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How OpenFOAM calculate flux and the other face's field in split-Hex cells?

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Old   January 14, 2021, 11:16
Default How OpenFOAM calculate flux and the other face's field in split-Hex cells?
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Hojatollah Gholami
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Dear foamer,
I have question about flux calculation in split-Hex cell of snappyHexMesh. In regular mesh with blockMesh, each cell face connect to only a face of neighbor cell. So flux will calculate with owner and neighbor cell.
In generated mesh with snappyHexMesh, we have a face of a neighbor cell that connected to two face of two cells.

How OpenFOAM calculate flux and the other face's field in split-Hex cells?
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Old   January 15, 2021, 06:18
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simrego is on a distinguished road

Interpolate the cell values to the face centres (ie velocity field), then multiply by the face area normal and you get the flux on the face.
There is no way that one face belongs to more than 2 cells. When you have a "split-hex" mesh, the faces will be splitted too so the face count on the "big cell" will increase.
Let's imagine you have a neighbour. But your neighbour will be splitted. So earlier you had one face to your neighbour, but now you have two neighbours, and you have 2 different faces to them.

In your example the 2 resulted faces after the split are aligned so it seems like there is one face. But in reality there are 2 faces or even more on the left side (there you have even more for some cells which is not a good idea, but possible..
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flux calculation, snappyhexmesh

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