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OpenFoam vs Functions vs Maths Debate

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Old   July 21, 2013, 15:12
Default OpenFoam vs Functions vs Maths Debate
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Hai friends,

Currently I get some knowledge in Open foam not too much.But I have little debate myself, open foam is a kind of tool that's all.If you want to become a open foam export,I think I have to concentrate on mathematical and functions(code) is its correct? Because for me its very difficult to understand the function (especially) in code (I am not computer science guy).

Is there any easy way in Open foam?
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Old   July 21, 2013, 16:53
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Bruno Santos
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Hi Kumar,

It all depends on what you need to do:
  • Some kinds of simulations in OpenFOAM only need you to understand how to use the meshers and solvers, without having to look at the source code at all.
  • Other situations you can rely on swak4Foam and pyFoam, which do not require you to learn C++.
  • Then there is pythonFlu, which provides (full?) access to OpenFOAM's source code, but in Python, which is considered to be easier.
  • But in some cases, there is no escaping: learning to code in C++ is the only way.

In any case, it boils down to two premises:
  1. A problem is only as big as you let it be. You can always divide a problem into several tiny problems. And even those can be further divided.
  2. Last but not least, you have to ask yourself: Do you really want to use OpenFOAM? Do you really want do this work?
    Simply saying "I have to do this work" is not enough. There are always other solutions/options, so the real question is: What do you really want for yourself? What do you really want to do?
    OpenFOAM can help you unleash awesome simulations, but it all depends on what you want to do with it.

Because the only easy way to OpenFOAM I can really imagine is... to become a salesman?! Or in better words, become a person that helps to manage the company, to establish contacts with people and companies for giving your company more work... where the company you work at, they use OpenFOAM. So there you go, that's the easiest way to use OpenFOAM!

Best regards,
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Old   July 22, 2013, 09:36
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Thanks Bruno for your brief explanation,

I 100% agree with you.Why I am asking this question myself is,the person have good stuff on maths and physics its really worth for CFD I think so. OK, let comes to my point,

1) Kindly let me know the difference B/W python, python flu and also pyFoam I thought all are same.Is it correct? (please be correct in case I am wrong) I don't Python, If I learn Python how its useful for OF.

2) How they are related (ie.usage)to open foam?
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Old   July 22, 2013, 09:48
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Anton Kidess
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Python - A popular scripting language
pyFoam - An addon for OpenFOAM providing a range of useful tools to make your life easier
pythonFlu - A framework enabling the use of OpenFOAM functions within Python.

Also read:
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*Spend as much time formulating your questions as you expect people to spend on their answer.
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Old   July 22, 2013, 09:49
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Quick answer: If you plan to use OpenFOAM, then you must know CFD properly.

As for the other stuff:
  • Python is a programming language. It's considered to be easier and more practical than C++ and you can use it in ParaView and Salome as well.
  • pythonFlu is basically a python wrapper that interconnects with OpenFOAM directly. In the sense that you can create OpenFOAM solvers directly in Python, without touching C++ code.
  • pyFoam is gives you the ability to control OpenFOAM, view residuals and so on. It's sort-of a command line assistant application, although I believe it's much more powerful than just that.
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Old   July 22, 2013, 16:14
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Thanks for your quick reply and kind information Anton and Bruno.

Have a nice Day
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