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Using flameletFoam solver in OpenFOAM v5

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Old   August 15, 2020, 02:57
Default Using flameletFoam solver in OpenFOAM v5
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Anjul Pandey
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Hello everyone,
I am new to OpenFOAM so I don't have much knowledge. I want to use flameletFoam solver developed by Muller for OpenFOAM 2.3 in OpenFOAM v5. What are the changes I have to make as I am very confused. I tried few things from my end but no luck. Any help and efforts will be really appreciated.
Edit: I tried flameletSMOKE developed by CRECK Modeling Group but I am facing some problems with their software OpenSMOKE to develop flamelets. I tried to contact them but no response. I also posted on their forum page but got no reply. The link of my post on their forum is:
I have briefly described what problems I am facing with the software OpenSMOKE. If I am making any mistake, please point them out. Thank you
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Old   September 3, 2020, 08:48
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Try this:
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Old   October 5, 2020, 08:57
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Hey Anjul,

it´s annoying and I hope that some People from the CRECK modeling Group are reading the few lines here. I started using their flamelet-model back in 2012. It was named libOpenSmoke. With the support of Bruno Santos, I was able to compile the libraries. However, the Toolbox had the Problem that the flamelet creation was a binary file which could not be analyzed (no source Code).

Nevertheless, the solvers were complete. I just realized that the turbulentSmoke solver (from Alberto Cuocis Github), does only contain half of the code. The whole flamelet thermodynamic for OpenFOAM is missing. That is really sad. Well, until now, I was never get a Feedback of the Chair or any staff member. I guess, I wrote them more then 10 times.

Additionally, I never got Access to the opensmoke library that they have on their Website (free for academic Research). I am highly interested into the code. So Anjul a quick Question … did you get Access to the openSmoke library?

The other solver from Müller Hagen is nice too. However, I had the Feeling that the flamelet creation with the CRECK modeling application was much faster compared to Cantera. But that is another Topic.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   October 6, 2020, 06:46
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Anjul Pandey
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Hello Yan,
Thankyou for your reply and I apologize for such a late response. I actually tried this one but it didn't serve my purpose. One of the problems still remains in this one i.e. Z=1 for oxidizer and Z=0 for fuel.
Thank you
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Old   October 6, 2020, 06:53
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Dear Tobi,
First of all, thankyou for your response. I just have an exe file of OpenSMOKE which can be used to create flamelets. I don't have access to its code. So, I decided to quit OpenSMOKE and do it on my own. I am now trying to make changes in solver of Hagen Muller so that it can be used in OpenFOAM 5. Hagen Muller's solver has its own turbulence models, thermophysical Models, fvOptions and combustion models. However, as far as I know the major files are kept in combustion models named "flameletTable" and "YSLF Model" so I preserved them and removed the rest(I preserved Make folder as well and did some changes). In fluidThermo>basic>thermophysicalModels, he declared Z, Zvar and chi. So, I wrote a different code for that purpose and placed it in it with the name of "flameletThermo" in basic>thermophysicalModels and removed rest of the files. I changed the dependency of solver for the things I removed and edited it so that it directly looks into OpenFOAM for those files. Please share your views whether I am going in a right direction or not. Please feel free to give any suggestion.
Thank you

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Old   October 7, 2020, 04:46
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Hi Anjul,

the flamelet model from CRECK does also have its own thermo-library as you have to handle the flamelets somehow. I guess it is similar to Hagen Müllers code but probably different in code.

In 2012 the community also just got a binary file for the flamelet creation. I know that Hagen did some changes in the turbulence model too. But I never spend too much time in doing that. Are you doing a Ph.D. in this particular topic? I do have the basics of the flamelet creation as code but never finished the code. But probably it is too heavy for your project to get into my code.

Thank you for your feedback.

PS: You can use the code I do have on my github (as given in the second post).
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   October 7, 2020, 10:33
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Domenico Lahaye
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Dear Anjul and Tobias,

Is it valuable to give this discussion two part, namely, part (1/2) flamelet generation and part (2/2): use of flamelets for combustion simulation?

1/ Part (1/2) flamelet generation

1.1/ Theory: various ways to generate flamelets exists. Possibly it is valuable to mention this here.

1.2/ Implementation: the Hagen code uses Cantera to generate the flamelets. Post-processing is done by converting the flamelets into a table that OpenFoam can read from. This part should be easy to port to a modern implementation. Possibly there case of more progress variables can be taken into account (people here were wining about the case of more progress variables resulting in large memory usage);

2/ Part (2/2) Use of flamelets

2.1/ mixture fraction modeling: Anjul mentions an issue of mixture fraction modeling. What is the issue precisely?

2.2/ the Hagen code uses a several checks to avoid the beta-PDF distribution becoming large. This can be avoided to resorting to a integration by parts and use the cumulative beta-distribution instead (see the work of Ivan Langivella among others). Has this been persued in any of the OpenFoam implementations?

Cheers, Domenico.
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Old   October 7, 2020, 14:07
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Dear Dominico,

thanks for the summary. Well, it is obvious that we do have more possibilities to create the flamelets such as:

  • Cantera
  • FlametMaster
However, Cantera calculates based on the space direction rather than the mixture fraction directly (probably does take longer in solving the chemistry + redistributing it using an extension + extending it with the beta-pdf). I investigated into the flame master once but stopped due to some reasons. Thus, I was working on a application that handels that. However, I guess I am to unqualified for this kind of stuff as after 5 years, I am not finished at all. Summing up, we do have open-source software possibilities - true! My critics are related to the »partcial« published code from the CRECK group. However, it is another topic.

The usage of the pre-calculated flamelets (probably stored as look-up-tables) is another story but simply spoken, we can built a thermodynamic library for OpenFOAM as given in the library that I host.
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Tobias Holzmann
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Old   October 29, 2020, 05:58
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Anjul Pandey
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Hello Tobi
Thanks for your response and I apologize for the late reply. I was busy with my mid-semester exams that's why I was not able to respond earlier. I am a masters student and I don't want to go too deep into the code as my thesis work is on something else. As earlier stated by me, I want to use flameletFoam solver developed by Hagen Muller in OpenFOAM 5. What are the changes I need to do in order to get my task done?
PS: I have no problem with flamelet generation process, I just want to edit flameletFoam for OpenFOAM 2.3.x so that I can use it with OpenFOAM 5.
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Old   October 29, 2020, 06:00
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Hello Domenico
Please use this link to understand the problem I am facing.
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Old   December 20, 2020, 12:41
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Originally Posted by anjul View Post
Hello Tobi
Thanks for your response and I apologize for the late reply. I was busy with my mid-semester exams that's why I was not able to respond earlier. I am a masters student and I don't want to go too deep into the code as my thesis work is on something else. As earlier stated by me, I want to use flameletFoam solver developed by Hagen Muller in OpenFOAM 5. What are the changes I need to do in order to get my task done?
PS: I have no problem with flamelet generation process, I just want to edit flameletFoam for OpenFOAM 2.3.x so that I can use it with OpenFOAM 5.

Well, if you want to use Hagen Müllers code, you need to resolve all errors you get with newer versions. c++ classes changes their names or functions are re-organized. This means that an old code might be updated to work for a newer version of FOAM. You can ask Hagen Müller to update it to the latest Foam version. As far as I know, he used 2.3 or version 3.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   December 21, 2020, 18:43
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Anjul Pandey
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Thanks for the info. Really appreciated.
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