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Introducing the combined Poisson-Boltzmann-Ohmic Library for rheoTool in OpenFOAM

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Old   August 13, 2024, 13:53
Smile Introducing the combined Poisson-Boltzmann-Ohmic Library for rheoTool in OpenFOAM
hari charan
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: India,hyderabad
Posts: 97
Rep Power: 5 is on a distinguished road
Hello OpenFOAM Community,

I am excited to share that I have developed a new library called myOhmic as part of the OpenFOAM suite. This library is designed to simulate and analyze fluid flow involving electrokinetic effects using both the Ohmic model and the Poisson-Boltzmann-Ohmic (PBO) model.

The myOhmic library integrates with OpenFOAM and allows for the computation of forces and electroosmotic flow in complex geometries, such as T-channels. The PBO model, in particular, provides a more accurate representation of the near-wall effects and shear thinning behavior, leading to improved stability and higher accuracy in certain flow regimes. I did this because the slip velocity model is over predicting the instability when a shear thinning fluid is used. So solving PB equation near the wall and transport equations in bulk fluid makes a good prediction of electro kinetic instability.

You can find the code and documentation on my GitHub repository here:

I look forward to any feedback and hope this library will be of use to others working on similar simulations.

Best regards,
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carreau, openfoam9, power law fluid, rheotool, shear thinning

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