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Old   November 6, 2021, 11:50
Default fixedProfile
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limpideyes is on a distinguished road

I would like to set up a custom wind profile at the inlet boundary condition. I've found the type, fixedProfile for OpenFOAM v9:
        type            fixedProfile;
        profile         table;
            file                "UProfile";
            format              csv;
            nHeaderLine         0;
            refColumn           0;
            componentColumns    (1 2 3);
            separator           ",";
            mergeSeparators     no;
            outOfBounds         clamp;
            interpolationScheme linear;
        direction        (0 1 0);
        origin           0;

What I want is to keep the custom inlet wind profile until the outlet.

My question is:
Once I set up with the fixedProfile at the inlet, does this profile maintain until reaching outlet?

Please advise,

Thanks in advance!
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Old   November 8, 2021, 08:19
Alejandro Valeije
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Without any further research, I would say no. The profile will develop according to the rest of the boundary conditions you set in the case. If you want to keep it you would have to set your BCs accordingly, using symmetry conditions or fixed values to help it during the calculation

Hope it helps. Regards
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Old   November 8, 2021, 08:36
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Thanks for your note, alexvaleije !

What is the symmetry conditions? And, does the fixed vaules mean a codedFixedValue?
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Old   November 8, 2021, 09:03
Alejandro Valeije
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In short, symmetry boundary conditions are used in CFD to represent boundaries where the normal gradient of the variable to the surface is 0, and are commonly used for the side walls and sky in external flow simulations, since you want these boundaries to be far from your domain of study to not interact with it (and from for wind condition, it seems that you are running something similar to that)

In openfoam is represented (at least for older versions) with the term "symmetry".

As for your question regarding codedFixedValue, I did some some small research, and it seems to be a more developed condition than "fixedValue". The one that I am talking is this:

type fixedValue;
value uniform (1 0 0);

where you define a scalar value in the three directions. I imagine that the BC that you are using works similar to this

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Old   July 8, 2024, 16:56
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I want to provide a temperature profile to a wall belonging to a geometry. I have a CSV file containing temperature data at the face centers of another mesh file. The file format is as follows:


I wanted to use the fixedProfile boundary condition for this process, but I did not understand some of the inputs.

refColumn: Should this be the column containing the temperature values?
componentColumns: Since we are inputting the name of the boundary and this boundary is 2D, isn't it sufficient to use only the x and y components?
direction: Along the boundary or perpendicular to the boundary?
origin: Origin of what? Origin of the boundary or origin of the geometry?

I reviewed the following site but could not find the answers to my questions. I would appreciate your help.

	type            fixedProfile;
	profile         csvFile;
		format           csv;
		nHeaderLine      0;
		refColumn        3;     // the column that has temperature data?
		componentColumns (0 1 2); // x and y values of the face centers?
		// do I need an z? it is a 2D boundary
		separator        ",";
		mergeSeparators  no;
		file             "data.csv";
		interpolationScheme linear; // interpolate the data to the face centers?
		outOfBounds         clamp;
	direction        (0 0 1); // perpendicular to the corresponding boundary
	origin           0;		// origin of what?
I get the error while decomposing or serial running:

--> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR: (openfoam-2312 patch=240220)
componentColumns with 3(0 1 2) does not have the expected length 1

file: 0/wall/T/boundaryField/wallcsv/profileCoeffs at line 38 to 46.

    From static Foam::labelList Foam::Function1Types::CSV<Type>::getComponentColumns(const Foam::word&, const Foam::dictionary&) [with Type = double; Foam::labelList = Foam::List<int>]
    in file lnInclude/CSV.C at line 54.

FOAM exiting
Based on the source code, it appears that the lenght of the numbers I entered for componentColumns do not match with my CSV file.
if (cols.size() != pTraits<Type>::nComponents)
            << name << " with " << cols
            << " does not have the expected length "
            << pTraits<Type>::nComponents << nl
            << exit(FatalIOError);
return cols;
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Last edited by scfd; July 8, 2024 at 18:35.
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