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Visualize custom results in ParaView

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Old   November 29, 2019, 10:35
Default Visualize custom results in ParaView
David Andersson
Join Date: Oct 2019
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Hi all,

I've written my own functionObject that is producing some results (scalar value) for each face of some specified patches that I save in a List<double>.

I would like to visualize these results in ParaView and my question is how?

I would guess that I need to save the result in some kind of field (e.g. surfaceScalarField) instead of a list to make this possible. If that's the case my next question is - how do I do that?

Thankful for any help on this!


Last edited by sippanspojk; December 12, 2019 at 05:24.
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Old   December 12, 2019, 05:28
David Andersson
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Is there someone out there who knows how I can solve this problem?

I was starting to modify the pimpleFoam solver so it would create a custom field for me and I was at one point thinking that I should do all computations within the solver instead of in my functionObject. But then I realized that I will loose functionality that I need, e.g. being able to specify what patches that should be included in the computations. So I am pretty convinced that I should do this in a functionObject and then figure out a way to visualize this in ParaView.

I am really in need for help on this one!

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Old   December 13, 2019, 04:19
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Anton Kidess
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You can visualize any point field in ParaView. Just create a text data file with structure [X Y Z VALUE]. After loading the file, use the "Table to Points" filter to get a 3D render view of the point cloud data. To get a plane from the point cloud, use the "Delauney" filter.
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Old   December 13, 2019, 07:04
David Andersson
Join Date: Oct 2019
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Originally Posted by akidess View Post
You can visualize any point field in ParaView. Just create a text data file with structure [X Y Z VALUE]. After loading the file, use the "Table to Points" filter to get a 3D render view of the point cloud data. To get a plane from the point cloud, use the "Delauney" filter.
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I need.

But a question - what is the exact format? Because I tried it out with a txt file whit the format "xCoord yCoord zCoord value" but it didn't work to convert from table to point. I could load the file in ParaView and the table looked as it should but I couldn't convert it.

I got the following messages in paraview:
"Failed to locate the columns to use for the point coordinates"

I guess it interperate the text file as a file with many rows and only one column?

I solved it by comma seperation and some other settings in ParaView.
I managed to plot the center point of each cell with it's corresponding value. I applied the Dulaney 2d Filter as you suggested and that basically created a mesh using the points. If I instead would like to use the initial mesh and give the same value as the center point to the whole face, how would I do that? Can I in a similar way define a face and a value in text format and convert table to face?

Last edited by sippanspojk; December 13, 2019 at 08:51.
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functionobjects, paraview, visualize

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