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Automatically change fvSchemes after a certain number of iterations

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Old   February 15, 2018, 13:25
Default Automatically change fvSchemes after a certain number of iterations
James Gross
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Hi OFers,

I would like to be able to automatically change the schemes after a certain number of iterations has passed (or when a certain threshold of residuals has been reached). I can't do this manually as this will be part of a larger optimisation loop.

I was thinking it could be possible to define two different fvSchemes (e.g. fvSchemes0 and fvSchemes1) and to write a script that will write over fvSchemes after the threshold has been reached. If I do this bash, this requires knowledge of solver progress, which I can't currently access (unless I read in the log file, but that could be a pain).

Furthermore, the difference between the two files is only a few lines. If I want to make global changes, I have to manually change both. It would be much preferred to have a way of doing this with a single fvSchemes file, but if that's not possible, I can write two.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any help/advice to offer?

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Old   February 16, 2018, 04:26
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Tom Fahner
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Hi James,

You can use the timeActivatedFileUpdate functionObject.

For information use the source guide and click on functionObjects. There you can search many, if not all currently available functionObjects.

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Old   February 16, 2018, 13:16
James Gross
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply. I am using OF-extend, which apparently doesn't have functionObjects (performed a search through all the files to be sure). It does seem to have a utility called timeDependentFvSolutionFvSchemes, which is exactly what I want.

Unfortunately, when I test it, I get
This Foam-version does not have the facilities to overwrite fvSolution in memory.
which is activated when FOAM_SOLUTION_HAS_NO_READ_WITH_DICT is triggered.

Seems like OF-extend 4.0 can't use either of these utilities. Anyone have any ideas/solutions?

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