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Accessing boundary patch dictionary within thermodynamic library

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Old   November 3, 2018, 06:11
Default Accessing boundary patch dictionary within thermodynamic library
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Hi all and dear Foamers,

today I am stuck with a simple problem that I cannot resolve myself even though, I went through Doxgen and so on; actually the problem is related to the fact that I never saw something like that inside the source code . To keep it short. I want to access the boundary dictionary of a patch inside a new thermodynamic library.

The field can be accessed easily within my thermodynamic library (I make it very detailed now):

const volScalarField& myField = this->myField_;
After that, we have the volScalarField which is a GeometricField. So I checked Doxygen, and we find that we can use the function boundaryField() to get the Boundary object and while checking the Boundary class, we get the hint that we can use the operator operator[]. to return a <T> object; defined in public functions in the UPtrList<T> class. Let us consider that I want to have the dictonary of the first patch inside the file, e.g., T; the label is 0 (Attention! I assume that the order of the patch names inside the constant/polyMesh/boundary and the T file are identical). The access to the boundary is as follows:

//- I get the dictionary of the T-File of the first boundary
Info<< myField.boundaryField()[0] << endl;

//- I want to get a dictionary of the first boundary in the T-File for further analysis; NOT WORKING
const dictionary& foo = myField.boundaryField()[0];
By the way, the T-File looks as follows and I want to lookup the myNewValue quantity.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ 
| =========                 |                                                 | 
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           | 
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   | 
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      | 
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 | 
    version     2.0;                                                            
    format      ascii;                                                          
    class       volScalarField;                                                 
    object      T;                                                              
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // 
dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];                                                
internalField   uniform 300;                                                    
        type            zeroGradient;             
        myNewValue hehehe;
        type            fixedValue;                                             
        value           uniform 305;                                            
    }                                                                            .
My questions

  • How can I get the patch-dictionary of my T file
  • How can I derive the functionalities via Doxygen; right now I cannot figure out how to get the access.
  • Or the other way around, while using Info<< this->T_.boundaryField()[0] << endl; which function is called?

Thank you in advance,
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Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   November 3, 2018, 09:39
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After lots of errors, I got an answer
IOobject T_Header
IOdictionary T_File(T_Header);

scalar abc = readScalar(T_File.subDict("boundaryField").subDict("myWalls").lookup("myNewValue"));
Change the class in the Header of "T", from volScalarField to dictionary before running your case.
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Old   November 3, 2018, 09:43
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Here are some records:
error: class "Foam::fvPatchField<Foam::scalar={Foam::doubleScalar={double}}>" has no member "name"  
error: class "Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::Boundary [with Type=Foam::scalar={Foam::doubleScalar={double}}, PatchField=Foam::fvPatchField, GeoMesh=Foam::volMesh]" has no member "name"  
type            fixedValue;
value           uniform 29800;
    type            fixedValue;
    value           uniform 29800;

    type            fixedValue;
    value           uniform 290;

    type            fixedValue;
    value           uniform 2981;

    type            zeroGradient;

    type            zeroGradient;

    type            zeroGradient;

My "T":
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform 29800;
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform 290;
        type            fixedValue;
        value           uniform 2981;
        type            zeroGradient;
        type            zeroGradient;
        type            zeroGradient;
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Old   November 3, 2018, 09:59
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Originally Posted by zhangyan View Post
After lots of errors, I got an answer
IOobject T_Header
IOdictionary T_File(T_Header);

scalar abc = readScalar(T_File.subDict("boundaryField").subDict("myWalls").lookup("myNewValue"));
Change the class in the Header of "T", from volScalarField to dictionary before running your case.

Hi, thanks for the checks. Okay that is a nice hack. I was not even thinking to build a new IOobject and use that as the object for looking up. Trying it now. Thanks again; sometimes I am thinking to complicated and try to avoid building new objects However, there should be away to access that stuff:
Info<< T_.boundaryField()[0] << endl;
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   November 3, 2018, 14:53
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Okay, it works, but if you stop your solver and restart, it does not work again because the volScalarField is placed again in the field. Furthermore, we induce ParaView problems.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   November 3, 2018, 16:54
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Greetings to all!

@Tobi: I don't have enough time to create a complete example, but here is the outline on how to do this in a way that works and abides to OpenFOAM's way of doing things:
  1. The boundary conditions do not store the dictionary as an internal variable, therefore you should create a new boundary condition class that derives from the one you want to derive from.
    • Alternatively, you may prefer to simply rely on a new field and have a single new class that has the desired dictionary entries. You can even have said new class that simply reads and writes the dict itself, without parsing said entries on its own.
  2. The new part of the code that needs these new keywords that are associated to a boundary condition, you need the access to the field, so the usual lookup mechanisms for said field:
    1. If you want a field that is part of a model, you need to ask the model for that field... see for example the yPlus function object: and
    2. Or use a direct lookup:
    • If you went with the alternative, you can either load the field on its own or have the case set-up to rely on the "readFields" function object to load the new field and then rely on lookup to retrieve the field.
      • The advantage of relying on "readFields" is that it stays on-RAM throughout the whole simulation and you can use the "writeObjects" function object to write the field when you want to later on.
      • "decomposePar" doesn't need "readFields", so make sure to use the option "-noFunctionObjects" with it, if I remember the name correctly.
  3. So how to you finally access the complete dictionary for each boundary? Needs two working parts:
    1. The new class needs to provide either the methods that provide the entries you want or needs to provide a single method that provides the access to the internal variable that has the dictionary (keep in mind that you have to create it, "fvPatch" does not store it by default).
    2. Finally, you need to rely on type casting to gain access to the boundary condition the way you want to, as exemplified in the function object yPlus:
You can also mix and match some of these features; for example, if you want to only access specific settings that are already provided in the default boundary condition (e.g. one of the wall function boundary conditions), you don't need to modify the boundary condition, you only need to follow the same strategy as the last step 3.2.

Best regards,
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Old   November 3, 2018, 18:36
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Hi Bruno,

thanks for your feedback. As always, very exclusive -- the whole forum is updated by your knowledge right now. After your post, I remembered an easy accessible way Bernhard told me once. I did the following that works out perfectly now:

Boundary Condition
  1. Adding a new IOList<word> object
  2. Initialize the IOList<word> with an object of size one such as:
    methodName_[0] = "whatEverIWantToStore";

Thermodynamic Library

  1. Easy access via:
    if (this->T_.mesh().foundObject<IOList<word>>("methodName"))
        Info<< "found" << endl;
        Info<< "not found" << endl;
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   November 3, 2018, 21:34
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Oh, OK, I thought you wanted to have the data come through the fields, along with binding the information to the boundary conditions...

But that does remind me that we can append new dictionary data to existing dictionaries, as long as they are "dictionaries". For example, I was able sometime ago to bind additional dictionary data to the matrix solver blocks during runtime, even though the data is not written to fvSolution. That way I was able to exchange internal matrix solver data (the normalization factor to be specific) with the application-solver, without the need to rely on global variables. It's a fairly nice metadata storage feature in OpenFOAM as well
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Old   November 5, 2018, 04:50
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Oh, OK, I thought you wanted to have the data come through the fields, along with binding the information to the boundary conditions...
Hi Bruno, yes that was my first intention. However, based on the lack of C++ knowledge, the way I choose is easier . But an interesting point is the extension of already available dictionaries. After your hint, I re-read the IOobject/dictionary class. I will keep that in mind because it seems to be a better/reasonable solution in some cases.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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