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I want to arrange all source file into Single Folder :Debate Urgent Help

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Old   July 26, 2013, 06:41
Default I want to arrange all source file into Single Folder :Debate Urgent Help
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Hai OF Friends,

For example if you look cavity problem in icoFoam, Here

O Folder-->P & U

Constant Folder---> PolyMesh (blockMeshDict )& transportProperties
System Folder----->controlDict,fvSchemes,fvSolution

I want to arrange all related source file into single folder, corresponding to O Folder( Inside P &U) Constant Folder [Inside PolyMesh (blockmeshDict--related source file) & transportProperties] and System Folder[controlDict (related source file), fvSchemes (related source file), fvSolution (related source file)

I am little bit confused what are the exact source file related to O ,Constant, and System Folder. Kindly guide me how to arrange all source.

Thanks for Your Valuable Time

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Old   July 26, 2013, 19:34
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Hi Kumar,

The default folder-structure of the OpenFOAM case is actually not so bad, but you need to see the idea behind it:
* constant: "what to solve" (physics, geometry)
* system: "how to solve" (solvers, discretization, ...)
* 0: "starting point for solving" (boundary and initial conditions)

I'd recommend you to try to live with the given structure and keep it. It will cause the least confusion and problems.


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Old   July 27, 2013, 04:06
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hhh is on a distinguished road
Thanks for reply & information Lieven,

Why I am asking this question is, I want to work more mathematically(For example,In case if you change the equation inside the source file, I want to see what happen in the results and how it works) for better understanding.

[I'd recommend you to try to live with the given structure and keep it. It will cause the least confusion and problems]------->you are correct, just for try, because I want to learn more on mathematical equation and I have to play around inside the source file. kindly help me what are source file related to O,Constant & System folder and how I can arrange all files into single folder,I am little bit confused.

Thanks for your valuable time
Have a nice day
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Old   July 27, 2013, 06:15
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Hi Kumar,

If you really want to put all source files in one folder, I'd suggest to work with symbolic links. This way you keep the OF structure but you link each of the files to a file in a separate folder. For example, create a folder CASEDIR/inputs, move all files into this folder and link the files as
ln -s inputs/U 0/
ln -s inputs/p 0/
ln -s inputs/controlDict system/
In it's turn, you can link the inputs-folder to an other folder which contains the different input-setups
ln -s input1/ inputs/
So change input is merely changing input1 to an other directory.

I don't see the advantage at all why you would want to do something like this since the solution will always be overwritten (you're still working within the same case-folder). If I were you, I'd make a separate case from each input. But if it makes you happy, this is one way of doing it.


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