(), std::ios::out);

    const scalarField& diag = M.diag();
    const vectorField& source = M.source();
    const unallocLabelList&  neighbor = M.lduAddr().lowerAddr();
    const unallocLabelList&  owner = M.lduAddr().upperAddr();
    const scalarField& lower = M.lower();
    const scalarField& upper = M.upper();

    file << "Data = [" << std::endl;
    for(label i=0; i<diag.size(); i++)
	    file << i+1 << "\t" << i+1 << "\t" << diag[i] << std::endl;
    for(label f=0; f<upper.size(); f++)
	    file << owner[f]+1 << "\t" << neighbor[f]+1 << "\t" << lower[f] << std::endl;
	    file << neighbor[f]+1 << "\t" << owner[f]+1 << "\t" << upper[f] << std::endl;
    file << "];\n " << matrixName << "Matrix = sparse(Data(:,1), Data(:,2), Data(:,3));\n";
    file << "Source = [" << std::endl;
    for(label i=0; i<source.size(); i++)
	    file << i+1 << "\t" << source[i][0] << "\t" << source[i][1] << "\t" << source[i][2] << std::endl;
    file << "];\n";
    file << "Solution = [" << std::endl;
    for(label i=0; i<U.size(); i++)
	    file << i+1 << "\t" << U[i][0] << "\t" << U[i][1] << "\t" << U[i][2] << std::endl;
    file << "];\n";

    // Output Boundary condition
    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
	char name[1000];
	char surfix[3][100] = {
	    "x", "y", "z"
	sprintf(name, "Bdry%d_%s.m", timeIndex, surfix[k]);
	FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w");
	fprintf(fp, "bc%s = [\n", surfix[k]);
	forAll(M.internalCoeffs(), patchI)
		const label*  fPtr = M.lduAddr().patchAddr(patchI).begin();
		Field<double> intF(M.internalCoeffs()[patchI].component(k));
		Field<double> bouF(M.boundaryCoeffs()[patchI].component(k));

		forAll(M.lduAddr().patchAddr(patchI), faceI)
			label fCell = fPtr[faceI];
			//diag(fCell) -= intF[faceI];
			fprintf(fp, "%5d %30.15e %30.15e\n",
				fCell+1, intF[faceI], bouF[faceI]

	fprintf(fp, "];\n");



%% Read solution



I = Source(:,1);
bx = ones(n,1);
by = bx;
bz = bx;
bx(I) = Source(:,2);
by(I) = Source(:,3);
bz(I) = Source(:,4);

I = Solution(:,1);
ux = ones(n,1);
uy = ux;
uz = ux;
ux(I) = Solution(:,2);
uy(I) = Solution(:,3);
uz(I) = Solution(:,4);

%% Modify with BC
A0 = UEqnMatrix;

% x
A = A0;
fx = bx;

for i = 1:length(I)
    A(I(i),I(i)) =  A(I(i),I(i)) + diag(bcx(i,2));   
    fx(I(i)) = fx(I(i)) + bcx(i,3);
fprintf('resx: %e\n', max(abs(A * ux - fx)));
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Old   March 22, 2019, 21:02
Default fvMesh
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I am pretty sure you are interchanging owners with neighbours in the above code. May be that is the source of the error
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Old   October 14, 2020, 12:15
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Jesper R. K. Qwist
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owners and neighbours have been interchanged in code by lengweee.

fvMesh.H - Line 375 - 387

//- Internal face owner. Note bypassing virtual mechanism so
// e.g. relaxation always gets done using original addressing
const labelUList& owner() const
return fvMesh::lduAddr().lowerAddr();

//- Internal face neighbour
const labelUList& neighbour() const
return fvMesh::lduAddr().upperAddr();

Alternative solution to extract matrix. Put this code in solver code to extract pressure equation matrix system. You can modify it to work for a vector matrix as well.

const scalarField& diag = p_rghEqn.diag();
IOField<scalar> wdiag

const scalarField& upper = p_rghEqn.upper();
IOField<scalar> wupper

const scalarField& source = p_rghEqn.source();
IOField<scalar> wsource

// Assigning contribution from BC
forAll(p_rgh.boundaryField(), patchI)
const fvPatch &vfp = p_rgh.boundaryField()[patchI].patch();
forAll(vfp, faceI)
label cellI = vfp.faceCells()[faceI];
wdiag[cellI] += p_rghEqn.internalCoeffs()[patchI][faceI];
wsource[cellI] += p_rghEqn.boundaryCoeffs()[patchI][faceI];

// write to file

Now you can load the data from the text files into you favourite data processing tool and assemble the matrix and solve it.

Last edited by Jesper_Roland; October 19, 2020 at 06:16. Reason: Added alternative solution
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Old   October 19, 2020, 14:12
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Domenico Lahaye
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Wonderful, thanks!

Suppose now targeting the parallel case, i.e., suppose the linear system A u = b to be decomposed into 2 non-overlapping domains such that the vectors can be decomposed as
u = [u_0; u_1], b = [b_0; b_1] and the matrix to be decomposed as
A = [A_{00} A_{01} ; A_{10} A_{11}].

Can u_i, b_i and A_{ij} be printed seperately?

Thanks again. Domenico Lahaye.
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Old   October 20, 2020, 08:50
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Jesper R. K. Qwist
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I do not know how it works for parallel computations.


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