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Calculate center position and velocity of two bubbles

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Old   May 25, 2016, 10:32
Default Calculate center position and velocity of two bubbles
Join Date: Jul 2014
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arsalan.dryi is on a distinguished road
Hi Foamers,

I'm doing a 3D simulation of two and three bubble rising using a modified interFoam solver and I need to center position, velocity and surface area of the bubbles.

For a single bubble rising I used swak4Foam expressions for example for center position in Y as follows :

        type swakExpression;
        valueType internalField;
        verbose true;
    variables (
    "Vol= sum (alpha1 < 0.5 ? vol() : 0);"
    "VolY= sum (alpha1 < 0.5 ? pos().y*vol() : 0);"    
    expression "VolY/Vol";
        accumulations (

Is there a way to compute these for two or three bubbles in this manner?

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
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Old   May 26, 2016, 12:01
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Does anybody have an idea?

Any help and comment will be greatly appreciated.

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Old   June 8, 2016, 12:06
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I still didn't solve this problem, does anyone have an idea?!

Thanks in advance,
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Old   March 29, 2018, 17:32
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Lionel GAMET
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Hi Arsalan

Did you solve this problem of tracking more than one bubble and computing the center of mass, velocity, surface, volume ... etc of each of the bubbles ?

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Old   March 30, 2018, 00:02
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Taher Chegini
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One way is to use a multiphase flow solver like multiphaseInterFoam and for each bubble use a different name but same physical parameters. This way you can track each phase using the method OP mentioned or use this function that I have written for a wedge mesh which works in parallel as well:

    libs            ("");
    type coded;
    name riseVelocity;
        const volScalarField& alpha =
        const volVectorField& U =
        const volVectorField& centers = mesh().C();
        const scalarField& vols = mesh().V();
        const objectRegistry& db = mesh().thisDb();
        scalar ts = db.time().value();
        const dictionary& transportProperties =

        dictionary alpha2
        dimensionedScalar rhoBubble
        // threshold for interface
        scalar th = 0.5;
        // water level in the well
        scalar ht = 0.3;
        // sum of mass
        scalar sumMass = 0;
        // sum of volume
        scalar sumVol = 0;
        // sum of y by mass
        scalar sumX = 0;
        scalar sumY = 0;
        // sum of Uy by volume
        scalar sumUY = 0;
        //volume of liquid in well
        scalar vl = 0;
        forAll(centers, I)
            if ( alpha[I] < th && centers[I].y() < ht )
                //Mass center
                sumY    += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I]*centers[I].y();
                sumX    += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I]*centers[I].x();
                sumMass += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I];
	        //Rising Velocity
                sumUY   += (1 - alpha[I])*vols[I]*U[I].y();
                sumVol  += (1 - alpha[I])*vols[I];
            } else if ( centers[I].y() < ht ) {
                vl += alpha[I]*vols[I];
        reduce(sumY, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumX, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumMass, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumUY, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumVol, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(vl, sumOp<scalar>());
        // center of gravity
        scalar cgX = sumX/max(sumMass, SMALL);
        scalar cgY = sumY/max(sumMass, SMALL);
        // rising velocity
        scalar vr = sumUY/max(sumVol, SMALL);
        const volScalarField& p =
        const faceList& ff = mesh().faces();
        const pointField& pp = mesh().points();
        // Pressure inside the bubble
        scalar pBubble = 0;
        forAll(centers, I)
            const cell& cc = mesh().cells()[I];
            labelList pLabels(cc.labels(ff));
            pointField pLocal(pLabels.size(), vector::zero);

            forAll (pLabels, J)
                pLocal[J] = pp[pLabels[J]];
              sign(Foam::max(pLocal& vector(1,0,0)) - cgX) == 1 &&
              sign(cgX - Foam::min(pLocal& vector(1,0,0))) == 1 &&
              sign(Foam::max(pLocal& vector(0,1,0)) - cgY) == 1 &&
              sign(cgY - Foam::min(pLocal& vector(0,1,0))) == 1
                pBubble = mag(p[I]);
        reduce(pBubble, sumOp<scalar>());
        if (Pstream::master())
            const fileName& outputFile = "plots/riseUCG";
            OFstream os
            scalar tot = 360.0/5.0;
            Info<< "Writing rising velocity, CG, "
                << "volume of bubble, volume of liquid "
                << "and pressure inside the bubble for current time" << endl;
            os  << ts << "  " << vr << "  " << cgX  << "  " << cgY 
                << "  " << sumVol*tot << "  " << vl*tot << "  " << pBubble << endl;
It can easily be extended to multiphase e.g. for each phase add a new lookup, say alpha1 for alpha.water, alpha2 for alpha.air1 etc..
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Old   March 30, 2018, 02:41
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Uwe Pilz
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I solved this problem by a small external program which analyses the alpha value for each cell. It is very easy to calculate the values you need form that.
Uwe Pilz
Die der Hauptbewegung überlagerte Schwankungsbewegung ist in ihren Einzelheiten so hoffnungslos kompliziert, daß ihre theoretische Berechnung aussichtslos erscheint. (Hermann Schlichting, 1950)
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Old   April 4, 2018, 05:10
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Originally Posted by Taataa View Post
One way is to use a multiphase flow solver like multiphaseInterFoam and for each bubble use a different name but same physical parameters. This way you can track each phase using the method OP mentioned or use this function that I have written for a wedge mesh which works in parallel as well:

    libs            ("");
    type coded;
    name riseVelocity;
        const volScalarField& alpha =
        const volVectorField& U =
        const volVectorField& centers = mesh().C();
        const scalarField& vols = mesh().V();
        const objectRegistry& db = mesh().thisDb();
        scalar ts = db.time().value();
        const dictionary& transportProperties =

        dictionary alpha2
        dimensionedScalar rhoBubble
        // threshold for interface
        scalar th = 0.5;
        // water level in the well
        scalar ht = 0.3;
        // sum of mass
        scalar sumMass = 0;
        // sum of volume
        scalar sumVol = 0;
        // sum of y by mass
        scalar sumX = 0;
        scalar sumY = 0;
        // sum of Uy by volume
        scalar sumUY = 0;
        //volume of liquid in well
        scalar vl = 0;
        forAll(centers, I)
            if ( alpha[I] < th && centers[I].y() < ht )
                //Mass center
                sumY    += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I]*centers[I].y();
                sumX    += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I]*centers[I].x();
                sumMass += (1 - alpha[I])*rhoBubble.value()*vols[I];
	        //Rising Velocity
                sumUY   += (1 - alpha[I])*vols[I]*U[I].y();
                sumVol  += (1 - alpha[I])*vols[I];
            } else if ( centers[I].y() < ht ) {
                vl += alpha[I]*vols[I];
        reduce(sumY, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumX, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumMass, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumUY, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(sumVol, sumOp<scalar>());
        reduce(vl, sumOp<scalar>());
        // center of gravity
        scalar cgX = sumX/max(sumMass, SMALL);
        scalar cgY = sumY/max(sumMass, SMALL);
        // rising velocity
        scalar vr = sumUY/max(sumVol, SMALL);
        const volScalarField& p =
        const faceList& ff = mesh().faces();
        const pointField& pp = mesh().points();
        // Pressure inside the bubble
        scalar pBubble = 0;
        forAll(centers, I)
            const cell& cc = mesh().cells()[I];
            labelList pLabels(cc.labels(ff));
            pointField pLocal(pLabels.size(), vector::zero);

            forAll (pLabels, J)
                pLocal[J] = pp[pLabels[J]];
              sign(Foam::max(pLocal& vector(1,0,0)) - cgX) == 1 &&
              sign(cgX - Foam::min(pLocal& vector(1,0,0))) == 1 &&
              sign(Foam::max(pLocal& vector(0,1,0)) - cgY) == 1 &&
              sign(cgY - Foam::min(pLocal& vector(0,1,0))) == 1
                pBubble = mag(p[I]);
        reduce(pBubble, sumOp<scalar>());
        if (Pstream::master())
            const fileName& outputFile = "plots/riseUCG";
            OFstream os
            scalar tot = 360.0/5.0;
            Info<< "Writing rising velocity, CG, "
                << "volume of bubble, volume of liquid "
                << "and pressure inside the bubble for current time" << endl;
            os  << ts << "  " << vr << "  " << cgX  << "  " << cgY 
                << "  " << sumVol*tot << "  " << vl*tot << "  " << pBubble << endl;
It can easily be extended to multiphase e.g. for each phase add a new lookup, say alpha1 for alpha.water, alpha2 for alpha.air1 etc..
Multiphase solvers need a surface tension between each two different phases and the results can be completely wrong especially when bubbles get close to each other, for example in bubbles coalescence.
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Old   April 4, 2018, 05:13
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Originally Posted by piu58 View Post
I solved this problem by a small external program which analyses the alpha value for each cell. It is very easy to calculate the values you need form that.
Could you explain more about that, please? And also post your written code here if possible.
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Old   April 4, 2018, 07:32
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Uwe Pilz
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Originally Posted by arsalan.dryi View Post
Could you explain more about that, please? And also post your written code here if possible.
That is quite easy. You go row wise through the alpha field, calculate the x and y coordinates according the setting of your region. If the alpha value is below a limiting value ( I used 0.2 for discriminating air / water), you add the x and y coordinates to get finally the average of them. This average should be close to the center of mass.

I don't believe that my C program is of any use for you. It is tailored to my setting and comments are in German.
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Uwe Pilz
Die der Hauptbewegung überlagerte Schwankungsbewegung ist in ihren Einzelheiten so hoffnungslos kompliziert, daß ihre theoretische Berechnung aussichtslos erscheint. (Hermann Schlichting, 1950)
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Old   April 5, 2018, 00:05
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Taher Chegini
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Originally Posted by arsalan.dryi View Post
Multiphase solvers need a surface tension between each two different phases and the results can be completely wrong especially when bubbles get close to each other, for example in bubbles coalescence.
Oh, I didn't know interFoam is not a multiphase solver!
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Old   March 28, 2022, 12:52
Default question
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Farzad Faraji
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Dear Arslan
Have you added these lines to controlDict? what other lines have you added? which library have you added in the libs section?
for exmample;
libs (
) ;

Originally Posted by arsalan.dryi View Post
Hi Foamers,

I'm doing a 3D simulation of two and three bubble rising using a modified interFoam solver and I need to center position, velocity and surface area of the bubbles.

For a single bubble rising I used swak4Foam expressions for example for center position in Y as follows :

        type swakExpression;
        valueType internalField;
        verbose true;
    variables (
    "Vol= sum (alpha1 < 0.5 ? vol() : 0);"
    "VolY= sum (alpha1 < 0.5 ? pos().y*vol() : 0);"    
    expression "VolY/Vol";
        accumulations (

Is there a way to compute these for two or three bubbles in this manner?

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
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bubble centre, bubble velocity, swak4foam, vof

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