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Explanation of sinusoidal heat source code on fvOptions

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  • 1 Post By letoppina
  • 1 Post By überschwupper

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Old   June 24, 2022, 03:12
Default Explanation of sinusoidal heat source code on fvOptions
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Join Date: Feb 2022
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letoppina is on a distinguished road

I am using OpenFoam version 6 and chtMultiRegionFoam as a solver to simulate a solid body (heat source) exchanging heat with a moving fluid. In order to give a sinusoidal variation of the heat source, I am using fvOptions on the solid region with the following code:

        type            scalarCodedSource;
        active          yes;
        timeStart       0;
        duration        1e6;
        name            sourceTime; 
    selectionMode   all;

        selectionMode   all; 
                volumeMode      specific;           
        fields          (h);

                Pout<< "**codeCorrect**" << endl;

                    const Time& time = mesh().time();
                    const scalarField& V = mesh_.V();
                    const vectorField& C = mesh_.C();
                    scalarField& heSource = eqn.source();

            heSource += 2.729e6*sin(2*3.14*0.1*time.value())*V;  

                Pout << "***codeAddSup***" << endl;

                Pout<< "**codeSetValue**" << endl;

            // Dummy entry. Make dependent on above to trigger recompilation
My code is properly working but I have some questions:

- what does "const scalarField& V = mesh_.V()" mean?

- what does "const vectorField& C = mesh_.C()" mean?

- why heSource has to be multiplied by V?

- what is a dummy entry?

Any further explication about the code is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your help!!
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Old   June 24, 2022, 04:22
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überschwupper is on a distinguished road
const scalarField& V = mesh_.V()
const vectorField& C = mesh_.C()

Both are just const references to the cell volume of each cell or cell centers.

Why the heat source is multiplied with V depends on the formulation of the source term. I would guess that the relation derived is normed by the volume and in order get the correct values/dimensions it is multiplied by it.

I dont know the reason or the idea behind a dummy entry. But there are #-symbols has to do with preprocessor directives and inside the directory are the directories defined in your file (for example $AddSup)
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Old   June 24, 2022, 04:27
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letoppina is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by überschwupper View Post
const scalarField& V = mesh_.V()
const vectorField& C = mesh_.C()

Both are just const references to the cell volume of each cell or cell centers.

Why the heat source is multiplied with V depends on the formulation of the source term. I would guess that the relation derived is normed by the volume and in order get the correct values/dimensions it is multiplied by it.

I dont know the reason or the idea behind a dummy entry. But there are #-symbols has to do with preprocessor directives and inside the directory are the directories defined in your file (for example $AddSup)
Thank you for your reply!
So this means that if I want to give a heat source not dependent on the volume (so an absolute heat source expressed in W and not W/m3) I just have to remove the multiplication of V?
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Old   June 24, 2022, 05:09
Join Date: Jan 2022
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überschwupper is on a distinguished road
I cant give you the exact answer to this, because I dont know the exact definiton of your source term. Thats why I mentioned my guess. But it would be the other way as you have written.

Do yoou know the dimensions of the prefactor 2.729e6? Dimensioncontrol could help you here.
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chtmultiregionfoam, fvoptions, heat source, regions, sinusoidal

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