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Run time Selection Mechanism - Some help required to understand

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Old   March 23, 2009, 14:39
Thumbs up Run time Selection Mechanism - Some help required to understand
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Dear Forum Users

Good Evening to all

Run Time Selection Mechanism is one of the wonderful features of OpenFOAM. Understanding how it works is a bit involved. I have tried to look into its implementation but need some help from experts. I hope I will be able to get some answers.

Lets start :-)

Certain Macros constitute the core of this implementation, namely:
  1. declareRunTimeSelectionTable
  2. defineRunTimeSelectionTable
  3. addToRunTimeSelectionTable
Classes which use this mechanism invoke:

  • the macro declareRunTimeSelectionTable in their header file
  • the other two macros in their cpp file.
For further discussion , I have used the class polyPatch. If we take a look at its header file, we find it has 2 definitions for run time selection tables. They read:

// Declare run-time constructor selection tables
                 const word& name, const label size,
                 const label start, const label index,
                 const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
             (name, size, start, index, bm)

                 const word& name, const dictionary& dict,
                 const label index,   const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
             (name, dict, index, bm)
The cpp file - polyPatch.C invoke the other two macros in this way:

Macros when invoked lead to a simple string substitution and then it actually compiles. Listing just the macros will not add to the clarity of what it is doing so I have used the first definition of the selection table to rewrite what these macros are doing exactly.

macro - declareRunTimeSelectionTable:

The first macro reads (Note: syntax correctness requires forward slashes as macros cannot have line breaks) :

#define declareRunTimeSelectionTable\

/* Construct from argList function pointer type */                                
    typedef autoPtr<baseType> (*argNames##ConstructorPtr)argList;       
    /* Construct from argList function table type */                                    
    typedef HashTable<argNames##ConstructorPtr, word, string::hash>     
    /* Construct from argList function pointer table pointer */                          
    static argNames##ConstructorTable* argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_; 
    /* Class to add constructor from argList to table */               
    template<class baseType##Type>                                      
    class add##argNames##ConstructorToTable                             
        static autoPtr<baseType> New argList                            
            return autoPtr<baseType>(new baseType##Type parList);       
            const word& lookup = baseType##Type::typeName               
            argNames##ConstructorTablePtr_->insert(lookup, New);       
    /* Table Constructor called from the table add function */          
    static void construct##argNames##ConstructorTables();             
    /* Table destructor called from the table add function destructor */
    static void destroy##argNames##ConstructorTables()
This macro has five arguments:
  1. autoPtr - name of the pointer. In OpenFOAM its always the smart pointer autoPtr<Type > templated over the type
  2. baseType - Name of the base class
  3. argNames – Not sure what it means exactly
  4. argList - list of arguments
  5. parList - parameter list
Lets compare it with the invocation of this macro for polyPatch.
           autoPtr –  autoPtr
           baseclass - polyPatch
           argNames – word
           argList - (const word& name,   
                         const label size,    
                         const label start,   
                         const label index,
                         const polyBoundaryMesh& bm),
           parList -  (name, size, start, index,bm)
As a result invocation of this macro we will have the following code :
// it first defines a typedef for the construction of a function pointer type from argList.
  typedef autoPtr<polyPatch> (* wordConstructorPtr)  ( const word& name,   
                                                                                const label size,    
                                                                                const label start,   
                                                                                const label index,
                                                                                const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
// Next a typedef is defined for the HashTable, given the argList. It reads:
 typedef HashTable < wordConstructorPtr,   word,  string::hash>  wordConstructorTable;
//it declares a static pointer to the constructor table.
static wordConstructorTable* wordConstructorTablePtr_;
// the template class reads :
 template<class polyPatchType>                                                                 
     class addwordConstructorToTable                                                  
      // static function
          static autoPtr<polyPatch> New  ( const word& name,   
                                                           const label size,    
                                                           const label start,   
                                                           const label index,
                                                           const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
                  return autoPtr<polyPatch> (new polyPatch (name, size, start, index, bm));              }
  // constructor
    addwordConstructorToTable ( const word& lookup = polyPatchType::typeName ) 
         wordConstructorTablePtr_->insert(lookup, New);                 
 // destructor                                                                                         
Next these two static functions are declared. These two functions are used inside the template class. I am not sure about this but it seems that within a macro the order is not important. These two definitions could have been in the begining as well.
static void constructwordConstructorTables();
static void destroywordConstructorTables();

macro - defineRunTimeSelectionTable( )

Macro defineRunTimeSelectionTable(baseType, argNames) already expanded for the class polyPatch reads :
  #define defineRunTimeSelectionTable( polyPatch, word )            

     defineRunTimeSelectionTablePtr(polyPatch, word ); 
     defineRunTimeSelectionTableConstructor(polyPatch, word) 
The invocation of this macro , further invokes three macros , namely:
defineRunTimeSelectionTablePtr(polyPatch, word);

#define defineRunTimeSelectionTablePtr(polyPatch, word)                
/* Define the constructor function table and initialized to NULL */
polyPatch::wordConstructorTable*  polyPatch::wordConstructorTablePtr_ = NULL
defineRunTimeSelectionTableConstructor(polyPatch, word)
#define defineRunTimeSelectionTableConstructor(polyPatch, word)       
/* Table Constructor called from the table add function 
void polyPatch :: constructwordConstructorTables()              
           static bool constructed = false;                                 
           if (!constructed)                                                
                            = new polyPatch::wordConstructorTable;              
                           constructed = true;                                          
defineRunTimeSelectionTableDestructor(polyPatch, word)
#define defineRunTimeSelectionTableDestructor(polyPatch, word)        
/* Table destructor called from the table add function destructor */
    void polyPatch::destroywordConstructorTables()                
           if (polyPatch::wordConstructorTablePtr_)                    
               delete polyPatch::wordConstructorTablePtr_;             
               polyPatch::wordConstructorTablePtr_ = NULL;             
The first among three macros declares a pointer to the hashtable and initializes it to NULL . The 2nd and 3rd macros implement the static functions, defined in the template class addwordConstructorToTable .

macro - addToRunTimeSelectionTable( ) -
this macro is pretty simple . it reads
 #define addToRunTimeSelectionTable(baseType,thisType,argNames)               
 /* Add the thisType constructor function to the table */                  
When invoked like this for polyPatch : addToRunTimeSelectionTable(polyPatch, polyPatch, word). it will read :

Now the questions :-))
1) How / where is the constructor
addwordConstructorToTable is called to construct the table . If the code
corresponds to the call to constructor for this template class (which i doubt that it is ) then what about the ctor argument (const word& lookup = polyPatchType::typeName).

Now If I am wrong in asking the first question and we assume that ctor is indeed called then the static function call - constructwordConstructorTables() will create a new HashTable and return a pointer to it. The next statement
wordConstructorTablePtr_->insert(lookup, New);
inserts an entry into the HashTable based on the value returned by the lookup and the call to the static function New.

2) As I understand from the second code statement in the ctor body, a key is inserted into the HashTable corresponding to the base class. How are the other types of patches entered into this table.

3) Finally what troubles me most is that I am unable to grasp when / where are these tables created during the creational process of fvMesh.

Thanks a lot for your attention.

Best Regards
duckfly, Cyp, MichiB and 5 others like this.
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Old   August 26, 2013, 23:28
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Dongyue Li
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Very Neat!! But Really tough tough for a newbie though...
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Old   April 18, 2014, 08:44
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bieshuxuhe is on a distinguished road
maybe macro - addToRunTimeSelectionTable( )
#define addToRunTimeSelectionTable(baseType,thisType,argNames)               
 /* Add the thisType constructor function to the table */                  
for polyPatch should be
The thread is so good for us newcomer to learn runtimeselection Mechanism ! thanks a lot !
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Old   October 29, 2015, 14:42
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Bruno Kassar
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Hi all,
While trying to understand runTimeSelection mechanism, I bumped into this thread and found it very interesting. Maybe this link will help future readers:
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