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Convert templated class into vector

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Old   June 14, 2012, 05:50
Default Convert templated class into vector
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 37
Rep Power: 15
Peter Müller is on a distinguished road
Hello together

First sorry for creating a new thread but I could not find what I was looking for.

I'm creating a new boundary and the boundary should be build up as templated version so to make it usable for any kind of quantity. The problem now is that I would like to do a coordinate transform to the velocity.
Therefore I need to grab the internal field like

Field<Type> iField = this->internalField();

In a next step I wanted to create a vectorField if "Type" is vector

if(pTraits<Type>::rank ==1)
Field<vector> myField = iField;

As you may probably already notice this want work since iField is templated so it can't be given to a vector field since the compiler doesn't know that my if-statement only allows the operation if Type==vector.

Has anybody an idea how to circumvent this problem?

Many thanks
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Old   June 15, 2012, 03:45
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by Peter Müller View Post
Hello together

First sorry for creating a new thread but I could not find what I was looking for.

I'm creating a new boundary and the boundary should be build up as templated version so to make it usable for any kind of quantity. The problem now is that I would like to do a coordinate transform to the velocity.
Therefore I need to grab the internal field like

Field<Type> iField = this->internalField();

In a next step I wanted to create a vectorField if "Type" is vector

if(pTraits<Type>::rank ==1)
Field<vector> myField = iField;

As you may probably already notice this want work since iField is templated so it can't be given to a vector field since the compiler doesn't know that my if-statement only allows the operation if Type==vector.

Has anybody an idea how to circumvent this problem?

Many thanks

You are correct. Since things are templated, you would normally not like that. What you need is a template specialization for the type vector that implements what you want. If you haven't worked with this before, it may take you a few attempts to get it going. The important points:
  • The template specialization itself must be defined within a namespace.
  • The template specialization must be seen before the generic template form.
A trivial example can be see in the OPENFOAM UList<T> implementation. Take a look at the [] operator (the const implementation).
From the UList.H:
inline const T& operator[](const label) const;
Within UListI.H, you will find the specialization and the generic form:

namespace Foam
    // Template specialization for bool
    inline const bool& Foam::UList<bool>::operator[](const label i) const
} // end of namespace Foam
// const element access
template<class T>
inline const T& Foam::UList<T>::operator[](const label i) const

In your particular case, you can either specialize the entire method for various vector, or factor it out as a private method. In either case, you can view the specialization as being a compile-time version of an 'if' or a 'switch'.

I hope this helps you get going.
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convert, template, type, vector

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