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Magnetic Field Calculation in 3D : using magneticFoam

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Old   August 15, 2012, 12:43
Default Magnetic Field Calculation in 3D : using magneticFoam
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A Sharma
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Hello OpenFoam Users,

I like to create Magnetic Field from a 3D Permanent Magnet, using magneticFoam solver. I am not able to find worked out examples online. It will be really helpful if someone can explain how to find magnetic field vector from the simple permanent magnet (For Eg. Cylinder). It will be of great help if some one can post an example input files.


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Old   August 15, 2012, 15:46
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Bruno Santos
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Greetings Abhishek,

I'm assuming that since you've liked my post at the thread named "magneticFoam", then you might have already found what has been documented so far:

Sadly it's not much, although I asked latvietis back then that he could thank me by improving the wiki page...

Have fun testing how the solver works!

Best regards,
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Old   October 7, 2012, 07:15
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I'm really sorry that I'm answering this late.. you know.. summer holidays and till you get back to work left before.

Anyway, have you, Abhishek, found a way to solve your problem? If not then I can explain in simple way why I didn't find the magneticFoam solver usable for my purpose (and also why I haven't contributed to the wiki page, yet).

magneticFoam doesn't work if you create a magnet inside larger region (air for example), define its poles and then want to find B field. B lines are closed, but magneticFoam doesn't (at least by default) give you proper information about magnetic field inside the magnet; what I want to say is that you can't get closed field line loop.

With magneticFoam you can create empty magnet (if you are not interested in how field looks inside it) and then find field values that this magnet (its poles) is generating. Another flaw is that you can't include different materials and how magnetic field is effected by them, for example, how field changes when you insert a ferromagnetic material.

Maybe someone has found a way how to solve these things and what I have done wrong in my tests.

Best wishes,
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