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shallowWaterFoam boundary&initial conditions

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Old   August 12, 2014, 14:27
Default shallowWaterFoam boundary&initial conditions
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Shabir Mohamed
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I am new to CFD and I am hoping to use OpenFOAM for my research.

I am trying to solve for the height fields of waves in shallow waters.

I am trying to do it using the shallowWaterFoam solver. Can someone explain to me what the example given for this in OpenFOAM does???

When I run it and check the magnitude of U in paraview, I see there a initial trigger at the inlet and then after the simulation period the entire mesh has a uniform constant velocity....

What is happening? what does initial conditions and boundary conditions mean?

Is it an example to show how the height fields change over the running time when a small trigger is placed at the inlet when the simulation starts??

Please help...
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Old   August 17, 2014, 06:40
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Shabir Mohamed
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Any replies on this???

Originally Posted by Shabirmean View Post

I am new to CFD and I am hoping to use OpenFOAM for my research.

I am trying to solve for the height fields of waves in shallow waters.

I am trying to do it using the shallowWaterFoam solver. Can someone explain to me what the example given for this in OpenFOAM does???

When I run it and check the magnitude of U in paraview, I see there a initial trigger at the inlet and then after the simulation period the entire mesh has a uniform constant velocity....

What is happening? what does initial conditions and boundary conditions mean?

Is it an example to show how the height fields change over the running time when a small trigger is placed at the inlet when the simulation starts??

Please help...
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Old   August 17, 2014, 14:13
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
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Old   August 17, 2014, 15:33
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Niels Gjoel Jacobsen
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ngj will become famous soon enoughngj will become famous soon enough
Furthermore, the shallow water equations can be considered as the lowest order Boussinesq approximation, which means that you will have extremely poor dispersive properties, unless all waves are very long compared to the water depth.

Therefore, shallowWaterFoam does not sound like a suitable tool for the modelling of the propagation of waves in a depth integrated model formulation. There is, however, to my knowledge not any higher order Boussinesq implementation available for OpenFoam at the present state.

Kind regards,

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examples, groovybc, new to cfd, shallow water, shallow water equations

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