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inviscid rhoCentralFoam: residuals -> convergence ?

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Old   June 3, 2020, 15:29
Default inviscid rhoCentralFoam: residuals -> convergence ?
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 97
Rep Power: 9
mkhm is on a distinguished road
Dear foamers,

I am using rhoCentralFoam with no viscosity. So the solver is explicit and there is no residuals being printed. However, I need to show somehow that my cases are converged. What I tried to do was to implement some sort of calculation of residuals by:

- saving initial value for rho before each loop
- saving the final value of rho being calculated after the execution of the loops
- make the difference between two above values and take the maximum value of it in the domain.

The same was applied for rhoU and rhoE.

Now, the problem is that I observe the case is converged by comparing the results of the different time steps at different points. However, with the above explained method, it seems there is a cell that has the highest value of residuals which are not changing significantly from one iteration to another. So the plot of residuals remain constant and does not reflect the convergence of the case. So it does not provide any proves that my cases were converged.

So, now the question is how the calculation of residual should be changed in order to have insights about the convergence of the case ?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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convergence criteria, explicit, residuals, rhocentralfoam

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