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mesh storage in another directory

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Old   October 14, 2014, 11:41
Default mesh storage in another directory
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Martin Schmelzer
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Dear all,

I study the turbulence models implemented in OpenFOAM. For this I need to run a bunch of different simulations for a test case with different settings (e.g. different coefficients), which requires a case folder structure for each simulations (0/ constant/ system/). However, the mesh is kept the same for all simulations and I don't wanna copy or rebuild it for each simulation, because it is rather expensive to do. Thus, I would like to know if you guys know a way, how to store the mesh in a something like a parent folder and link it to the folder structure of each simulation?

It should look similar to this kind of generic structure:

Simulation1/{0/ constant/ system/}
Simulation2/{0/ constant/ system/}
Simulation3/{0/ constant/ system/}

Any help is appreciated!
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Old   October 21, 2014, 15:57
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Tom Fahner
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You could just use soft-links, either via the terminal or some file manager. So make the mesh once (polyMesh folder) and create soft links in all constant folders to this polyMesh folder.

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Old   October 22, 2014, 05:28
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Martin Schmelzer
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Hi Tom,

Thanks for your reply. I already figured that out, but haven't posted it yet - I am sorry!

For everybody who runs into the same problem my detailed workaround is as follows:

0. Make a backup copy of your <case> (you never know...):
cp -r <case> bu.<case>

1. Copy your <case> containing 0/ constant/ system/ and name the copy e.g. parent_mesh_case:
cp -r <case> parent_mesh_case

2. Go to parent_mesh_case and create the mesh, e.g. by running blockMesh
cd parent_mesh_case

3. Now go back to your <case> and delete or rename the polyMesh folder, e.g.
cd ../<case>/constant
mv polyMesh bu.polyMesh (just in case you gonna need it in the future)

4. Create a symbolic link referring to the mesh directory in parent_mesh_case
ln -s ../../parent_mesh_case/constant/polyMesh .

5. Now if you copy your <case> also the symbolic link will be copied. So you don't copy your mesh, which might be expensive, but only the symbolic link, which is cheap.
cp <case> new_case
cp -a <case> new_case (on mac)

Now, everything what you change in parent_mesh_case/constant/polyMesh is also changed in <case>/constant/polyMesh

Again thanks to Tom for reminding me posting that.

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mesh, parent folder, running

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