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moving mesh problem, simulating a floating plate

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Old   February 28, 2013, 09:10
Default moving mesh problem, simulating a floating plate
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Mostafa Mahmoudi
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Hi everybody,

I want to model a floating plate at the surface of a fluid.
the geometry is a rectangular that its west boundary condition is U=cte.

I have some questions:
1.Should I use of the interDyMFoam, floatingObject tutorial?

2.If yes, how should I modify the dynamicMeshDict to achieve my purpose?

3.Is it necessary that my model has an atmosphere above it or not?

any hint will be appreciated

thanks a lot,
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Old   March 2, 2013, 11:06
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Mostafa,

It really depends on what you're trying to simulate!
From your description, I can't figure out why and how the plate is over the surface in the first place... in fact, my first impulse was to say that the very first tutorial of the OpenFOAM User Guide was good enough

So the questions back to you are:
  1. Is the plate floating like a raft?
  2. Is the plate allowed to be submerged and/or is it vertically secured?
  3. Does the place cover the whole fluid surface?
Best regards,
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Old   March 4, 2013, 12:21
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Mostafa Mahmoudi
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Dear Bruno,

If I want to speak in details, I want simulate a floating rectangular over a fluid. in the fluid I have natural convection and the purpose is the velocity of floating object in my geometry.

the object is floating in a way that we can assume it hasn't any vertical motion.

the object has a limited length, about a quarter of surface length.

I think the moving cone tutorial has some similarity with my model. with this difference that the object in this example has a velocity.

in other word I first want to simulate a geometry that has an inlet velocity and then I'll combine the buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam whit a solver that it can simulate my problem.

thank you
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Old   March 4, 2013, 18:31
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Hi Mostafa,

I honestly don't know what to suggest to you. But what I do know is that:
  • interDyMFoam is far more complicated than pimpleDyMFoam, so it might be easier to use only pimpleDyMFoam;
  • the other detail is that the "floatingObject" tutorial only works as-is. If you make one too many changes, it will very easily crash:
You might want to look for threads here on the forum that talk about ship hydrodynamics and check what solvers they use!

Best regards,
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