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How to add source term and material derivative of log(T) in openFaom.

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Old   January 26, 2021, 09:13
Default How to add source term and material derivative of log(T) in openFaom.
idrees khan
Join Date: Jun 2019
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Hi Dear's

I'm adding non-isothermal Oldroyd-B model to viscoelasticFluidFaom solver the stress equation(using Oldroyd-B model) for isothermal case is like so,
// Stress transport equation
    fvSymmTensorMatrix tauEqn
      + fvm::div(phi(), tau_)
      + twoSymm(C)
      - fvm::Sp(1/lambda, tau_)

But for non-isothermal case in the stress equation
//-  WLF to update viscosities for temperature dependence
    volScalarField lambda = Foam::exp( -C11_*(T - To_) / (C21_ + T - To_) )*lambda_;
    volScalarField etaP   = Foam::exp( -C11_*(T - To_) / (C21_ + T - To_) )*etaP_;
there is a term (
where Lambda is relaxation time which also depends upon temperature i.e as define above ) means multiplication of relaxation time lambda(T) tau_ and material derivative of log(T) please have a look of screenshot)

my question is how to define it in openFoam term
rest of the equation is same as given above.

if i define it like
volScalarField  logT = log(T);
// material derivative term of log(T) in multiplication with tau_
       fvc::ddt(tau_/lambda,logT) +fvc::div(phi()*tau_,logT/lambda)
which is wrong beacause this:
phi is a surface field that are multiplying a volumetric field,I'm getting erorr's while compiling

if define like so
volScalarField  logT = log(T);
// material derivative term of log(T) in multiplication with tau_
tau_*fvc::ddt(1/lambda,logT) + tau_*fvc::div(phi(),logT/lambda)
But I'm not sure although it compile successfully by running "wmake libso"
but give me and error when I'm running the solver saying
argument of transcendental function is not dimensionless
which is i think because of the declaration of
volScalarField  logT = log(T);
but if I'm not declaring it like so it doesn't compile with "wmake libso"

what i'm thinking just like we define material derivative in momentum eqaution i.e DU/Dt which is wrtten in openFaom

fvm::ddt(U) +fvm::phi ,U)
here U is a variable to whom we are taking the derivative.
so I'm applying the same track for
also i want to add the source term to momentum eqaution,
source term
F=g*Cb(T - To)
where F is is the body force due to thermal convection with g gravitational accelaration and Cb thermal expansion
i write
fvm::Sp(g*Cb, T)   - g*Cb*To   or fvc::Sp(g*Cb, T)   - g*Cb*To and simply  (g*Cb(T - To))
but getting error's (Have a look screenshot please)

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File Type: png Screenshot of consitutive eqaution.png (41.1 KB, 9 views)
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Old   January 27, 2021, 15:32
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Alexey Matveichev
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1. There is fvc::DDt(phi, Field). Here is a link to Foundation's documentation (fvc::DDt), guess, foam-extend has something similar.
2. To use T in log, T should be dimensionless. Either divide the field by 1K, or do something more appropriate.
3. Error screenshot is irrelevant. Post simple text of the whole error. But it seems, you have tried to add different types of fields (ex. vector and tensor).
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