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Solver options for moving fluid boundaries

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Old   September 24, 2015, 01:05
Default Solver options for moving fluid boundaries
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Stephen Waite
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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Hello everyone,

I am a PhD student at the University of Auckland working on CFD of a multiphase fluid inside a deforming domain (organ modelling).

After getting nearly what I wanted, but not really from Fluent, I have switched over to OpenFoam after seeing some of its FSI capabilities.

After a bit of reading I think I will probably need to hack and slash together my own solver as I will eventual need an n-fluid multiphase ALE solver (which I don't think exists), and so I'm currently learning c++ and objected orientated code so I can go about doing that. However, while that's chugging along I would like to get a bit of an idea of what solvers to look at to see what I will be dealing with. From what I've read, I think my starting place will be with interDyMFoam and I've played around with some of the examples with this.

For the start of my work I will be prescribing the full boundary motion myself (from MRI data), so I do not need a structural solver or component, I just need to pass in the momentum values to the Lagrangian fluid mesh myself.

Is there anyone here who has experience with this kind of formulation, maybe this already exists within one of the ALE solvers?, I was a bit confused about the Dynamic mesh options within interDyMFoam I cant seem to get much information on the functionality of the individual types, such as Internal motion and Tabulated 6DoF (which I think sound like what I might want to be looking at?) but I'm guessing a lot of this just comes from looking at the code.

If anyone has any examples of prescribing mesh deformation to the fluid domain or knows a good place to start or good background material that would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if that was a bit confusing

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Old   September 24, 2015, 06:06
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I think you are in the right track:
check "multiphaseInterDyMFoam" for the solver, and about the moving mesh part, take a look at "sloshingTank3D6DoF" tutorial.
and good luck for your work !

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Old   September 24, 2015, 23:51
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Stephen Waite
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Oh great there is a n-phase solver already thanks for that. I will have a look through the 6DoF solver and see if I can figure out how it works, I was under the impression however that 6DoF was for rigid body motion? I will need to have a deforming body, so I guess I am looking to pull apart the code that is used to deform the fluid domain under an FSI simulations (such as flow over an elastic plate/flutter valve problem) but just prescribe those deformations manually rather than calculate them from a force balance.

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ale, fsi, interdymfoam, multiphase flow

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